خيارات البحث
النتائج 1 - 10 من 11
Колекція Устимівської дослідної станції як джерело вихідного матеріалу для селекції кукурудзи з поліпшеними біохімічними показниками зерна
Ю. В. Харченко | Л. Я. Харченко
Мета. Виявити перспективні зразки кукурудзи з колекції Устимівської дослідної станції рослинництва з важливими біохімічними показниками якості – високим вмістом білка й крохмалю в зерні. Методи. Польовий, лабораторний, узагальнення. Результати. Проведено розподіл колекційних зразків кукурудзи за біохімічними показниками. Виділено лише одну лінію з дуже високим вмістом білка 15,8% – ‘УХК 464’ (Україна). Високий рівень вмісту білка мали 57 ліній і 35 сортів різного еколого-географічного походження, що дає можливість добору цінних форм. Серед самозапилених ліній до джерел дуже високого вмісту білка (14,0–15,0%) віднесено: ‘УХ 220’ (Україна) та ‘А 27-51’, ‘R 168’ (США). Вміст білка в межах 12,0–12,9% мали 10 сортів кукурудзи, кращі з них місцевий сорт ‘UB0104037’ (Росія), ‘UB0100419’, ‘Cuzco’ (Мексика). Серед ліній кукурудзи, створених шляхом залучення форм з генами wx, se, o2, ae, su1, su2, sh2, виділено зразки, що поєднують високу зернову продуктивність із підвищеним вмістом білка. За дуже високим вмістом крохмалю в зерні (70,0–75,5%) виділено 147 зразків, зокрема 39 ліній і 108 сортів. Лише три лінії – ‘ХЛГ 4’ та ‘А 169’ (Україна), ‘7023’ (Німеччина) – мали вміст крохмалю понад 76,0%. У 23 ліній цей показник варіює в межах 73–75%. Кращі з них: ‘ЛК 14795’, ‘УХК 383’, ‘УХР 74-2’ (Україна), ‘МА 23С’ (Франція), ‘Б 312’ (Росія), ‘LH 59’ (США), ‘ВС 70511’ (Хорватія), ‘N 4-1-6’ (Сербія і Чорногорія), ‘Martonvasar 1’, ‘Martonvasar 2’ (Угорщина). У процесі створення гібридів і ліній з підвищеним вмістом білка та крохмалю рекомендовано вводити в селекційний процес самозапилені лінії ‘G 6’, ‘CO 72-75-13 PR’, ‘D-BE-14’, ‘W 117’, ‘407’, ‘P 502 зМ’, ‘УХК 565’, ‘Oh 45’. Це дасть змогу одержувати цінний вихідний матеріал, що слугуватиме основою для пріоритетних напрямів селекції кукурудзи. Висновки. За результатами вивчення зразків кукурудзи виділено цінний вихідний матеріал для створення ліній і гібридів з поліпшеним біохімічним складом зерна. Досліджувані зразки знаходяться в колекції Устимівської дослідної станції та Національного центру генетичних ресурсів рослин і можуть бути використані селекціонерами й іншими споживачами в теоретичних і практичних розробках.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Assessment of stability and plasticity of new hybrids of maize (Zea mays L.) under the conditions of Polissia and Steppe zones of Ukraine
Присяжнюк, Л. М | Шовгун, О. О | Король, Л. В | Коровко, І. І
Purpose. To select promising high productive maize hybrids of middle-early maturity group in terms of stability and plasticity of main economic characters. Methods. Field study, laboratory test, analytical procedure and statistical evaluation. Results. 14 maize hybrids recorded in the State Register of Plant Varieties Suitable for Dissemination in Ukraine in 2015 were studied for plasticity and stability of such traits as productivity, protein and starch content. Intensive highly-plastic hybrid ‘SI Tiptop’ was selected among the studied ones for productivity trait that can respond properly to changes of growing conditions. It was defined that for the starch content such hybrids as ‘SI Tiptop’, ‘SI Enigma’, ‘SI Arioso’, ‘Svich 38’, ‘Svich 35’, ‘HU 8653’, ‘Zdobutok’ and ‘SI Contrakt’ belonged to the intensive type and combined rather high values and the stability of the studied trait under variable conditions. The following hybrids as ‘NS 2642’, ‘DK S3016’, ‘Svich 38’, ‘NS 2632’ were qualified as intensive for protein content and appeared to be highly-plastic but stability values of this trait were low. ‘Svich 38’ hybrid was intensive simultaneously for two traits such as protein and starch content and showed rather high values of plasticity. ‘SI Tiptop’, ‘SI Enigma’ and ‘Svich 35’ were defined as hybrids of extensive type that provided stable protein content in adverse cultivation conditions. Conclusions. On the condition that intensive crop growing technologies should be used, for obtaining stable yields it is advisable to sow only highly-plastic hybrids that can adapt to unfavorable environmental factors, including ‘SI Tiptop’ – for productivity trait, ‘Zdobutok’ and ‘SI Kontrakt’ – for starch content, ‘MAC 24N‘, ‘NA 2642‘ and ‘Danubio’ – for protein content.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Promising new varieties in food corn assortment
