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Nitrous oxide emission and sweet potato yield in upland soil: Effects of different type and application rate of composted animal manures
Ruangcharus, Chuanpit | Kim, Sung Un | Yoo, Ga-young | Choi, Eun-Jung | Kumar, Sandeep | Kang, Namgoo | Hong, Chang Oh
The aims of this study were to determine type and application rate of composted animal manure to optimize sweet potato yield relative to N₂O emissions from upland soils. To this end, the study was conducted on upland soils amended with different types and rates of composted animal manure and located at two geographically different regions of South Korea. Field trials were established at Miryang and Yesan in South Korea during the sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) growing season over 2 years: 2017 (Year 1) and 2018 (Year 2). Three composted animal manures (chicken, cow, and pig) were applied at the rates of 0, 10, and 20 Mg ha⁻¹ to upland soils in both locations. In both Years and locations, manure type did not affected significantly cumulative N₂O emissions from soil during the sweet potato growing season or the belowground biomass of sweet potato. However, application rate of animal manures affected significantly the cumulative N₂O emission, nitrogen (N) in soil, and belowground biomass of sweet potato. An increase in cumulative N₂O emission with application rates of animal manures was related to total N and inorganic N concentration in soil. The belowground biomass yield of sweet potato but also the cumulative N₂O emission increased with increasing application rate of composted animal manures up to 7.6 and 16.0 Mg ha⁻¹ in Miryang and Yesan, respectively. To reduce N₂O emission from arable soil while increasing crop yield, composted animal manures should be applied at less than application rate that produce the maximum belowground biomass of sweet potato.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Episodes of high tropospheric ozone reduce nodulation, seed production and quality in soybean (Glycine max (L.) merr.) on low fertility soils
Biancari, Lucio | Cerrotta, Clara | Menéndez, Analía I. | Gundel, Pedro E. | Martínez-Ghersa, M Alejandra
Driven by human activities, air pollution and soil degradation are threatening food production systems. Rising ozone in the troposphere can affect several physiological processes in plants and their interaction with symbiotic microorganisms. Plant responses to ozone may depend on both soil fertility and the ontogenetic stage in which they are exposed. In this work, we studied the effects of ozone episodes and soil fertility on soybean plants. We analysed soybean plant responses in the production of aboveground and belowground biomass, structural and functional attributes of rhizobia, and seed production and quality. The experiment was performed with plants grown in two substrates with different fertility (commercial soil, and soil diluted (50%, v/v) with sand). Plants were exposed to acute episodes of ozone during vegetative and reproductive stages. We observed that ozone significantly reduced belowground biomass (≈25%), nodule biomass (≈30%), and biological nitrogen fixation (≈21%). Plants exposed to ozone during reproductive stage growing in soil with reduced fertility had lower seed production (≈10% lower) and seed protein (≈12% lower). These responses on yield and quality can be explained by the observed changes in belowground biomass and nitrogen fixation. The negative impact of ozone on the symbiotic interaction with rhizobia, seed production and quality in soybean plants were greater in soils with reduced fertility. Our results indicate that food security could be at risk in the future if trends in ozone concentration and soil degradation processes continue to increase.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Effects of long-term ambient ozone exposure on biomass and wood traits in poplar treated with ethylenediurea (EDU)
Carriero, G. | Emiliani, G. | Giovannelli, A. | Hoshika, Y. | Manning, W.J. | Traversi, M.L. | Paoletti, E.
This is the longest continuous experiment where ethylenediurea (EDU) was used to protect plants from ozone (O3). Effects of long-term ambient O3 exposure (23 ppm h AOT40) on biomass of an O3 sensitive poplar clone (Oxford) were examined after six years from in-ground planting. Trees were irrigated with either water or 450 ppm EDU. Above (−51%) and below-ground biomass (−47%) was reduced by O3 although the effect was significant only for stem and coarse roots. Ambient O3 decreased diameter of the lower stem, and increased moisture content along the stem of not-protected plants (+16%). No other change in the physical wood structure was observed. A comparison with a previous assessment in the same experiment suggested that O3 effects on biomass partitioning to above-ground organs depend on the tree ontogenetic stage. The root/shoot ratios did not change, suggesting that previous short-term observations of reduced allocation to tree roots may be overestimated.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Chronic drought stress reduced but not protected Shantung maple (Acer truncatum Bunge) from adverse effects of ozone (O3) on growth and physiology in the suburb of Beijing, China
Li, Li | Manning, William J. | Tong, Lei | Wang, Xiaoke
A two-year experiment exposing Acer truncatum Bunge seedlings to elevated ozone (O3) concentrations above ambient air (AO) and drought stress (DS) was carried out using open-top chambers (OTCs) in a suburb of Beijing in north China in 2012–2013. The results suggested that AO and DS had both significantly reduced leaf mass area (LMA), stomatal conductance (Gs), light saturated photosynthetic rate (Asat) as well as above and below ground biomass at the end of the experiment. It appeared that while drought stress mitigated the expression of foliar injury, LMA, leaf photosynthetic pigments, height growth and basal diameter, due to limited carbon fixation, the O3 – induced reductions in Asat, Gs and total biomass were enhanced 23.7%. 15.5% and 8.1% respectively. These data suggest that when the whole plant was considered that drought under the conditions of this experiment did not protect the Shantung maple seedlings from the effects of O3.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Mercury cycling and sequestration in salt marshes sediments: An ecosystem service provided by Juncus maritimus and Scirpus maritimus
Marques, B. | Lillebø, A.I. | Pereira, E. | Duarte, A.C.
