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The role of physico-chemical interactions in the seasonality of toxic dinoflagellate cyst assemblages: The case of the NW Patagonian fjords system
Rodríguez–Villegas, Camilo | Díaz, Patricio A. | Salgado, Pablo | Tomasetti, Stephen J. | Díaz, Manuel | Marín, Sandra L. | Baldrich, Ángela M. | Niklitschek, Edwin | Pino, Loreto | Matamala, Thamara | Espinoza, Katherine | Figueroa, Rosa I.
Harmful algal blooms (HABs) are recurrent in the NW Patagonia fjords system and their frequency has increased over the last few decades. Outbreaks of HAB species such as Alexandrium catenella, a causal agent of paralytic shellfish poisoning, and Protoceratium reticulatum, a yessotoxins producer, have raised considerable concern due to their adverse socioeconomic consequences. Monitoring programs have mainly focused on their planktonic stages, but since these species produce benthic resting cysts, the factors influencing cyst distributions are increasingly gaining recognition as potentially important to HAB recurrence in some regions. Still, a holistic understanding of the physico-chemical conditions influencing cyst distribution in this region is lacking, especially as it relates to seasonal changes in drivers of cyst distributions, as the characteristics that favor cyst preservation in the sediment may change through the seasons. In this study, we analyzed the physico–chemical properties of the sediment (temperature, pH, redox potential) and measured the bottom dissolved oxygen levels in a “hotspot” area of southern Chile, sampling during the spring and summer as well as the fall and winter, to determine the role these factors may play as modulators of dinoflagellate cyst distribution, and specifically for the cysts of A. catenella and P. reticulatum. A permutational analysis of variance (PERMANOVA) showed the significant effect of sediment redox conditions in explaining the differences in the cyst assemblages between spring-summer and fall-winter periods (seasonality). In a generalized linear model (GLM), sediment redox potential and pH were associated with the highest abundances of A. catenella resting cysts in the spring-summer, however it was sediment temperature that most explained the distribution of A. catenella in the fall-winter. For P. reticulatum, only spring-summer sediment redox potential and temperature explained the variation in cyst abundances. The implications of environmental (physico-chemical) seasonality for the resting cysts dynamics of both species are discussed.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Seasonal, spatial variation, and pollution sources of heavy metals in the sediment of the Saigon River, Vietnam
Nguyen, Binh Thanh | Do, Dung Doan | Nguyen, Tong Xuan | Nguyen, Vinh Ngoc | Phuc Nguyen, Duong Thuy | Nguyen, My Hoang | Thi Truong, Huong Thu | Dong, Hao Phu | Le, Anh Hung | Bach, Quang-Vu
The current study was conducted to (1) examine seasonal and spatial distribution of heavy metals and metalloid in sediment from the Saigon River and (2) apportion and quantify their pollution sources. Ninety-six sediment samples were taken in the rainy and dry season on 13 sampling sites, distributed over the lower reaches of the River, to analyze for exchangeable concentration of 11 heavy metals and metalloid (Al, B, Cd, Co, Fe, In, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sr, and Zn), pH, EC, organic carbon content, and particle-size distribution. Generally, the concentration of 11 elements was ranked in the order Mn > Al > Fe > Zn > Sr > In > B > Ni > Co > Pb > Cd. Hierarchical cluster analysis grouped 13 sampling sites into two parts based on the similar concentration of the 11 elements. Three-way analysis of variance showed that the total exchangeable concentration of 11 elements was significantly higher in the rainy season than in the dry season and in the upper part than in the lower part of the river. Principal component analysis/factor analysis and correlation analysis revealed that three pollution sources (PS) may contribute to enriching the 11 examined elements in the sediment. These sources included (PS1) from catchment through water erosion over natural areas, explaining 83%, (PS2) mixed sources from catchment through water erosion over agricultural fields and inside Ho Chi Minh City, accounting for 6%, and (PS3) mixed sources from lowland areas, explaining 7.8% of the total variance of the elements. In brief, the sediment concentration of 11 metals and metalloid varied with season and space and three major pollution sources from river catchment, inside Ho Chi Minh City, and lowland contributively enriched the elements in the sediment of the River.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Influence of exposure time on phosphorus composition and bioavailability in wetland sediments from Poyang lake, since the operation of the Three Gorges Dam
Ni, Zhaokui | Wang, Shengrui | Wu, Yue | Liu, Xiaofei | Lin, Ripeng | Liu, Zhezhe
