خيارات البحث
النتائج 1 - 10 من 14
Practical aspects of applying statistical analysis of quantitative characters of сutting lettuce varieties var. <em>сapitata</em> L
Лещук, Н. В | Орленко, Н. С
Purpose. To determine and substantiate practical aspects of statistical analysis application for management results of the morphological description of cutting lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) varieties when identifying them during corresponding phenological phases of growth and development. Methods. Field study, analytical approach based on descriptive statistics and cluster analysis. Results. Quantitative values of display of such morphological characters as leaf rosette diameter, lettuce head size, leaf blade thickness and its venation were determined for the Lactuca sativa L. varieties. Statistical indices of four morphological characters of randomized sampling frame of seven cutting lettuce varieties were determined and the results of statistical analysis were interpreted. Cutting lettuce of loose leaf and capitate varieties was identified during corresponding phenological phases of growth and development. The most suitable method for clustering cutting lettuce varieties was defined. The results of clustering were interpreted. It was found that ‘Hodar’ variety differed greatly from others, ‘Dumka’ and ‘Olzhych’ varieties were the most similar. Conclusions. The results of the identification allowed to establish that capitate lettuce varieties were similar in the following combinations: ‘Bona’ and ‘Dyvohray’, ‘Olzhych’ and ‘Dumka’. According to the duration of interphase periods, it can be noted that such varieties as ‘Dumka’ and ‘Dyvohrai’ had the highest rate of maturation in comparison with ‘Bona’ and ‘Hodar’ varieties, and the lowest one as compared to the ‘Olzhych’ variety
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Stages of national varietal plant recourses forming in the State Legislative Regulation system of Ukraine during 1923-2013
П. М. Василюк
The article deals with analysis of scientific publications in the field of plant breeding, seed production and variety testing, archival documents and published government regulations. The comprehensive study lack according to creating history of a special protection system of plant variety rights is grounded, the necessary reproduction of stages of the State Protection of Plant Varieties forming is performed.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Новий сорт промислових конопель ‘Артеміда’ універсального напряму господарського використання з підвищеним умістом олії та поліпшеною якістю волокна | A new multiple purposes variety of industrial hemp ‘Artemida’ with a high oil content and fiber quality
Кириченко, Kyrychenko, H. I., Г. І. | Міщенко, Mishchenko, S. V., С. В. | Лайко, Laiko, I. M., І. М.
Мета. Створити сорт промислових конопель середньоєвропейського еколого-географічного типу універсального напряму господарського використання з підвищеним умістом олії в насінні та поліпшеною якістю волокна.Методи. Селекційні (самозапилення, сортолінійна гібридизація в умовах вегетаційного будинку, добір), польові, лабораторні, інструментально-технологічна оцінки оцінка якості волокна, статистичні.Результати. У результаті гібридизації сорту ‘Глесія’ із самозапиленою лінією шостого покоління сорту ‘Золотоніські 15’ і наступного добору на закріплення ознак високої продуктивності та поліпшення якісних ознак коноплепродукції створено новий сорт ‘Артеміда’. Сорт належить до середньостиглої групи: вегетаційний період до настання фази технологічної стиглості становить 94 доби, біологічної – 118 діб. За вирощування на зеленець забезпечує високі показники врожайності волокна (2,56 т/га) та виходу всього волокна (30,4%, зокрема довгого волокна – 27,6%). У разі вирощування на двобічне використання сорт ‘Артеміда’ формує вищі, порівняно із сортом-стандартом ‘Гляна’, урожаї волокна (2,01 т/га) та насіння (1,29 т/га) з підвищеним умістом в останньому олії (36,8%). При цьому він істотно поступається за висотою рослин, що позитивно для збирання насіння зернозбиральним комбайном. Аналіз відповідності емпіричного й теоретичного розподілу ознаки вмісту олії в насінні елітних рослин сорту ‘Артеміда’ свідчить про її високу стабільність. Примітною особливістю сорту є формування дружних сходів та інтенсивний ріст рослин на початку вегетації, що сприяє зменшенню забур’яненості посівів.