خيارات البحث
النتائج 1361 - 1370 من 1,558
Дослідження нових сортів люпину вузьколистого (Lupinus angustifolius L.) та люпину білого (Lupinus albus L.)
Н. П. Костенко | С. О. Лахтіонова
Люпин, як кормова культура є цінним джерелом білка збалансованого за амінокислотним складом. Також він відіграє важливу роль у підвищенні родючості ґрунту. Ґрунтовокліматичні умови зони Полісся та Лісостепу сприятливі для вирощування цієї рослини. У 2013 р. до Державного реєстру сортів рослин придатних до поширення в Україні занесено два нових сорти люпину вузьколистого Переможець і Грозинський 9 та сорт люпину білого Чабанський. Наведено результати ідентифікації морфологічного опису цих сортів на відповідність критеріям охороноздатності. Ідентифікація вищенаведених сортів люпину методом опису морфобіологічних ознак дає можливість отримати кодову формулу сорту. Проведено комплексне оцінювання господарсько-цінних показників. Нові сорти люпину вузьколистого та білого характеризуються високою продуктивністю та якістю, стійкістю до шкідливих хвороб. Сорти стійкі до вилягання, обсипання, гірка речовина (вміст алкалоїдів) у зерні відсутня. Сорти мають високі адаптивні властивості до умов Полісся та Лісостепу.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Output of continuous directed selection aimed at short stem development in Winter Rye (Secale cereale L.)
В. В. Скорик
The article provides progress report on the barley of F3к-10029/Saratovske 4 height decreasing throughout 1974 to 2012 by way of selecting plants of the shortest stem. 38 years of selecting the shortest stem genotypes cut down plant height by 5,7 times at the background of dominant Hl gene expression. Average plant height during 38 breeding cycles was descending by 2,69 cm, but this was not an even trend. New creative donor for ultimate short stem characteristic, Gnome 3, has been developed, with Hl-3Hl-3alleles designation. Relative impact on the efficacy of minus-selection by the plant height of the selection differential (38,00%) and inheritance coefficient in its narrow sense (14,56%) is established. Efficiency of the selection is realized with the decrease of winter rye height plants by 72,08% as expected by the relative breeding forecast. Analyzes is completed for 11 genetic and statistical clusters of average utilitarian characteristics of Gnome 3 ultra short stem rye over the period from 1974 to 2012.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Growth and development of sugar sorghum (Sorghum saccharatum L. Pers.) plants at different terms of sowing and seeding depth in the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine
Л. А. Герасименко
The article features the results of research on phenological observations, biometric parameters of growth and development of the plants of sugar sorghum Silosnoe 42 variety during the vegetation at different terms of sowing and seeding depth in the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. In particular, we show data on ground germination capacity of the seeds, the duration of the interphase periods, tillering, plant height and the diameter of the stem. It was established that the planting of sugar sorghum in mid-May (the third sowing date) to the seeding depth of 4...6 cm enabled better plant development, as well as in these conditions the maximum values of plant growth and development were registered compared to the other test editions. Therefore, were would suggest the third term of sowing and seed depth 4...6 cm for growing the crop in this area.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Impact of photosynthetically active radiation on vegetable bean yield under the conditions of Forest-Steppe of Ukraine
В. Б. Кутовенко | Н. С. Гаврилюк
The article highlights potential features for the varieties of vegetable bean and actual losses of yield subject to the total amount of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) received over the vegetation period in the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. It is established that the potential of the vegetable bean yield in Ukraine depends on PAR received over the vegetation period. All the varieties had their yield upon receiving PAR higher by 0,26-0,41 t / ha compared to that of control. Potential yield of vegetable bean varieties when PAR is used by 2% amounted to 57.25–59.30 t / ha, which was 2.2–3.6 times more than their actual yield. The smallest actual yield loss compared to that potential was inherent in the varieties of Bartoli and Windsor (2.2–2.3 times). The actual yield losses for Karadag and Karestyno varieties were the highest, namely 3.6 times higher compared to the potential prospect.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Conformity of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) quality characteristics to standard requirements subject to varietal characteristics and growth factors
Н. О. Ящук
Influence of varietal characteristics and growth factors on the quality of Natsional’na and Polis’ka 90 winter wheat varieties was studded. Grain of Polis’ka 90 variety was distinguished by considerable variability of grades, however, the grain of Natsional’na variety was exposed to greater number of growth factors. Grain unit index influenced the grain quality grade of Natsional’na 90 determination, gluten quality and protein and fiber content indices influenced that of Polis’ka 90. It was established that the grain of Polis’ka variety in most of the cases had higher grades of quality than Natsional’na variety. The highest grades of quality were registered for the seed harvested after perennial grasses, namely 2d and 3d grades of Natsional’na variety and the 1t and the 2d for Polis’ka 90 variety. Greater grades of quality were registered for the seed grown according to intensive and ecological farming systems (generally, grades 1 to 3), while the lower grades were inherent to biological system (generally, grades 3 to 5).
