خيارات البحث
النتائج 51 - 57 من 57
Influence of agroecological conditions of edaphic-climatic macro- and microzones on adaptability and productivity of new soft winter wheat varieties
О. Л. Уліч | Н. П. Костенко | С. О. Ткачик | С. М. Гринів | М. І. Загинайло | В. М. Лисікова | Ю. Ф. Терещенко
Purpose. To study the influence of agriecological conditions of edaphic-climatic macro- and microzones on adaptability and productivity of new soft winter wheat, identification and selection of complementary varieties for appropriate conditions. Methods. Field, laboratory, analytical and statistical ones. Results. Peculiarities of the formation of productivity of varieties and its stability cultivation on the condions of cultivation in edaphic-climatic zones, subzones and microzones, including favourable and unfavourable years were studied. For realizing the potential of their productivity, it is advisable to introduce a differentiated approach to their cultivation in agri-climatic zones, subzones, microzones according to the requirements of biological characteristics of varieties, their natural adaptive capacity, natural and ecological environment of these zones. Complementary varieties were identified and recommended for use in edaphic-climatic zones, subzones and microzones that demonstrated high plasticity, better adaptability to favourable agri-ecological factors and were more tolerant and resistant to adverse ones. Conclusions. According to the set of productivity and ecological plasticity indices, it is desirable to cultivate varieties Sotnytsya, Kalancha, Hurt, Tonatsiya, Dobrochyn, Gubernator Donu in the Steppe zone; Sotnytsya, Oriyka, Lira Odeska, Tatsitus and Fidelius – in the Forest-Steppe; Tatsitus, Fidelius, Sailor, Etela – in the Polissia.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Considering scientific application of RHS biological scale for plant varieties identification
Н. В. Лещук | В. М. Ткаченко | Н. В. Павлюк
Living organisms in nature harmonize through the medium of light spectrum and sound vibration. Therefore the issue of applying the scientific customization of color scale to identification of vegetative and generative parts of plans remain up to date, namely: identification if states of expression for hues of green color of stem and foliage, variability of color range for petals of follower corolla, coloration of pericarp and seed etc. A scientific rationale is provided to the application of RHS during the qualifying examination of plant varieties by way of identification – morphological description. This also disclosed the application of RHS to visualize various qualitative and pseudo-qualitative morphological characteristics of vegetative and generative parts of plants. The performed chronological monitoring of stag-by-stage introduction of standardization of living biological items enabled to establish a customized gradation of colors and their hues expression. Ensuring completeness of the morphological code formula for plant varieties requires compulsory identification of their colors and hues, as the Guidelines for the conduct of test on distinctness, uniformity and stability so provide for relevant botanical taxon.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Characteristics of vegetable bean varieties depending on the plant nutrition area
В. Б. Кутовенко | Н. П. Костенко | В. О. Іноземцева
Purpose. Studying the norm of reaction of vegetable bean varieties depending on the feeding area, namely the row width. Methods. Field, biometriс, statistical, laboratory ones. Results. ‘Karadag’ (k), ‘Windsorski’, ‘Bartoli’ and ‘Karestino’ varieties were trialed during 2012–2014. In the course of trial the peculiarities were studied concerning the formation of plant height, the number of beans and seed weight of vegetable bean varieties depending on the row width in the phase of technical maturity of the beans. It was found that differential of plant height growth was changed to a greater degree in ‘Windsorsky’ variety (+9,3 cm for every 10 cm) in case of row width narrowing from 60 to 20 cm. ‘Windsorsky’ variety had the largest number of beans and the highest seed weight per plant – 8.9 beans and 14.44 g respectively. Seeds of ‘Karestino’ variety were large, their weight per plant made up 10.56 g, the number of beans totaled to 6.6. Conclusions. The maximum influence of feeding area on a height of plants was found in the phase of technical maturity of beans. The largest increase in plant height for every 10 cm of row spacing was observed in ‘Karadag’ and ‘Windsorski’ varieties. The number of beans also is depended on feeding area. With its reducing, the number of beans and their weight per plant was also reduced in all variants. The largest number of beans and the highest seed weight per plant were in variants with feeding area of 1200 cm2 (row width was 60 cm).
