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النتائج 71 - 80 من 367
In vitro modulation of bovine blood neutrophils and mononuclear cells by oxytetracycline
Myers, M.J. | Farrell, D.E. | Henderson, M.
The effect of oxytetracycline (OTC) on bovine blood mononuclear cells and neutrophil functions was examined in vitro. Neutrophil functions tested include respiratory burst, peroxidase, and antibacterial activities. Neutrophils were treated with OTC (10 to 1,500 > microgram/ml) before exposure to either opsonized zymosan or bacteria. A dose-response inhibition of antibacterial activity to high concentrations of OTC (500 to 1,000 microgram/ml) was observed. Beginning at a concentration of 15 microgram/ml, OTC treatment of neutrophil Iysates resulted in decreased peroxidase activity. A dose response was not observed. In contrast, respiratory burst, measured by nitroblue tetrazolium dye reduction, increased after OTC exposure, but only at high concentrations (500 and 1,000 microgram/ml) of OTC. Mitogen-induced proliferation of blood mononuclear cells cocultured with OTC and concanavalin A, phytohemagglutinin-P, or pokeweed mitogen was inhibited at an OTC concentration of 100 microgram/ml at 48 and 72 hours of culture. These results indicate that blood mononuclear cells are more sensitive to the inhibitory effects of OTC than are neutrophils. Furthermore, the OTC-mediated inhibition of neutrophil antimicrobial activity is inversely related to the increase in nitroblue tetrazolium reduction. This suggests that OTC is uncoupling the hexose monophosphate shunt from production of secreted oxygen radicals. These results also suggest that the peroxidase enzyme system has a large biological reserve capacity.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Definition of chemiluminescence and superoxide production responses of bovine neutrophils to selected soluble and particulate stimulants, and comparisons with the responses to Pasteurella haemolytica
Watson, G.L. | Slocombe, R.F. | Robinson, N.E. | Sleight, S.D.
We defined methods for use of luminol-dependent chemiluminescence (LDCL) and superoxide anion (O2-) production as parameters of the oxidative metabolism of neutrophils isolated from 1.5- to 5-week-old neonatal calves. We determined how variations in blood sample handling, agonist preparation, individual variability, and age of calves influenced the LDCL and O2- responses to certain agonists, and defined concentrations of soluble and particulate agonists that maximally stimulated the oxidative metabolism of bovine neutrophils. Oxidative responses, particularly LDCL, were characterized by marked dayto-day variability, differed greatly within and between calves, were partially age-dependent, and were partially dependent on the individual agonist. Superoxide anion production had substantially less variability. We compared the in vitro oxidative (LDCL and O2-) responses of neutrophils isolated from neonatal calves stimulated by defined concentrations of the agonists-latex, phorbol myristate acetate, calcium ionophore, and opsonized zymosan-with responses to formylated oligopeptides and zymosan-activated serum, and to live, dead, live opsonized, and dead opsonized Pasteurella haemolytica organisms. Opsonization of particulates, pathogenic or nonpathogenic, enhanced the LDCL and O2- responses of stimulated neutrophils although P haemolytica was a less potent stimulant of oxidative functions than were nonbiological agonists. We conclude that the generation of reactive oxygen species by bovine neutrophils in response to P haemolytica is highly dependent on the presence of opsonins and is greatly enhanced in live vs killed bacteria. Futhermore, the in vitro generation of reactive oxygen species, including O2- by stimulated neutrophils, may be of biologic importance if similar events occur in vivo, and could have a major role in the pathogenesis of the acute lung injury associated with pneumonic pasteurellosis.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Effects of dimethyl sulfoxide, allopurinol, 21-aminosteroid U-74389G, and manganese chloride on low-flow ischemia and reperfusion of the large colon in horses
Moore, R.M. | Muir, W.W. | Bertone, A.L. | Beard, W.L. | Stromberg, P.C.
