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النتائج 691 - 700 من 706
Influência da inclusão do plasma sanguíneo na dieta de leitões desmamados sobre a carga viral de circovírus suíno tipo 2 (PCV2)
Renato Pacheco Monferdini | Alessandra Marnie Martins Gomes de Castro | Priscilla Freitas Gerber | Fernando Gomes de Castro Junior | Zélia Ines Portela Lobato | Flavio Aparecido Baldiserra Junior | Marcos Bryan Heinemann | Leonardo José Richtzenhain | Fábio Enrique Lemos Budiño
O plasma sanguíneo em pó (PSP), produto natural de indústria frigorífica, tem mostrado efeitos benéficos sobre o crescimento e desempenho de leitões desmamados precocemente. Atualmente, embora o circovírus suíno 2 (PCV2) tenha grande importância para a suinocultura, não há informações sobre o impacto do uso de PSP e a resposta imune ao PCV2 em infecções naturais. Este trabalho avaliou diferentes níveis de inclusão de PSP em dietas de leitões e as cargas virais de PCV2 correspondentes. Quatro níveis de inclusão de PSP foram testados em dois períodos consecutivos: 0, 2, 4 ou 6% durante o período 1 (14 aos 28 dias de idade) e 1, 2 ou 3% de PSP durante o período 2 (29 a 42 dias de idade). No período 3 (42 aos 56 dias de idade), todos os leitões foram alimentados com dieta isenta de PSP. Amostras de soro foram coletadas semanalmente e testadas para anticorpos anti-PCV2 e carga de DNA de PCV2. As concentrações de 6% e 3% de PSP fornecidas nas rações durante o período 1 e 2, respectivamente, influenciaram na carga viral de PCV2 de suínos naturalmente infectados.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Adrenalectomy in dogs: retrospective study of 13 cases performed in Universidade Anhembi Morumbi Veterinary Hospital (2012-2015)
Tatiana Pacini | Márcia Marques Jericó | Livia Povinha Scalize | Adriana Tomoko Nishiya
Adrenalectomy is the most appropriate treatment for unilateral adrenal tumors. This study aimed at describing the epidemiological characteristics and perioperative behavior of canine patients submitted to adrenalectomy at Anhembi Morumbi Veterinary Hospital. Out of 13 dogs, eight were pure breeds and five were mixed breeds; 12 females, aged 9.5 ± 2.5 years old. Regarding the tumors, seven were located on the right and histopathological analysis revealed cortical adenoma in 11 and adenocarcinoma in only two dogs. Two cases had hypercortisolism recurrence associated with hyperplasia in the contralateral adrenal, as confirmed by ACTH stimulation test. The results of this study indicate that adrenalectomy is a safe procedure with few perioperative complications, despite the possibility of hypercortisolism recurrence.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Canine juvenile cellulitis: a retrospective study (2009-2016)
José Artur Brilhante Bezerra | Julianna Pereira da Silva Santos | Kilder Dantas Filgueira
Juvenile cellulitis (JC) is an uncommon vesiculopustular disease that affects dogs, especially those under four months of age. The aim of the present study was to characterize the epidemiological, clinical, and therapeutic profile of JC based on clinical records of canine patients treated at the Veterinary Hospital of the Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido, between the years 2009 and 2016. A total of five cases were diagnosed. Four dogs presented at an average age of two months and 22 days and were crossbred; the other dog was a rottweiler aged 38 weeks. The average time of evolution of the disease was 16 days, and the main clinical signs were edema, papules, pustules, and bilateral ocular discharge. The diagnosis was confirmed by cytology in four animals and by histopathology in only one patient. For all dogs, the treatment was based on cephalexin, administered for 30 days, and prednisolone for three weeks. Otological therapy was included when necessary. Four cases had a favorable outcome. JC is a rare dermatopathy that deserves special attention from veterinary practitioners.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Atualização sobre a epidemiologia de<i> Dirofilaria immitis </i>na América do Sul e no México: revisão de literatura
Alexandre José Rodrigues Bendas | Flavya Mendes-de-Almeida | Jorge Guerrero | Norma Labarthe
Dirofilaria immitis é um nematoide de ampla distribuição geográfica, que ocorre com maior frequência em áreas quentes e úmidas do planeta. O primeiro registro de sua ocorrência na América do Sul foi realizado em 1878, no Brasil. Naquela época os registros eram poucos e raramente de fácil obtenção, razão pela qual reuni-los facilitará a recuperação da memória ao longo dos anos. Quatro bases de dados (Scopus, MEDLINE, LILACS e PubMed) foram estudadas utilizando-se as palavras-chave “Dirofilaria” ou “heartworm”, os nomes dos países da América do Sul e o México. Nenhum registro foi encontrado para quatro países (Bolívia, Equador, Guiana Francesa e Uruguai) e para outros três (Suriname, Guiana e Paraguai) os registros eram antigos. Apenas o Chile é o território onde houve estudos registrados com ausência do parasita. Os outros países (México, Peru, Colômbia, Venezuela, Argentina e Brasil) apresentam registros com frequência variável no tempo ou no espaço. Assim, as informações reunidas indicam que infecções por D. immitis ocorrem na maior parte da América do Sul e no México e que os médicos veterinários devem instituir programas preventivos para garantir cuidados médicos de qualidade aos pacientes e para proteger a saúde destes e de suas famílias.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Ventilation of rats with room air is more adequate than ventilation with pure oxygen