Висновки. ‘Артеміда’ – новий сорт конопель універсального напряму господарського використання. Належить до середньоєвропейського еколого-географічного типу, хоча і створений у результаті сортолінійної гібридизації різних типів з наступним поліпшувальним селекційним добором за ознаками продуктивності. Характеризується повною відсутністю канабіноїдних сполук, підвищеним умістом олії, поліпшеним її жирнокислотним складом та високою якістю волокна. Рекомендується для вирощування з метою отримання волокна й насіння. Завдяки високій потенційній урожайності продукції є конкурентоздатним на ринку промислових конопель. | Purpose. Creation of industrial hemp variety of multiple purposes with the absence of cannabinoid compounds, high oil content in seeds and fiber quality.Methods. Breeding (self-pollination, varietal-linear hybridization in the conditions of a vegetation house, selection), field, laboratory, instrumental-technological assessment of fiber quality, mathematical statistics.Results. The ‘Artemida’ variety was created as a result of hybridization of the ‘Hlesiia’ variety with the self-pollinated line of the sixth generation of the ‘Zolotoniski 15’ variety and selection for stabilization of high productivity traits and improvement of quality trait of hemp production. The variety belongs to the medium-ripe group; the growing season is 94 days before the phase of technological maturity and 118 days before the phase of biological maturity. When grown for fiber, the variety had a higher fiber yield (2.56 t/ha), the yield of all fiber (30.4% and including long fiber 27.6%). When grown for fiber and seeds, the plant is significantly inferior in height, which is positive for harvesting seeds with a combine harvester, has a significantly higher seed yield (1.29 t/ha), oil content (36.8%) and fiber yield (2.01 t/ha) in comparison with the standard of the variety ‘Hliana’. The analysis of the correspondence between the empirical and theoretical distribution of such a trait as the oil content in the seeds of elite plants of the ‘Artemida’ variety indicates its high stability. A notable feature of the variety is the formation of friendly seedlings and intensive plant growth at the beginning of the growing season, which helps to reduce the weediness of crops. Conclusions. The new variety of hemp ‘Artemida’ of multiple purposes belongs to the Central European ecological and geographical type, although created as a result of varietal-linear hybridization of different types with selection on the basis of productivity, is characterized by complete absence of cannabinoid compounds, high oil content and fiber quality. The variety is recommended for growing for fiber and seeds. Due to its high yield potential, it is competitive in the industrial hemp market.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Breeding of industrial hemp with a high content of cannabigerol by the case of ‘Vik 2020’ cultivar
Міщенко, С. В | Лайко, І. М | Кириченко, Г. І
To create an industrial hemp variety of the Central European ecological and geographical type with a high cannabigerol content and universal application. Methods. Breeding (self-pollination, creation of artificial populations, selection), field, biochemical (thin-layer and gas-liquid chromatography of cannabinoid compounds), instrumental and technological assessment of fibre quality, and statistical methods. Results. Variety ‘Vik 2020’ was obtained as a result of creation of artificial populations. The plants are characterized by higher content of cannabigerol (1.034 ± 0.0323%), and almost zero of other secondary metabolites, such as cannabidivarin, cannabidiol, cannabichromene and psychotropic tetrahydrocannabinol (0.003 ± 0.0011; 0.018 ± 0.0080; 0.012 ± 0.0027, and 0.005 ± 0.0012%, respectively). The t rait of cannabigerol content is quite stable within the population and is not correlated with the trait of tetrahydrocannabinol content (r = -0.23). TLC showed that cannabigerol accumulated mainly in the form of cannabigerolic acid and to a lesser extent as a neutral compound, which is consistent with the theory that this substance is a precursor for the synthesis of other cannabinoids. According to the results of the competitive variety test, when growing to obtain fibre and seeds, the variety features short height, specifically significantly lower total (206.4 cm) and technical stem length (135.6 cm) compared to the standard variety, significantly higher inflorescence length (70.8 cm), which determine the formation of the significant yield of biomass suitable for pharmaceutical use and high seed yield (0.98 t/ha). The yield of total fibre was the same as in the standard variety (29.0%), but its quality and technological value for primary processing were higher. The variety had a homogeneous sex structure, resistance to bioltic and abiotic environmental factors. Plants reached biological maturity in 116 days (BBCH 89). This cultivar is recommended for obtaining seeds, quality fiber and potentially cannabigerol (on condition of changes in legislation). Conclusions. The efficiency of using self-pollinating lines in breeding with their subsequent combining into a synthetic population and improving selection was proved by the case of a new variety of industrial hemp ‘Vik 2020’, characterized by an increased content of cannabigerol and the absence of psychotropic properties
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Practical aspects of applying statistical analysis of quantitative characters of сutting lettuce varieties var. <em>сapitata</em> L.
