خيارات البحث
النتائج 251 - 260 من 1,558
Ecological testing of winter wheat varieties bred at the Institute of Irrigated Farming of the Ukrainian National Academy of Agrarian Sciences in Turkey
Л. О. Усик | Г. Г. Базалій | Н. Д. Колесникова
Purpose. Study of winter wheat varieties that were bred at the Institute of Irrigated Farming NAAS through ecological testing in Turkey. Test procedures both in Ukraine and Turkey meet the requirements of the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV). Methods. Field, laboratory ones: structural analysis, quality analysis, statistical analysis. Results. The Exporter Unions Seed and Research Company (ITAS) during 2011–2013 tested winter wheat varieties bred at the Institute of Irrigates Farming (IIF) NAAS at four areas of the Central Plateau of Turkey comparing them with local varieties registered in this country. According to the results of these tests the Exporter Unions Seed and Research Company identified Kohana variety as candidate for the state registration in Turkey. Conclusions. The realisation of the innovative product in Ukraine and entitlement to use intellectual property due to licensing agreements is expected. The Institute of Irrigated Farming NAAS continues to create new varieties of winter wheat which can be transferred to other countries for testing for the purpose of introduction and further expansion.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]The role of variety in increasing seed productivity of China Aster (Callistephus chinensis (L.) Nees)
Л. О. Шевель | О. І. Рудник-Іващенко
Рurpose. Determining the influence of the varietal features on seed productivity of China Aster when growing under conditions of Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine. Methods. Field study during 2011–2013 on experimental field of Institute of Horticulture of the National Academy of Agriculture Sciences. Results. It was experimentally determined the influence of varietal features on seed productivity for various sort-types of China Aster. Based on morphological description, the growth and development of this plant was shown as well as dependence of generative organs on quantitative parameters of vegetative ones, and their impact on the productivity of various variety types either of the Institute of Horticulture or other scientific institutions breeding. Structure of flowers for various sort-types was illustrated. The most productive varieties were identified among those that are included in the State Register of plant varieties suitable for dissemination in Ukraine which have formed the average of 3 g of seeds or more per plant during the years of study. Conclusions. Edaphoclimatic conditions of the Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine are favorable for seed-producing industry of China Aster. Its productivity considerably depends on a variety and sort-type to which it belongs.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Effect of plant growth regulators on the yield of such red beetroot varieties as Bordeaux Kharkivskyi and Aktion
І. М. Бобось | М. В. Ободовський
Purpose. Revealing of adaptive properties of plant varieties of red beet Bordeaux Kharkivskyi and Aktion based on the study of plant growth regulators for marketable production in the Steppe zone of Ukraine. Methods. Field, laboratory ones, variance analysis. Results. The influence of plant growth regulators (Lignogumat, Betastimulin) on earliness and productivity of such red beet varieties as Bordeaux Kharkivskyi and Aktion was established. Conclusions. Plant growth regulators (Betastimulin, Lignogumat) stimulated seed sprouting of red beet Bordeaux Kharkivskyi and Aktion varieties, activated vegetative plant growth increasing marketable yield. Application of Betastimulin (0.2%) for red beet Kharkivskyi Bordeaux and Aktion varieties provides the highest number of marketable beetroots, thus forming marketable yield of 44.7 and 54.9 t/ha respectively with the average beetroot weight of 328–519 g.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Considering issue of regulating of Ukrainian names of plants. Communication 1. Names for Vaccinium species
В. М. Меженський
Nomenclature of genus Vaccinium considered, as well as the application of names for indigenous and introduced species and denomination of fruit crops as derived from those species. System of binary species names for Vaccinium s.l. has been proposed as based on the Ukrainian generic name ‘lokhina’ that best complies with the principles for establishing generic names.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Productivity of late varieties of white cabbage (Brassica oleraceae L. subsp. capitata (L.) Alef. var. alba) depending on the sort types
О. Я. Жук | П. Б. Вороніна
Purpose. Conducting economic evaluations of late varieties of white cabbage of various sort types bred by Kyiv experimental station of the Institute of Vegetables and Melons NAAS of Ukraine (IVM). Methods. Field, laboratory, statistical. Results. Experimental studies included phenological observations of plants growth and development, biometric measurements of vegetative and edible parts of plants, determination of biochemical сomposition of heads, records of yield and storability of late varieties of white cabbage of such sort types as Amager and Langedijska winter. Varieties with the highest yield, best biochemical composition and excellent storability of cabbage heads during four and six month periods were identified. Conclusions. Among the cabbage samples of Amager sort types, late variety Vasylyna was characterized by the highest yields. Olga variety provided the significant increase in productivity. Violanta variety had the highest yield within the sort type Langedijska (Langendijker) winter. Knyagynіa variety far exceed indices of standard Langendijker detsema. Late varieties of the first sort type produced the highest yield, the second ones demonstrated better biochemical composition and excellent storability of cabbage heads during four and six month period.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Morphological and cytological characters for defining Stevia ‘Honeyleaf’ tetraploids
Г. В. Цвігун
