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النتائج 71 - 80 من 513
Effects of hemolysis and storage on quantification of hormones in blood samples from dogs, cattle, and horses
Reimers, T.J. | Lamb, S.V. | Bartlett, S.A. | Matamoros, R.A. | Cowan, R.G. | Engle, J.S.
Veterinary diagnostic endocrinology laboratories frequently receive hemolyzed plasma, serum, or blood samples for hormone analyses. However, except for the previously reported harm done by hemolysis to canine insulin, effects of hemolysis on quantification of other clinically important hormones are unknown. Therefore, these studies were designed to evaluate effects of hemolysis on radioimmunoassay of thyroxine, 3,5,3'-triiodothyronine, progesterone, testosterone, estradiol, cortisol, and insulin in equine, bovine, and canine plasma. In the first experiment, hormones were measured in plasma obtained from hemolyzed blood that had been stored for 18 hours. Blood samples were drawn from pregnant cows, male and diestrous female dogs, and male and pregnant female horses. Each sample was divided into 2 equal portions. One portion was ejected 4 times with a syringe through a 20-gauge (dogs, horses) or 22-gauge (cows) hypodermic needle to induce variable degrees of hemolysis. Two subsamples of the blood were taken before the first and after the first, second, and fourth ejections. One subsample of each pair was stored at 2 to 4 C and the other was stored at 20 to 22 C for 18 to 22 hours before plasma was recovered and stored at -20 C. The second portion of blood from each animal was centrifuged after collection; plasma was recovered and treated similarly as was blood. Concentrations of thyroxine in equine plasma, of 3,5,3'-triiodothyronine, estradiol, and testosterone in equine and canine plasma, and of cortisol in equine plasma were not affected by hemolysis. Storage of bovine blood at either temperature and equine blood at 20 to 22 C caused progesterone concentrations to decrease (P < 0.05); the effect was not enhanced or diminished by hemolysis. Insulin concentration in equine blood decreased (P < 0.05) at both temperatures; this effect was exacerbated by hemolysis. In the second experiment, blood samples from horses and dogs were hemolyzed and plasma was immediately recovered and stored for 18 to 22 hours at 2 to 4 C or 20 to 22 C. Storage of hemolyzed equine plasma did not affect concentrations of progesterone, insulin, or thyroxine at either temperature. Whereas progesterone concentration was not affected in hemolyzed canine plasma, hemolysis decreased (P < 0.05) insulin concentration when plasma was stored at 20 to 22 C. These results emphasize the importance of examining effects of sample collection and handling procedures on hormone stability and the danger of extrapolating results of such studies from one species to another and from one hormone to another.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Pathologic changes, tissue distribution, and extent of conversion to ethylenethiourea after subacute administration of zinc ethylene-bis-dithiocarbamate (zineb) to calves with immature rumen function
Nebbia, C. | Ferrero, E. | Valenza, F. | Castagnaro, M. | Re, G. | Gennaro Soffietti, M.
The toxicity of zinc ethylene-bis-dithiocarbamate (zineb), a widely used fungicide, was studied in four 4-week-old Friesian calves with immature rumen function. Calves were first subjected to liver biopsy, and thereafter, 3 of them were orally administered 200 mg of zineb/kg of body weight daily for 80 days, whereas the fourth calf served as control and remained untreated. Clinical, hematologic, and pathologic (including ultrastructural) findings were recorded. The distribution in body fluids and tissues of the parent compound and one of its main metabolites, ethylenethiourea (ETU), also was examined. Treated calves had unthrifty appearance and reduction in weight gain. They also had remarkable impairment of thyroid function, as reflected by reduction in serum concentrations of triiodothyronine and thyroxine and increase in weight of the thyroid gland associated with epithelial vacuolization and foci of hyperplasia. Moderate increase in liver glycogen content and impairment in maturation of germ cells were recorded consistently. Whereas zineb was widely distributed in body tissues, ETU accumulated mainly in the liver and the thyroid gland, although noticeable concentrations also were attained in muscle. Data were consistent with involvement of ETU mainly in the pathogenesis of thyroid gland lesions, and indicate that unweaned calves given zineb develop a clinicopathologic syndrome that does not differ qualitatively from that already described in adult cattle exposed to zineb.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Effect of age on the concentrations of amino acids in the plasma of healthy foals
Zicker, S.C. | Spensley, M.S. | Rogers, Q.R. | Willits, N.H.