Н. В. Лещук | Н. С. Орленко
Purpose. To determine and substantiate practical aspects of statistical analysis application for management results of the morphological description of cutting lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) varieties when identifying them during corresponding phenological phases of growth and development. Methods. Field study, analytical approach based on descriptive statistics and cluster analysis. Results. Quantitative values of display of such morphological characters as leaf rosette diameter, lettuce head size, leaf blade thickness and its venation were determined for the Lactuca sativa L. varieties. Statistical indices of four morphological characters of randomized sampling frame of seven cutting lettuce varieties were determined and the results of statistical analysis were interpreted. Cutting lettuce of loose leaf and capitate varieties was identified during corresponding phenological phases of growth and development. The most suitable method for clustering cutting lettuce varieties was defined. The results of clustering were interpreted. It was found that ‘Hodar’ variety differed greatly from others, ‘Dumka’ and ‘Olzhych’ varieties were the most similar. Conclusions. The results of the identification allowed to establish that capitate lettuce varieties were similar in the following combinations: ‘Bona’ and ‘Dyvohray’, ‘Olzhych’ and ‘Dumka’. According to the duration of interphase periods, it can be noted that such varieties as ‘Dumka’ and ‘Dyvohrai’ had the highest rate of maturation in comparison with ‘Bona’ and ‘Hodar’ varieties, and the lowest one as compared to the ‘Olzhych’ variety
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Traditional and modern breeding methods of Triticum aestivum L. in the V. M. Remeslo Myronivka Institute of Wheat
Кириленко, В. В
When creating Triticum aestivum L. varieties in V. M. Remeslo Myronivka Institute of Wheat, intervarietal crossing was used as the basis for classical method of hybridization. Parental pairs were selected according to environmental and geographical principles. Crossing of lines selected by certain adaptive characteristics among themselves and with the local breeding varieties are widely used. The method of induced mutagenesis is one of the main factor of the evolutionary process which increases hundreds of times the frequency of altered forms occurrence. Thermal mutagenesis – selection of winter forms from spring varieties – is based on low temperature effect on spring wheat varieties (it was developed by V. M. Remeslo, the member of the Academy of Sciences). Method of intervarietal selection in winter wheat breeding provides creation of new varieties of this crop through mass selection of the best plants from local populations. At present, 10 varieties of winter wheat are included into the State Register of Plant Varieties Suitable for Dissemination in Ukraine, one variety – into the State Register of Breeding Achievements of the Russian Federation, seven varieties are passing state quality testing in these countries.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Traditional and modern breeding methods of Triticum aestivum L. in the V. M. Remeslo Myronivka Institute of Wheat
В. В. Кириленко
When creating Triticum aestivum L. varieties in V. M. Remeslo Myronivka Institute of Wheat, intervarietal crossing was used as the basis for classical method of hybridization. Parental pairs were selected according to environmental and geographical principles. Crossing of lines selected by certain adaptive characteristics among themselves and with the local breeding varieties are widely used. The method of induced mutagenesis is one of the main factor of the evolutionary process which increases hundreds of times the frequency of altered forms occurrence. Thermal mutagenesis – selection of winter forms from spring varieties – is based on low temperature effect on spring wheat varieties (it was developed by V. M. Remeslo, the member of the Academy of Sciences). Method of intervarietal selection in winter wheat breeding provides creation of new varieties of this crop through mass selection of the best plants from local populations. At present, 10 varieties of winter wheat are included into the State Register of Plant Varieties Suitable for Dissemination in Ukraine, one variety – into the State Register of Breeding Achievements of the Russian Federation, seven varieties are passing state quality testing in these countries.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]???????? ??????????? ???????? ?? ?????????? ??????? ???????????? ?? ???????? ????? ???? 2020 | Breeding of industrial hemp with a high content of cannabigerol by the case of ?Vik 2020? cultivar
???????, Mishchenko, Serhii, ?. ?. | ?????, Laiko, Iryna, ?. ?. | ?????????, Kyrychenko, Hanna, ?. ?.