The role of exposure time on wetland sediment-bound phosphorus (P) biogeochemical behavior is studied in Lake Poyang after the operation of the Three Gorges Dam (TGD). The multiple P compounds primarily include orth–P (88.3%), mono–P (8.9%), DNA–P (2.1%), and pyro–P (0.8%) in the exposed sediments. A significant decreasing trend of orth–P occurred after the operation of the Three Gorges Dam (TGD), with the mean concentration decreasing from 175.9 to 142.5 mg kg⁻¹ from 2007 to 2012 (ANOVA: P < 0.05), whereas the temporal change in biogenic P showed great variability. The plant distribution pattern and the increase in plant biomass due to decreased water levels might be the reason that caused variations in the P species. Furthermore, the content of orth–P, mono–P, DNA–P, and pyro–P showed increasing trends as sediment exposure time increased. However, the enzyme hydrolysis rate of DNA–P decreased with exposure time and may cause the bioavailability of biogenic P to decrease. Despite the fact that the bioavailability of biogenic P might decline in the short term, the favorable environmental conditions for P release in sediment rewetting processes, together with the increase in orth–P and biogenic P due to extended exposure time, indicate that these large additions of P would enter the overlying water and cause water quality decline once the sediment is submerged underwater during the next wet season. An environmental process analysis showed that the increased exposure time induced sediment environmental conditions changes that played an important role in the biogeochemical cycle of P and may be an important way of P replenishment in Lake Poyang. The results of this study help provide a better understanding of the role of sediment drying/wetting cycles in nutrient biogeochemical behavior and fates in wetland ecosystems.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Spatial-temporal distribution and transport flux of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in a large hydropower reservoir of Southeast China: Implication for impoundment impacts
Wu, Yuling | Wang, Xinhong | Ya, Miaolei | Li, Yongyu | Liu, Yihao | Chen, Hanzhe
In order to investigate the impacts of dam-related water impoundment on the spatial-temporal variations and transport of anthropogenic organic pollutants, 15 priority polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were analyzed in water samples from the Shuikou Reservoir (SKR) of the Minjiang River. The SKR was formed after the construction of the Shuikou Dam, which is the largest hydropower station in Southeast China. The water samples were collected from the backwater zone of the SKR, in both the wet and dry seasons, corresponding to the drainage and impoundment periods of water flow, respectively. The concentrations of the dissolved PAHs in surface water from the wet season (average of 161 ± 97 ng L⁻¹) were significantly higher (ANOVA, p < 0.01) than those from the dry season (average of 43 ± 21 ng L⁻¹). PAH concentrations in the SKR decreased from upstream (industrialized cities) to downstream (rural towns or counties), indicating high PAH loads caused by intensive urbanization effects. The high proportions of 3-ring PAHs in the wet season were from local sources via surface runoff; while the elevated proportions of 4- to 6- ring PAHs in the dry season reflected atmospheric deposition emerged of these PAHs and/or volatilization of 3-ring PAHs enhanced. Molecular diagnostic ratios of PAH isomers in multimedium and principal component analysis indicated that PAH presence in the SKR was mainly attributed to pyrogenic origin. The isomeric ratios of fluoranthene to fluoranthene plus pyrene in the wet season were homogeneous, implying that there were continuous new inputs along the riverine runoff. However, these ratios showed spatial downward trend in the dry season, indicating continued degradation of PAHs occurred along the transport path during the impoundment period. The input and output fluxes of PAHs in the SKR were 5330 kg yr⁻¹ and 2991 kg yr⁻¹, revealing that the reservoir retained contaminants after impoundment of the hydropower dam.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Response of benthic macrofauna to multiple anthropogenic pressures in the shallow coastal zone south of Sfax (Tunisia, central Mediterranean Sea)
Mosbahi, Nawfel | Serbaji, Mohamed Moncef | Pezy, Jean-Philippe | Neifar, Lassad | Dauvin, Jean-Claude
Anthropogenic activities including coastal industries, urbanization, extensive agriculture and aquaculture as well as their cumulative impacts represent major sources of perturbation of marine coastal systems. Macrobenthic communities are useful ecological indicators for monitoring the health status of marine environments (or polluted environments). The present study reports, for the first time, the response of benthic macrofauna sampled during two years survey (2015–2016) to multiple anthropogenic pressures on the coastal zone south of Sfax (Tunisia). A total of 12 stations were monitored seasonally at locations downstream from the main potential sources of disturbance. 