Харченко, Ю. В | Харченко, Л. Я | Тимчук, С. М | Поздняков, В. В | Кузьмишина, Н. В
Purpose. Reporting peculiarities of new forms of edible corn and prospects for their use in food production that have been created jointly by scientists from the Plant Production Institute nd. a. V. Ya. Yuryev of NAAS and Ustymivka Experimental Station for Plant Production on the base of the environmentally friendly method that uses biochemical effects of natural mutations of corn grain endosperm structure. Methods. Field study, laboratory analysis, mathematical and statistical evaluation. Results. Original series of inbred lines as well as promising varieties and hybrids of sugar and waxy corns were obtained. Varieties and hybrids are universally usable for obtaining both fresh and canned products, characterized by good taste, provide yields of up to 10 tons per hectare of commercial products and aimed to grow in various soil and climatic conditions. Brief economic and morphological characteristics of corn varieties and hybrids created jointly by scientists from the Plant Production Institute nd. a. V. Ya. Yuryev of NAAS and Ustymivka Experimental Station for Plant Production were given. Conclusions. The use of biochemical effect of natural mutations of endosperm structure is cost-effective and environmentally friendly method for creating lines, varieties and hybrids of corn for direct consumption and processing into food products. ‘Biliavka’, ‘Nika’ varieties and ‘Binom F1’, ‘Solo F1’, ‘Twister F1’ hybrids created with the help of this method are promising for commercial use
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Comparative analysis of starch grain size distribution in winter triticale samples
Стариченко, В. М | Корягін, О. М | Шляхтуров, Д. С
Purpose. Determination of the possibility to differentiate triticale samples by starch grain size and identify samples with a minimum size of granules that have a significant positive correlation with the efficiency of the starch transformation into ethanol. Methods. Light microscopy of grinded triticale grains. Results. Analysis of the starch granule size in triticale samples was performed. The minimum average granule size was observed in line Kc-270/14 (23.78 µm), maximum one – in line KR-110/14 (28.06 µm). The size of starch granules in a soft winter wheat variety ‘Tsvit Kalyny’ was 24.2 µm that was within the values typical for winter triticale varieties and lines. The size of the majority of granules ranged from 15 to 35 µm, but their distribution was uneven in the studied lines. Conclusions. Considerable polymorphism of winter triticale for the starch granule size was established. It was found that the minimum average size of starch granules was observed in the samples characterized by minimum maximum size of granules, low frequency of granules of more than 35 µm, and therefore, minimum dispersion. Based on this, assumption can be made about the possibility to evaluate a sample for the presence of granules larger than 35 µm that can significantly reduce the number of measurements and speed up analysis.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Promising new varieties in food corn assortment
Ю. В. Харченко | Л. Я. Харченко | С. М. Тимчук | В. В. Поздняков | Н. В. Кузьмишина