In this study two time scales were looked at: a yearlong study was completed, and a 180-day decay experiment was done. Juncus maritimus and Scirpus maritimus have different life cycles, and this seems to have implications in the Hg-contaminated salt marsh sediment chemical environment, namely Eh and pH. In addition, the belowground biomass decomposition rates were faster for J. maritimus, as well as the biomass turnover rates. Results show that all these species-specific factors have implications in the mercury dynamics and sequestration. Meaning that J. maritimus belowground biomass has a sequestration capacity for mercury per square metre approximately 4–5 times higher than S. maritimus, i.e., in S. maritimus colonized areas Hg is more extensively exchange between belowground biomass and the rhizosediment. In conclusion, J. maritimus seems to provide a comparatively higher ecosystem service through phytostabilization (Hg complexation in the rhizosediment) and through phytoaccumulation (Hg sequestration in the belowground biomass).
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Effects of fly ash application on plant biomass and element accumulations: a meta-analysis
Yu, Chih-Li | Deng, Qi | Jian, Siyang | Li, Jianwei | Dzantor, E Kudjo | Hui, Dafeng
Fly ash generated from coal-fired power plants is a source of potential pollutants, but can be used as a soil ameliorant to increase plant biomass and yield in agriculture. However, the effects of fly ash soil application on plant biomass and the accumulation of both nutrient and toxic elements in plants remain unclear. Based on 85 articles, we conducted a comprehensive meta-analysis to evaluate changes in plant biomass and concentrations of 21 elements in plants in response to fly ash application. These elements included macro-nutrients (N, P, K, Ca, and S), micro-nutrients (B, Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, and Zn), and metal(loid)s (Al, As, Cd, Cr, Pb, and Se). Overall, fly ash application decreased plant biomass by 15.2%. However, plant biomass was enhanced by fly ash application by 11.6–29.2% at lower application rates (i.e. <25% of soil mass), and decreased by 45.8% at higher application rates (i.e. 50–100%). Belowground biomass was significantly reduced while yield was enhanced by fly ash application. Most of the element concentrations in plants were enhanced by fly ash application, and followed a descending order with metal(loid)s > micro-nutrients > macro-nutrients. Concentrations of elements tended to increase with an increase in fly ash application rate. Our syntheses indicated that fly ash should be applied at less than 25% in order to enhance plant biomass and yield but avoid high accumulations of metal(loid)s.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Salt marsh denitrification is impacted by oiling intensity six years after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill
Tatariw, Corianne | Flournoy, Nikaela | Kleinhuizen, Alice A. | Tollette, Derek | Overton, Edward B. | Sobecky, Patricia A. | Mortazavi, Behzad
Coastal salt marshes provide the valuable ecosystem service of removing anthropogenic nitrogen (N) via microbially-mediated denitrification. During the 2010 Deepwater Horizon (DWH) spill, oil exposure killed marsh plants in some regions and contributed to rapid compositional shifts in sediment microbial communities, which can impact ecosystem denitrification capacity. Within 3–5 years of the spill, plant biomass and microbial communities in some impacted marshes can recover to a new stable state. The objective of this study was to determine whether marsh recovery 6 years after the DWH oil spill results in subsequent recovery of denitrification capacity. We measured denitrification capacity (isotope pairing technique), microbial 16S rRNA gene composition, and denitrifier abundance (quantitative PCR) at sites subjected to light, moderate, and heavy oiling during the spill that were not targeted by any clean-up efforts. There were no differences in plant belowground biomass, sediment extractable NH₄⁺, inorganic nitrogen flux, 16S rRNA composition, 16S rRNA diversity, or denitrifier functional gene (nirS, norB, and nosZ) abundances associated with oiling status, indicating that certain drivers of ecosystem denitrification capacity have recovered or achieved a new stable state six years after the spill. However, on average, denitrification capacities at the moderately and heavily oiled sites were less than 49% of that of the lightly oiled site (27.7 ± 14.7 and 37.2 ± 24.5 vs 71.8 ± 33.8 μmol N m⁻² h⁻¹, respectively). The presence of heavily weathered oiled residue (matched and non-matched for MC252) had no effect on process rates or microbial composition. The loss of function at the moderately and heavily oiled sites compared to the lightly oiled site despite the comparable microbial and environmental factors suggests that oiling intensity plays a role in the long-term recovery of marsh ecosystem services.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]High tolerance of subalpine grassland to long-term ozone exposure is independent of N input and climatic drivers
