خيارات البحث
النتائج 591 - 600 من 1,558
Селекційна цінність колекційних зразків пшениці твердої ярої за показниками продуктивності в умовах Лісостепу України | Breeding value of spring durum wheat accessions for performance traits under environment of Ukrainian Forest-Steppe
Федоренко, М. В. | Хоменко, С. О. | Кочмарський, В. С. | Федоренко, І. В.
Мета. Виділити зразки пшениці твердої ярої з високим рівнем урожайності та за елементами структури врожаю для їх залучення як вихідного матеріалу в селекційні програми.Методи. Польові, статистичні.Результати. Упродовж 2016–2018 рр. досліджено 65 колекційних зразків пшениці твердої ярої різного еколого-географічного походження за показниками продуктивності. Зразки мали різний рівень урожайності залежно від умов року вирощування. За розрахунками параметрів ступеня стабільності врожайності виявлено зразки, що за зміни погодних умов забезпечують її рівень із коефіцієнтом регресії, близьким до одиниці – ‘Омский изумруд’ (RUS), ‘Корона’, ‘Тома’, ‘Наурыз 6’ (KAZ), ‘Duraking’, ‘Candura’ (CAN), ‘Тера’, ‘Новація’ (UKR), що вказує на їхню приналежність до напівінтенсивного типу. Широкою екологічною реакцією відрізняються колекційні зразки пшениці твердої ярої, які за оптимальних погодних умов здатні забезпечувати значний приріст урожайності. До них належать зразки з коефіцієнтом регресії більше одиниці – ‘МІП Райдужна’, ‘Гордеіформе 13-07’ (UKR), ‘Лан’, ‘Салаут’, ‘Ертол’ (KAZ), ‘Безенчукская 205’, ‘Лилек’ (RUS). Ці зразки можна охарактеризувати за адаптивними властивостями як інтенсивні, з вираженою реакцією на середовище. За роки досліджень озерненість колоса варіювала від 35,9 до 38,8 шт. Найсприятливішим для росту й розвитку рослин виявився 2016 р.: індекс умов становив 4,1, а середня озерненість колоса – 41,4 шт. Менш сприятливими виявилися 2017 і 2018 pp., тому мало місце від’ємне значення індексу умов року (lj = -5,1 та lj = 0,5 відповідно) за нижчої кількості зерен із колоса (32,2 та 38,2 шт. відповідно). За ознакою «маса 1000 зерен» виявлено зразки, які мають коефіцієнт регресії, близький до одиниці – ‘Корона’, ‘Рая’ (KAZ), ‘Лилек’, ‘Безенчукская 205’ (RUS), ‘МІП Райдужна’ (UKR). Маса зерна з колоса в колекційних зразків варіювала від 1,27 до 1,77 г. Виділено стабільні зразки – ‘Ертол’, ‘Салаут’, ‘Дамсинская янтарная’ (KAZ), ‘Лилек’ (RUS), ‘Новація’ (UKR), ‘Duraking’, ‘Candura’ (CAN), що мають перспективне значення в селекції пшениці ярої та можуть бути залучені до гібридизації.Висновки. Виділено стабільні та пластичні зразки з колекційного матеріалу пшениці твердої ярої за показниками продуктивності для залучення в наукові програми як вихідний матеріал. | Purpose. To identify spring durum wheat accessions with high yield level and by yield components for their involvement in breeding programs as a source material.Methods. Field, statistical.Results. The results of the study of 65 collection samples of spring durum wheat of various ecological and geographical origin in terms of productivity in 2016–2018 are presented. The research results indicate that the samples of spring durum wheat had different yield level depending on the conditions of the year of cultivation. According to the calculations of the degree of yield stability parameters, the samples were found that ensure its level under fluctuations in weather conditions with regression coefficient close to one as follows ‘Omskiy izumrud’ (RUS), ‘Korona’, ‘Toma’, ‘Nauryz 6’ (KAZ), ‘Dura king’, ‘Candura’ (CAN), ‘Tera’, ‘Novatsiia’ (UKR), thus indicating their semi-intensive type. Collection samples of spring durum wheat that under optimal weather conditions are capable of producing significant yield increase are distinguished by wide ecological reaction. These are samples with regression coefficient more than one ‘MIP Raiduzhna’, ‘Hordeiforme 13-07’ (UKR), ‘Lan’, ‘Salaut’, ‘Ertol’ (KAZ), ‘Bezenchukskaya 205’, ‘Lilek’ (RUS). These samples can be characterized by their adaptive properties as intense ones, with a pronounced response to the environment. Over the years of the research, grain number per spike varied from 35.9 to 38.8 pcs. Year conditions in 2016 were the most favorable for plant growth and development, while index of conditions was 4.1, and the average grain number per spike was 41.4 pcs. Year conditions in 2017 and 2018 were less favorable for growth and development of durum