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Correlative connechons anong quantitative features in Savoy Cabbage (Brassika olleccae L. var.sabauda Lizg) and Red Cabbage (Brassika olleccae L. convar. capitata (L.) Alef. var. capitata L. f. rubra (L.) Thell)
О. Я. Жук | І. О. Федосій | О. І. Волошина
The article provides research results of the correlation analysis on Savoy Cabbage and Red Cabbage varieties and hybrids as recommended for cultivation in steppe of Ukraine, looking for increased production and diversification of vegetable crops, improvement of their quality. Direct and inverse correlations of quantitative features have been completed. The best standards are selected for Savoy Cabbage: Dafni F1 in early-ripening hybrid, Chifteyn Savoy variety in middle-ripening group, Vertyu 1340 in middle-late group, and there is Saga F1 RS hybrid late-ripening group. There is strong cross-correlation dependence registered for Red Cabbage was in Olena variety among a group middle-ripening group, Gako 741 variety in middle-ripening group, Kalibos, Dauerrot, in the group of middle-late varieties, and Milana, Langendeyker, Langendeyker red, Granat, Pozdnyaya Krasavisa, Maxilla and Autoro F1 and Fuego hybrids of F1 in late-ripening group.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Donor of winter rye short stem (Secale cereale L.) Gnom 1
В. В. Скорик
The article proves that the genetic cluster analysis using of parents – offspring system at the period of 38 generations of directional intentional selection to short stem, the height of winter rye plants has been reduced less than 90 cm with simultaneously productivity integral components increasing. Directional selection on parent plants short stem has revealed pleiotropic effects to increasing averages of productivity yield capacity, spike length, flowers number, grains, and short stem and simultaneously its productivity reducing, plant and weight reducing of 100 direct descendants grains. Plant height donor of short stem Gnome 1 has been controlled prevailing by genetic factors and has been less influenced by environmental conditions. Selection by enlargement of elite plants grains has predetermined genetically increasing of the average height of families in the next generation without the concept selection requirements satisfaction. Therefore, the directed selections, by the structural analysis results, are annually held in two phases, first – to the expressed short stem and then among of them – to the high weight of 100 grains per plant and desirable productivity elements. A creative dominant short stem donor with stems up to 90 cm and a weight of 100 grains per plant more than 4.0 g has been made. A short stem spike shortness donor Dwarf 1possesses a significant reserve of common genetic mutation of quantitative characteristics, which can be used by direct and indirect selection. This population has been represented by its large amount, in order to enhance capabilities of directional selection plants short stem providing with the desired productivity components during the studying. Informative additive genetic cluster analysis is high. Plants productivity is considered to be extremely complicated selection characteristics, including many component constituents parts related genetically. One of these traits changing inevitably causes genetic changes in other breeding traits. The aim of the task should be set clearly and information flow should be methodically and genetically corrected used. Keywords: winter rye, the efficiency of selection, inheritance, short stem, Dwarf 1, pleiotropic effects, genotypic, additive correlation.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Considering the issue of potato variety qualifying examination (Solanum tuberosum L.)
А. А. Подгаєцький
208 potato varieties of domestic and foreign breeding have been examined on Ustymivska examination station of V. Yur’eva plant production Institute UAAS to determine their response during planting material use. By experiment research results was established different variety productivity depending on the origin of plant material and growing in different soil and climatic conditions, applying the special term »zone change growing plant material effect”. As a result of the three-year productivity of different reproduction locations the same varieties potato planting material assessment was founded that in most cases, superiority in performance were varieties that were grown from imported seeds. Experimental studies proved the impact on the productivity expression of physiological aging of the tubers used for planting.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Scrutinizing morpho-agrobiological properties of soft winter wheat new varieties (Triticum aestivum L.)
П. М. Василюк
The research of morho-agrobiological, yield related, adaptive properties and flexibility of soft winter wheat new varieties as listed in the State Register of Varieties in 2011-2012 has been completed. Types of requirements to the conditions of production, intensity level have been established, classification by plant height and maturity group completed. Among the recently listed varieties highly intensive and intensive varieties prevail, while there is a lack of flexible varieties that narrows the varietal diversity, atrophy of the ecological flexibility and adaptivity, as well as does not facilitate yield stability over the years. The highest productivity potential has been established The research of morhogrobiological, yield related, adaptive properties and flexibility of soft winter wheat new varieties as listed in the State Register of Varieties in 2011-2012 has been completed. Types of requirements to the conditions of production, intensity level have been established, classification by plant height and maturity group completed. Among the recently listed varieties highly intensive and intensive varieties prevail, while there is a lack of flexible varieties that narrows the varietal diversity, atrophy of the ecological flexibility and adaptivity, as well as does not facilitate yield stability over the years. The highest productivity potential has been established
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Selection of tomato hybrids (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) for cultivation in the extended culture winter greenhouses
І. Л. Гаврись
The article presents the estimation of economic and biological characteristics of indeterminant tomato hyb rids (Raisa F1, Macarena F1, Emotion F1, Anabel F1, Mariachi F1) under conditions of winter hydroponic. The earliest emergence of fruits is established for Macarena F1 tomato hydrid. The total number of brushes, flo ers and w fruits formed on the plant during the vegetation period, is determined. The degree of fruit inception, yield per plant and average weight of the plant are measured. The monthly dynamics of hybrid tomato crops is presented. The largest harvest was collected through May to July. Marketable and non-marketable portions of the harvest and commercial quality of tomato fruits are determined. A close correlation between fruit weight and fruit yield is established. The Macarena F1 hybrid is distinguished as the most precocious and high-yielding variety.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]