The concentrations of 23 amino acids in the plasma of 13 healthy foals were determined before suckling, when foals were 1 to 2 days old, 5 to 7 days old, 12 to 14 days old, and 26 to 28 days old. The ratio of the branched chain amino acids to the aromatic amino acids was also calculated at the 5 time points. Analysis of the concentrations at the 5 ages revealed a significant temporal relationship for each amino acid ranging from a polynomial order of 1 to 4 inclusively. There were significant differences between several concentrations of amino acids in plasma at specific sample times; however, no consistent patterns were revealed. The concentrations of amino acids in healthy foals were markedly different from previously determined values in adult horses. The significant differences in the concentrations of amino acids in plasma of healthy foals at the 5 ages may represent developmental aspects of amino acid metabolism or nutrition.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Use of two enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays to monitor antibody responses in swine with experimentally induced infection with porcine epidemic diarrhea virus
Nieuwstadt, A.P. van | Zetstra, T.
A blocking ELISA was developed to detect antibodies directed against porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV). The PEDV antigen was first incubated with dilutions of test sera. Any antigen that was not blocked by antibodies in the serum was assayed in a double-antibody sandwich ELISA, using 2 monoclonal antibodies directed against different antigenic sites on PEDV as capture and detecting antibodies, respectively. The blocking ELISA was compared with a fixed-cell ELISA that used monolayers of Vero cells infected with PEDV prototype strain CV777 as a solid phase and a conjugate of an IgG-specific monoclonal antibody for antibody detection. Pigs were inoculated with PEDV strain CV777 or 1 of 2 field isolates, and antibody responses were measured by use of the 2 tests. Antibodies were detected by the blocking ELISA as early as postinoculation day 7 and, by the fixed-cell ELISA, as early as postinoculation day 14. From day 14 on, antibody titers for both tests correlated highly. Titers for the fixed-cell ELISA were 5.4 times higher than those for the blocking ELISA. The latter technique is easier to perform and discriminates well between infected and noninfected pigs, which makes this test useful for routine diagnosis and serologic surveys of porcine epidemic diarrhea.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Routes and prevalence of shedding of psittacine beak and feather disease virus
Ritchie, B.W. | Niagro, F.D. | Latimer, K.S. | Steffens, W.L. | Pesti, D. | Ancona, J. | Lukert, P.D.
Psittacine beak and feather disease (PBFD) virus was recovered from the feces and crop washings from various species of psittacine birds diagnosed with PBFD. High concentrations of the virus also could be demonstrated in feather dust collection from a room where 22 birds with active cases of PBFD were being housed. The virions recovered from the feces, crop, and feather dust were confirmed to be PBFD virus by ultrastructural, physical, or antigenic characteristics. Virus recovered from the feather dust and feces hemagglutinated cockatoo erythrocytes. The specificity of the agglutination was confirmed by hemagglutination inhibition, using rabbit antibodies against PBFD virus. During the test period, 26% (8 of 31) of the birds screened were found to be excreting PBFD virus in their feces, and 21% (3 of 14) of crop washings were positive for PBFD virus. Some birds in the sample group had active cases of diarrhea, whereas others had normal-appearing feces. Diarrhea was found to be the only significant indicator of whether a bird was likely to be excreting virus from the digestive tract. These findings suggest that exposure of susceptible birds to PBFD virus may occur from contact with contaminated feather dust, feces, or crop secretions. Viral particles that were morphologically similar to parvovirus (2- to 24 nm-icosahedral nonenveloped virions) also were recovered from feces of some of the birds.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Hemagglutination by psittacine beak and feather disease virus and use of hemagglutination inhibition for detection of antibodies against the virus
Ritchie, B.W. | Niagro, F.D. | Latimer, K.S. | Steffens, W.L. | Pesti, D. | Lukert, P.D.