spring wheat, and therefore there was a negative value of index of year conditions (lj = -5.1 and lj = 0.5, respectively) with less grain number per spike (32.2 and 38.2 pcs., respectively). According to the trait «1000 kernel weight», the samples were identified with regression coefficient close to one under fluctuations of weather conditions, i.e ‘Korona’, ‘Raya’ (KAZ), ‘Lilek’, ‘Bezenchukskaya 205’ (RUS), ‘MIP Raiduzhna’ (UKR). The grain weight per spike in the collection samples varied from 1.27 to 1.77 g. The stable samples ‘Ertol’, ‘Salaut’, ‘Damsinskaya yantarnaya’ (KAZ), ‘Lilek’ (RUS), ‘Novatsiia’ (UKR), ‘Duraking’, ‘Candura’ (CAN) promising in spring wheat breeding were identified and can be involved in hybridization.Conclusions. Stable and plastic samples were identified among collection material of spring durum wheat in terms of productivity for involvement in scientific programs as source material.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Analysis of the biological efficiency and quality factors of mushrooms of the genus Pleurotus (Fr.) P.Kumm as a model of effective cultivation of lignicolous fungi with high functional value
Бандура, І. І | Кулик, А. С | Бісько, Н. А | Хареба, О. В | Цизь, О. М | Хареба, В. В
Purpose. Morphological and organoleptic evaluation of oyster mushroom strains for selection of highly productive cultivars assortment with valuable consumer properties for winter and summer cultivation and suitability for sale in fresh or processed form were investigated. Methods. The scheme of the experiment included six strains of oyster mushrooms belonging to two species: Pleurotus ostreatus (5 strains: 2301, Z, 2316, 2456, 431) and P. pulmonarius (2314). Laboratory, laboratory-industrial and statistical methods are used. Results. The dynamics of agrochemical parameters of substrates obtained by the method of aerobic fermentation in the high layer proved their optimality according to the main criteria and compliance to regulatory documentation. The biological efficiency of the strains was in the range of 40–78.9%. The highest weight of clusters was found in the “summer” strain 431 (430.7 g). The highest weight of the fruiting body was determined for the strain 2301 (15.2 g), the lowest – for the 2456 (3.3 g). Conclusions. The values of biological efficiency of strains was determined. The highest average values for the first flush of fruiting had strains 2316 (78.9%) from the “winter” group (A) and 431 (78.4%) from the “summer” group (B). According to the results of statistical analysis, significant differences were revealed between the studied strains in the main morphological indicators of clusters. It was found that the mass of clusters of «winter» cultivars is much less dependent on the strain type (220.8–273.4 g) than that of «summer» cultivars (83.4–430.7 g). The index of the asymmetry coefficient of the cluster, which can be useful for calculating the required container sizes was proposed. It was determined that the morphological features of fruiting bodies had significant differences in all studied parameters. In particular, the A group strains differed in size and weight. It was proposed the index of weight loss of the crop coefficient, which shows the ratio between the cap and stipe of the fruiting body and make it possible to predict the amount of mushroom raw material that will be sold in the form of caps, and the amount of raw material that can be processed into minced mushroom, powder and others. The best coefficient was obtained for the fruiting bodies of strain 2314 (0.87), and the worst – for 2456 (0.59), which, accordingly, is not recommended for sale by individual fruiting bodies. It was found that the fruiting bodies of high-yielding strains 2316 and 431 had a number of organoleptic defects.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]The influence of growing factors on the productivity indicators of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill]
Topchiĭ, O. V. | Присяжнюк, Л. М | Іваницька, А. П | Щербиніна, Н. П | Києнко, З. Б
