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النتائج 1 - 10 من 13
Relating metal bioavailability to risk assessment for aquatic species: Daliao River watershed, China
Han, Shuping | Zhang, Ying | Masunaga, Shigeki | Zhou, Siyun | Naito, Wataru
The spatial distribution of metal bioavailability (Ni, Cu, Zn, and Pb) was first evaluated within the waters of Daliao River watershed, using the diffusive gradient in thin films (DGT) and chemical equilibrium models. To assess potential risks associated with metal bioavailability, site-specific 95% protection levels (HC5), risk characterizations ratios (RCR) and ratios of DGT-labile/HC5 were derived, using species sensitivity distribution (SSD). The highest bioavailability values for metals were recorded in the main channel of the Daliao River, followed by the Taizi River. Dynamic concentrations predicted by WHAM 7.0 and NICA-Donnan for Cu and Zn agreed well with DGT results. The estuary of the Daliao River was found to have the highest risks related to Ni, Cu, and Zn. The number of sites at risk increased when considering the total toxicity of Ni, Cu, and Zn.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Modelling the dispersion and transport of reactive pollutants in a deep urban street canyon: Using large-eddy simulation
Zhong, Jian | Cai, Xiao-Ming | Bloss, William James
This study investigates the dispersion and transport of reactive pollutants in a deep urban street canyon with an aspect ratio of 2 under neutral meteorological conditions using large-eddy simulation. The spatial variation of pollutants is significant due to the existence of two unsteady vortices. The deviation of species abundance from chemical equilibrium for the upper vortex is greater than that for the lower vortex. The interplay of dynamics and chemistry is investigated using two metrics: the photostationary state defect, and the inferred ozone production rate. The latter is found to be negative at all locations within the canyon, pointing to a systematic negative offset to ozone production rates inferred by analogous approaches in environments with incomplete mixing of emissions. This study demonstrates an approach to quantify parameters for a simplified two-box model, which could support traffic management and urban planning strategies and personal exposure assessment.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Distribution, speciation and availability of antimony (Sb) in soils and terrestrial plants from an active Sb mining area
Okkenhaug, Gudny | Zhu, Yong-Guan | Luo, Lei | Lei, Ming | Li, Xi | Mulder, Jan
Here, we present one of the first studies investigating the mobility, solubility and the speciation-dependent in-situ bioaccumulation of antimony (Sb) in an active Sb mining area (Xikuangshan, China). Total Sb concentrations in soils are high (527–11,798 mg kg⁻¹), and all soils, including those taken from a paddy field and a vegetable garden, show a high bioavailable Sb fraction (6.3–748 mg kg⁻¹), dominated by Sb(V). Elevated concentrations in native plant species (109–4029 mg kg⁻¹) underpin this. Both chemical equilibrium studies and XANES data suggest the presence of Ca[Sb(OH)₆]₂, controlling Sb solubility. A very close relationship was found between the citric acid extractable Sb in plants and water or sulfate extractable Sb in soil, indicating that citric acid extractable Sb content in plants may be a better predictor for bioavailable Sb in soil than total acid digestible Sb plant content.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Transgenerational acclimation to changes in ocean acidification in marine invertebrates
Lee, Young-Hwan | Jeong, Chang-Bum | Wang, Minghua | Hagiwara, A. (Atsushi) | Lee, Jae-seong
The rapid pace of increasing oceanic acidity poses a major threat to the fitness of the marine ecosystem, as well as the buffering capacity of the oceans. Disruption in chemical equilibrium in the ocean leads to decreased carbonate ion precipitation, resulting in calcium carbonate saturation. If these trends continue, calcifying invertebrates will experience difficultly maintaining their calcium carbonate exoskeleton and shells. Because malfunction of exoskeleton formation by calcifiers in response to ocean acidification (OA) will have non-canonical biological cascading results in the marine ecosystem, many studies have investigated the direct and indirect consequences of OA on ecosystem- and physiology-related traits of marine invertebrates. Considering that evolutionary adaptation to OA depends on the duration of OA effects, long-term exposure to OA stress over multi-generations may result in adaptive mechanisms that increase the potential fitness of marine invertebrates in response to OA. Transgenerational studies have the potential to elucidate the roles of acclimation, carryover effects, and evolutionary adaptation within and over generations in response to OA. In particular, understanding mechanisms of transgenerational responses (e.g., antioxidant responses, metabolic changes, epigenetic reprogramming) to changes in OA will enhance our understanding of marine invertebrate in response to rapid climate change.