To create an industrial hemp variety of the Central European ecological and geographical type with a high cannabigerol content and universal application.Methods. Breeding (self-pollination, creation of artificial populations, selection), field, biochemical (thin-layer and gas-liquid chromatography of cannabinoid compounds), instrumental and technological assessment of fibre quality, and statistical methods.Results. Variety ?Vik 2020? was obtained as a result of creation of artificial populations. The plants are characterized by higher content of cannabigerol (1.034 ? 0.0323%), and almost zero of other secondary metabolites, such as cannabidivarin, cannabidiol, cannabichromene and psychotropic tetrahydrocannabinol (0.003 ? 0.0011; 0.018 ? 0.0080; 0.012 ? 0.0027, and 0.005 ? 0.0012%, respectively). The t rait of cannabigerol content is quite stable within the population and is not correlated with the trait of tetrahydrocannabinol content (r = -0.23). TLC showed that cannabigerol accumulated mainly in the form of cannabigerolic acid and to a lesser extent as a neutral compound, which is consistent with the theory that this substance is a precursor for the synthesis of other cannabinoids. According to the results of the competitive variety test, when growing to obtain fibre and seeds, the variety features short height, specifically significantly lower total (206.4 cm) and technical stem length (135.6 cm) compared to the standard variety, significantly higher inflorescence length (70.8 cm), which determine the formation of the significant yield of biomass suitable for pharmaceutical use and high seed yield (0.98 t/ha). The yield of total fibre was the same as in the standard variety (29.0%), but its quality and technological value for primary processing were higher. The variety had a homogeneous sex structure, resistance to bioltic and abiotic environmental factors. Plants reached biological maturity in 116 days (BBCH 89). This cultivar is recommended for obtaining seeds, quality fiber and potentially cannabigerol (on condition of changes in legislation).Conclusions. The efficiency of using self-pollinating lines in breeding with their subsequent combining into a synthetic population and improving selection was proved by the case of a new variety of industrial hemp ?Vik 2020?, characterized by an increased content of cannabigerol and the absence of psychotropic properties | ???????? ???? ??????????? ???????? ????????????????????? ???????-????????????? ???? ??????????????? ??????? ?????????????? ???????????? ? ??????????? ??????? ????????????.??????. ?????????? (?????????????, ????????? ??????????? ?????????, ?????), ???????, ?????????? (??????????? ?? ??????????? ????????????? ????????????? ??????), ???????????????-???????????? ?????????? ?????? ???????, ???????????.??????????. ? ?????????? ??????????? ???????? ???????? ???? ?????2020?, ??????? ????? ???????????????? ?????????? ??????? ???????????? (1,034???0,0323%), ?? ??? ????? ??????????? ????????????, ? ????? ?????? ??????????? ????? ????????? ??????????? ? ??????????????, ???????????, ????????????? ? ????????????? ???????????????????? (0,003???0,0011; 0,018???0,0080; 0,012???0,0027 ? 0,005???0,0012% ??????????). ?????? ?????? ???????????? ? ?????? ?????????? ? ????? ????????? ? ?? ??????????????? ? ??????? ?????? ???????????????????? (r =?-0,23). ?????????? ???????????? ????????????? ????????, ?? ??????????? ????????????? ????????? ? ????? ??????????????? ??????? ? ?????? ????? ?? ?????????? ???????, ?? ?????? ???????????? ? ???????, ?????? ? ???? ?? ???????? ? ???????????? ??? ??????? ????? ????????????. ?? ???????????? ??????????? ????????????????? ? ???? ??????????? ??? ????????? ??????? ? ??????? ???? ??????? ??????????????, ? ???? ??????? ????? ????????? ?? ??????-?????????? ????????? ????????? (206,4???) ? ????????? ??????? ??????? (135,6 ??), ? ??????? ?????? ??????????? ??????? ???????? (70,8 ??), ??? ???????????? ?????????? ??????? ???????, ????????? ??? ???????????? ?? ????????????? ????, ?? ??????????? ??????? (0,98??/??). ????? ?????????? ??????? ????????, ?? ? ? ?????-?????????, 29,0%, ??? ???? ????????????????? ????? ?????? ? ????????????? ???????? ?? ?????????? ????????????. ???? ??? ????????? ??????? ?????????, ????????? ?? ???- ?? ?????????? ???????? ??????????. ???????????? ?????? ?? ??????????? ????????? (BBCH 89) ??116 ???. ?????????????? ??? ??????????? ? ????? ????????? ???????, ???????? ??????? ? ?????????? ? ???????????? (?? ????? ????? ?????????????).????????. ???????? ???????????? ????????? ?? ???????????? ??????? ????????????? ????? ?? ????????? ?? ??????????? ? ?????????? ????????? ? ?????????????? ??????? ?? ???????? ?????? ????? ??????????? ???????? ???? 2020?, ?? ???????????????? ?????????? ??????? ???????????? ? ??????????? ???????????? ????????????.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Breeding of industrial hemp with a high content of cannabigerol by the case of ‘Vik 2020’ cultivar
