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النتائج 1 - 10 من 60
Inhibition of methylmercury uptake by freshwater phytoplankton in presence of algae-derived organic matter
Li, Zhike | Chi, Jie | Shao, Bo | Wu, Zhengyu | He, Wei | Liu, Yiwen | Sun, Peizhe | Lin, Huiming | Wang, Xuejun | Zhao, Yingxin | Chen, Long | Tong, Yindong
As the first step of methylmercury (MeHg) entry into the aquatic food webs, MeHg uptake by phytoplankton is crucial in determining the final human MeHg exposure risks. MeHg availability to plankton is regulated by dissolved organic matter (DOM) in the water, while the extent of the impacts can vary largely based on the sources of DOM. Here, we investigated impacts of DOM sources on MeHg bioconcentration by three freshwater phytoplankton species (i.e. S. quadricauda, Chlorella sp., Microcystis elabens) in the laboratory system. We found that algae-derived DOM would prohibited the cellular MeHg bioconcentration by a percent up to 77–93%, while the soil-derived DOM didn't show similar inhibition effects. DOM characterization by the excitation‒emission matrices, Fourier transform infrared spectrum, ultra‒high performance liquid chromatography‒tandem quadrupole time of flight mass spectrometry shown that the molecular size of S-containing compound, rather than thiol concentration, has played a crucial role in regulating the MeHg uptake by phytoplankton. Climate change and increasing nutrient loadings from human activities may affect plankton growth in the freshwater, ultimately changing the DOM compositions. Impacts of these changes on cellular MeHg uptakes by phytoplankton should be emphasized when exploring the aquatic Hg cycling and evaluating their risks to human beings and wild life.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Polystyrene microplastics decrease accumulation of essential fatty acids in common freshwater algae
Guschina, Irina A. | Hayes, Anthony J. | Ormerod, Stephen J.
Despite growing concern about the occurrence of microplastics in aquatic ecosystems there is only rudimentary understanding of the pathways through which any adverse effects might occur. Here, we assess the effects of polystyrene microplastics (PS-MPs; <70 μm) on a common and widespread algal species, Chlorella sorokiniana. We used laboratory exposure to test the hypothesis that the lipids and fatty acids (FAs) are important molecules in the response reactions of algae to this pollutant. Cultivation with PS-MPs systematically reduced the concentration of essential linoleic acid (ALA, C18:3n-3) in C. sorokiniana, concomitantly increasing oleic acid (C18:1n-9). Among the storage triacylglycerols, palmitoleic and oleic acids increased at the expenses of two essential fatty acids, linoleic (LIN, C18:2n-6) and ALA, while PS-MPs had even more pronounced effects on the fatty acid and hydrocarbon composition of waxes and steryl esters. The FA composition of two major chloroplast galactolipids, monogalactosyldiacylglycerol (MGDG) and digalactosyldiacylglycerol (DGDG), were affected implying changes in the conformational structure of photosynthetic complexes in ways that can impair the photosynthesis. These data reveal how exposure to polystyrene microplastics can modify the concentrations of lipid molecules that are important intrinsically in cell membranes, and hence the lipid bilayers that could form an important barrier between algal cellular compartments and plastics in the aquatic environment. Changes in lipid synthesis and fatty acid composition in algae could also have repercussions for food quality, growth and stressor resistance in primary consumers. We advocate further studies of microplastics effects on the lipid composition of primary producers, and of their potential propagation through aquatic food webs.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Biotoxicity of water-soluble species in PM2.5 using Chlorella
Yang, Liu | Duan, Fengkui | Tian, Hua | He, Kebin | Ma, Yongliang | Ma, Tao | Li, Hui | Yang, Shuo | Zhu, Lidan