Marcus Vinicius Henriques de Carvalho | André José Fruchi | Evaldo Marchi
The present study objective was to determine whether ventilation of rats with room air is possible and whether this technique has advantages when compared to pure oxygen ventilation. Twenty rats were divided into two groups of ten animals each. In one group, the animals were ventilated with cylinder of compressed air, 0.21 of oxygen, (air group), while the other group animals were ventilated with cylinder of compressed oxygen, assumed 1.00 of oxygen, (O2 group). Blood gas parameters and oxygenation index were compared between groups. The O2 group had hyperoxia at the beginning and end of artificial ventilation. The PaO2 were adequate in animals of air group. No significant difference in PaCO2 was observed between the two groups at the beginning or end of mechanical ventilation. The mean oxygenation index (PaO2/FiO2ratio) was significantly higher in the air group compared to the O2 group at the beginning and end of artificial ventilation (5 min: p < 0.001 and 60 min: p < 0. In conclusion, ventilation of rats with room air is more advantageous than with pure oxygen since it permits adequate oxygenation without causing hyperoxia.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Anatomia comparativa dos nervos da pelve de macacos-prego (Sapajus sp)
Ediana Vasconcelos da Silva | Sylla Figueredo da Silva | Roqueline Ametila Glória Martins de Freitas Aversi-Ferreira | Tainá de Abreu | Hisao Nishijo | Tales Alexandre Aversi-Ferreira
Macacos-prego (Sapajus sp), inesperadamente, compartilham com chimpanzés comportamentos como alta cognição e memória, uso de ferramentas com o bipedalismo intermitente, tolerância social. No entanto, sua anatomia ainda é pouco estudada. Para verificar a hipótese com qual espécie e/ou grupo de primatas os macacos-prego compartilham mais características, o objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar os nervos pélvicos do Sapajus e compará-los com dados da literatura anatômica sobre os seres humanos, chimpanzés e babuínos, considerando aspectos como origem, trajetória e estruturas inervadas. Foi observado que existem grandes variações nos nervos pélvicos entre os primatas estudados aqui, quais sejam, 1) o problema da posição anatômica, i.e., alguns primatologistas consideram a posição anatômica humana para os primatas, outros consideram a posição anatômica animal, e a opção por um ou outro não é clara nos textos; 2) o problema dos membros pélvicos em primatas não humanos serem lateralizados e semi-fletidos em relação aos seres humanos modernos; 3) o problema da ausência, nos seres humanos modernos, de alguns músculos da coxa em relação aos outros primatas como o escansório e o iliosquiofemoral; e 4] o problema da diferença do número de vértebras nos primatas estudados aqui, inclusive com diferenças para a mesma espécie citadas por diferentes autores tanto para chimpanzés como para macacos-prego.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Comparative analysis of lung function of rats using a new intubation technique and tracheostomy
Daniel Silveira Serra | Kaio Bruno Pereira de Brito | Francisco Sales Ávila Cavalcante
Several studies use intubation or tracheostomy for data collection in lung function of rats. Due to the difficulty of performing intubation, tracheostomy is most commonly used. Knowing this difficulty, this paper demonstrates a new way to perform the intubation technique and compares pulmonary function variables obtained using intubation or tracheostomy. For the analysis of our new technique of intubation, 30 rats were used, and the comparative analysis of lung function data obtained through the use of our technique of intubation and tracheostomy, 16 rats were used, divided into two groups. The T group underwent tracheostomy. The IT group underwent initial intubation and, awaiting recovery, a week later was again subjected to intubation group, which was then called IT-1W. Our intubation technique is performed with the aid of a wedge, inclined bed and percutaneous transillumination. No animals died during the intubation procedure, and about 77% of the animals were intubated at the first attempt. We did not obtain statistically significant differences in the pulmonary function variables between the groups. Our intubation technique is easily learned and reproduced. The implications of such a technique can be generalized to all laboratories dealing with intubation of rats.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Commonly screened antibiotics in raw milk from dairy plants under State Inspection in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Juliane Webster de Carvalho Galvani | Eduardo Cesar Tondo | Adriano Brandelli
This study aimed at identifying the commonly screened antibiotics during the dairy processing routine in raw-milk receiving points in plants inspected by the official services in the state of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), from January 2014 to February 2015. Among the 36 participating industries, the most commonly screened antibiotics were beta lactams (100%) and tetracyclines (69%). The antibiotics screened at the milk receiving point were chosen because of the practicality and speed in performing the screening (67%), rather than specific knowledge on which antibiotics the milk suppliers used. (22%).
