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النتائج 71 - 80 من 663
Effects of condensed tannins towards dairy caprine gastrointestinal nematodes
Suarez, Victor Humberto | Olmos, Leandro Hipolito | Martinez, Gabriela Marcela | Sandoval, Gabriela V. | Alfaro, Emilio José | Alfaro, Rodolfo Jose | Moreno, Ramiro
In order to evaluate condensed tannins (CT) effect on dairy goat gastrointestinal nematodes (GIN) under a grazing and confined systems, two experiments (E1 and E2) were made. On both, goats were kept in two groups of 10 animals each. Groups were: control, without treatment (CG) and CT supplemented (CTG) daily with 25 g (1,25%) in E1 and 75 g (2%) in E2. During the E1, feeding was based on Lucerne (Medicago sativa) grazing and supplementation with 500 g of corn grain and during the E2, stabled milking goats ate 500 g of corn grain and ad libitum lucerne hay. Biweekly, faecal egg counts (FEC) and coprocultures were made. In addition, FAMACHA© technique, body condition score (BCSS) and ingested food were recorded each two weeks during the 90 days (E1) and 76 (E2) days of trial. The FEC values in most of the study were low and no significant differences (p<0.78) were detected between groups. Mean FEC were 534 (CTG) and 357 (CG) during E1 and 509 (CTG) and 484 (CG) during E2. The predominant NGI genera were Trichostrongylussp. (48.1%), Haemonchus sp. (39.9%) and Teladorsagia sp. (12.0%). FAMACHA© scores did not show significant (p<0.41) differences between groups, but the CG (median=3) showed a BCS significantly (p<0.05) higher than those of CTG (median=2.5). The average milk production did not present statistically significant differences between groups (p<0.57), between sampling dates (p<0.23) and group x sampling dates (p<0.65). Under the conditions of these studies 25g or 75 g of CT in the diet had no anthelmintic or productive effects. | Instituto de Investigación Animal del Chaco Semiárido | Fil: Suarez, Victor Humberto. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Investigación Animal del Chaco Semiárido. Área de Investigación en Salud Animal; Argentina | Fil: Olmos, Leandro Hipolito. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Investigación Animal del Chaco Semiárido. Área de Investigación en Salud Animal; Argentina | Fil: Martinez, Gabriela Marcela. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Salta; Argentina | Fil: Sandoval, G.V. Universidad Católica de Salta. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Veterinarias; Argentina | Fil: Alfaro, Emilio José. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Salta; Argentina | Fil: Alfaro, Rodolfo Jose. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Salta; Argentina | Fil: Moreno, Ramiro. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Salta. Área de Investigación en Salud Animal; Argentina
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Productive performance, metabolic, and hematologic parameters of pregnant nulliparous rabbit does according to dietary protein level
Saidj, Dahia | Ainbaziz, Hacina | Iles, Imene | Dahmani, Yamina | Hornick, Jean-Luc | Moula, Nassim
peer reviewed | Objective: This study aims at investigating the productive performance, metabolic, and hematological profiles of Algerian local rabbits does during their first pregnancy and according to dietary protein content. Materials and methods: A total of 52 nulliparous rabbit does, 3,116 ± 72.9 g live weight, were allocated individually to three groups (17/18 females per group) being on isoenergetic diets [2,600 kcal Digestible Energy (DE)/kg] that differ in their digestible protein content by 15%, 17%, and 19%, respectively, for L, M, and H diets. All these diets were provided ad libitum. Results: The use of a high protein diet did not affect does weight and feed intake during the pregnancy period. Statistically, no significant difference (p > 0.05) was recorded in born or alive litter size and birth weight. There was no effect of diet and sampling time (p > 0.05) on plasma metabolites but there were significant effects of sampling time (p < 0.0001) on the metabolic parameters studied with prolificacy used as a covariate. Hematologic indices in pregnant rabbits were not affected by the diet exceeded the red blood cells rate that increased significantly (p < 0.05) with the increase in dietary protein content during the different periods of gestation. Conclusion: The use of a high protein diet has no effect on weight during the pregnancy period. No effect of diet and sampling time on plasma metabolites and hematological profiles are recorded; however, significant effects of sampling time are recorded on the metabolic parameters.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Bovine herpesvirus 1 in the northeast of Algiers, Algeria: Seroprevalence and associated risk factors in dairy herd