Conditions for psittacine beak and feather disease (PBFD) virus hemagglutination and hemagglutination-inhibition (HI) test reactions are defined. The PBFD virus was found to hemagglutinate cockatoo and some guinea pig erythrocytes. The HI test was used to assay serum antibody titer in birds with active PBFD virus infections and in others that had been exposed to diseased birds. On the basis of HI antibody titers in psittacine birds that had been exposed to PBFD virus, but remained clinically normal, we suggest that some birds exposed to the virus are able to mount an effective immune response. Birds with active PBFD virus infections had lower antibody values than did birds that had been exposed to the virus, but remained clinically normal. On the basis of these findings, the ability to develop a suitable HI antibody response may be crucial in determining the disease status of susceptible birds exposed to the PBFD virus. If HI antibodies are found to have neutralizing activity, then the fact that a high HI titer was induced in birds inoculated with purified PBFD virus might suggest that an immunization program would be effective in preventing PBFD virus infections.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Evaluation of multiple reticulorumen selenium pellets as a health risk in growing Hereford steers
Wilson, D.J. | Norman, B.B. | Hird, D.W. | Wilson, C.B. | Oliver, M.N.
Five groups of Hereford steers were monitored for 293 days. One group of 3 was not given selenium supplementation; the other 4 groups of 3 steers each were given 2, 4, 6, or 8 reticulorumen selenium pellets. Health, body weight, and blood selenium concentration were monitored during the study. At the finish, steers were slaughtered, and various tissues from the carcasses were analyzed for selenium content. Initial blood selenium concentration did not differ significantly among groups. However, significant (alpha = 0.01) difference among means was detected during the early period of rapid increase in blood selenium concentration in steers of supplemented groups. Means of maximal blood selenium concentration also differed among groups; however, even the highest value, 0.253 microgram/g, was lower than the 3 microgram/ml reported in chronic clinical cases of toxicosis in the literature. Carcass analysis indicated significant (alpha = 0.05) differences in selenium concentrations among treatment groups for almost all tissues tested. Only kidney samples (7.9 microgram/g) from steers of the 8-pellet treatment group exceeded published normal values (7.6 microgram/g). Health variables for most dates were not significantly different among groups, and selenium toxicosis was not evident in any steer. Analysis did not indicate risk to human beings consuming tissues from these steers.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Effect of ivermectin on the immune response in mice
Blakely, B.R. | Rousseaux, C.G.
To assess the effect of ivermectin on immune function (antibody production), male CD-1 mice were inoculated with an antigen the day after SC administration of ivermectin (0.2 mg/kg of body weight or 20 mg/kg). Responses were evaluated 5 days after inoculation of the antigen. Antibody production against sheep RBC, a T lymphocyte-, macrophage-dependent response, was enhanced by ivermectin treatment (P = 0.00049). In contrast, antibody production against dinitrophenyl-Ficoll, a T lymphocyte-independent, macrophage-dependent response, was not altered by ivermectin treatment. Results indicate that the immunostimulatory properties of ivermectin are associated with altered function of T lymphocytes, in particular, T-helper lymphocytes. The immunomodulating effects of ivermectin may provide an alternative approach for treatment of disease problems involving immunosuppression.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Von Willebrand factor in lysates of washed canine platelets
Parker, M.T. | Turrentine, M.A. | Johnson, G.S.