Purpose. To determine the patterns of influence of growing factors on the economically valuable characteristics of new soybean varieties. Methods. Field, biochemical methods, analysis of variance. Results. The rates of the influence of the growing zone, the conditions of the growing season of the year and the soybean variety on the yield, weight of 1000 seeds, the content of crude protein and oil, and protein and oil collection were determined. The greatest influence on the yield of the studied varieties had a growing zone – 55%. On average the maximum yield was obtained in Forest-steppe zone 2.48–3.58 t/ha, the lowest – in Steppe zone (1.33–1.89 t/ha) for 2017–2018. In the same period the weight of 1000 seeds on average was 125.1–169.9 g in the Steppe zone, in Forest-Steppe zone it was 130.2–207.8 g and 143.9–188.0 g in Forrest zone. According to the results of analysis of variance, it was determined that the growing zone has the greatest influence on weight of 1000 seeds – 31%, variety – 21% and conditions of the growing season of the year – 13%. The main characteristics of soybean quality are the content of crude protein and oil in seeds. The highest level of crude protein was observed in soybean variety in Forest-Steppe zone – 37.5–44.0%. In Forrest zone, the crude protein content was 34.4–41.7%, in the Steppe zone 35.4–40.1%. The maximum level of this characteristic was observed in variety ‘NS Diyana’ – 44.0% in Forest-Steppe zone, in Forrest zone – in the variety ‘Alexa’ 41.7%, in Steppe zone – in variety ‘NS Diyana’ 40.1%. Thus, the growing zone (31%) and variety (25%) had the greatest influence on the content of crude protein; the interaction of factors (variety and growing zone) affected 17%. The average oil content for 2017‑2018 ranges from 19.8 to 24.2%. High oil content was noted in ‘Adsoy’ variety in Forrest and Forest-Steppe zones, 24.2 and 22.6%, respectively, and ‘Azimut’ – 23.8% in Steppe zone. The results of the analysis of variance showed that the growing zone to a greater extent affected the oil content in soybean seeds by 25%, variety – 21%, and the interaction of factors of the variety and growing zone by 21%. Conclusions. According to the results of multifactor analysis of variance, it was determined that the growing zone had the greatest influence on the studied parameters. It was found that the rate of the influence of growing zone of soybean varieties is 25–55%, depending on the studied characteristic. It was determined that the influence of the variety was 4–25%, the conditions of the growing season affected by 1–26%.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Crop photosynthetic capacity of grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) depending on sowing time and planting depth
Правдива, Л. А
Purpose. To establish the optimal seeding time and depth of ‘Dniprovskyi 39’ and ‘Vinets’ sorghum varieties, to prove their effect on the crop photosynthetic capacity in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Methods. Field, laboratory, comparative, analytical, generalizing, mathematical and statistical. Results. It was proved that the best results of crop photosynthetic capacity of sorghum were obtained by sowing in the first decade of May (the second sowing period) at a seeding depth of 4–6 cm. Accordingly, the leaf surface area in these variants reached its maximum during the “panicle-blooming” period and equated 36.13–38.81 thousand m2/ha for the ‘Dniprovskyi 39’ variety and 34.23–36.91 thousand m2/ha for the ‘Vinets’ variety. By sowing seeds in the third decade of April (the first sowing period) at the seedining depth values described above the leaf surface area of the varieties was slightly smaller and amounted to 29.56–31.20 thousand m2/ha for the ‘Dniprovskyi 39’ variety and 27.76–29.40 thousand m2/ha for the ‘Vinets’ variety. By sowing seeds in the second decade of May (the third sowing period), the leaf surface area was 30.68–32.92 thousand m2/ha for the ‘Dniprovskyi 39’ variety and 29.08–31.32 thousand m2/ha for the ‘Vinets’ variety. The highest photosynthetic potential was obtained for sorghum plants in the second sowing period at the seeding depth of 4–6 cm and was 1.27 and 1.34 million m2/ha for the ‘Dniprovskyi 39’ variety and 1.16 and 1.22 million m2/ha for the variety ‘Vinets’. In the first sowing period, this indicator was slightly lower and amounted to 1.18 and 1.23 million m2/ha for the ‘Dniprovskyi 39’ variety and 0.98 and 1.02 million m2/ha for the ‘Vinets’ variety respectively. In the third sowing period, it was the smallest one and equated 1.09 and 1.13 million m2/ha for the ‘Dniprovskyi 