Kaddour, Abdenour | Bouyoucef, Abdallah | Fernandez, Gonzalo | Prieto, Alberto | Geda, Fikremariam | Moula, Nassim
peer reviewed | Objective: The present study was conducted to estimate the seroprevalence and associated risk factors of BoHV-1 in a dairy herd in the northeast of Algiers, Algeria. Materials and methods: The target area is in northeast of Algiers with humid to semi-dry climate and known for its economically important production of cattle. A total of 1066 randomly selected individual blood samples of dairy herd collected at 120 dairy farms from rural districts of northeast of Algiers were evaluated with antibodies against BoHV-1 using commercial ELISA kits, to determine the BoHV-1 infection status of the herds. A questionnaire submitted to the farmers during collection of the blood samples was used to collect data on potential BoHV-1 associated risk factors. Results: In the present study, the estimated farm and individual animal BoHV-1 seroprevalence levels were 58.33% and 14.16%, respectively. A logistic regression analysis of random-effects model revealed that the significant associated risk factors for the present farm and individual animal seroprevalence levels were rural district, cattle introduced to the farm, region, and hygiene. Conclusion: This study found higher seroprevalence of BoHV-1 in the northeast of Algiers. The results could be used in designing the prevention and control strategy of BoHV-1 in the northeastern part of Algeria.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Gastrointestinal nematodes of goats: host–parasite relationship differences in breeds at summer mountain pasture in northern Italy
Zanzani, Sergio Aurelio | Gazzonis, Alessia Libera | Olivieri, Emanuela | Villa, Luca | Fraquelli, Cristina | Manfredi, Maria Teresa
The Orobic goat is a hardy breed native to the Orobic Alps (Lombardy, northern Italy). The aim of the study was the assessment of gastrointestinal nematode (GIN) egg excretion in Alpine and Saanen (cosmopolite breeds) and Orobic grazing goats, after a strategic treatment with eprinomectin in late June. Individual faecal samples from a mixed flock of cosmopolite and Orobic goats were collected and analysed by the FLOTAC double technique every three weeks from June to September. Strongylida was the primary GIN infection observed in goats that grazed on Alpine pastures; a strategic treatment with eprinomectin led to a prolonged reduction of egg excretion during the whole study period. Egg excretion was also influenced by breed. Pluriparous Orobic does were able to control reinfection better than the pluriparous cosmopolite does. Regarding Nematodirus sp. eggs per gram of faeces (EPG), the autochthonous Orobic breed presented higher values than the cosmopolite breeds. However, cosmopolite goats presented higher EPG values of Strongyloides papillosus than their Orobic counterparts in August. Further studies on genetic features of local autochthonous goats, such as the Orobic breed, are needed, since they could reveal peculiar characteristics of susceptibility, resistance or resilience to GIN infection, providing genetic resources for selection.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]In vitro evaluation of chitosan-DNA plasmid complex encoding Jembrana disease virus Env-TM protein as a vaccine candidate
Ishak, Januar | Unsunnidhal, Lalu | Martien, Ronny | Kusumawati, Asmarani
