خيارات البحث
النتائج 1 - 10 من 11
Вплив попередників та строків сівби на врожайність сортів Triticum aestivum L. в умовах Центрального Лісостепу України | Influence of preceding crops and sowing date on the yield of varieties of Triticum aestivum L. under the conditions of the central Forest-Steppe of Ukraine
V. V. Kyrylenko | O. V. Humeniuk | Y. M. Suddenko | O. A. Zaima | R. M. Los | Т. М. Khomenko
Мета. Визначити потенціал урожайності нових сортів пшениці озимої миронівської селекції залежно від попередників і строків сівби та встановити їх частки впливу в умовах Центрального Лісостепу України. Методи. Дослідження проводили в польовому чотирифакторному досліді на базі Миронівського інституту пшениці імені В. М. Ремесла НААН упродовж 2018/19–2020/21 рр. Результати. У результаті вивчення п’яти перспективних сортів пшениці озимої, висіяних 25 вересня та 05 жовтня після двох попередників (соя та соняшник), виявили, що незалежно від строків сівби середня врожайність для досліджуваних сортів після попередника соя була вищою і варіювала від 3,77 до 6,24 т/га у порівнянні з попередником соняшник – 3,35–5,52 т/га. Сорт ‘МІП Ювілейна’ сформував максимальну врожайність за першого строку сівби (5,52 та 6,24 т/га після попередників соняшник та соя відповідно), а сорт ‘МІП Фортуна’ – за другого (5,46 т/га після попередника соя). Висновки. Установлено потенціал урожайності сортів пшениці озимої залежно від попередників та строків сівби в умовах Центрального Лісостепу України. За результатами дисперсійного аналізу отриманих даних з’ясовано частку впливу цих факторів на врожайність культури. Максимальний внесок у дисперсію врожайності був за роком висіву (67,8%) та попередником (20,9%). | Purpose. To determine the yield potential of new winter wheat varieties of the Myronivka breeding as a function of preceding crops and sowing dates, and to determine their proportion of influence in the conditions of the central ForestSteppe of Ukraine. Methods. The research was conducted in a four-factor field experiment at the V. M. Remeslo Myronivka Institute of Wheat, National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine during 2018/19–2020/21. Results. As a result of the study of five promising varieties of winter wheat, sown on September 25 and October 5 after two predecessors (soybean and sunflower), it was found that, regardless of the sowing dates, the average yield of the varieties studied was higher after the predecessor soybean and varied from 3.77 to 6.24 t/ha compared to its predecessor sunflower – 3.35–5.52 t/ha. The variety ‘MIP Yuvileina’ produced the maximum yield in the first sowing period (5.52 and 6.24 t/ha after the preceding sunflower and soybean, respectively) and the variety ‘MIP Fortuna’ – in the second sowing period (5.46 t/ha after the preceding soybean). Conclusions. The yield potential of winter wheat varieties was determined in relation to their predecessors and sowing dates in the conditions of the central Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. According to the results of the variance analysis of the obtained data, the proportion of influence of these factors on the crop yield was determined. The largest contribution to the yield variance was made by the year of sowing (67.8%) and the predecessor (20.9%).