Purpose. Reporting peculiarities of new forms of edible corn and prospects for their use in food production that have been created jointly by scientists from the Plant Production Institute nd. a. V. Ya. Yuryev of NAAS and Ustymivka Experimental Station for Plant Production on the base of the environmentally friendly method that uses biochemical effects of natural mutations of corn grain endosperm structure. Methods. Field study, laboratory analysis, mathematical and statistical evaluation. Results. Original series of inbred lines as well as promising varieties and hybrids of sugar and waxy corns were obtained. Varieties and hybrids are universally usable for obtaining both fresh and canned products, characterized by good taste, provide yields of up to 10 tons per hectare of commercial products and aimed to grow in various soil and climatic conditions. Brief economic and morphological characteristics of corn varieties and hybrids created jointly by scientists from the Plant Production Institute nd. a. V. Ya. Yuryev of NAAS and Ustymivka Experimental Station for Plant Production were given. Conclusions. The use of biochemical effect of natural mutations of endosperm structure is cost-effective and environmentally friendly method for creating lines, varieties and hybrids of corn for direct consumption and processing into food products. ‘Biliavka’, ‘Nika’ varieties and ‘Binom F1’, ‘Solo F1’, ‘Twister F1’ hybrids created with the help of this method are promising for commercial use
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Consumptive qualities of different potato varieties
Фурдига, М. М | Верменко, Ю. Я | Сонець, Т. Д
Purpose. To summarize results of studying consumptive qualities of different varieties of potato and define basic characteristics which allow to subsume them under specific economic categories. Methods. Field study, laboratory test, summarizing, analytical approach. Results. Potato varieties entered in the State register of plant varieties suitable to dissemination in Ukraine and new ones especially to be bred at the Institute of Potato Growing of NAAS were studied during the period of 2005–2016 for such basic economic characters as consumptive quality of tubers, content of starch, dry matters, protein, sugar, vitamins, carotenoids and mineral substances as well as aminoacids, color of flesh, suitability for industrial manufacturing of potato products and for purpose of technology. Attention was paid to the good prospects to use varieties with purple, blue and red potato tuber flesh with high antioxidant capacity. Potato varieties with above characteristics and their complex combination were defined and described. The requirements of processing industry for potato as a raw material for manufacturing of potato food were given. Conclusions. The major criterion for consumptive qualities of a potato variety and correspondingly division for the commercial use is consumptive quality of tubers, especially content of essential nutrients and their favorable combination, improved taste and cooking quality, high antioxidant capacity, suitability for potato products manufacturing and use for purpose of technology. Potato varieties can be divided for economic purposes into edible, suitable for potato products manufacturing, technical and multipurpose ones.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Формування продуктивності сортів амаранту в Правобережному Лісостепу України за дії абсорбенту MaxiMarin | Formation of productivity of amaranth varieties in the Right Bank Forest Steppe of Ukraine under the influence of MaxiMarin absorbent
V. V. Yatsenko | N. V., Yatsenko | S. V. Rogalskyi | A. O. Sichkar | Y. V. Novak
Мета. Провести господарську оцінку сортів амаранту ‘Харківський1’, ‘Геліос’ і ‘Сем’ за внесення абсорбенту торгової марки MaxiMarin, використовуваного для нівелювання нестачі опадів і нерівномірного зволоження в Лісостепу України. Методи. Впродовж 2021–2023 рр. у польових умовах (м. Умань, 48°46¢N, 30°14¢E) досліджували три сорти амаранту й абсорбент торгової марки MaxiMarin у формі гранул, норма внесення якого становила 25 кг/га. Оцінювання сортів здійснювали за такими параметрами: маса листків, суцвіття й коріння, врожайність зеленої маси у фазах цвітіння та повної стиглості. Також визначали врожайність зерна амаранту та вміст у ньому протеїну, жирів і крохмалю. У процесі роботи послуговувались методами дисперсійного й