خيارات البحث
النتائج 1 - 4 من 4
Differentiation and identification of winter bread wheat verieties according to a complex of baking quality indicators
Демидов, О. А | Гудзенко, В. М | Правдзіва, І. В
Purpose. Reveal the features of the formation of a quality indicator complex in winter bread wheat depending on the growing seasons, preceding crops and sowing dates, as well as differentiate and identify genotypes with high and stable levels of manifestation. Methods. Field, laboratory, statistical. Results. A different share of the influence of the year conditions, the preceding crop, the sowing date and their interactions on the quality indicators of some varieties was determined. A different reaction of varieties in terms of quality indicators, depending on the investigated factors was revealed. The variation was very low for test weight, water absorption ability of flour, crumb porosity. Strong variation was observed for flour strength after sunflower and soybean as preceding crops, alveograph configuration ratio after sunflower and soybean, index of elasticity dough after corn, valorimetric value after mustard, dough dilution degree after green manure, sunflower, corn and especially after mustard and soybeans. The varieties, which on average for 2016/17–2018/19 reliably exceeded the standard both in individual indicators and in general in terms of physical indicators of grain and flour quality and dough rheological properties. GYT biplot analysis identified the genotypes ‘MIP Vidznaka’ and ‘MIP Assol’ with a more optimal combination of increased yield and a complex of quality indicators in terms of different years, preceding crops and sowing dates. Some varieties, namely, ‘Estafeta myronivs’ka’, ‘Trudivnytsia myronivs’ka’, ‘MIP Valensiia’, ‘MIP Yuvileina’, ‘Balada myronivs’ka’, ‘Vezha myronivs’ka’ were inferior to them, but were significantly superior the others. Conclusions. The selected by quality indicators varieties as genetic sources can be used in breeding process. A more stable level of yield and quality indicators at different sowing dates after different preceding crops should be expected for growing varieties ‘MIP Vidznaka’, ‘MIP Assol’, as well as ‘Estafeta myronivs’ka’, ‘Trudivnytsia myronivs’ka’, ‘MIP Valensiia’, ‘MIP Yuvileina’, ‘Balada myronivs’ka’, ‘Vezha myronivs’ka’. The peculiarities obtained in the research should be taken into account when evaluating and differentiating genotypes in breeding process, as well as developing basic elements of technology for growing the varieties of winter bread wheat.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Вплив строків сівби на водоспоживання сортів вівса в умовах Степу України
А. О. Семяшкіна
Мета. Дослідити особливості водоспоживання сортів вівса за різних строків сівби в умовах недостатнього та нестабільного режиму зволоження в північній частині Степу України. Методи. Польовий, метод синтезу, статистичний. Результати. Встановлено, що максимальну кількість вологи споживав сорт Скакун за сівби в оптимальні строки та в разі їх зміщення, що зумовлено його тривалішим вегетаційним періодом. Сумарне водоспоживання за вегетаційний період у нього становило 3189–2826 м3/га. Найменшу кількість вологи споживав сорт Кубанський – 2976 м3/га за оптимальних строків сівби та 2632 м3/га – за сівби зі зміщенням на 15 діб. Сорт Синельниківський 1321 за рівнем сумарного водоспоживання займав проміжне положення між оцінюваними сортами – він споживав 3069 м3/га вологи за сівби в оптимальні строки та 2732 м3/га – у разі її зміщення на 15 діб. Висновки. В умовах північної частини Степу України ефективне використання наявної вологи визначається здатністю деяких сортів краще адаптуватися до несприятливих за водним режимом умов вирощування. Сорт Синельниківський 1321 є найбільш посухостійким серед оцінених сортів. Середньопосухостійким виявився сорт Скакун. Оптимальні строки сівби є найпридатнішими для цієї зони. Сівба вівса в пізніші строки призводить до зменшення сумарного водоспоживання та підвищення коефіцієнтів водоспоживання. Найраціональніше волога використовується в разі сівби вівса в оптимальні строки та в умовах вищого природного вологозабезпечення.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Differentiation and identification of winter bread wheat verieties according to a complex of baking quality indicators
О. А. Демидов | В. М. Гудзенко | І. В. Правдзіва
Purpose. Reveal the features of the formation of a quality indicator complex in winter bread wheat depending on the growing seasons, preceding crops and sowing dates, as well as differentiate and identify genotypes with high and stable levels of manifestation. Methods. Field, laboratory, statistical. Results. A different share of the influence of the year conditions, the preceding crop, the sowing date and their interactions on the quality indicators of some varieties was determined. A different reaction of varieties in terms of quality indicators, depending on the investigated factors was revealed. The variation was very low for test weight, water absorption ability of flour, crumb porosity. Strong variation was observed for flour strength after sunflower and soybean as preceding crops, alveograph configuration ratio after sunflower and soybean, index of elasticity dough after corn, valorimetric value after mustard, dough dilution degree after green manure, sunflower, corn and especially after mustard and soybeans. The varieties, which on average for 2016/17–2018/19 reliably exceeded the standard both in individual indicators and in general in terms of physical indicators of grain and flour quality and dough rheological properties. GYT biplot analysis identified the genotypes ‘MIP Vidznaka’ and ‘MIP Assol’ with a more optimal combination of increased yield and a complex of quality indicators in terms of different years, preceding crops and sowing dates. Some varieties, namely, ‘Estafeta myronivs’ka’, ‘Trudivnytsia myronivs’ka’, ‘MIP Valensiia’, ‘MIP Yuvileina’, ‘Balada myronivs’ka’, ‘Vezha myronivs’ka’ were inferior to them, but were significantly superior the others. Conclusions. The selected by quality indicators varieties as genetic sources can be used in breeding process. A more stable level of yield and quality indicators at different sowing dates after different preceding crops should be expected for growing varieties ‘MIP Vidznaka’, ‘MIP Assol’, as well as ‘Estafeta myronivs’ka’, ‘Trudivnytsia myronivs’ka’, ‘MIP Valensiia’, ‘MIP Yuvileina’, ‘Balada myronivs’ka’, ‘Vezha myronivs’ka’. The peculiarities obtained in the research should be taken into account when evaluating and differentiating genotypes in breeding process, as well as developing basic elements of technology for growing the varieties of winter bread wheat.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]New Winter Wheat Varieties Productivity Subject to the Terms of Sowing
Уліч, Л. І | Корхова, М. М | Котиніна, О. А
Sowing dates and response to them of newly registered and perspective varieties of winter wheat were studied. Reasons provided for changing sowing dates to the later.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]