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Grain yield and protein content in different ripening varieties of soft winter wheat using various types and doses of fertilizers
Т. В. Сіліфонов
Purpose. To study of yield formation and protein content in the grain of different ripening varieties of soft winter wheat under the condition of using various types and doses of fertilizers. Methods. Field and laboratory (determination of protein content), calculation (collection of protein), mathematical and statistical. Results. It was found that different fertilization systems reliably increased the grain yield of soft winter wheat. The use of N75 increased this indicator by 1.2 times and N150 by 1.4 times in the varieties studied, compared with the no-fertilizer variant. Yield with incomplete return of phosphorus-potassium fertilizer was only 2–3% lower than with complete mineral fertilizer. With the nitrogen-phosphorus and nitrogen-potassium fertilization systems, the yield was 5–7% higher than with the nitrogen system. At the same time, this indicator was 6% lower than in the full mineral fertilizer version of the trial. The use of 75 kg/ha nitrogen fertilizer per year increased the protein content to 13.5%, or by 10% compared to the control. In the double dose nitrogen fertilizer variant, the protein content increased to 14.2% or by 15%. The use of nitrogen fertilizers with phosphorus-potassium only contributed 2–4% to the increase of this indicator. Cultivation of winter wheat under the condition of application of N75 increased the collection of protein up to 724 kg/ha or by 33%, and with a double dose of nitrogen fertilizer – up to 848 kg/ha or by 55% compared to the option without fertilizer. In the N75P30K40 variant, protein yield increased by 10% compared to the nitrogen system. The application of a complete mineral fertilizer (N150P60K40) increased this indicator by 12%. Conclusions. It was found that the use of N75P30K40 increased the grain yield of soft winter wheat by up to 5.9 t/ha, or 7%, compared to the option where only 75 kg/ha of nitrogen fertilizer was applied. Yield development in soft winter wheat varies considerably from variety to variety. For example, this indicator was 35% higher in the ‘KWS Emil’ variety than in the ‘Prino’ line. In addition, the grain yield of both varieties is reliably influenced by the weather conditions during the growing season. The protein content of soft winter wheat varies considerably depending on the variety and the weather conditions. When growing soft winter wheat varieties, the protein content can vary by 12.8–15.1%. Weather conditions during the growing season can change this indicator by 13.1–14.7%. The protein content index in the grain of the ‘Prino’ line is significantly higher than that of the ‘KWS Emil’ variety. According to the protein yield per hectare indicator, the ‘KWS Emil’ variety (896 kg/ha) has a significant advantage over the ‘Prino’ line (774 kg/ha).
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Адаптивність сортів картоплі до ґрунтово-кліматичних умов Полісся та Лісостепу України
Т. Д. Сонець | З. Б. Києнко | М. М. Фурдига | Ю. Я. Верменко
Мета. Установити основні критерії адаптивності та визначити адаптивну здатність різних сортів картоплі, що проходили сортовипробування в умовах Полісся та Лісостепу України, для використання в насінництві. Методи. Продуктивний потенціал сортів картоплі для визначення загальної видової адаптивності аналізували за показником урожайності. Для цього використовували коефіцієнт адаптивності сортів (КА) за їх урожайністю в рік вирощування до середньосортової врожайності року. Результати. Упродовж років досліджень (2014–2016) за однакових умов вирощування сорти по-різному реагували на умови природного середовища відносно року випробування. Загальний коефіцієнт адаптивності 1,0 і вище свідчить про підвищену адаптивність сорту в ґрунтово-кліматичних умовах зони вирощування до зміни погодних умов упродовж вегетаційного періоду. Зокрема, на Поліссі це сорти ‘Есмі’ (КА 1,12), ‘Катанія’ (КА 1,06), ‘Констанс’ (КА 1,03); у Лісостепу – ‘Есмі’ (КА 1,16), ‘Катанія’ (КА 1,12), ‘Констанс’ (КА 1,00). Специфічна адаптивна здатність сортів виявляється за високої середньосортової врожайності в роки, сприятливі за погодними умовами для культури картоплі. Приріст урожаю таких сортів на Поліссі становив 0,4–1,9 т/га, у Лісостепу – 0,7–2,8 т/га. До таких сортів у зоні Полісся належать ‘Есмі’, ‘Катанія’, ‘Явір’, ‘Констанс’, у Лісостепу – ‘Есмі’, ‘Катанія’ і ‘Констанс’. Висновки. Використання коефіцієнта адаптивності дає змогу визначити продуктивну спроможність сорту в конкретних ґрунтово-кліматичних умовах. Вирощування сортів з підвищеною адаптивністю є вагомим чинником збільшення обсягів виробництва високопродуктивних сортів картоплі, передусім насіннєвого матеріалу високих категорій для сортозаміни і сортооновлення. За результатами досліджень до таких сортів картоплі в умовах Полісся й Лісостепу належать ‘Есмі’, ‘Катанія’ та ‘Констанс’.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Variability of seed quality indices in soft spring wheat depending on weather conditions