39’ variety, and 0.88 and 0.93 million m2/ha for the ‘Vinets’ variety at the optimal seeding depth. The photosynthetic potential was lower at the seeding depth of 2 and 8 cm, which is explained by the different soil and climatic parameters during a certain period of sorghum plant vegetation. The highest value of the photosynthetic capacity net indicator was obtained by sowing seeds at the optimal time and the optimal seeding depth and it equated 3.84–4.02 g/m2 per day for the ‘Dniprovskyi 39’ variety and 3.79 – 3.98 g/m2 per day for the ‘Vinets’ variety. Conclusions. It has been established that the sorghum plants had better vegetation and formed photosynthetic capacity by sowing seeds in the first decade of May at the planting depth of 4–6 cm, which we recommend for growing this crop in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Features of the morphological structure of plants and biochemical properties of introduced and domestic varieties of Cannabis sativa L
Полякова, А. С | Горшкова, Л. М | Рахметов, Д. Б
Purpose. Identifying the features of the seasonal growth rhythm, development of the plants, morphological and biological differences in monoecious introduced and domestic varieties of Cannabis sativa L. in the North-east region of Ukraine. Methods. The research was conducted from 2014 till 2019. The following research methods were employed: field (phenological observations, sampling for laboratory analysis), microscopic (study of the morphological structure of glandular and cystolithic hairs on vegetative and generative organs, determination of the size and density of hair formation), laboratory and analytical (determination of the content of cannabinoid substances by thin layer and gas-liquid chromatography), biomorphological methods (analysis of morphological characteristics of plants). Chemical analysis for the content of cannabinoid substances was carried out in the laboratory of the breeding and seed production department of the Institute of Bast Crops of the NAAS of Ukraine (Glukhiv, 2014–2019). The content of neutral substances [cannabinol (CBN), cannabidiol (CBD), tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)] and acids (CBDA, THCA) was determined by using a thin layer chromatography (TLC) and gas-liquid chromatography (GLC) methods. For the study, 11 monoecious varieties of C. sativa: ‘YuSO 1’, ‘YuSO 31’, ‘Hliana’, ‘Viktoriia’, ‘Hlesiia’, ‘Hlukhivskyi 46’, ‘Hlukhivski 51’, ‘Zolotoniski 15’ and 3 introduced varieties: ‘Fedora 17’, ‘Felina 32’, ‘Futura 77’ (France) which differed among themselves in morphological, biological, genetic, ecological-geographical and economically valuable characteristics were selected. Results. Biological and morphological characteristics of modern monoecious varieties of C. sativa were investigated depending on the ecological and geographical zones of origin, conditions of the growing season and the stage of ontogenesis. The functional interdependence between the formation of specialized excretory structures and the content of cannabinoid substances in plants of different varieties of C. sativa was revealed. The following promising varieties of C. sativa in a ration of ((THC + CBN) ≤ CBD) point the possibility to use them as the source material for creating the medicinal varieties of plants with a high content of CBD. Conclusions. Nowadays C. sativa is the main source of phyto material for industrial production of natural CBD. In recent years, high-yielding varieties of C. sativa have been created, which, together with high commercially valuable traits, did not contain psychoactive THC and had an insignificant amount of CBD. The results of the research indicated the features of the seasonal growth rhythm, development of the plants and the morphological and biological features of modern monoecious introduced and domestic varieties of C. sativa in the North-east region of Ukraine. The low correlation between the content of cannabinoid substances and their acids in varieties, which are characterized by the low content of cannabinoid compounds was established. According to the developed own classification (THC + KBN): CBD, varieties with a predominant CBD content ‘Hlukhivskyi 46’, ‘Zolotoniski 15’, ‘Hliana’ which are of significant medicinal value were identified.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Breeding value of spring durum wheat accessions for performance traits under environment of Ukrainian Forest-Steppe