Thirty horses were randomly assigned to 1 of 5 groups. All horses were anesthetized and subjected to ventral midline celiotomy, then the large colon was exteriorized and instrumented. Colonic arterial blood flow was reduced to 20% of baseline (BL) and was maintained for 3 hours. Colonic blood flow was then restored, and the colon was reperfused for an additional 3 hours. One of 5 drug solutions was administered via the jugular vein 30 minutes prior to colonic reperfusion: group 1, 0.9% NaCl; group 2, dimethyl sulfoxide: 1 g/kg of body weight; group 3, allopurinol: 25 mg/kg; group 4, 21-aminosteroid U-74389G: 10 mg/kg; and group 5, manganese chloride (MnCl2): 10 mg/kg. Hemodynamic variables were monitored and recorded at 30-minutes intervals. Systemic arterial, systemic venous (SV), and colonic venous (CV) blood samples were collected for measurement of blood gas tensions, oximetry, lactate concentration, PCV, and plasma total protein concentration. The eicosanoids, 6-keto prostaglandin F1alpha, prostaglandin E2, and thromboxane B2, were measured in CV blood, and endotoxin was measured in CV and SV blood. Full-thickness biopsy specimens were harvested from the left ventral colon for histologic evaluation and determination of wet weight-to-dry weight ratios (WW:DW). Data were analyzed, using two-way ANOVA for repeated measures, and statistical significance was set at P < 0.05. Heart rate, mean arterial pressure, and cardiac output increased with MnCl2 infusion; heart rate and cardiac output remained increased throughout the study, but mean arterial pressure returned to BL values within 30 minutes after completion of MnCl2 infusion. Other drug-induced changes were not significant. There were significant increases in mean pulmonary artery and mean right atrial pressures at 2 and 2.5 hours in horses of all groups, but other changes across time or differences among groups were not observed. Mean pulmonary artery pressure remained increased through 6 hours in all groups, but mean right atrial pressure had returned to BL values at 3 hours. Mean colonic arterial pressure was significantly decreased at 30 minutes of ischemia and remained decreased through 6 hours; however, by 3.25 hours it was significantly higher than the value at 3 hours of ischemia. Colonic arterial resistance decreased during ischemia and remained decreased throughout reperfusion in all groups; there were no differences among groups for colonic arterial resistance. Colonic venous PO2, oxygen content, and pH decreased, and PCO2 and lactate concentration increased during ischemia but returned to BL values during reperfusion. Compared with BL values, colonic oxygen extraction ratio was increased from 0.5 to 3 hours. By 15 minutes of reperfusion, colonic oxygen extraction ratio had decreased from the BL value in all groups and either remained decreased or returned to values not different from BL through 6 hours. Colonic venous 6-keto prostaglandin F1alpha and prostaglandin E2 concentrations increased during ischemia, but returned to BL on reperfusion; there were no changes in thromboxane2 concentration among or within groups. Endotoxin was not detected in CV or SV blood after ischemia or reperfusion. There were no differences among or within groups for these variables. Low-flow ischemia and reperfusion (I-R) of the large colon caused mucosal injury, as evidenced by increases in percentage of surface mucosal disruption, percentage depth of mucosal loss, mucosal hemorrhage, mucosal edema, mucosal interstitial-to-crypt ratio, mucosal neutrophil index, submucosal venular neutrophil numbers, and mucosal cellular debris index. There was a trend (P = 0.06) toward greater percentage depth of mucosal loss at 6 hours in horses treated with dimethyl sulfoxide, compared with the vehicle control solution. There were no differences in the remainder of the histologic variables among groups. Full-thickness and mucosal WW:DW increased with colonic I-R, but there were no differences among groups. There was a trend (P = 0.09) toward neutrophil accumulation, as measured by myeloperoxidase activity, in the lungs after colonic I-R, but there were no differences among groups. There was no change in lung WW:DW after colonic I-R. There were no beneficial effects of drugs directed against oxygen-derived free radical-mediated damage on colonic mucosal injury associated with low-flow I-R. Deleterious drug-induced hemodynamic effects were not observed in this study.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Eicosanoid concentrations in digital venous blood from horses with chronic laminitis
Owens, J.G. | Kamerling, S.G. | Keowen, M.L.