Правдзіва, І. В | Василенко, Н. В | Хоменко, С. О
Purpose. To study the effect of weather conditions on grain quality in soft spring wheat lines that are undergoing competitive variety trial. To identify indices to be least affected by weather conditions. To investigate the correlation dependence between grain quality indices in the years with contrasting weather conditions and conduct the analysis of variance. Methods. Parameters of grain and flour quality of bread spring wheat lines were determined using conventional methods at the laboratory of grain quality of V. M. Remeslo Myronivka Institute of Wheat, NAAS of Ukraine, protein content in flour was measured with the use of the SPECTRAN 119M device. Results. Contrasting weather conditions were considered including arid ones (2013) – that had negative effect on 1000 kernel weight, but at the same time positively influenced the averaged grain quality indices; with excess humidity (2014) – they resulted in decreasing of all technological indices; optimal ones (2015) – allowed to obtain maximum indices of grain and flour quality. Paired coefficients of correlation between different parameters of grain and flour quality were calculated. The most number of strong and medium correlations was found in a dry year (33.3%), the smallest one – in a wet year (13.0%). Such indices as flour strength, dough dilution and protein content depended on the conditions of the growing year least of all. Grain-unit response was the most considerable to the humid conditions of the year. The analysis of variance showed that climatic conditions had significant effect on the quality indices of grain and flour. At the same time, an important genotypic component was revealed in indices of dough resilience (63%), bread volume and rating (61 and 53% respectively), the flour strength (42%), crude gluten quality (33%), bread porosity (30%). With climate variations, the genotypic conditionality of the content of protein and especially crude gluten was expressed insignificantly. Conclusions. When creating high quality cultivars, plant breeders should be guided by such indices as flour strength, dough resilience, gluten quality, bread volume and rating as only they are more genetically determined
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Impact of weather conditions during the growing season on winter barley yield in the Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine
Демидов, О. А | Гудзенко, В. М | Васильківський, С. П
Purpose. To establish the level of formation of winter barley yield depending on weather conditions during the growing season in the Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine. Methods. Field investigations, ANOVA, variance and correlation analysis. Results. Positive correlation was revealed between yield and the duration of the vegetation (r = 0.54) and especially “heading–maturation” period (r = 0.76). Moderate positive correlation was established between yield and mean daily air temperature during the period from termination to resumption of vegetation (r = 0.44), and strong negative one – between yield and mean daily air temperature during heading to maturation period (r = -0.77). Positive correlation was observed between yield and rainfall amount during the period from vegetation resumption to heading (r = 0.30). In general, during the growing season the correlation was weak (r = 0.16). For the period of “heading–maturation” low negative value (r = -0.11) was fixed. This was due to heavy precipitations, especially torrential rains, which in some years have caused lodging of plantings resulted in yield decrease. Conclusions. Under the conditions of Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine, fluctuations in temperature and water regimes are responsible for significant variability in growing season duration and yield of winter barley. Optimal amount of precipitation (close to long-time annual average) and their uniform distribution throughout growing season is the most favorable for obtaining high yield. “Heading–maturation» period is responsible for the formation of winter barley yield level.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Soybean response to implementation of agrotechnical measures under various weather conditions during the year