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]A numerical investigation of reactive air pollutant dispersion in urban street canyons with tree planting
Moradpour, Maryam | Afshin, Hossein | Farhanieh, Bijan
Vegetation acts as a momentum and thermal sink, affecting the mixing of species and temperature-dependent constants of reaction rates. Numerical simulations were performed to investigate the effects of vegetation on the dispersion of reactive pollutants using a computational fluid dynamic (CFD) model coupled with NO-NO2-O3 photochemistry. Moreover, characteristics of temperature and flow fields were analyzed for different aspect ratios and leaf area densities. The results showed that flow is reversed in the presence of trees, and it enhances as leaf area density (LAD) increases; additionally, vegetation creates downward and vortex flows. The results also revealed that the dispersion of nitrogen oxides is influenced by the flow patterns; nevertheless, chemical reactions are significant for the dispersion of ozone. In addition, the vegetation is observed to weaken ventilation efficiency of NO and NO2; however, ventilation efficiency of O3 improves in LAD = 0.5 and 1.0. Aspect ratios and leaf area densities are also found to interact with each other; consequently, the optimum LAD is different for each aspect ratio. The larger regions with maximum concentrations of nitrogen oxides at the height of 2 m for aspect ratios of 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 correspond to LAD = 2.0, 1.5, and 1.0, respectively. Furthermore, vegetation as compared to tree-free environment, mostly leads to a better chemical equilibrium.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Characterization of acidity and sulfate in dust obtained from the Wuda coal base, northern China: spatial distribution and pollution assessment
Hong, Xiuping | Yang, Gang | Liang, Handong
The coal fire in Wuda, Inner Mongolia of China, is one of the most serious coal fires in the world with a history over 50 years and endangers the neighboring downwind urban area. A lack of effective measures to control coal fires in this region can aggravate environmental pollution. In this study, the levels and spatial distributions of acid (pH) and SO₄²⁻ in dust in the Wuda coalfield and its surrounding areas in Inner Mongolia, North China, were reported to identify the potential acid and SO₄²⁻ pollution in the local environment with an area of 270 km². The mean pH and SO₄²⁻ content was to found to be 7.44 and 5981 μg·g⁻¹, respectively. Through the analysis of the spatial distribution of pH and SO₄²⁻ concentrations, it was found that most of contaminated areas are mainly distributed in coalfield and its affiliated industrial parks, and the Wuda urban area also suffered from pollution. Based on chemical equilibrium, the surface acid pollution might have resulted in the change of the dust type from the original weakly alkaline CaCO₃ type to the CaSO₄ type in coalfield and industrial parks. Finally, the pollution assessment revealed that the coalfield and industrial parks are both at heavy pollution levels, and the urban area is mostly moderately polluted, followed by farm and peripheral region with a certain pollution risk. The results indicated that the long-term release of acidic gas from the coal fires and industrial parks can led to significantly elevated acidity and SO₄²⁻ levels in the dust of the local environment, while coal fires can aggravate surface pollution in industrial parks, but the extent of contamination was also closely related to the terrain and wind direction in the study area.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Application of Polymath Chemical Equilibrium Simulation Model for Struvite Precipitation in Soils
Miyittah, Michael K. | Gadekar, Sachin | Pullammanappallil, Pratap | Stanley, Craig D. | Bonzongo, Jean-Claude | Rechcigl, Jack E.