Introduction: The development of Jembrana disease vaccine is an important effort to prevent losses in the Bali cattle industry in Indonesia. This study aims to prepare a Jembrana DNA vaccine encoding the transmembrane portion of the envelope protein in pEGFP-C1 and test the success of its delivery in culture cells using a chitosan-DNA complex. Material and Methods: Cloning of the DNA vaccine was successfully performed on E. coli DH5α and confirmed by colony PCR, restriction analysis and sequencing. The plasmids were prepared as a chitosan complex using the complex coacervation method and physicochemically characterised using a particle size analyser. A transfection assay was performed in HeLa cells with 4 h exposure, and mRNA expression was assessed at 24 h post transfection. Results: With a 1:2 (wt./wt.) ratio of DNA and chitosan, the complexes have a mean diameter of 236 nm, zeta potential value of + 17.9 mV, and showed no high toxicity potential in the HeLa cells. This complex successfully delivered the DNA into cells, as shown by the presence of a specific RT-PCR product (336 bp). However, the real-time PCR analysis showed that the delivery with chitosan complex resulted in lower target mRNA expression when compared with a commercial transfecting agent. Conclusion: pEGFP-env-tm JDV as a candidate vaccine can be delivered as the chitosan-DNA complex and be expressed at the transcription level in vitro. This initial study will be used for further improvement and evaluation in vivo.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Cytogenetic karyotype analysis in selected species of the Erinaceidae family
Grzesiakowska, Anna | Baran, Przemysław | Kuchta-Gładysz, Marta | Szeleszczuk, Olga
Comparative analysis of the karyotype structure was made in two hedgehog species: the northern white-breasted hedgehog (Erinaceus roumanicus) and the African pygmy hedgehog (Atelerix albiventris). The cytogenetic analysis used differential staining techniques (DAPI, Ag-NOR, and C-banding/DAPI) and sequential QFQ/FISH banding with NOR20 and TEL20 probes which showed 45S rDNA and (TTAGGG)ₙ repeat sequences, respectively, on hedgehog chromosomes. It was confirmed that the somatic cells of the hedgehogs have a constant number of chromosomes (2n = 48,XY). Differences were observed in the NOR number between the species. NORs were identified on three autosome pairs in the northern white-breasted hedgehog and on only two pairs in the African pygmy hedgehog. Chromosome analysis by C-banding/DAPI showed large segments of heterochromatin rich in A-T pairs on three autosome pairs in both the northern white-breasted and African pygmy hedgehogs. The heterochromatin segments encompassed large fragments of the longer arm of chromosome pairs 13, 14 and 20. The (TTAGGG)ₙ repeat sequences on the hedgehog chromosomes were only observed in the terminal position of all the chromosomes in both species. Our observations provide new information on the level of diversity within the Erinaceidae family.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Seroprevalence of Q fever in sheep and goats from the Marmara region, Turkey
Karagul, Mustafa Sencer | Malal, Mehmet Engin | Akar, Kadir
The aim of this study was to investigate Q fever seroprevalence in sheep and goats in the Marmara region. Q fever is a zoonotic disease caused by Coxiella burnetii. In ruminants, the disease causes reproductive disorders, premature births and stillbirths. Blood samples of sheep and goats were collected from the Marmara region of Turkey and a commercial ELISA was used for detection of specific antibodies to C. burnetii. A total of 832 samples (627 from sheep and 205 from goats) obtained from 126 herds located in 110 villages in 63 municipalities across all 11 provinces were utilised. Total seroprevalence was found to be 13.22%, while the proportion of seropositive herds was determined to be over threefold higher at 42.85%. The seroprevalence for sheep was found to be 14.19%, and for goats 10.24%. The herd seropositivity rate for sheep of 46.31% and for goats of 32.25% were also over threefold higher than the species-level seroprevalences. The provincial seroprevalence varied between 1.38% and 21.79%. This study confirms the presence of C. burnetii in sheep and goat herds in the Marmara region and provides original seroprevalence data in hitherto uninvestigated provinces. The data gathered are beneficial for evaluation and elaboration of the seroprevalence of Q fever in sheep and goats in the Marmara region. Surveillance studies should be maintained, particularly in provinces with high seropositivity rates.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Presence of tapeworms (Cestoda) in red fox (Vulpes vulpes) in north-western Poland, with particular emphasis on Echinococcus multilocularis
Tylkowska, Agnieszka | Pilarczyk, Bogumiła | Pilarczyk, Renata | Zyśko, Michał | Tomza-Marciniak, Agnieszka
