خيارات البحث
النتائج 1341 - 1350 من 1,558
Potato varieties dynamics (Solanum tuberosum L.), suitable for dissemination in Ukraine during the 1991-2013 period
Василюк, П. М | Подгаєцький, А. А | Кравченко, Н. В | Києнко, З. Б
The analysis of dynamics entering into the State Register of Plant Varieties suitable for distribution in Ukraine, potato varieties during the period of 1991–2013.The magnificent differences in the total numbers of varieties, including foreign and national breeding are determined. The certain period of years with relatively equal number of varieties suitable for distribution in Ukraine is revealed. Simultaneously their number has increased 4.7 times for the entire period. The Scientific Institutions have been established, and their share of varieties is considered to be the biggest one in the Register, although the varieties of the most Breeding Institutions performed their competitiveness in recent years. The different ratio between foreign countries varieties and firms on number suitable for distribution in Ukraine has been set. It concerns their total number, having increased during the period of 1991 – 2013 12.3 times.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Consumption values of apple (Malus domestica Borhk) fruits subject to plantation construction
Заморський, В. В
In the conditions of Forest Steppe Zone of Ukraine a long term (1977 to 2007) research were conducted over the construction of apple plantations of different pomology varieties using vegetative low height shoots and low height insertions. The analyzes of consumption values of Aidarder pomology variety yield throughout the entire fruit-bearing span certified that the major part of the harvest consisted of the fruits of the highest and the first commercial grades. Consumption qualities of Aidarder variety fruits over the early vegetation span significantly exceeded relevant indices registered for the period of 16 to 19 years of vegetation. That is, where the total of the highest and first grades ranged within 66% to 80% of the full harvest weight, two cuttings being grown, at the age of thirteen, then, as the age of the plantation was increasing the was decreasing, eventually to the range of 63% to 68% of the full weight of the fruits. Comparison of the data obtained on fruits marketability against the yield level over relevant period exposed a renowned in horticulture trend of marketability decrease due to high yield. As regards the planting constructions where the lo height insertions are used the Aidarder variety displayed higher marketability of fruits, however, the trend was not absolute. In some variants of the test (11 years old trees free of insertion, cutting in winter dates applied) the Rubinove Duky variety provided greater by 6,8% amount of higher quality fruits. The research over consumption value of the apple fruits has shown that these were changing irrespective of the construction and the age of the plantings. The augment of the first and the highest commercial grades is only possible with low height cuttings or insertions applied at summer dates for the procedure of cutting. The weight of apple fruits depended on the varietal properties and were increasing in the constructions of low height constructions as long as low height M.9 insertion was in use.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Combining ability of tetraploid pollinator lines of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L. ssp. vulgaris var. altissima Doell) by the elements of productivity
Корнєєва, М. О | Чемерис, Л. М | Мацук, М. Б
Evaluation of the genetic component values considered to be the important part of the selection process on creating hybrids of sugar beet and The aim of the study is to determine tetraploid pollinators combining ability Bilotserkovskoy breeding on yield and sugar content and the genetic determination of the productivity elements and their phenotypic manifestations in first generation hybrids of sugar beet. The methods of test crossing on the type top cross of pollen sterile lines of Uuladivsky and Ivanovsky origin and stabilized ployidnistyu tetraploid pollinators of beet sugar Belotserkovskoy selection on yielding of sugar beet tetraploid pollinators of Bilotserkovskoy breeding have been applied. A key role belongs to non additive gene effects in gene structure of characteristics variability yielding has been determined.The part of additive gene action pollinators is predominant in genetic control of top cross hybrids sugar content. The 16 hybrid combinations are differentiated by their parental components combining ability. Pollinators of 1007 (the yield) and 1013 (for the sugar content) have been characterized by their valuable additive gene complexes. Perspective hybrid combinations for their further breeding study are revealed, genetic determination of productivity elements and sugar yield is defined Analysis of gene interactions in sugar beet hybrids confirms the theory of genetic balance MV Turbine
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]The market varieties replenishment: soybean (Glycine max. (L.) Merrill.)