China has been faced with severe haze pollution, which is hazardous to human health. Among the air pollutants, PM2.5 (particles with an aerodynamic diameter ≤ 2.5 μm) is the most dangerous because of its toxicity and impact on human health and ecosystems. However, there has been limited research on PM2.5 particle toxicity. In the present study, we collected daily PM2.5 samples from January 1 to March 31, 2018 and selected samples to extract water-soluble species, including SO42−, NO3−, WSOC, and NH4+. These samples represented clean, good, slight, moderate, and heavy pollution days. After extraction using an ultrasonic method, PM2.5 solutions were obtained. We used Chlorella as the test algae and studied the content of chlorophyll a, as well as the variation in fluorescence when they were placed into the PM2.5 extraction solution, and their submicroscopic structure was analyzed using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The results showed that when the air quality was relatively clean and good (PM2.5 concentration ≤ 75 μg m−3), the PM2.5 extraction solutions had no inhibiting effects on Chlorella, whereas when the air quality was polluted (PM2.5 concentration > 75 μg m−3) and heavily polluted (PM2.5 concentration > 150 μg m−3), with increasing PM2.5 concentrations and exposure time, the chlorophyll a content in Chlorella decreased. Moreover, the maximum photochemical quantum yield (Fv/Fm) of Chlorella obviously decreased, indicating chlorophyll inhibition during polluted days with increasing PM2.5 concentrations. The effects on the chlorophyll fluorescence parameters were also obvious, leading to an increase of energy dissipated per unit reaction center (DIo/RC), suggesting that Chlorella could survive when exposed to PM2.5 solutions, whereas the physiological activities were significantly inhibited. The TEM analysis showed that there were few effects on Chlorella cell microstructure during clean days, whereas plasmolysis occurred during light- and medium-polluted days. With increasing pollution levels, plasmolysis became more and more apparent, until the organelles inside the cells were thoroughly destroyed and most of the parts could not be recognized.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Time-averaged concentrations are effective for predicting chronic toxicity of varying copper pulse exposures for two freshwater green algae species
Angel, Brad M. | Simpson, Stuart L. | Granger, Ellissah | Goodwyn, Kathryn | Jolley, Dianne F.
Intermittent, fluctuating and pulsed contaminant discharges may result in organisms receiving highly variable contaminant exposures. This study investigated the effects of dissolved copper pulse concentration and exposure duration on the toxicity to two freshwater green algae species. The effects of single copper pulses of between 1 and 48 h duration and continuous exposures (72 h) on growth rate inhibition of Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata and Chlorella sp. were compared on a time-averaged concentration (TAC) basis. Relationships were then derived between the exposure concentration and duration required to elicit different levels of toxicity expressed as inhibition concentration (IC). Continuous exposure IC50's of 3.0 and 1.9 μg/L were measured on a TAC basis for P. subcapitata and Chlorella sp., respectively. Algal growth rates generally recovered to control levels within 24–48 h of the copper pulse removal, with some treatments exhibiting significantly (p < 0.05) higher rates of cell division than controls in this recovery period. For both algae, when exposed to treatments with equivalent TACs, the continuous exposure elicited similar or slightly greater growth rate inhibition than the pulsed exposures. To elicit equivalent inhibition, the exposure concentration increased as the exposure duration decreased, and power models fitted this relationship reasonably well for both species. Water quality guideline values (WQGVs) are predominantly derived using data from continuous exposure toxicity bioassays, despite intermittent contaminant exposures often occurring in aquatic systems. The results indicate the WQGV for copper may be relaxed for pulsed exposures by a factor less than or equivalent to the TAC and still achieve a protection to these sensitive algae species.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Cell-wall-dependent effect of carboxyl-CdSe/ZnS quantum dots on lead and copper availability to green microalgae
Worms, Isabelle A.M. | Boltzman, Jonathan | García, Miguel | Slaveykova, Vera I.
