خيارات البحث
النتائج 431 - 440 من 1,558
Production testing of the winter rape (Brassica napus L.)
Парій, Ф. М | Опалко, А. І | Черненко, А. Д
Advantages of heterotic hybrids of the winter rape in the competitive and in the production testing proven. While certain advantages in the productivity of cultivar of the Czech selection of Odila above the domestic cultivar of Dangal got in the competitive testing in the production testing confirmed. It is established that the greatest productivity in the production testing was had hybrids Vsesvit F1t Zapalnyj Fb G-3 Fi and G-4 Fi, which are characterized the stable and yearly high productivity and combine the productivity with adaptability to the environmental conditions of area of Forest- steppe of Ukraine.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]The foggotten pages of history
Смиков, В. К
The history of creation and distribution of apple cultivar Renet Burhardta created by N .A. Gartvis is described.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Commercial and biological characteristics of pear gene pool (Pyrus communis L.) of VNIISPK
Красова, Н. Г | Глазова, Н. М
The study results for many years (1972- 2006) of pear gene pool in the All- Russian Research Institute of Horticultural Breeding are given. The cultivars and selections have been singled out for wide dissemination and use in breeding.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Productivity and quality of a grain wheat durum spring (Triticum durum Dest.) in depending on fertilizers
Бараболя, О. В
It was studied the impact of mineral fertilizers on productivity and grain quality of wheat durum spring. Glassiness of grain, protein and gluten contain increase along with increase of doses of nitrogenous fertilizer. Maximum grain productivity was achieved by mineral fertilizers in combination on autumn fallow N60P60K60. after pea - N90P60K60
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Methodical approaches to the cutting lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.)
Кривицький, К. М | Лещук, Н. В
Methodical approaches to the cutting lettuce new varieties morphological characteristics grouping are found with regard to the botanical classification of the species. New morphological characteristics, used for new varieties of plants grouping and examination for distinctness are defined.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Improvement of diseases resistance and productivity of winter wheat varieties and their post- registration studying
Гончаренко, М. П | Андрющенко, А. В | Уліч, Л. І | Кривий, М. С | Пашківська, Ю. В | Бусмак, О. А
Results of four-years assessment of approximately 90 winter wheat varieties at post- registration research on the background of crops chemical protection and in its absence at Biloczerkivska DSDS (forest- steppe zone) and Borodianska DSDS (subforest zone) are represented in this article. Methods of their immunological assessment and determination of potential productivity have been developed too. Authors are recommending to conduct immunological assessment of varieties on their natural background of diseases development and assess potential productivity in conditions of plants chemical protection as this is the element of crop growing technology.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Plant varietal recourses of Ukraine in 2008
Гончарук, В. Я | Загинайло, М. І
On the base of examinational institutions activity results summarizing by the Experts Council of State Variety Service, decision to recommend varieties for state registration of the proprietary right of intellectual property for dissemination, state registration of the proprietary rights of intellectual property, to approve the List of Perspective for Dissemination in Ukraine in 2008 Varieties, to decline state registration of the proprietary right of intellectual property, has been approved.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Affection of black currant (Ribes nigrum L.) varieties of National agrarian university by diseases
Гав’юк, П. М
The author presents the results of studying of black currant 9 varieties resistance against pathogenic fungi. The most resistant varieties against Sphaerotheka mors-uvae Berk, et Curt are Yarynka, Leleka and Pamyaty Leonyda Mycha- levskogo; against Septoria ribis Desm - Leleka and Govtva; against Cronartium ribicola Dietr - Yarynka, Dochka Vorskly and Govtva.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Developing apple cultivars (Malus domestica Borkh.) of juice purpose
Левгерова, Н. С | Седов, Є. М | Саліна, Є. С | Серова, З. М
The fruit of apple scab immune hybrids, obtained from the targeted crossings for suitability for juice production, were estimated. The most perspective hybrids were selected. They are not inferior to the world juice cultivars in the basic technological characters (juice output), and even surpass them in a number of these characters (the content of SDS and P-active catechols in juice).
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]The foggotten pages of history
В. К. Смиков
The history of creation and distribution of apple cultivar Renet Burhardta created by N .A. Gartvis is described.
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