Canine and human platelets (washed 4 times in a solution containing EDTA, prostaglandin E1, and theophylline to prevent release of alpha-granule constituents) were lysed by being frozen and thawed in the presence of detergent. Radioelectroimmunoassay for von Willebrand factor (vWf) in 5 human platelet lysates produced precipitin rockets, shaped like those produced from vWf in plasma from healthy human beings, and indicated that the mean von Willebrand factor antigen (vWf:Ag) content in platelets from healthy human beings was 526 +/- 87 human U/10(12) platelets. Radioelectroimmunoassay for vWf in platelet lysates from 17 healthy dogs with normal plasma vWf:Ag concentration produced precipitin rockets that looked different from those produced from canine plasma and indicated vWf:Ag content of 59 +/- 35 canine U/10(12) platelets. Inclusion of protease inhibitors in the lysing solution did not normalize the appearance of the precipitin rockets or substantially alter the measured platelet content of vWf:Ag. The array of vWf multimers revealed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-agarose gel electrophoresis of canine platelet lysates had a distinct appearance that differed from that of vwf in canine or human plasma and platelets; the intensity of the canine platelet vWf multimer bands was skewed, with relatively greater density in the lower molecular weight region and faint or undetectable multimer bands in the higher molecular weight region. Electrophoretograms with visible multimers in the high molecular weight region had vwf components that had higher molecular weight than did any vWf components in canine plasma. Radioelectroimmunoassay for fibronectin in these same canine platelet lysates indicated that the fibronectin content in platelets was 2.89 +/- 1.10 mg/10(12) platelets. An Airedale Terrier with type-I von Willebrand disease (vWd), but lacking clinical signs of vWd, had normal platelet content of vwf:Ag (28 +/- 12 canine U/10(12) platelets), whereas a German Shorthaired Pointer with moderately severe type-II vWd and a mildly affected Doberman Pinscher with type-I vWd had only a trace or undetectable amounts of vWf:Ag in their platelets. The concentration of vWf:Ag in platelet lysates from the Doberman Pinscher with vWd remained undetectable when the platelets were isolated from the Doberman Pinscher's blood mixed with citrated plasma from dogs with normal plasma vWf:Ag concentration. In all 3 dogs with vWd, platelet fibronectin content was within the normal range.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Immunocytochemical study of tissues from clinically normal dogs and of neoplasms, using keratin monoclonal antibodies
Sandusky, G.E. | Wightman, K.A. | Carlton, W.W.
Three commonly used keratin monoclonal antibodies (MAB)--AE1:AE3, CAM 5.2, and MAK-6--were compared with routinely used cytokeratin antibody. The expression of these antibodies was analyzed in several tissues obtained from clinically normal dogs and in a variety of neoplasms from dogs. Using appropriate enzymatic digestion, paraffin-embedded tissues processed in routine manner retained their typical keratin expression. Differentiated and poorly differentiated epithelial neoplasms, lymphomas, and melanomas were studied by use of the avidinbiotin-peroxidase technique. All 4 of the aforementioned antibodies had similar staining profiles. Of 3 anaplastic carcinomas, 2 had positive reaction to all 4 antibodies. All lymphomas, plasma cell tumors, and amelanotic melanomas had negative reaction to MAK-6, CAM 5.2, AE1:AE3, and cytokeratin MAB. Three basal cell epitheliomas had positive reaction to all 4 antibodies, whereas 1 basal cell tumor with a solid pattern had negative staining reaction. Two carcinoids had negative reaction to all markers and 1 of 2 malignant chemodectomas and 1 transitional cell carcinoma had staining reaction to only AE1:AE3 MAB. Comparing the 4 antibodies, use of AE1:AE3 MAB produced the strongest staining intensity followed by cytokeratin, MAK-6, and CAM 5.2 MAB. All 4 antibodies had low background staining. In conclusion, AE1:AE3 and MAK-6 MAB are as useful as cytokeratin MAB for identification of poorly differentiated epithelial neoplasms in dogs and cats.
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