Хоменко, С. О | Кочмарський, В. С | Федоренко, І. В | Федоренко, М. В
Purpose. To identify spring durum wheat accessions with high yield level and by yield components for their involvement in breeding programs as a source material. Methods. Field, statistical. Results. The results of the study of 65 collection samples of spring durum wheat of various ecological and geographical origin in terms of productivity in 2016–2018 are presented. The research results indicate that the samples of spring durum wheat had different yield level depending on the conditions of the year of cultivation. According to the calculations of the degree of yield stability parameters, the samples were found that ensure its level under fluctuations in weather conditions with regression coefficient close to one as follows ‘Omskiy izumrud’ (RUS), ‘Korona’, ‘Toma’, ‘Nauryz 6’ (KAZ), ‘Dura king’, ‘Candura’ (CAN), ‘Tera’, ‘Novatsiia’ (UKR), thus indicating their semi-intensive type. Collection samples of spring durum wheat that under optimal weather conditions are capable of producing significant yield increase are distinguished by wide ecological reaction. These are samples with regression coefficient more than one ‘MIP Raiduzhna’, ‘Hordeiforme 13-07’ (UKR), ‘Lan’, ‘Salaut’, ‘Ertol’ (KAZ), ‘Bezenchukskaya 205’, ‘Lilek’ (RUS). These samples can be characterized by their adaptive properties as intense ones, with a pronounced response to the environment. Over the years of the research, grain number per spike varied from 35.9 to 38.8 pcs. Year conditions in 2016 were the most favorable for plant growth and development, while index of conditions was 4.1, and the average grain number per spike was 41.4 pcs. Year conditions in 2017 and 2018 were less favorable for growth and development of durum spring wheat, and therefore there was a negative value of index of year conditions (lj = -5.1 and lj = 0.5, respectively) with less grain number per spike (32.2 and 38.2 pcs., respectively). According to the trait «1000 kernel weight», the samples were identified with regression coefficient close to one under fluctuations of weather conditions, i.e ‘Korona’, ‘Raya’ (KAZ), ‘Lilek’, ‘Bezenchukskaya 205’ (RUS), ‘MIP Raiduzhna’ (UKR). The grain weight per spike in the collection samples varied from 1.27 to 1.77 g. The stable samples ‘Ertol’, ‘Salaut’, ‘Damsinskaya yantarnaya’ (KAZ), ‘Lilek’ (RUS), ‘Novatsiia’ (UKR), ‘Duraking’, ‘Candura’ (CAN) promising in spring wheat breeding were identified and can be involved in hybridization. Conclusions. Stable and plastic samples were identified among collection material of spring durum wheat in terms of productivity for involvement in scientific programs as source material.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Expression of gus and gfp genes in amphidiploid spelt wheat (Triticum spelta L.) after Agrobacterium-mediated transformation
Кирієнко, А. В | Кучук, М. В | Щербак, Н. Л | Парій, М. Ф | Симоненко, Ю. В
Purpose. To study the expression of gus and gfp genes in callus explants of amphidiploid spelt wheat (Triticum spelta L.) after Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation. Methods. Winter spelt wheat of ‘Europa’ variety was chosen for transformation. Calli obtained from mature embryos were used as explants. Callus pre-cultivation was carried out on MS nutrient medium (Murashige–Skoog) supplemented with 2 mg/L 2.4-D (2.4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid) and 10 mg/L silver nitrate. For genetic transformation, Agrobacterium tumefaciens Conn., strain GV3101 and a genetic construct with reporter genes beta-glucuronidase (GUS) and green fluorescent protein (GFP) were used. Calli were transformed by inoculation with agrobacteria and vacuum infiltration. Then they were co-cultured on MS medium with 2 mg/L 2.4-D and 10 mg/L AgNO3, but without antibiotics. The expression of the gus gene was checked by histochemical and the gfp gene by visual analysis (fluorescence of the GFP protein in UV light). Gfp and gus gene expression levels were evaluated using ImajeJ software. The integration of the gfp and gus genes into the spelt genome was verified by PCR. Results. Genetic transformation of spelt callus explants by inoculation in a