Л. І. Прус
Purpose. To substantiate and develop breeding technologies of soybean cultivation under various weather conditions of the Western Forest-Steppe zone. Methods. Laboratory test, statistical and mathematical analysis. Results. Analysis of the data of yielding increase due to the use of seed inoculation, green manure and spraying of crops with microbial preparations showed that their effect was much dependent on the weather conditions during the year. Based on the analysis of productivity of such early ripening varieties of soybean as ‘Lehenda’, ‘Anzhelika’ and ‘Ksenia’ during 2011–2015, it was found that the influence of agrometeorological conditions during the vegetation period accounted for 47.8%. The results of the analysis of five-year data of productivity of the late soybean variety ‘Heorhina’ indicated that the share of influence of agrometeorological conditions during the vegetation period on the studied variety was 48.8%. The use of microbial strains of nodule bacteria Bradyrhizobium japonicum 634b, 614A and M-8 against two backgrounds (in case of green manure application and without it) was compared, and microbial culture Hetomik application during the vegetation period. Conclusion. All biological preparations and green manure considerably increased yield of soybean seeds in moderately humidified and elevated temperature conditions. For soybean growing, the application of green manure, seed inoculation with strains of M-8, 614A and Hetomik spraying of crops was effective. The use of these methods for growing ‘Lehenda’ variety was the most effective. Such varieties as ‘Lehenda’ and ‘Anzhelika’ showed more stable results as compared to others in case of considerable variations of agrometeorological conditions.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Variability of seed quality indices in soft spring wheat depending on weather conditions
І. В. Правдзіва | Н. В. Василенко | С. О. Хоменко
Purpose. To study the effect of weather conditions on grain quality in soft spring wheat lines that are undergoing competitive variety trial. To identify indices to be least affected by weather conditions. To investigate the correlation dependence between grain quality indices in the years with contrasting weather conditions and conduct the analysis of variance. Methods. Parameters of grain and flour quality of bread spring wheat lines were determined using conventional methods at the laboratory of grain quality of V. M. Remeslo Myronivka Institute of Wheat, NAAS of Ukraine, protein content in flour was measured with the use of the SPECTRAN 119M device. Results. Contrasting weather conditions were considered including arid ones (2013) – that had negative effect on 1000 kernel weight, but at the same time positively influenced the averaged grain quality indices; with excess humidity (2014) – they resulted in decreasing of all technological indices; optimal ones (2015) – allowed to obtain maximum indices of grain and flour quality. Paired coefficients of correlation between different parameters of grain and flour quality were calculated. The most number of strong and medium correlations was found in a dry year (33.3%), the smallest one – in a wet year (13.0%). Such indices as flour strength, dough dilution and protein content depended on the conditions of the growing year least of all. Grain-unit response was the most considerable to the humid conditions of the year. The analysis of variance showed that climatic conditions had significant effect on the quality indices of grain and flour. At the same time, an important genotypic component was revealed in indices of dough resilience (63%), bread volume and rating (61 and 53% respectively), the flour strength (42%), crude gluten quality (33%), bread porosity (30%). With climate variations, the genotypic conditionality of the content of protein and especially crude gluten was expressed insignificantly. Conclusions. When creating high quality cultivars, plant breeders should be guided by such indices as flour strength, dough resilience, gluten quality, bread volume and rating as only they are more genetically determined
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Адаптивність сортів картоплі до ґрунтово-кліматичних умов Полісся та Лісостепу України | Адаптивность сортов картофеля к почвенно-климатическим условиям Полесья и Лесостепи Украины | Adaptability of potato varieties to soil-climatic conditions of the Polissia and Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine
Сонець, Т. Д. | Києнко, З. Б. | Фурдига, М. М. | Верменко, Ю. Я.