кореляційного аналізів. Результати. Застосований абсорбент істотно вплинув на показники продуктивності, яка характеризувалася значною міжсортовою різницею. Зокрема, середнє збільшення маси листків з однієї рослини для досліджуваних сортів амаранту становило 12,2%, маси суцвіття – 8,9%, або 3,6 г/росл. Найкраще на внесення абсорбенту, що вдосконалило умови вирощування, зреагував сорт ‘Харківський1’, маса суцвіття якого підвищилася на 12,6%, або 5,3 г/росл. Посилення ростових процесів стало можливим завдяки поліпшеному розвитку кореневої системи та підвищенню її маси залежно від варіанта на 12,3–24,6% (2,1–3,0 г/росл.). Водночас у середньому на 12,4% (11,2–13,3% у різних сортів) збільшився показник загальної маси рослин. Урожайність зеленої маси зростала на 13,6–16,5% (4,75–5,75 т/га) завдяки використанню абсорбенту й була в межах 33,0–40,0 т/га. Найвищими її значеннями характеризувався сорт ‘Сем’ – 34,3 т/га у контролі та 40,0 т/га в дослідах зі внесеним абсорбентом. Його застосування також спричинило збільшення врожайності різних сортів амаранту на 0,30–0,38 т/га, або 16,0–18,3% (найурожайнішим був сорт ‘Сем’ – 2,08 та 2,46 т/га залежно від варіанта досліду) й істотне зменшення концентрації протеїну (на 0,1–10,0%), жирів (на 7,4–19,5%) і крохмалю (на 3,2–8,2%). Висновки. Абсорбенти є ефективним засобом для нівелювання нерівномірного зволоження та забезпечення максимальної реалізації продуктивного потенціалу амаранту, проте поліпшення водного режиму негативно впливає на накопичення протеїну, жирів і крохмалю. | Purpose. To carry out an economic evaluation of amaranth varieties ‘Kharkivskyi1’, ‘Helios’ and ‘Sem’ for the application of MaxiMarin absorbent used to compensate for lack of rainfall and uneven moisture in the forest steppe of Ukraine. Methods. During 2021–2023, three varieties of amaranth and MaxiMarin brand absorbent in the form of granules were studied in the field (Uman, 48°46¢N, 30°14¢E) at an application rate of 25 kg/ha. The varieties were evaluated according to the following parameters: weight of leaves, inflorescence and roots, yield of green mass in the flowering and full maturity phases. Amaranth grain yield, protein, fat and starch content were also determined. The methods of analysis of variance and correlation were used. Results. The absorbent applied had a significant effect on the productivity indicators, which were characterized by a significant difference between varieties. In particular, the average increase in the mass of leaves per plant for the studied varieties of amaranth was 12.2%, the mass of inflorescence – 8.9%, or 3.6 g/plant. The variety ‘Kharkivskyi1’ responded best to the introduction of an absorbent that improved growth conditions, the weight of its inflorescence increased by 12.6%, or 5.3g/plant. The strengthening of growth processes was made possible by the improved development of the root system and an increase in its mass, depending on the variety, of 12.3–24.6% (2.1–3.0 g/plant). At the same time, total plant weight increased by an average of 12.4% (11.2–13.3% in different varieties). Green mass yield increased by 13.6–16.5% (4.75–5.75 t/ha) due to the use of absorbent and was in the range of 33.0–40.0 t/ha. The highest values were characterized by the variety ‘Sem’ – 34.3 t/ha in the control and 40.0 t/ha in the experiments with added absorbent. Its application also caused an increase in the yield of different varieties of amaranth by 0.30–0.38 t/ha or 16.0–18.3% (the most productive was the variety ‘Sem’ – 2.08 and 2.46 t/ha, depending on the variant of the experiment) and a significant decrease in the concentration of protein (by 0.1–10.0%), fats (by 7.4–19.5%) and starch (by 3.2–8.2%). Conclusions. Absorbents are an effective tool for levelling moisture imbalances and ensuring maximum realization of the productive potential of amaranth, but improving the water regime has a negative effect on the accumulation of protein, fats and starch.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Customer-related quality of perspective potato hybrids (Solanum tuberosum L.)