Introduction: Foxes are a reservoir of parasites that are dangerous to humans. The aim of the study was to determine the parameters associated with the occurrence of tapeworms in red foxes in north-western Poland. Material and Methods: Parasitological sections were taken from 620 red foxes using IST and SCT methods in 18 districts of West Pomerania Province. Results: The extensity of fox infection with tapeworms was 61%. Echinococcus multilocularis, Mesocestoides spp., Dipylidium caninum, and specimens of the genus Taenia were identified. E. multilocularis was found in 11 districts. Mesocestoides spp. demonstrated the highest prevalence (41.3%), while E. multilocularis demonstrated the lowest prevalence (2.9%); however, it infected foxes with the greatest mean intensity (235.6 tapeworms per fox). The most common co-occurrence in a single host organism was observed for Mesocestoides spp. and tapeworms of the genus Taenia; however, no examples were found of coinfection by E. multilocularis and D. caninum. Conclusion: The occurrence of tapeworms in foxes was high in West Pomerania Province and was often higher than observed in previous years. For this reason, the risk of parasite transmission to humans and domestic animals is mounting. The risk of infection is also amplifying due to the growth of the fox population.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Evaluation of the possibility of C. burnetii transmission by the alimentary route in a guinea pig model
Jodełko, Agnieszka | Szymańska-Czerwińska, Monika | Kycko, Anna | Niemczuk, Krzysztof
Q fever (coxiellosis) is an infectious disease of animals and humans, caused by.C. burnetii and widely distributed throughout the world. It is known that people and animals acquire the disease predominantly.via inhalation of infectious aerosols. The possibility of transmission of the pathogen by the alimentary route is still a matter of debate and remains controversial. Therefore the aim of this study was to fill the gaps in knowledge of oral transmission of.C. burnetii by conducting biological tests on the guinea pig model. Guinea pigs, divided into five groups comprising a negative control and four experimental groups, received specified concentrations of.C. burnetii per os. To determine the presence of specific antibodies, blood samples were tested using CFT. Also, internal organs collected during necropsy were screened by a real-time PCR targeting I.1111. Additionally, histopathological evaluation of the tissues was performed. The presence of antibodies and pathogen DNA in caecum was confirmed in one guinea pig from experimental group IV..C. burnetii was also detected in testicular tissue collected from one animal of experimental group II. The presence of pathogen DNA in the testicular tissue indicates that infection spreads haematogenously. In the majority of experimental animals specific antibodies and genetic material of.C. burnetii were not detected. This fact suggests that development of infection depends on many factors, such as animal immune status.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Breeding profiles at the periparturient stage in captive red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) mating naturally or subjected to artificial insemination in Japan
Yatu, Minoru | Satō, Mitsuhiro | Kobayashi, Jin | Ichijyo, Toshihiro | Satoh, Hiroshi | Oikawa, Toshinori | Sato, Shigeru
Introduction: Breeding profiles at the periparturient stage in red foxes which mated naturally or were subjected to artificial insemination were retrospectively surveyed using 130 vixens during their reproductive seasons of 2012–2017 in Japan. Material and Methods: Natural mating vixens were encouraged a maximum of three times with the same male, while artificial insemination was conducted using frozen-thawed semen with the bovine semen extender as a diluent. Results: With natural mating, conception rates after one, two, and three copulations were 55.8%, 68.0%, and 85.7%, respectively, showing a significant difference between the rates for one and three copulations. Conception rates with artificial insemination were 82.4%. Mean gestation periods were between 52.1 and 53.3 days in all groups. Mean litter sizes were 3.7–4.3 cubs with natural mating, and 4.4 cubs with artificial insemination. Although some sporadic and inconsistent changes in litter sizes were noted between primiparous and multiparous groups, these were of doubtful clinical importance. Conclusion: This is the first report from Japan concerning basic breeding events of red fox vixens in captivity.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]