The eicosanoids are a family of lipid-derived autocoids that are released in response to a variety of physical and hormonal stimuli. In this study, prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) and leukotriene B4 (LTB4) were measured in the digital veins of clinically normal horses and horses with chronic laminitis to determine whether these arachidonic acid metabolites have a role in mediating signs of hoof pain and lesions associated with chronic laminitis. Horses were evaluated at rest and after a brief exercise period, to determine whether eicosanoids are released into the circulation after mild concussion. Digital vein eicosanoid concentrations in horses with signs of hoof pain attributable to chronic laminitis were not different than those in clinically normal horses. There was no difference in resting and postexercise PGE2 or LTB4 concentrations. Mean digital vein PGE2 concentration for the 2 groups was 187.18 pg/ml, whereas mean digital vein LTB4 concentration for the 2 groups was 74.71 pg/ml. These data do not support the hypothesis that PGE2 and LTB4 have a role in mediating the signs of pain and pathologic features of chronic laminitis.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Adrenocortical function in neonatal and weanling Beagle pups
Randolph, J.F. | Center, S.A. | Reimers, T.J. | Scarlett, J.M. | Corbett, J.R.
Adrenocortical function was assessed in 27 Beagle pups at 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 weeks of age by determination of plasma sodium, potassium, and chloride concentrations; serum aldosterone and cortisol concentrations; and plasma ACTH concentrations. Serum cortisol concentration was measured before and 1 and 2 hours after IM administration of 2.2 IU of ACTH/kg of body weight. Serum progesterone concentration also was determined for all pups at 2, 4, and 6 weeks of age. Mean baseline cortisol concentration was lower for pups 8 weeks old or younger than for mature dogs. Nevertheless, mean serum ACTH-stimulated cortisol concentration in dogs of all age groups increased into the adult reference range after administration of ACTH. For pups 4 weeks old or younger, increase in cortisol concentration was maximal at 2 hours after ACTH administration. However, in pups between 6 and 12 weeks of age, the increase in cortisol concentration was maximal 1 hour after ACTH administration in about a third of the pups, whereas the remaining pups had peak values at 2 hours. Mean plasma sodium, potassium, and chloride concentrations for each age group were within the reference ranges established for mature dogs, with the exception of lower mean plasma sodium and chloride concentrations in pups 4 weeks old or younger. Mean serum aldosterone concentration in pups of each age group was substantially higher than the range of aldosterone concentrations for clinically normal mature dogs. Median progesterone concentration was uniformly less than 0.2 ng/ml for all pups 6 weeks old or younger. The normal endogenous ACTH concentration and adequate cortisol responses to exogenous ACTH seen in our pups would support functional pituitary gland and adrenal cortex for cortisol production. The low baseline cortisol concentration observed in the pups of this study may be related to reduced binding of cortisol to plasma proteins, as exists in human infants. The hyponatremia and increased aldosterone concentration may be explained by reduced renal tubular response to aldosterone, as also evidenced in the human infant kidney.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Urinary indices in llamas fed different diets
Lackey, M.N. | Belknap, E.B. | Salmon, M.D. | Tinguely, L. | Johnson, L.W.
Indices of renal function and damage were measured in 12 healthy male adult llamas fed a diet of mixed alfalfa/grass hay (mixed hay) and water ad libitum. Using a collection bag fitted over the preputial area, urine samples were collected at 6, 12, and 24 hours. Serum samples were obtained concurrently to determine endogenous creatinine clearance (CL), total (TE) and fractional excretion (FE) of electrolytes (Na, K, Cl, P), electrolyte CL, urine and serum osmolality, urine enzyme activities (gamma-glutamyltransferase and N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase), and urine protein concentration. Urine production was quantified. Three months later, 10 of the 12 llamas were fed a grass hay diet and water ad libitum. Similar samples were obtained, and similar measurements were made. Urine production was higher when the llamas were fed the mixed hay diet. Total urine volume for llamas fed mixed hay ranged from 628 to 1,760 ml/24 h, with a median of 1,307.5 ml/24 h, compared with a range of 620 to 1,380 