nutrient medium with agrobacteria and vacuum infiltration occurred at different frequencies. The level of expression of the gus gene during vacuum infiltration was 4.66 ± 0.74%, with inoculation – 4.00 ± 0.91%; and the gfp gene with vacuum infiltration – 3.66 ± 0.74%, with inoculation – 4.66 ± 1.39%. The level of expression of the gfp gene was higher when using inoculation with agrobacteria, and the gus gene was higher during vacuum infiltration. Using PCR analysis, the integration of the gfp and gus genes into the callus of spelt genome was confirmed. The length of the PCR product with primers for the gus gene was 240 bp, and 717 bp for the gfp gene. Conclusions. The use of vacuum infiltration and inoculation methods for spelt genetic transformation gave different results. The frequency of genetic transformation ranged from 3.66 to 4.66%. Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation of amphidiploid spelt wheat allows us to study the expression of gus and gfp reporter genes using callus explants derived from mature embryos
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Characteristics of the biochemical composition of fruits of Malus domestica Borkh. new varieties
Гончаровська, І. В | Клименко, С. В | Кузнецов, В. В
Purpose. To determine the content of biochemical compounds in fruits of M. domestica Borkh. varietal samples, select the most promising ones for use in further breeding, and recommend for use in various directions, given the biochemical complex of signs, taste and marketability of the fruit. Methods. We used generally accepted methods for determining the biochemical composition of fruits (soluble solids (SSR) according to GOST (State Standard System) 29030-91, total sugars according to GOST 8756-13.87; polyphenol composition according to the method of L. I. Vigorov (1968), vitamin C according to the method of A I. Ermakov (1972); titrated acids – according to GOST 25555.0-82). Results. Nine cultivars of apple trees were analyzed for the biochemical composition of fruits, namely the apple tree cultivar ‘Vydubytska Plakucha’ (‘V. p.’) and various hybrids created on its basis from the collection of the fruit plant acclimatization department of the M. M. Hryshko National Botanical Gardens of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Selected forms are sources of 1–5 important biochemical characteristics (solids content, glucose, sugars, ascorbic acid, titratable acid) and promising for use in breeding. According to the dry matter content – the lowest rate was found in hybrid ‘V. p.’ × ‘Renet Symyrenko’ (16.68%), the highest in the hybrid – ‘V. p.’ × ‘Renet Oranzhevyi Coksa’ (22.87%), rates of ascorbic acid content varied within (6.0–12.25 mg%), total sugars (10.37–18.23), acids (0.74–1,67 respectively). The most interesting for introduction and breeding are hybrids with a high content of biochemical parameters, namely: ‘V. p.’ × ‘Renet Oranzhevyi Coksa’, ‘V. p.’ × ‘Golden Delicious’ and ‘V. p.’ × ‘Parmen Zymovyi Zolotyi’. Conclusions. The content of the biochemical composition of the fruits, taste and marketability were characterized, and varietal samples of hybrids of the apple tree ‘Vydubytska Plakucha’ were distributed in the directions of use in order to improve the quality of life of the population. According to the biochemical indicators of the cluster analysis of the studied apple hybrids, close relationships were found between the three groups necessary in the future for breeding when selecting parental forms for an improved biochemical composition of the fruit (including hybrids ‘V. p.’ × ‘Renet Oranzhevyi Coksa’, ‘V. p.’ × ‘Golden Delicious’ and ‘V. p.’ × ‘Parmen Zymovyi Zolotyi’, titrated acid hybrids ‘V. p.’ × ‘Starkrimson’, ‘V. p.’ × ‘Parmen Zymovyi Zolotyi’ and ‘V. p.’ × ‘Renet Symyrenko’, tannins hybrids ‘V. p.’ × ‘Slava Peremozhtsiam’ and ‘V. p.’ × ‘Starkrimson’); and to expand the assortment of apple trees according to the planned commercial signs. Hybrids of the apple-tree cultivar ‘Vydubytska Plakucha’, created in the NBG using old and valuable modern apple-tree cultivars, indicate the promise of producing high-yielding, large-fruited varieties with a high content of biologically active substances
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Customer-related quality of perspective potato hybrids (Solanum tuberosum L.)