106 macrobenthos taxa, belonging to six animal phyla and 70 families, were identified with a dominance of polychaetes (42%), crustaceans (35%) and molluscs (18%). We used an ANOVA test and cluster analysis to identify spatial gradient linked to environmental and anthropogenic factors, including depth, sedimentary texture and anthropogenic activities (i.e. phosphogypsum discharges).The macrofauna present lowest species number and abundance on stations undergoing anthropogenic inputs, which are extremely polluted by heavy metals (Cd, Cu, F and N) and excess of organic matter. Univariate parameters reveal a general trend of increasing species diversity with increasing distance from the pollution source. The polluted stations are strongly dominated by carnivores, and selective deposit feeders, and more closely linked to the availability of trophic resources than to anthropogenic constraints. The seasonal changes in macrobenthic abundance, diversity indices and community structure are mainly linked to the biological cycle (e.g. recruitment events) of the dominant species. Biotic indices (AMBI and BO2A) classified the coastal zone south of Sfax as moderate and good ecological status. This study suggests that initiating a long-term monitoring programme would improve our understanding of the temporal changes of macrobenthic communities of this ecosystem, contributing to the assessment of effective management and conservation measures in this disturbed area.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Modeling and evaluating spatial variation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in urban lake surface sediments in Shanghai
Yang, Jing | Yang, Yi | Chen, Rui-Shan | Meng, Xiang-Zhou | Xu, Jie | Qadeer, Abdul | Liu, Min
To explore the influence of rapid urbanization development on the accumulation of 16 priority PAHs in urban environment, thirty-three surface sediments from city lakes in different urbanized areas of Shanghai were collected to evaluate the occurrence characteristic and source apportionment of PAHs. The concentrations of Σ₁₆PAHs in lake surface sediments ranged from 55.7 to 4928 ng g⁻¹ with a mean value of 1131 ng g⁻¹ (standard deviation, 1228 ng g⁻¹), of which 4-, 5- and 6-ring PAHs were the dominant components. Spatial distribution of PAHs in lake surface sediments showed a significantly declining trend along with a decreasing urbanization gradient (one-way ANOVA, p < .05). Two hotspots of sediment PAHs were mainly distributed at highly urbanized areas with intensive population density and heavy traffic activities and at burgeoning industrial towns in the suburb. Source apportionment of total PAHs identified by a constrained positive matrix factorization model revealed that vehicle emission and combustion of coal, biomass and natural gas were the absolutely predominant sources, respectively accounting for 55.0% and 40.45% of total PAHs burden in lake sediments. Land use regression (LUR) models were successfully developed to evaluate spatial variation of PAHs contamination in urban sediments based on their significant correlations with residential land, commercial land, traffic variables, industrial sources, and population density. All PAH compounds showed strong associations with one or two source indicators (the traffic congestion index and the number of industrial sources), with the fitting R² varying from 0.529 to 0.984. Our findings suggest that energy consumption related to land use activities obviously promoted PAH accumulations in urban sediment environment during rapid development of urbanization and industrialization in Shanghai.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Fatty acid composition, enzyme activities and metallothioneins in Donax trunculus (Mollusca, Bivalvia) from polluted and reference sites in the Gulf of Annaba (Algeria): Pattern of recovery during transplantation
Rabei, Amina | Hichami, Aziz | Beldi, Hayet | Bellenger, Sandrine | Khan, Naim Akhtar | Soltani, Noureddine
The gulf of Annaba, the most important touristic and economic coastal zone located in Northeast Algeria, is contaminated by several pollutants from urban, agricultural, harbor and industrial activities. Elevated levels of heavy metals were detected in a locally prevalent edible mollusk Donax trunculus (Bivalvia, Donacidae) widely used as a sentinel species for the assessment of marine pollution. The present work aims to measure the difference between two localities, one being full of different pollutants (Sidi Salem) and the other being relatively clean (El Battah) and to evaluate the ability of D. trunculus to overcome the environmental stress during a transplantation experiment by a determination of fatty acid profile, the enzymes activities and the level of metallothioneins (MTs), a biomarker of metallic contamination. Adults of D. trunculus were collected at Sidi Salem (contaminated site) and transplanted into El Battah (reference site) for 21 days in cages (60 × 60 × 60 cm with a 2 mm mesh). Biochemical analyzes were conducted at different times (0, 7, 14 and 21 days). At 0-day experiment: the rate of the fatty acids, the enzymes activities and MT levels at the site of Sidi Salem (polluted site) were significantly different from those of El Battah. During the transplantation a gradual restoration of fatty acids rates, enzymes activities and MT levels was observed. At the end of the period of transplantation, the values are comparable to those of El Battah. A two-way ANOVA (time, site) on data revealed significant effects of time and site. Overally, D. trunculus is able to induce its detoxification system and to restore relatively rapidly the status of individuals from the reference site (El Battah).