ml/24 h and a median of 927.50 ml/24 h for llamas fed grass hay. Median urine osmolality was higher in llamas fed mixed hay (1,906 mOsm/kg of body weight, with a range of 1,237 to 2,529 mOsm/kg), compared with llamas fed grass hay (1,666 mOsm/kg with a range of 1,163 to 2,044 mOsm/kg). Creatinine CL did not vary significantly over time for either diet. Median creatinine CL was higher for llamas fed mixed hay, compared with llamas fed grass hay--0.78 ml/min/kg with a range of 0.20 to 1.83 ml/min/kg vs 0.45 ml/min/kg with a range of 0.13 to 3.17 ml/min/kg. Clearances for K and Cl varied significantly among the periods. However, median CL for Na and P did not vary over time for either diet. Overall values for these electrolytes in llamas fed mixed hay and grass hay diets were: CL(Na), 0.001 and 0.002 ml/min/kg and CL(P), 0.0006 and 0.0004 ml/min/kg respectively. The FE rates of K, Cl, and P did not vary significantly over time for either diet. Median respective FE for these electrolytes in the llamas fed mixed hay and grass hay diets include: FE(K), 84.90 and 63.10%; FE(Cl), 0.85 and 1.30%; and FE(P), 0.10 and 0.10%. Fractional excretion of Na varied over time for both diets and could not be expressed accurately as an overall median. Median respective TE of electrolytes for llamas fed the mixed hay and grass hay diets were: TE(Na), 0.007 and 0.03 mEq/kg/h; TE(Cl), 0.04 and 0.06 mEq/kg/h; and TE(P), 0.0002 and 0.00 mg/kg/h; TE(K) varied significantly (P < 0.05) over time for both diets. Urine gamma-glutamyltransferase activity changed significantly (P < 0.05) over time. Urine N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase activity was influenced by an interaction between diet and time. Median urine protein concentration was 26.0 mg/dl, with a range of 11.0 to 73.0 mg/dl for llamas fed mixed hay, and was 28.0 mg/dl, with a range of 16.0 to 124.0 mg/dl for llamas fed grass hay.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Cultured pig rhabdomyosarcoma cells with a deletion of the Xq24-qter chromosome region: an immunochemical and cytogenetic characterization
Loop, F.T.L van der | Bosma, A.A. | Vos, J.H. | Mirck, M.H. | Schaart, G. | Ingh, T.S.G.A. van den | Ramaekers, F.C.S.
A pig rhabdomyosarcoma cell line (PRUM59) was established, and the immuno(histo)chemical and cytogenetic characterization of these cells was determined. At various swine farms in the Netherlands, pigs were observed that had solitary or multiple skin nodules, which were diagnosed as rhabdomyosarcomas. Cells of a tumor derived from a 3.5-week-old female pig were cultured for immunochemical and cytogenetic analyses. The cell line had characteristic features of undifferentiated muscle cells, similar to those observed in tumor tissue sections; they contained titin, a high-molecular weight protein specific for striated muscle, as dot-like aggregates and as filaments, desmin filaments and cross-striations, smooth muscle actin stress fibers, and vimentin filaments. The cells stained positively for striated muscle actin and tropomyosin as well. The immunohistochemical staining results were supported by results of immunoblotting experiments. Karyotyping of the cells revealed a deletion of a major part of Xq24-qter, a part of the long arm of 1 of the 2 X chromosomes. The other X chromosome and all autosomes appeared to be normal.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Effects of furosemide, exercise, and atropine on tracheal mucus transport rate in horses
Maxson, A.D. | Soma, L.R. | May, L.L. | Martini, J.A.
Effects of furosemide, exercise, and atropine on tracheal mucus transport rate (TMTR) in horses were investigated. Atropine (0.02 mg/kg of body weight) administered IV or by aerosolization significantly (P < 0.05) decreased TMTR at 60, but not at 30 minutes after its administration in standing horses. Furosemide (1.0 mg/kg, IV) did not have any significant effect on TMTR when measured at 2 or 4 hours after its administration in standing horses. Exercise alone or furosemide (1.0 mg/kg, IV) administration followed 4 hours later by exercise did not alter TMTR, compared with values for standing control or exercised horses administered saline solution. Atropine (0.02 mg/kg, IV) administered after exercise significantly (P < 0.05) decreased TMTR, compared with values for no exercise standing controls, for exercise after administration of saline solution, and for furosemide and exercise.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Assessment of protection from systemic infection or disease afforded by low to intermediate titers of passively acquired neutralizing antibody against bovine viral diarrhea virus in calves
Bolin, S.R. | Ridpath, J.F.