Purpose. Determination of peculiarities of anatomical and morphological characters of stevia plants to accelerate the identification of tetraploid forms. Methods. Field, laboratory and analysis-of-variance methods. Results. It was established that larger leaf area index (19–38%), fewer stomata per unit area (by 39–48%), larger diameter of pollen grains (by 42–92%) is a characteristic feature of anatomical and morphological characters of stevia tetraploid forms as compared to diploid ones. Conclusions. The parameters of leaf plate, the size of stomata and diameter of pollen grains are auxiliary selection criteria (rapid test). For tetraploid forms of stevia, leaf area index (the ratio of leaf blade length to width), size of stomata and diameter of pollen grains is truly larger as compared to diploid forms. Chromosomes number determination based on cytological analysis is the major and the most accurate criterion for selection of tetraploid forms, that seems advisable to use it at later stages of selection.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Результати вивчення інтродукованих зразків зернобобових культур в Устимівському інтродукційно-карантинному розсаднику
С. М. Холод
Мета. Узагальнити результати вивчення інтродукованих зразків зернобобових культур в Устимівському інтродукційно-карантинному розсаднику (Полтавська обл.) та виявити цінні ознаки у матеріалу, різного за географічним походженням, в умовах південної частини Лісостепу України. Методи. Польовий, лабораторний, узагальнення, аналітичний. Результати. За період 2005–2015 рр. проведено первинне вивчення 2282 нових зразків різних видів та сортотипів гороху, нуту, сочевиці, квасолі, сої, чини й люпину за такими основними селекційними та господарсько-цінними ознаками, як скоростиглість, крупнонасіннєвість, високе прикріплення нижніх бобів, висока озерненість, стійкість до вилягання та осипання насіння. Висновки. В результаті первинного вивчення зразків зернобобових культур зарубіжного походження виділено нові джерела й донори цінних господарських, біологічних ознак. Залучення нового матеріалу та його використання в селекційних програмах забезпечить розширення генетичної основи цінних господарських ознак, а отже, підвищення рівня та стабільності їхнього прояву у створених сортах та лініях.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Comparative evaluation of tomato varieties (Licopersicum esculentum Mill.) in the Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine
О. Я. Жук | Г. Б. Яременко
Purpose. Comparative evaluation of varieties of tomato bred by Kyiv experimental station of the Institute of vegetables and melons (IVM) NAAS of Ukraine with allowance for different fruit shapes. Methods. Field, laboratory, statistical ones. Results. Since varietal characteristics can greatly influence the course of the growth process, the experiment included phenological observations of plants growth and development, biometric measurements of plants and fruits, productivity records, besides, biochemical values of fruits with various shape were defined (flat-round and plum-shaped fruits). Varieties with the highest yield, best biochemical values and earlier fruit ripening were identified. Conclusions. Among the samples of tomato with flat-round fruits, Zoren variety had the shortest time interval from mass germination up to early ripening of fruits, Myroliubivskyi variety – in the group of plum-shaped fruits. In the first group Atlasnyi variety had the highest yield, in the second – Khoriv variety. Atlasnyi (flat-round fruits) and Oberig (plum-shaped fruits) varieties had the best biochemical values. Varieties with plum-shaped fruits excelled samples with flat-round fruits at biochemical composition.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Ecological stability and plasticity of potato varieties in Polissia
Е. Р. Ермантраут | З. Б. Києнко | В. М. Маційчук | О. М. Фещук
Purpose. Substantiating the selection of potato varieties for their ecological plasticity and stability to grow in Polissia. Methods. Field, laboratory, analitycal and statystical ones. Results. Impact of weather conditions during the growing season on the stability of potato varieties was estimated by indicators of yield, starch content and collection over the years by determining the average, standard deviation, minimum, maximum values and range of variation. ‘Memphis’, ‘Faluka’, ‘Arsenal’ and ‘Evolution’ were distinguished from the studied potato varieties by high genetic stability – their deviation from the average variance marked «minus» had values that were significantly less than zero. ‘Faktor’, ‘Flamenko’ and ‘Evora’ varieties are plastic (deviation is close to ±0), ‘Kolomba’, ‘Arizona’ and ‘Voliumiia’ ones – very plastic (deviation is most distant from zero). The studied varieties were distributed by homeostasis as follows: ‘Arizona’, ‘Colombo’, ‘Factor’ and ‘Memphis’ are the most valuable. Conclusions. ‘Evora’ potato variety can be considered intensive in terms of yield. ‘Evolution’ and ‘Flamenco’ varieties formed stable yields, during the years of study the difference between their maximum and minimum yields was the least – 8.2 and 9.3 tons per ha, respectively. Environmental assessment according to Eberhart and Russell indicates a high genetic stability of such potato varieties as ‘Arizona’, ‘Volyumiia’, ‘Kolombo’, ‘Evora’ and ‘Flamenko’. Conditions of Zhytomyr Oblast Plant Varieties Studying Centre are the most favorable among the studied regions to cultivate potato varieties.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Biochemical properties of new varieties of rape
Рудник-Іващенко, О. І | Шовгун, О. О | Іваницька, А. П | Щербиніна, Н. П | Ляшенко, С. О | Чухлєб, С. Л | Бадяка, О. О
100 rape varieties and hybrids of domestic and foreign selection that have been grown in the different soil-climatic zones of the country were evaluated. The paper presents the results of study by their biochemical characteristics: content of protein, oil and its fatty acid composition. High-oil varieties of rape are identifi ed with high content of erucic acid in oil – for the technical purposes and those without or with its low content – for food industry.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]