The present study examines the effect of carboxyl-CdSe/ZnS quantum dots (QDs) on Cu and Pb availability to microalgae with different cell wall characteristics: Chlorella kesslerii possessing a cellulosic cell wall and two strains of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, a wall-less and a walled strain containing glycoproteins as the main cell wall component. Results demonstrated that QDs decreased Pb and Cu intracellular contents ({Cu}ᵢₙₜ and {Pb}ᵢₙₜ) in walled strains by a factor of 2.5 and 2, respectively, as expected by the decrease of about 70% and 40% in the dissolved Cu and Pb concentrations. QDs increased {Cu}ᵢₙₜ and {Pb}ᵢₙₜ in wall-less strain by a factor of 4 and 3.5. These observations were consistent with the observed association of QDs to the wall-less C. reinhardtii, and lack of association to walled algal strains. Suwannee River humic acid did not influence metal association to QDs, but decreased {Cu}ᵢₙₜ and {Pb}ᵢₙₜ in all microalgae.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Toxicity profile of labile preservative bronopol in water: The role of more persistent and toxic transformation products
Cui, Na | Zhang, Xiaoxiang | Xie, Qing | Wang, Se | Chen, Jingwen | Huang, Liping | Qiao, Xianliang | Li, Xuehua | Cai, Xiyun
Transformation products usually differ in environmental behaviors and toxicological properties from the parent contaminants, and probably cause potential risks to the environment. Toxicity evolution of a labile preservative, bronopol, upon primary aquatic degradation processes was investigated. Bronopol rapidly hydrolyzed in natural waters, and primarily produced more stable 2-bromo-2-nitroethanol (BNE) and bromonitromethane (BNM). Light enhanced degradation of the targeted compounds with water site specific photoactivity. The bond order analysis theoretically revealed that the reversible retroaldol reactions were primary degradation routes for bronopol and BNE. Judging from toxicity assays and the relative pesticide toxicity index, these degradation products (i.e., BNE and BNM), more persistent and higher toxic than the parent, probably accumulated in natural waters and resulted in higher or prolonging adverse impacts. Therefore, these transformation products should be included into the assessment of ecological risks of non-persistent and low toxic chemicals such as the preservative bronopol.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Effect of natural organic matter and green microalga on carboxyl-polyethylene glycol coated CdSe/ZnS quantum dots stability and transformations under freshwater conditions
Slaveykova, Vera I. | Startchev, Konstantin
The influence of pH, ionic strength, presence of humic or alginic acids, extracellular polymeric substances (EPS), or freshwater microalga Chlorella kesslerii on the stability and transformation of carboxyl-PEG-CdSe/ZnS core/shell quantum dots (QDs) in terms of number, hydrodynamic size and fluorescence of individual particles, was studied by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. Obtained results demonstrated that QDs form stable dispersions at nanomolar concentrations under conditions typical for freshwaters. The presence of 5 or 15 mg C L−1 of humic acid or 50 mg C L−1 EPS did not significantly affect these parameters. In contrast, 5 or 50 mg C L−1 alginate at ionic strength of 10 mM shifted the hydrodynamic radius toward larger values, suggesting a possible capture of QDs by the linear alginate chains. The addition of microalga to the QD dispersions resulted in a slight reduction of the number of QDs and a significant decline in the fluorescence of individual QDs. Carboxyl-PEG-CdSe/ZnS core/shell quantum dots form stable dispersions under conditions representative of freshwaters.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Ignored effects of phosphite (P+III) on the growth responses of three typical algae species
Han, Chao | Ren, Jinghua | Wang, Baoying | Wang, Zhaode | Yin, Hongbin | Ke, Fan | Xu, Di | Zhang, Lei | Si, Xiaoxia | Shen, Qiushi
Nowadays, the ubiquitous distribution and increasing abundance of P⁺ᴵᴵᴵ in waterbodies have caused serious concerns regarding its bioavailability and potential toxicity. However, our knowledge on these issues is relatively limited. We addressed previously unknown effects of P⁺ᴵᴵᴵ on three dominate algae species i.e. Microcystic aeruginosa (M. aeruginosa), Chlorella pyrenoidesa (C. pyrenoidesa) and Cyclotella. sp in eutrophic waterbodies in China. Remarkable declines in biomass, specific growth rate and Chl-a of algae cells treated with 0.01–0.7 mg/L P⁺ᴵᴵᴵ as sole or an alternative P source were observed, indicating P⁺ᴵᴵᴵ had an inhibitory effect on the algal growth. Besides, the intracellular enzyme activities e.g superoxide dismutase (SOD) and malondialdehyde (MDA) were significantly increased with P⁺ᴵᴵᴵ stress. M. aeruginosa and Cyclotella. sp cells seemed to be more sensitive to P⁺ᴵᴵᴵ toxicity than C. pyrenoidesa since cell membrane suffered more serious stress and destruction. These findings combined, it confirmed P⁺ᴵᴵᴵ could not be utilized as bioavailable P, but had certain toxicity to the tested algae. It indicated that the increased P⁺ᴵᴵᴵ abundance in eutrophic waterbodies would accelerate the algal cell death, which could have a positive effect against algal blooms. Our results provide new insights into assessing the ecological risks of P⁺ᴵᴵᴵ in aquatic environments.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Effects of methanol, sodium citrate, and chlorella powder on enhanced anaerobic treatment of coal pyrolysis wastewater