Colostrum-deprived calves (n = 34) were fed various amounts of colostrum, colostrum substitute, or milk replacer to establish a range in titer of passively acquired viral neutralizing antibody in serum. The calves were then challenge exposed intranasally with a virulent, noncytopathic bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV-890). After viral challenge exposure, calves were monitored for fever, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, and diarrhea. In addition, viral isolation and viral titration were performed on specimens of nasal secretions, buffy coat cells, and serum obtained from the calves. Fever and systemic spread of virus were detected in calves that had viral neutralizing titer of 256 or lower. Calves that had viral neutralizing titer lower than 16 developed severe clinical disease manifested by fever, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, and diarrhea. Seventy and duration of signs of disease decreased as titers of passively acquired viral neutralizing antibody increased. These results indicate that low to intermediate titers of passively acquired viral neutralizing antibody were not sufficient to fully protect calves from virulent bovine viral diarrhea virus.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Lactogenic immunity and milk antibody isotypes to transmissible gastroenteritis virus in sows exposed to porcine respiratory coronavirus during pregnancy
Lanza, I. | Shoup, D.I. | Saif, L.J.
Passive protection provided by sows inoculated with the virulent Miller strain of transmissible gastroenteritis virus (TGEV), or the ISU-1 strain of porcine respiratory coronavirus (PRCV), or both was evaluated in nursing pigs challenge exposed with virulent TGEV. Four sows (group B) were inoculated with PRCV oronasally twice at 4 and 2 weeks before parturition; 1 sow (group C) was inoculated similarly, but in 2 subsequent pregnancies; and 2 sows (group D) were oronasally primed with PRCV at 4 weeks before parturition, and 2 weeks later were administered a booster inoculation of virulent TGEV. Two additional sows (group E) remained uninoculated and served as seronegative controls, and 1 sow (group A) that had been naturally infected with TGEV served as a seropositive control. The degree of passive immunity transferred by these sows to their litters was assessed by challenge exposing the pigs of sows in groups BE (only the second litter of group C) with virulent TGEV at 3 to 5 days of age. After challenge exposure, clinical signs of infection and mortality were noted and fecal and nasal shedding of virus was assessed by ELISA. The IgA, IgG, and IgM antibody titers to TGEV were quantified in colostrum and milk of the sows by use of an isotype-specific monoclonal antibody-capture ELISA, using biotinylated monoclonal antibodies against each porcine isotype as detecting reagents. A plaque-reduction assay was used to quantify neutralizing antibody titers in serum, colostrum, milk, and fractionated whey (IgG and IgA/IgM). In the sow naturally infected with TGEV (group A), there was a pronounced decrease in IgG antibody titers to TGEV in the transition from colostrum to milk, and IgA TGEV antibodies became predominant, with high titers maintained throughout lactation. The 4 group-B sows partially protected their pigs after TGEV challenge exposure; mean mortality was 67%, compared with 100% in pigs suckling the 2 TGEV seronegative control sows (group-E litters). Although IgA TGEV antibodies were detected in colostrum and milk of group-B sows, IgG TGEV antibodies were the most abundant. The sow of group C had a marked increase in IgA TGEV antibody titers in colostrum and milk after reinoculation with PRCV during the second pregnancy, before TGEV challenge exposure of the litter. Its pigs were passively protected to a high degree after TGEV challenge exposure (27% litter mortality). The sows in group D, primed with PRCV and boosted with TGEV, provided the best passive protection after TGEV challenge exposure of their pigs. Not only litter mortality (27%) but also morbidity was reduced, compared with those factors for the other challenge exposed litters, and the sows did not become ill. In these swine, the high degree of passive protection observed could not be associated with the presence of only IgA TGEV antibodies in the milk, but high IgM TGEV antibody titers also were detected in colostrum and milk. Results of this study suggest that PRCV-inoculated sows are able to partially protect their pigs from TGEV challenge exposure and, on the basis of preliminary data, the degree of protection may increase after multiple PRCV exposures or after secondary exposure to TGEV during pregnancy. Also, an IgA respiratory tract-mammary gland link may exist as evident by the low titer of IgA TGEV antibodies in the milk of PRCV-inoculated sows, but may not be as efficient in inducing lactogenic IgA immunity as is the gastrointestinal tract-mammary gland link.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]