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Effect of the addition of papain enzyme on digestive parameters and palatability of extruded diets for dogs
Karine de Melo Santos | Fabiano César Sá | Danilo Ferreira de Souza | Flavio Lopes da Silva | Maria Isabel Gonzalez Urrego | Thiago Henrique Vendramini | Marcio Antonio Brunetto | Aulus Cavalieri Carciofi
Common protein sources used in the manufacturing of diets for dogs are derived from by-products, which may have reduced digestibility depending on the source. This study evaluated the effect of the addition of a protease, the papain enzyme, as a supplement to extruded diets on palatability, nutrient digestibility, and fecal production and quality of dogs. A diet was formulated with poultry by-product meal, meat and bone meal, and feather meal as protein sources. This formula was divided into three isonutrient diets: one negative control (NC), without enzymes; treatment one (EZ1) with addition of 855.000UI of papain per kilogram of diet, and treatment two (EZ2) with addition of 2.280.000UI of papain per kilogram of diet, both added before extrusion. The experiment followed a randomized block design, with two blocks of nine animals (three animals per treatment in each block), 18 dogs in total, and six replicates per treatment. Data were submitted to analysis of variance and the means of three treatments were compared by polynomial contrasts (P <0.05). No differences in the coefficients of total tract apparent digestibility of nutrients nor changes in palatability, pH, and fecal production among treatments were found with the addition of different doses of enzyme to the diets (P > 0.05). The fecal score was reduced with increased addition of enzyme (P < 0.05).
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Assessment of different in vitro sperm challenges and in vivo fertility of bovine semen batches
Letícia Zoccolaro Oliveira | Lucas Bernardes Ribeiro | Luiz Gustavo Teodoro da Silva | Clara Slade Oliveira | Erika Aline Ribeiro Dias | Suzane Peres Campanholi | Carla Cristian Campos | Maiana Visoná de Oliveira | Fabio Morato Monteiro
The aim of this work was to submit sperm cells to different laboratory challenges and to compare in vitro results with in vivo semen fertility. Four different batches from the same Brangus bull were used in a timed-AI program of 332 Brangus cows. Each batch (B) was submitted to the following procedure: semen sample was thawed at 36°C for 30 seconds (control). Sperm motility parameters, plasma membrane integrity, sperm morphology, and concentration were assessed. Then, an aliquot of thawed sample was incubated in a water bath at 45°C for 40 min (thermal challenge group; TCG) and another aliquot was centrifuged at 500 xg (Percoll gradient 45%/90%) for 15 min (centrifugation challenge group; CCG). Centrifuged semen was also submitted to another thermal challenge, being incubated (water bath) at 45°C for 40 min (centrifugation + thermal challenge group; CTCG). At the end of each challenge (CCG, TCG, and CTCG), the same laboratory tests used for control group were repeated. The following conception rates (CR) were observed for each batch: B1 = 48.9% (44/90); B2 = 44.2% (23/52); B3 = 55.5% (40/72); B4 = 43.2% (51/118); (p < 0.10). In the lab, B3 presented higher (p ≤ 0.05) progressive motility (PM) than B4 after thawing (control group) and after all sperm challenges (TCG, CCG, and CTCG). However, despite B3 and B4 having demonstrated a similar percentage of plasma membrane integrity (PMI) to the control group (B3 = 66.7 ± 1.3 and B4 = 65.2 ± 3.3), B3 demonstrated higher (P ≤ 0.05) percentage of PMI (37.2 ± 2.5) than B4 (26.7 ± 3.3) after passing through the most stressing in vitro challenge (CTCG). The semen batch presenting the highest resistance to in vitro challenges was the one that presented a trend for higher in vivo fertility, suggesting that submitting semen samples to laboratory challenges may be an interesting alternative for selecting batches with greater field fertility.
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