С. В. Міщенко | І. М. Лайко | Г. І. Кириченко
To create an industrial hemp variety of the Central European ecological and geographical type with a high cannabigerol content and universal application. Methods. Breeding (self-pollination, creation of artificial populations, selection), field, biochemical (thin-layer and gas-liquid chromatography of cannabinoid compounds), instrumental and technological assessment of fibre quality, and statistical methods. Results. Variety ‘Vik 2020’ was obtained as a result of creation of artificial populations. The plants are characterized by higher content of cannabigerol (1.034 ± 0.0323%), and almost zero of other secondary metabolites, such as cannabidivarin, cannabidiol, cannabichromene and psychotropic tetrahydrocannabinol (0.003 ± 0.0011; 0.018 ± 0.0080; 0.012 ± 0.0027, and 0.005 ± 0.0012%, respectively). The t rait of cannabigerol content is quite stable within the population and is not correlated with the trait of tetrahydrocannabinol content (r = -0.23). TLC showed that cannabigerol accumulated mainly in the form of cannabigerolic acid and to a lesser extent as a neutral compound, which is consistent with the theory that this substance is a precursor for the synthesis of other cannabinoids. According to the results of the competitive variety test, when growing to obtain fibre and seeds, the variety features short height, specifically significantly lower total (206.4 cm) and technical stem length (135.6 cm) compared to the standard variety, significantly higher inflorescence length (70.8 cm), which determine the formation of the significant yield of biomass suitable for pharmaceutical use and high seed yield (0.98 t/ha). The yield of total fibre was the same as in the standard variety (29.0%), but its quality and technological value for primary processing were higher. The variety had a homogeneous sex structure, resistance to bioltic and abiotic environmental factors. Plants reached biological maturity in 116 days (BBCH 89). This cultivar is recommended for obtaining seeds, quality fiber and potentially cannabigerol (on condition of changes in legislation). Conclusions. The efficiency of using self-pollinating lines in breeding with their subsequent combining into a synthetic population and improving selection was proved by the case of a new variety of industrial hemp ‘Vik 2020’, characterized by an increased content of cannabigerol and the absence of psychotropic properties
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Характеристика симбіотичних ознак у генотипів люцерни (Medicago L.) та їх мінливість
Р. А. Вожегова | О. Д. Тищенко | А. В. Тищенко
Мета. Оцінити селекційний матеріал люцерни за інтенсивністю бульбочкоутворювального процесу, визначити кореляційні зв’язки з нітрогеназною активністю, а також виділити кращі генотипи для використання їх у практичній селекції. Методи. Вегетаційний, статистичний. Результати. Проведено аналіз зразків, популяцій люцерни за кількістю сформованих бульбочок та їх фракційним складом. Встановлено широкий спектр мінливості накопичення бульбочок на рослині. У доборів, порівняно з вихідними формами, збільшилася кількість бульбочок розміром більше 1 мм (середня і велика фракція) та бактероїдна маса. З інокульованих рослин на 7,6–44,5% утворюється більше бульбочок порівняно з контролем. Сорти різнилися за кількістю сформованих бульбочок розміром більше 1 мм з варіюванням від 19,3 до 82,9%. Розміщення бульбочок на кореневій системі мало певні особливості. Для подальшої селекції становлять інтерес популяції: ‘Унітро’, ‘Добір № 3 – Spr. 2’, ‘Добір № 5 – Кs.-2007’, в яких рослини формували 81,2–99,4% бульбочок розміром 1–2 мм та 22,7–27,3% їх розташовано на головному корені. Інтенсивність бульбочкоутворювального процесу в рослин визначається ступенем розвитку кореневої системи та її потужності. Зі збільшенням об’єму кореневої системи, формується більше бульбочок. Рівень нітрагеназної активності залежить від потужності кореневої системи, загальної кількості бульбочок у рослин люцерни, зокрема по фракціях 1–2 мм та > 2 мм. Висновки. Встановлено, що розмір симбіотичного апарату визначається кількістю бульбочок, їх фракційним складом та масою. Інтенсивність бульбочкоутворювального процесу в рослин залежить від потужності кореневої системи. Зі збільшенням її об’єму формується й більше бульбочок. Високі коефіцієнти кореляції встановлено між рівнем нітрагеназної активності та потужністю кореневої системи, загальною кількістю бульбочок у рослин люцерни, в т. ч. по фракціях 1–2 мм та > 2 мм.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]