Volk, Matthias | Wolff, Veronika | Bassin, Seraina | Ammann, Christof | Fuhrer, Jürg
In a seven-year study, we tested effects of increased N and O3 deposition and climatic conditions on biomass of subalpine grassland. Ozone risk was assessed as exposure (AOT40) and as stomatal flux (POD0,1). We hypothesized that productivity is higher under N- and lower under O3 deposition, with interactions with climatic conditions.Aboveground biomass was best correlated with growing-degree days for May (GDDMay). Nitrogen deposition increased biomass up to 60% in the highest treatment, and 30% in the lowest addition. Also belowground biomass showed a positive N-response. Ozone enrichment had no effect on biomass, and no interaction between O3 and N was observed. Growth response to N deposition was not correlated to GDDMay or precipitation, but indicated a cumulative effect over time.Productivity of subalpine grassland is tolerant to increasing ozone exposure, independent of N input and climatic drivers. N deposition rates at current critical loads, strongly increase the grassland yield.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Ozone visible symptoms and reduced root biomass in the subalpine species Pinus uncinata after two years of free-air ozone fumigation
Díaz-de-Quijano, Maria | Schaub, Marcus | Bassin, Seraina | Volk, Matthias | Peñuelas, Josep
Concentrations of ozone often exceed the thresholds of forest protection in the Pyrenees, but the effect of ozone on Pinus uncinata, the dominant species in subalpine forests in this mountainous range, has not yet been studied. We conducted an experiment of free-air ozone fumigation with saplings of P. uncinata fumigated with ambient O₃ (AOT40 May–Oct: 9.2 ppm h), 1.5 × O₃ₐₘb (AOT40 May–Oct: 19.2 ppm h), and 1.8 × O₃ₐₘb (AOT40 May–Oct: 32.5 ppm h) during two growing seasons. We measured chlorophyll content and fluorescence, visible injury, gas exchange, and above- and below-ground biomass. Increased exposures to ozone led to a higher occurrence and intensity of visible injury from O₃ and a 24–29% reduction of root biomass, which may render trees more susceptible to other stresses such as drought. P. uncinata is thus a species sensitive to O₃, concentrations of which in the Pyrenees are already likely affecting this species.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Seasonal dynamics of trace elements in sediment and seagrass tissues in the largest Zostera japonica habitat, the Yellow River Estuary, northern China
Lin, Haiying | Sun, Tao | Adams, Matthew P. | Zhou, Yi | Zhang, Xiaomei | Xu, Shaochun | Gu, Ruiting
Trace element accumulation is an anthropogenic threat to seagrass ecosystems, which in turn may affect the health of humans who depend on these ecosystems. Trace element accumulation in seagrass meadows may vary temporally due to, e.g., seasonal patterns in sediment discharge from upstream areas. In addition, when several trace elements are present in sufficiently high concentrations, the risk of seagrass loss due to the cumulative impact of these trace elements is increased. To assess the seasonal variation and cumulative risk of trace element contamination to seagrass meadows, trace element (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Hg, Mn and Zn) levels in surface sediment and seagrass tissues were measured in the largest Chinese Zostera japonica habitat, located in the Yellow River Estuary, at three sites and three seasons (fall, spring and summer) in 2014–2015. In all three seasons, trace element accumulation in the sediment exceeded background levels for Cd and Hg. Cumulative risk to Z. japonica habitat in the Yellow River Estuary, from all trace elements together, was assessed as “moderate” in all three seasons examined. Bioaccumulation of trace elements by seagrass tissues was highly variable between seasons and between above-ground and below-ground biomass. The variation in trace element concentration of seagrass tissues was much higher than the variation in trace element concentration of the sediment. In addition, for trace elements which tended to accumulate more in above-ground biomass than below-ground biomass (Cd and Mn), the ratio of above-ground to below-ground trace element concentration peaked at times corresponding to high water discharge and high sediment loads in the Yellow River Estuary. Overall, our results suggest that trace element accumulation in the sediment may not vary between seasons, but bioaccumulation in seagrass tissues is highly variable and may respond directly to trace elements in the water column.
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