خيارات البحث
النتائج 21 - 30 من 113
Хімічний склад люцерно-злакових травосумішок залежно від способу сівби, їх видового складу й удобрення
В. І. Іскра
Розглядаються питання зміни хімічного складу люцерно- злакових травосумішок залежно від способу сівби, видового складу й удобрення.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Securing on methods for conduct of tests for patentabiliti of millet varieties (Panicum miliaceum L.)
О. І. Рудник
То argue and the paper presents of fundamental positions method for test new varieties millet of distinctness, uniformity and stability to development by results of Institute of Agriculture of UAAS.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]The use of winter wheat initial material of west-european ecotype and its role in creation of high adaptive vагіеtіеs
М. П. Чебаков | Г. Д. Лебедєва | В. А. Власенко
The genealogy of the separate sorts of mild winter of International Breeding Research Laboratory V. N. Remeslo Mironovka Institute of Wheat were analyzed. And sources of forming the sings, providing their high adaptability, were also found . it is shown that the main role in sort productivity, their stabilityto sickness and to unfavourable factors of environment played a starting material of west-european ecotype.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]The influence state of quiet seeds of letuce Lactuca sativa I. on the change of anatomy construction and chemical compozition
Н. В. Лещук | Л. А. Шпак
Open seeds - difficult (complex) biological system. The same plants gives seeds with different morphological indication (form, size, dyeing, weight 1000 seeds), anatomical and physiological properties. The physiological properties are correlation, state of quiet, influence on the anatomy construction and chemical composition of seeds lettuce Lactuca sativa L.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Sulfur root seed yield (anethum graveolens) in accordance with different sowing terms on the forest-steppe territory of Ukraine
Г. Л. Уніяка
Under investigation inflluence period of sowing and presowing processing on productionity seeds of dill.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]The use of Plants biological potential and the yield prognosis of white head саbbаgе
В. В. Хареба
In the article there are surveyed approaches to the use of biological - ecological potential of white head cabbage plants, given parameters of varieties adaptability and economically-valuable signs variability, depending on a temperature factor, water supply. The yield prognosis is worked out.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Scientific principles of the forming of the variety composition of cereal crops in Ukraine
М. А. Литвиненко | В. В. Волкодав
The main principles of the forming of the scientifically based variety policy of Ukraine are described. A great role during the creating of varieties and hybrids with certain quantitative and qualitative characteristics belongs to the producers of the cereal and seed production, enterprises of the processing industry, firms, which supply their varieties to the world market.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]The past and actual Plant Variety Examination in Ukraine
А. В. Андрющенко | К. М. Кривицький
The Article states forth the ways of post-war reproduction establishment and development, reorganization and activity of the Plant Variety Examination network almost during 80 years of its existence
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Sort sourceof pea in Ukraine and in the world
А. М. Шевченко
The sorts different by economic-biologic character of unshed seed, breeded in Ukraine and abroad obtained wide spreading in production. Expediency using lugansky or samarsky type of determinant stability to healthy growth. Breeding sorts with tendril type of leaf give the positive results in increase stability of the plants to damping-off. The sorts combining named recessive character with another aconomic-value traits of grain pea made and suggested to production.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]The cucumber variety resources and ways of their use
Л. Є. Плужнікова | О. В. Сергієнко | Л. О. Радченко
There are analysed cucumber varietal resources and directions of their use. The results of the study of 400 cucumber variety samples of native- and native and foreign breeding under conditions of the open sheltered ground (spring - summer crop rotation) are elucidated. The best ones are revealed, which are characterized by early ripening, productivity, the sign of parthenocarpy.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]