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]The morphometric parameters of seeds of genus Echinacea Moench representatives and their association with agrometeorological factors
С. В. Поспєлов
Purpose. To study morphometric parameters of fruits (cypselae) of purple coneflower (Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench) of ‘Zirka Mykoly Vavylova’ cultivar and pale coneflower (Echinacea pallida (Nutt.) Nutt) of ‘Krasunia Prerii’ cultivar and determine the impact of agro-meteorological factors on their performance according to long-term data. Methods. Laboratory, Mathematics and Statistics. Results. It was found that the parameters of cypselae and its weight in various types of coneflowers varied considerably from year to year. In this context the indicators of cypselae width and thickness had a larger variability as compared with the length. Mean length of Echinacea purpurea ranged from 4,57 to 6,16 mm, width – 2,30–2,97 mm, thickness – 1,74–2,28 mm. Weight of a cypselae made up 4,40–6,50 mg. Length of a fruit of Echinacea pallida was 4,57–5,74 mm, width – 2,51–3,18 mm, thickness – 1,76–2,37 mm, and a fruit weight varied from 5,65 to 7,70 mg. The correlation analysis revealed reliable connection of agro-climatic parameters and the parameters of the fruit. Conclusions. Using long-term data, the morphology of cypselaes of two Echinacea species introduced to Ukraine were studied, their basic parameters and the variability of indicators, connection with agro-climatic factors that is necessary to consider in crop growing for seeds .
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Вплив строків сівби на водоспоживання сортів вівса в умовах Степу України
А. О. Семяшкіна
Мета. Дослідити особливості водоспоживання сортів вівса за різних строків сівби в умовах недостатнього та нестабільного режиму зволоження в північній частині Степу України. Методи. Польовий, метод синтезу, статистичний. Результати. Встановлено, що максимальну кількість вологи споживав сорт Скакун за сівби в оптимальні строки та в разі їх зміщення, що зумовлено його тривалішим вегетаційним періодом. Сумарне водоспоживання за вегетаційний період у нього становило 3189–2826 м3/га. Найменшу кількість вологи споживав сорт Кубанський – 2976 м3/га за оптимальних строків сівби та 2632 м3/га – за сівби зі зміщенням на 15 діб. Сорт Синельниківський 1321 за рівнем сумарного водоспоживання займав проміжне положення між оцінюваними сортами – він споживав 3069 м3/га вологи за сівби в оптимальні строки та 2732 м3/га – у разі її зміщення на 15 діб. Висновки. В умовах північної частини Степу України ефективне використання наявної вологи визначається здатністю деяких сортів краще адаптуватися до несприятливих за водним режимом умов вирощування. Сорт Синельниківський 1321 є найбільш посухостійким серед оцінених сортів. Середньопосухостійким виявився сорт Скакун. Оптимальні строки сівби є найпридатнішими для цієї зони. Сівба вівса в пізніші строки призводить до зменшення сумарного водоспоживання та підвищення коефіцієнтів водоспоживання. Найраціональніше волога використовується в разі сівби вівса в оптимальні строки та в умовах вищого природного вологозабезпечення.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Graphical analysis of data obtained during environmental test of spring barley varieties (Hordeum vulgare L.) using GGE biplot
П. М. Солонечний
Purpose. To use GGE biplot analysis for assessing variability of spring barley varieties yield and identify the most valuable genotypes. Methods. Field, mathematical-and-statistical ones. Results. GGE biplot in the form of polygon showed that environments Е1, Е3 and Е4 form the first «megaenvironment» in which Donetskyi 15 variety «wins», environment E2 – the second «megaenvironment» in which Vzirets variety «wins». The varieties Stepovyk and Donetskyi 14 had the highest average yield while the varieties Modern, Vektor, and Kozvan were marked by their high stability. The Stepovyk variety appeared to be an «ideal» genotype in terms of combining yield capacity and its stability as compared to other genotypes. The Donetskyi 14, Kosar and Alegro varieties are also valuable regarding yield capacity and stability. Conclusions. According to the results of studies, GGE biplot is recommended to use for analysis of environmental test data.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Influence of growth regulators EpinTM and Emistym C on the productivity of plantations and fruit quality of strawberry varieties (Fragaria ananassa (Weston) Duсhesne ex Rozier)
А. М. Силаєва | М. М. Спірочкіна
Purpose. To study the effect of growth regulators EpinTM and Emistym C on yield and quality of strawberry berries of five varieties (Fragaria ananassa (Weston) Duсhesne ex Rozier) with various ripening time. Methods. Field, laboratory, analytical and statistical ones. Results. It was found that there were no impact of growth regulators EpinTM and Emistym C on the speed of phenological phases of strawberry plants development. It was experimentally determined the impact of mentioned substances on the yield of most studied varieties. Laboratory analysis has confirmed the changes in biochemical composition of strawberries. Conclusions. The use of growth regulators EpinTM end Emistym C had a positive effect on fruit yield and quality of studied strawberry varieties. Spraying with these substances increased yields by 14–51% as compared with the control. Content of sugars, dry matter and vitamin C in berries of most of varieties was increasing. At the same time the level of acidity in case of spraying with growth regulators was significantly reducing.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]