Безручко, О. І | Колесніченко, О. В | Лазоренко, Т. М
The article concerns directions of valuable protein crops using, soybeans, growth rates of its production throughout the world in recent years, the opportunity and the necessity of making this crop strategic in our country, problems and prospects of the high-grade soybeans resources formation, the full characteristic of new soybean varieties listed in the State register of Plant Varieties suitable for distribution in Ukraine in 2013.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Summarizing 60 years of apple breeding effort (Malus domestica Borkh)
Седов, Є. М | Серова, З. М
The paper highlights results of 60 years of apple breeding activity at the All-Russian Research Institute for Fruit Crop Breeding of RAAS (former Orel Zonal Fruit-Berry Experimental Station). Major selection effort has been applied to apple breeding for higher contents of ascorbic acid and P-active substances in fruit. A pattern of the inheritance of biologically active substances in apple fruits is shown. First time in Russia a large-scale selection has taken place for the purpose of developing domestic scab immune apple varieties (Vf). 20 scab immune varieties have been created and included into the State Register. First time in Russia and in the world a range of triploid apple varieties have been developed through directed diverse chromosome crossings 2x x 4x and 4x x 2x.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Sugard sorghum yield (Sorghum saccharatum (L.) Pers.) subject to varietal characteristics and varying plant density in crops
Курило, В. Л | Григоренко, Н. О | Марчук, О. О | Фуніна, І. Р
The example of various varieties and hybrids of sugar sorghum illustrates the summary of study on assessing varying density of plants in crops on phonological characteristics of sugar sorghum plants, carbohydrate composition of sorghum juice and yield of its plants. The completed study established that one hectare of sugar sorghum, subject to varietal characteristics and varying density of plants in crop, may provide the green weight of 40.83 до 106.87 t/ha at stem juice yield of 22,27 to 56,24 t/ha, which would contain 2.31 to 6.09 t/ha of total sugars suitable for bioethanol production in at the rate of 198.25 to 501.19 dal/ha. However, despite of higher estimate of total sugars yield and bioethanol at 300 thousand plants per ha density in crop, industrial plots would preferably have plant density in crops ranging within 200...250 thousand pieces per ha. Since higher density increases dry matter content of plants, consequentially, cellulose and lignin in stems, this may create preconditions for harvest losses due to stem lod ging Besides, 200 thousand plants per hectare enables to reach the highest level of photosynthesis net productivity which combines high intensity of the photosynthesis with photosynthetic activity of leaf surface.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Researching Exotic Forms Lactuca sativa L. of Oaklieaf group
Лещук, Н. В
The article reveals developments of national resources of cutting lettuce of Lactuca sativa var. secalina L. varieties and methods for new varieties development involving breeding forms of Oakleaf group. Exotic forms of common knowledge varieties of Oakleaf group of salad were researched, newly developed Dublianskiy variety was applied for the official research and technical examination of plant varieties with the view of the variety official listing, as well as the rights thereof. Description of morphological description of characteristics was applied that would enable identifying new variety during the examination for distinctness, uniformity and stability. Summary of the studying value for cultivation and use of Dublianskiy variety (yield, maturity group, taste properties, tasting score, disease resistance) which is provided, which establishes working algorithm for cutting lettuce variety in various ecological gradients of its cultivation.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Correlative connechons anong quantitative features in Savoy Cabbage (Brassika olleccae L. var.sabauda Lizg) and Red Cabbage (Brassika olleccae L. convar. capitata (L.) Alef. var. capitata L. f. rubra (L.) Thell)
Жук, О. Я | Федосій, І. О | Волошина, О. І
The article provides research results of the correlation analysis on Savoy Cabbage and Red Cabbage varieties and hybrids as recommended for cultivation in steppe of Ukraine, looking for increased production and diversification of vegetable crops, improvement of their quality. Direct and inverse correlations of quantitative features have been completed. The best standards are selected for Savoy Cabbage: Dafni F1 in early-ripening hybrid, Chifteyn Savoy variety in middle-ripening group, Vertyu 1340 in middle-late group, and there is Saga F1 RS hybrid late-ripening group. There is strong cross-correlation dependence registered for Red Cabbage was in Olena variety among a group middle-ripening group, Gako 741 variety in middle-ripening group, Kalibos, Dauerrot, in the group of middle-late varieties, and Milana, Langendeyker, Langendeyker red, Granat, Pozdnyaya Krasavisa, Maxilla and Autoro F1 and Fuego hybrids of F1 in late-ripening group.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Peculiarities of key malicious items of blackcurrant development (Ribes nigrum L.) in the conditions of abiotic stress of 2010
Kozlova, E. A.
The trend for development and spreading of diseases and pests of blackcurrant at Orel region in the conditions of extreme drought in 2010 has been detected. Abnormal weather conditions of the summer and the lack of precipitation limited both growth of host plant and disease spreading. At the background of extreme conditions of 2010 the crop phenophases shifted to earlier dates. The awakening of wintering pathogen structures began in the classic dates of the spring, although in summer their biological cycle went off rapidly. Due to the lack of moisture the disease pathogens failed to fully realize their potential of development and spreading. A favorable aspect of the extreme conditions of vegetation period, the reducing of the protective measures against diseases, is to be admitted. Abnormal weather conditions accelerated the pathogen biological cycles and reduced the stock of wintering infection; meanwhile they provoked colonization of the plants by pests. In extremely high air temperature and lasting lack of precipitation the pests number was intensively increasing, exceeding the maliciousness threshold. Due to the above some additional insecticide and acaricide treatments of berry crops were applied. Thus, the vegetation period of 2010 was described as most favorable for the development and spreading of pests and less favorable for disease pathogens.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Effect of selection on green pea hybrid population structure
Стригун, В. М
The article features the results of variability study for one of the productivity characteristics in green pea, namely «number of seeds in the seedpod» for hybrid populations and for the selections made thereof. Statistical methods of analysis have established the levels of variability for the characteristics in F2 original population , the impact of the selection completed within F2 onto the variability of F3 hybrid population. This shows the efficiency of repeated selection from F3 population and its impact onto the level of expersiioon of the characteristic being studied in the resulting F6 population. As a conclusion, a good time is set for practical breeding with the characteristic of «number of seeds in a seedpod» for the selection, as well as for the methods for achieving its stable expression, that is to facilitate the decrease of durations and means for the tests conduct.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]