Цель. Установить основные критерии адаптивности и определить адаптивную способность различных сортов картофеля, проходивших сортоиспытание в условиях Полесья и Лесостепи Украины для использования в семеноводстве. Методы. Продуктивный потенциал сортов картофеля для определения общей видовой адаптивности анализировали по показателю урожайности. Для этого использовали коэффициент адаптивности сортов (КА) по их урожайности в год выращивания к среднесортовой урожайности года. Результаты. За годы исследований (2014–2016) при одинаковых условиях выращивания сорта по-разному реагировали на условия среды относительно года испытания. Общий коэффициент адаптивности 1,0 и выше свидетельствует о повышенной адаптивности сорта в почвенно-климатических условиях зоны выращивания к изменению погодных условий в течение вегетационного периода. В частности, на Полесье это сорта ‘Эсми’ (КА 1,12), ‘Катания’ (КА 1,06), ‘Констанс’ (КА 1,03), в Лесостепи – ‘Эсми’ (КА 1,16), ‘Катания’ (КА 1,12), ‘Констанс’ (КА 1,00). Специфическая адаптивная способность сортов отмечается при высокой среднесортовой урожайности в годы, благоприятные по погодным условиям для культуры картофеля. Прирост урожая таких сортов на Полесье составлял 0,4–1,9 т/га, в Лесостепи – 0,7–2,8 т/га. К таким сортам в зоне Полесья относятся ‘Есми’, ‘Катания’, ‘Явир’, ‘Констанс’, в Лесостепи – ‘Есми’, ‘Катания’ и ‘Констанс’. Выводы. Использование коэффициента адаптивности (КА) позволяет определить продуктивную способность сорта в конкретных почвенно-климатических условиях. Выращивание сортов с повышенной адаптивностью является весомым фактором увеличения объемов производства высокопродуктивных сортов картофеля, прежде всего семенного материала высоких категорий для сортоcмены и сортообновления. По результатам исследований к таким сортам картофеля в условиях Полесья и Лесостепи относятся ‘Эсми’, ‘Катания’ и ‘Констанс’. | Purpose. To define the main criteria for adaptability and determine the adaptive capacity of different varieties of potatoes tested in Polissia and Forest-Steppe of Ukraine for use in seed production. Methods. The productive potential of potato varieties to determine overall species adaptability was analyzed in terms of yield. For this purpose, the coefficient of adaptability of varieties (CA) was used determined by their yield in the year of cultivation in ratio to the average yield of the year. Results. Over the years of research (2014–2016), under similar conditions of cultivation, the varieties responded in different ways to conditions of the environment in relation to the year of testing. The overall CA of 1.0 and higher indicates increased adaptability of the variety in the soil and climatic conditions of the growing area to changes in weather conditions during the growing season. In particular, in Polissia these are ‘Esmi’ (CA 1.12), ‘Catania’ (CA 1.06), ‘Constans’ (CA 1.03); in the Forest-Steppe – ‘Esmi’ (CA 1.16), ‘Catania’ (CA 1.12), ‘Constans’ (CA 1.00). Specific adaptive ability of varieties is manifested in high average variety yields in years favorable by weather conditions for potato cultivating. The increase in the yield of such varieties in Polissia was 0.4–1.9 t/ha, in the Forest-Steppe – 0.7–2.8 t/ha. ‘Esmi’, ‘Catania’, ‘Yavir’, ‘Constans’ belong to such varieties in Polissia, ‘Esmi’, ‘Catania’, and ‘Constans’ – in the Forest-Steppe. Conclusions. The use the coefficient of adaptability allows determining the productive capacity of a variety in specific soil and climatic conditions. The cultivation of potato varieties with increased adaptability is a significant factor in increasing the production of high-yielding potato varieties, primarily seed material of high categories for varieties rotation and replacement. In particular, according to research results, such varieties of potatoes in Polissia and Forest-Steppe conditions are ‘Esmi’, ‘Catania’ and ‘Constans’. | Мета. Установити основні критерії адаптивності та визначити адаптивну здатність різних сортів картоплі, що проходили сортовипробування в умовах Полісся та Лісостепу України, для використання в насінництві. Методи. Продуктивний потенціал сортів картоплі для визначення загальної видової адаптивності аналізували за показником урожайності. Для цього використовували коефіцієнт адаптивності сортів (КА) за їх урожайністю в рік вирощування до середньосортової врожайності року. Результати. Упродовж років досліджень (2014–2016) за однакових умов вирощування сорти по-різному реагували на умови природного середовища відносно року випробування. Загальний коефіцієнт адаптивності 1,0 і вище свідчить про підвищену адаптивність сорту в ґрунтово-кліматичних умовах зони вирощування до зміни погодних умов упродовж вегетаційного періоду. Зокрема, на Поліссі це сорти ‘Есмі’ (КА 1,12), ‘Катанія’ (КА 1,06), ‘Констанс’ (КА 1,03); у Лісостепу – ‘Есмі’ (КА 1,16), ‘Катанія’ (КА 1,12), ‘Констанс’ (КА 1,00). Специфічна адаптивна здатність сортів виявляється за високої середньосортової врожайності в роки, сприятливі за погодними умовами для культури картоплі. Приріст урожаю таких сортів на Поліссі становив 0,4–1,9 т/га, у Лісостепу – 0,7–2,8 т/га. До таких сортів у зоні Полісся належать ‘Есмі’, ‘Катанія’, ‘Явір’, ‘Констанс’, у Лісостепу – ‘Есмі’, ‘Катанія’ і ‘Констанс’. Висновки. Використання коефіцієнта адаптивності дає змогу визначити продуктивну спроможність сорту в конкретних ґрунтово-кліматичних умовах. Вирощування сортів з підвищеною адаптивністю є вагомим чинником збільшення обсягів виробництва високопродуктивних сортів картоплі, передусім насіннєвого матеріалу високих категорій для сортозаміни і сортооновлення. За результатами досліджень до таких сортів картоплі в умовах Полісся й Лісостепу належать ‘Есмі’, ‘Катанія’ та ‘Констанс’.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Impact of weather conditions during the growing season on winter barley yield in the Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine
О. А. Демидов | В. М. Гудзенко | С. П. Васильківський
Purpose. To establish the level of formation of winter barley yield depending on weather conditions during the growing season in the Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine. Methods. Field investigations, ANOVA, variance and correlation analysis. Results. Positive correlation was revealed between yield and the duration of the vegetation (r = 0.54) and especially “heading–maturation” period (r = 0.76). Moderate positive correlation was established between yield and mean daily air temperature during the period from termination to resumption of vegetation (r = 0.44), and strong negative one – between yield and mean daily air temperature during heading to maturation period (r = -0.77). Positive correlation was observed between yield and rainfall amount during the period from vegetation resumption to heading (r = 0.30). In general, during the growing season the correlation was weak (r = 0.16). For the period of “heading–maturation” low negative value (r = -0.11) was fixed. This was due to heavy precipitations, especially torrential rains, which in some years have caused lodging of plantings resulted in yield decrease. Conclusions. Under the conditions of Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine, fluctuations in temperature and water regimes are responsible for significant variability in growing season duration and yield of winter barley. Optimal amount of precipitation (close to long-time annual average) and their uniform distribution throughout growing season is the most favorable for obtaining high yield. “Heading–maturation» period is responsible for the formation of winter barley yield level.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Yield and adaptive potential of modern varieties of soft winter wheat in the Northern Steppe conditions
Солодушко, М. М
Results obtained during the study of special features of cultivation and productivity of soft winter wheat varieties that differ by origin in the Steppe zone in Ukraine are presented. Relevance of the executed work was determined by ambiguous assessment and selection of available soft winter wheat variety assortment that is used in Steppe zone farms. Findings allow to find out and expose to a greater extent unused reserves for increasing the croppage level. It was found in the process of the study that now according to comprehensive assessment the best varieties of a soft winter wheat for corn growers in the steppe zone are Smuhlianka, Epokha odes`ka, Kiriia, Zolotokolosa, Blahodarka odes`ka, Bohdana, Lyst 25, Rozkishna.
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