Кожушко, Н. С | Сахошко, М. М | Бердін, С. І | Баштовий, М. Г | Смілик, Д. В
Purpose. Based on the study of consumer qualities of perspective potato hybrids (Solanum tuberosum L.) the ones with a high degree of differentiation depending on the biochemical composition of tubers and culinary-consumer type were identified. Methods. Field (phenology); laboratory (biochemical, technological); mathematical and statistical (linear correlation, regression). Results. Consumer qualities and patterns of their formation under the influence of the biochemical composition of tubers were studied. Excellent taste was determined in mid-early (‘203.703-3’, ‘205.781-9’), mid-season (‘205.786-72’, ‘205. 798-15’) hybrids. High cooking quality of the tubers was detected in early-season hybrids (‘99.523-15’, ‘205.791-3’, ‘205.785-25’, ‘205.792-205’). Soft crispy texture was detected in mid-early (‘205.776-25’, ‘99.546-3’) and mid-season (‘205.782-24’, ‘205.786-72’, ‘205.798-43’) hybrids. The mid-early hybrid '205.780-8' contained high levels of starch. In terms of resistance to browning, three early-season (‘99.517-39’, ‘203.703-2’, ‘205.785-25’) and two mid-season hybrids (‘205.781-9’, ‘205.788-3’) were selected. It is proved, that the taste development depended on the starch content (r=0,657), proportion of starch/protein (r=0,470) and sugars accumulation (r= -450). The positive dependence of the cooking quality of the tubers on their starchiness (r=0,945), proportion of starch and protein (r=0,900) was detected. The influence of proportion of starch/protein over the texture of the tubers (r=0,877) and starch content (r=0,868) was established. Mealiness depended on sugars (r= -0,494) and starch content (r=0,474), resistance to browning – on tyrosine content in protein (r=-0,873) and free tyrosine content (r= - 0,824). In terms of culinary and consumer type of food (table) potatoes, eight hybrids were rated as type B, five and five hybrids belonged to types A and C respectively, and three hybrids belonged to type D. Conclusions. The selected, as for the high level of culinary quality indicators, hybrids can be recommended as valuable output material for practical plant breeding. Determination of biological interrelation of potato culinary quality indicators and biochemical composition of their tubers allowed to develop mathematical simulations to predict taste and texture, and it practically relieved from boiling and subjective evaluation by organoleptic method of tasting results. Systematization of culinary and consumer type food (table) potatoes can be a subject matter in the course of state variety testing.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Comparative analysis of starch grain size distribution in winter triticale samples
В. М. Стариченко | О. М. Корягін | Д. С. Шляхтуров
Purpose. Determination of the possibility to differentiate triticale samples by starch grain size and identify samples with a minimum size of granules that have a significant positive correlation with the efficiency of the starch transformation into ethanol. Methods. Light microscopy of grinded triticale grains. Results. Analysis of the starch granule size in triticale samples was performed. The minimum average granule size was observed in line Kc-270/14 (23.78 µm), maximum one – in line KR-110/14 (28.06 µm). The size of starch granules in a soft winter wheat variety ‘Tsvit Kalyny’ was 24.2 µm that was within the values typical for winter triticale varieties and lines. The size of the majority of granules ranged from 15 to 35 µm, but their distribution was uneven in the studied lines. Conclusions. Considerable polymorphism of winter triticale for the starch granule size was established. It was found that the minimum average size of starch granules was observed in the samples characterized by minimum maximum size of granules, low frequency of granules of more than 35 µm, and therefore, minimum dispersion. Based on this, assumption can be made about the possibility to evaluate a sample for the presence of granules larger than 35 µm that can significantly reduce the number of measurements and speed up analysis.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Ecological stability and plasticity of potato varieties in Polissia
Ермантраут, Е. Р | Києнко, З. Б | Маційчук, В. М | Фещук, О. М
Purpose. Substantiating the selection of potato varieties for their ecological plasticity and stability to grow in Polissia. Methods. Field, laboratory, analitycal and statystical ones. Results. Impact of weather conditions during the growing season on the stability of potato varieties was estimated by indicators of yield, starch content and collection over the years by determining the average, standard deviation, minimum, maximum values and range of variation. ‘Memphis’, ‘Faluka’, ‘Arsenal’ and ‘Evolution’ were distinguished from the studied potato varieties by high genetic stability – their deviation from the average variance marked «minus» had values that were significantly less than zero. ‘Faktor’, ‘Flamenko’ and ‘Evora’ varieties are plastic (deviation is close to ±0), ‘Kolomba’, ‘Arizona’ and ‘Voliumiia’ ones – very plastic (deviation is most distant from zero). The studied varieties were distributed by homeostasis as follows: ‘Arizona’, ‘Colombo’, ‘Factor’ and ‘Memphis’ are the most valuable. Conclusions. ‘Evora’ potato variety can be considered intensive in terms of yield. ‘Evolution’ and ‘Flamenco’ varieties formed stable yields, during the years of study the difference between their maximum and minimum yields was the least – 8.2 and 9.3 tons per ha, respectively. Environmental assessment according to Eberhart and Russell indicates a high genetic stability of such potato varieties as ‘Arizona’, ‘Volyumiia’, ‘Kolombo’, ‘Evora’ and ‘Flamenko’. Conditions of Zhytomyr Oblast Plant Varieties Studying Centre are the most favorable among the studied regions to cultivate potato varieties.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]