Кожушко, Н. С | Сахошко, М. М | Бердін, С. І | Баштовий, М. Г | Смілик, Д. В
Purpose. Based on the study of consumer qualities of perspective potato hybrids (Solanum tuberosum L.) the ones with a high degree of differentiation depending on the biochemical composition of tubers and culinary-consumer type were identified. Methods. Field (phenology); laboratory (biochemical, technological); mathematical and statistical (linear correlation, regression). Results. Consumer qualities and patterns of their formation under the influence of the biochemical composition of tubers were studied. Excellent taste was determined in mid-early (‘203.703-3’, ‘205.781-9’), mid-season (‘205.786-72’, ‘205. 798-15’) hybrids. High cooking quality of the tubers was detected in early-season hybrids (‘99.523-15’, ‘205.791-3’, ‘205.785-25’, ‘205.792-205’). Soft crispy texture was detected in mid-early (‘205.776-25’, ‘99.546-3’) and mid-season (‘205.782-24’, ‘205.786-72’, ‘205.798-43’) hybrids. The mid-early hybrid '205.780-8' contained high levels of starch. In terms of resistance to browning, three early-season (‘99.517-39’, ‘203.703-2’, ‘205.785-25’) and two mid-season hybrids (‘205.781-9’, ‘205.788-3’) were selected. It is proved, that the taste development depended on the starch content (r=0,657), proportion of starch/protein (r=0,470) and sugars accumulation (r= -450). The positive dependence of the cooking quality of the tubers on their starchiness (r=0,945), proportion of starch and protein (r=0,900) was detected. The influence of proportion of starch/protein over the texture of the tubers (r=0,877) and starch content (r=0,868) was established. Mealiness depended on sugars (r= -0,494) and starch content (r=0,474), resistance to browning – on tyrosine content in protein (r=-0,873) and free tyrosine content (r= - 0,824). In terms of culinary and consumer type of food (table) potatoes, eight hybrids were rated as type B, five and five hybrids belonged to types A and C respectively, and three hybrids belonged to type D. Conclusions. The selected, as for the high level of culinary quality indicators, hybrids can be recommended as valuable output material for practical plant breeding. Determination of biological interrelation of potato culinary quality indicators and biochemical composition of their tubers allowed to develop mathematical simulations to predict taste and texture, and it practically relieved from boiling and subjective evaluation by organoleptic method of tasting results. Systematization of culinary and consumer type food (table) potatoes can be a subject matter in the course of state variety testing.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Model of adaptive information system for forecasting crop productivity
Мельник, С. І | Присяжнюк, О. І | Стариченко, Є. М | Мажуга, К. М | Бровкін, В. В | Мартинов, О. М | Маслечкін, В. В
Purpose of this study was to develop the main components of a model of an adaptive information system for predicting crop productivity. Methods. To conduct research on the establishment of the basic structural elements of an adaptive information model for predicting the productivity of basic crops used the method of constructing dynamic models. Results. A detailed analysis of conceptual approaches to the construction of mathematical agricultural models is carried out and the main advantages and disadvantages of modern analogues are established. It is determined that the adaptive information model is based solely on the needs of the plant and actually on the need to provide these needs with available resources in order to obtain consistently high yields with high quality indicators. The hardware and software complex must have a feedback relationship between its basic structural elements, because it significantly improves the accuracy of predicting plant productivity. Data based on the operation of certain mechanisms or indicators of weather conditions and their forecasts are used for decision making, however, if they are substantially changed, decisions about individual technology elements are reviewed. The software should be related to the economic part and should take into account market conditions and forecast data when making recommendations. In the case of low purchase prices for products, we recommend that certain agrotechnical operations (say vegetation feeding) be applied or not, in the case of significant change in growing conditions - when the application of these agro-measures will be ineffective due to the negative effects of drought, etc. Conclusions. Adaptive information system for forecasting productivity in the technological process of growing crops is formed on the basis of a model consisting of three modules of characteristics – the resultant and two components. At each subsequent stage of implementation of the model, the resulting feature becomes component, with the maximum contribution to the resulting feature of the next module.
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