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Long-term trends (1990–2014), health risks, and sources of atmospheric polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the U.S
Liu, Bian | Xue, Zhuqing | Zhu, Xianlei | Jia, Chunrong
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are a category of over 100 various chemicals released from numerous combustion sources. The ubiquity and toxicity of PAHs have posed high health risks on human populations. This study aims to examine the long-term trends of atmospheric PAHs at the national-level in the U.S., and evaluate their cancer risks. Daily concentrations of PAHs measured at 169 monitoring stations between 1990 and 2014 were obtained from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Air Quality System. Temporal trends were examined using generalized linear model with generalized estimating equations. Random-effects analysis of variance was performed to explore variance between regions, sites, years, and months with a hierarchical structure. Source categories were identified using diagnostic ratios. National population level cancer risks were estimated using the relative potency factors and inhalation unit risk method. Ambient PAH concentrations displayed an overall downward trend (6–9% annual reduction) in urban areas, but not in rural areas. Seasonal and weekday/weekend effects were significant. Urban concentrations were twice of the rural level. The between-site variation outweighed the temporal variation, indicating large spatial heterogeneity. The predominant PAH sources were from traffic and non-traffic related fuel combustions with a dominant contribution from diesel emissions. The average excess lifetime cancer risk was estimated to be 9.3 ± 30.1 × 10−6 (GM: 4.2 × 10−6) from exposure to ten carcinogenic PAHs. This is the first comprehensive study of the spatiotemporal trends of ambient PAHs at the U.S. national level. The results indicate that future efforts aimed to reduce PAH exposures should focus on diesel emission controls and extending the geographic coverage of air monitoring.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Spatial distribution and source identification of heavy metals in surface soils in a typical coal mine city, Lianyuan, China
Liang, Jie | Feng, Chunting | Zeng, Guangming | Gao, Xiang | Zhong, Minzhou | Li, Xiaodong | Li, Xin | He, Xinyue | Fang, Yilong
In this study, we investigated the pollution degree and spatial distribution of heavy metals and determined their sources in topsoil in a typical coal mine city, Lianyuan, Hunan Province, China. We collected 6078 soil surface samples in different land use types. And the concentrations of Zn, Cd, Cu, Hg, Pb, Sb, As, Mo, V, Mn, Fe and Cr were measured. The average contents of all heavy metals were lower than their corresponding Grade II values of Chinese Soil Quality Standard with the exception of Hg. However, average contents of twelve heavy metals, except for Mn, exceeded their background level in soils in Hunan Province. Based on one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), the contents of Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb, Hg, Mo and V were related to the anthropogenic source and there were statistically significant differences in their concentrations among different land use patterns. The spatial variation of heavy metal was visualized by GIS. The PMF model was used to ascertain contamination sources of twelve heavy metals and apportion their source contributions in Lianyuan soils. The results showed that the source contributions of the natural source, atmospheric deposition, industrial activities and agricultural activities accounted for 33.6%, 26.05%, 23.44% and 16.91%, respectively.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Photosynthetic performance of restored and natural mangroves under different environmental constraints
Rovai, André Scarlate | Barufi, José Bonomi | Pagliosa, Paulo Roberto | Scherner, Fernando | Torres, Moacir Aluísio | Horta, Paulo Antunes | Simonassi, José Carlos | Quadros, Daiane Paula Cunha | Borges, Daniel Lázaro Gallindo | Soriano-Sierra, Eduardo
We hypothesized that the photosynthetic performance of mangrove stands restored by the single planting of mangroves species would be lowered due to residual stressors. The photosynthetic parameters of the vegetation of three planted mangrove stands, each with a different disturbance history, were compared to reference sites and correlated with edaphic environmental variables. A permutational analysis of variance showed significant interaction when the factors were compared, indicating that the photosynthetic parameters of the restoration areas differed from the reference sites. A univariate analysis of variance showed that all the photosynthetic parameters differed between sites and treatments, except for photosynthetic efficiency (αETR). The combination of environmental variables that best explained the variations observed in the photosynthetic performance indicators were Cu, Pb and elevation disruptions. Fluorescence techniques proved efficient in revealing important physiological differences, representing a powerful tool for rapid analysis of the effectiveness of initiatives aimed at restoring coastal environments.
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