Shi, Jingxin | Wan, Ning | Han, Hongjun
To better promote environment friendly development of the coal chemical industry, this study investigated effects of methanol, sodium citrate, and chlorella powder (a type of microalgae) as co-metabolic substances on enhanced anaerobic treatment of coal pyrolysis wastewater with anaerobic sludge. The anaerobic sludge was loaded into four 2 L anaerobic reactors for co-metabolism enhanced anaerobic experiments. Anaerobic reactor 1 (R1) as control group did not add a co-metabolic substance; anaerobic reactor 2 (R2) added methanol; anaerobic reactor 3 (R3) added sodium citrate; and anaerobic reactor 4 (R4) added chlorella powder. In the blank control group, the removal ratios of total phenol (TPh), quinoline, and indole were only 12.07%, 42.15%, and 50.47%, respectively, indicating that 50 mg/L quinoline, 50 mg/L indole, and 600 mg/L TPh produced strong toxicity inhibition function on the anaerobic microorganism in reactor. When the concentration of methanol, sodium citrate, and chlorella was 400 μg/L, the reactors with co-metabolic substances had better treatment effect on TPh. Among them, the strengthening effects of sodium citrate (TPh removal ratio: 44.87%) and chlorella (47.85%) were better than that of methanol (38.72%) and the control group (10.62%). Additionally, the reactors with co-metabolic substances had higher degradation ratios on quinoline, indole, and chemical oxygen demand (COD). The data of extracellular polymeric substances showed that with the co-metabolic substances, anaerobic microorganisms produced more humic acids by degrading phenols and nitrogen-containing heterocyclic compounds (NHCs). Compared with the control group, the reactors added with sodium citrate and chlorella had larger average particle size of sludge. Thus, sodium citrate and chlorella could improve sludge sedimentation performance by increasing the sludge particle size. The bacterial community structures of reactors were explored and the results showed that Aminicenantes genera incertae sedis, Levinea, Geobacter, Smithella, Brachymonas, and Longilinea were the main functional bacteria in reactor added with chlorella.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Amelioration of copper toxicity to a tropical freshwater microalga: Effect of natural DOM source and season
Macoustra, Gabriella K. | Jolley, Dianne F. | Stauber, Jenny | Koppel, Darren J. | Holland, Aleicia
Australian tropical freshwaters can experience extreme seasonal variability in rainfall and run off, particularly due to pulse events such as storms and cyclones. This study investigated how seasonal variability in dissolved organic matter (DOM) quality impacted the chronic toxicity of copper to a tropical green alga (Chlorella sp.) in the presence of two concentrations of DOM (low: ∼2 mg C/L; high: ∼10 mg C/L) collected from three tropical waters. Copper speciation and lability were explored using diffusive gradients in thin-films (DGT) and modelled maximum dynamic concentrations (cᵈʸⁿₘₐₓ) using data derived from the Windermere Humic Aqueous Model (WHAM VII). Relationships between copper lability and copper toxicity were assessed as potential tools for predicting toxicity. Copper toxicity varied significantly with DOM concentration, source and season. Copper toxicity decreased with increasing concentrations of DOM, with 50% growth inhibition effect concentrations (EC₅₀) increasing from 1.9 μg Cu/L in synthetic test waters with no added DOM (0.34 mg C/L) up to 63 μg Cu/L at DOM concentrations of 9.9 mg C/L. Copper toxicity varied by up to 2-fold between the three DOM sources and EC₅₀ values were generally lower in the presence of wet season DOM compared to dry season DOM. Linear relationships between DGT-labile copper and dissolved copper were significantly different between DOM source, but not concentration or season. Modelled cᵈʸⁿₘₐₓ consistently under-predicted labile copper in high DOM treatments compared to DGT measurements but performed better in low DOM treatments, indicating that this method is DOM-concentration dependent. Neither speciation method was a good surrogate for copper toxicity in the presence of different sources of natural DOM. Our findings show that DOM source and season, not just DOM concentration, affect copper toxicity to freshwater biota. Therefore, DOM quality should be considered as a toxicity-modifying factor for future derivation of bioavailability-based site-specific water quality guideline values.
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