A new speciation model developed and implemented in Polymath was found to be successful in predicting struvite precipitation in soils. Struvite (NH4MgPO4) has been identified as a mineral for the recovery of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P). Predicting struvite precipitation potential in soil is important for optimal quantification of nutrient species. Polymath and Visual Minteq models were used for prediction of several solid phases in the soil. One approach to immobilize P for solid-phase formation is by co-blending. Immobilization was achieved through the blending of an Al-based water treatment residual (Al-WTR) and with Ca–Mg-based materials [slag and magnesium oxide (MgO)]. The results suggest that Polymath model revealed solid Phases of dicalcium phosphate pentahydrate (DCPP), magnesium hydroxide (MHO), magnesium orthophosphate (v) docosahydrate (MP22), magnesium orthophosphate (v) octahydrate (MP8), and struvite, which were lacking in the modeling from Visual Minteq. Residual leachate from the co-blended amendments; Soil+WTR+Slag, Soil+WTR+MgO, Soil+MgO, Soil+Slag, Soil+WTR, and the control (without amendment) had struvite of 353, 199, 119, 90, 37, and 12 mg l-1, respectively. This implies that struvite, a phosphate mineral can be precipitated in the soil and could be released as nutrients for plant uptake. Struvite precipitation in soil and for reuse may reduce cost and may be a safe practice for sustainable environmental nutrient management.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Evaluation of Deammonification Process by Response Surface Models
Fernández, Isaac | Plaza, Elzbieta | Trela, Jozef | Hultman, Bengt | Méndez, Ramón
The influence of the operational variables on the Anammox process has been generally researched considering each variable separately. However, the optimization of the process also requires the identification of the more significant variables and their possible interactions. Response surface models were successfully applied to evaluate the performance of the Anammox process in a deammonification system (i.e., one-stage biofilm Anammox process) taking into account the combined effects caused by two sets of three variables. Specific Anammox activity was measured by a manometric method and used as the response variable. The obtained models pointed out that the significant variables were the temperature, the value of pH, and the ratio between the unionized species of the substrates (free ammonia and free nitrous acid (FA/FNA)). There were interactions among them caused by chemical equilibriums. Total nitrogen concentration and ammonium concentration were found to be not significant in the tested range. According to the models, the optimum values of temperature, pH, and free ammonia to free nitrous acid ratio within the test ranges were, respectively, 30°C, 7.0, and 0.3. Further research at higher temperatures and lower values of pH and FA/FNA ratios would be necessary in order to find the absolute optimum conditions for the process. The obtained model can be also useful in order to develop control strategies that take into account the significant variables and their optimum ranges. A strategy to control deammonification reactors has been proposed, according to the results of the modeling.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Buffer Capacity of Open Atmospheric Gas-Liquid Systems
Wilkosz, I.
Buffer capacity analysis of open atmospheric gas-liquid systems containing main acidic and basic atmospheric pollutants was carried out. Usually the buffer capacity is considered as a function of pH as an independent variable. In this work the buffer capacity is analysed including the dependence of pH on the composition of a system. Such an approach allows finding an important, from the viewpoint of atmospheric water acidification, relationship between the gas phase composition and the buffer capacity. It was found that buffer capacity of the open gas-liquid systems may be very high and it may cause the liquid phase pH to remain at low levels. The buffer capacity of the analysed systems is most strongly affected by the simultaneous presence of ammonia and strong acids in the gas phase. The higher concentrations of strong acid gases the lower NH₃ concentration is sufficient to achieve high buffer capacity. In the presence of strong acid gases, calcium ions affect both the buffer capacity and the liquid phase pH only at low NH₃ concentrations. High buffer capacity of open gas-liquid systems may be one of the reasons why the reduction in emissions of acidic gas pollutants has little effect on decrease in atmospheric water acidity.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Improving the prediction of ammonium nitrogen removal through struvite precipitation
Zhou, Shaoqi | Wu, Yanyu
PURPOSE: Both an optimization statistical model and a chemical thermodynamic equilibrium computer model were proposed to develop, improve, and optimize struvite precipitation process. METHODS AND RESULT: The NH4-N in synthetically prepared wastewater was removed using struvite precipitation technology. A quadratic statistical modeling, response surface methodology (RSM), was applied to investigate the improvement availability for high-level removal of ammonium-nitrogen by struvite precipitation. Then, a chemical equilibrium model, Visual MINTEQ, was used to calculate the equilibrium speciation and saturation index in aqueous solution and solid phases. In addition, the availability of Mg2+, NH 4 + , and PO 4 3− ions as a function of pH was modeled. The predicted and experimental data indicated that the two models might describe the experiments well. The results showed that pH was an important parameter in ammonium-nitrogen removals at low initial NH4-N concentration. P/N molar ratio was a limiting factor on struvite precipitation at high initial NH4-N concentration. CONCLUSION: Within the ranges of the investigated factors, Visual MINTEQ program can be proposed to predetermine the concentration of ammonium precipitated by struvite, and RSM can be used to predict total NH4-N removal by both struvite precipitation and ammonia volatilization from our investigated system operated at high pH and opened to the atmosphere.
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