خيارات البحث
النتائج 1 - 10 من 45
The carbon budget of Canadian forests: A sensitivity analysis of changes in disturbance regimes, growth rates, and decomposition rates.
Kurz W.A. | Apps M.J.
Polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs) in the Canadian environment: Sources and emissions
Berthiaume, A. | Galarneau, E. | Marson, G.
Twenty-five years after the first look at polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs) in Canada, this article presents current knowledge on Canadian PAC emission sources. The analysis is based on national inventories (the National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) and the Air Pollutant Emissions Inventory (APEI)), an analysis of Canadian forest fires, and several air quality model-ready emissions inventories. Nationally, forest fires continue to dominate PAC emissions in Canada, however there is uncertainty in these estimates. Though forest fire data show a steady average in the total annual area burned historically, an upward trend has developed recently. Non-industrial sources (home firewood burning, mobile sources) are estimated to be the second largest contributor (∼6-8 times lower than forest fires) and show moderate decreases (25%–65%) in the last decades. Industrial point sources (aluminum production, iron/steel manufacturing) are yet a smaller contributor and have seen considerable reductions (90% +) in recent decades. Fugitive emissions from other industrial sources (e.g. disposals by the non-conventional oil extraction and wastewater sectors, respectively) remain a gap in our understanding of total PAC emissions in Canada. Emerging concerns about previously unrecognized sources such as coal tar-sealed pavement run-off, climate change are discussed elsewhere in this special issue. Results affirm that observations at the annual/national scale are not always reflective of regional/local or finer temporal scales. When determining which sources contribute most to human and ecosystem exposure in various contexts, examination at regional and local scales is needed. There is uncertainty overall in emissions data stemming in part from various accuracy issues, limitations in the scope of the various inventories, and inventory gaps, among others.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Assessment of forest fire impacts on carbonaceous aerosols using complementary molecular marker receptor models at two urban locations in California's San Joaquin Valley
Bae, Min-Suk | Skiles, Matthew J. | Lai, Alexandra M. | Olson, Michael R. | de Foy, Benjamin | Schauer, James J.
Two hundred sixty-three fine particulate matter (PM₂.₅) samples were collected over fourteen months in Fresno and Bakersfield, California. Samples were analyzed for organic carbon (OC), elemental carbon (EC), water soluble organic carbon (WSOC), and 160 organic molecular markers. Chemical Mass Balance (CMB) and Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) source apportionment models were applied to the results in order to understand monthly and seasonal source contributions to PM₂.₅ OC. Similar source categories were found from the results of the CMB and PMF models to PM₂.₅ OC across the sites. Six source categories with reasonably stable profiles, including biomass burning, mobile, food cooking, two different secondary organic aerosols (SOAs) (i.e., winter and summer), and forest fires were investigated. Both the CMB and the PMF models showed a strong seasonality in contributions of some sources, as well as dependence on wind transport for both sites. The overall relative source contributions to OC were 24% CMB wood smoke, 19% CMB mobile sources, 5% PMF food cooking, 2% CMB vegetative detritus, 17% PMF SOA summer, 22% PMF SOA winter, and 12% PMF forest fire. Back-trajectories using the Weather Research and Forecasting model combined with the FLEXible PARTicle dispersion model (WRF-FLEXPART) were used to further characterize wind transport. Clustering of the trajectories revealed dominant wind patterns associated with varying concentrations of the different source categories. The Comprehensive Air Quality Model with eXtensions (CAMx) was used to simulate aerosol transport from forest fires and thus confirm the impacts of individual fires, such as the Rough Fire, at the measurement sites.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Insights into sources and occurrence of oxy- and nitro-PAHs in the alberta oil sands region using a network of passive air samplers
Vasiljevic, Tijana | Jariyasopit, Narumol | Schuster, Jasmin K. | Harner, Tom
Mining-related activities in the Alberta Oil Sands Region (AOSR) are known to emit polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and related compounds to ambient air. This is a concern due to the toxicity of PAHs, including their transformation products such as nitrated (NPAHs) and oxygenated (OPAHs) PAHs. This is the first study that provided a more extensive outlook into the sources, occurrence in air, and spatial and seasonal patterns of NPAHs and OPAHs in the AOSR by using passive air sampling. A sampling campaign from 2013 to 2016 revealed concentrations of NPAHs that were much lower than those of OPAHs. The highest concentrations of NPAHs were concentrated in the region associated with extensive mining activities, with ∑NPAH concentrations ranging from 20 to 250 pg/m³. Within the oil sands (OS) mineable area, NPAHs associated with primary release appear more commonly, while NPAHs produced via oxidative transformation are predominant outside of this area. The concentrations of ∑OPAH ranged from 400 to 2400 pg/m³, with the highest air concentrations in the region located south of the main OS activity zone, with peak concentrations attributed to a 2016 forest fire event. Uptake of PAHs from ambient air and their subsequent conversion to generate OPAHs is believed to play an important role in wildfire emissions of OPAHs. The seasonal trend investigation was inconclusive, with NPAHs slightly higher during the winter, while OPAHs were slightly elevated during summer. A preliminary comparison of ambient concentrations of OPAHs and NPAHs in the AOSR to measurements in the Greater Toronto Area revealed a similar range of concentrations, but also a unique presence of certain NPAHs such as 4-nitrobiphenyl, 2-nitrodibenzothiophene, 2,8-dinitrodibenzothiophene and 6-nitrobenzo-(a)-pyrene. This indicates that AOSR might have its own NPAH profile – creating the need to better understand associated NPAH toxicity and propensity for long range transport.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Optimization studies for hydrothermal gasification of partially burnt wood from forest fires for hydrogen-rich syngas production using Taguchi experimental design
Okolie, Jude A. | Nanda, Sonil | Dalai, Ajay K. | Kozinski, Janusz A.
Forest fires significantly affect the wildlife, vegetation, composition and structure of the forests. This study explores the potential of partially burnt wood recovered in the aftermath of a recent Canadian forest fire incident as a feedstock for generating hydrogen-rich syngas through hydrothermal gasification. Partially burnt wood was gasified in hydrothermal conditions to study the influence of process temperature (300–500 °C), residence time (15–45 min), feed concentration (10–20 wt%) and biomass particle size (0.13 mm and 0.8 mm) using the statistical Taguchi method. Maximum hydrogen yield and total gas yield of 5.26 mmol/g and 11.88 mmol/g, respectively were obtained under optimized process conditions at 500 °C in 45 min with 10 wt% feed concentration using biomass particle size of 0.13 mm. The results from the mean of hydrogen yield show that the contribution of each experimental factors was in the order of temperature > feed concentration > residence time > biomass particle size. Other gaseous products obtained at optimum conditions include CO₂ (3.43 mmol/g), CH₄ (3.13 mmol/g) and C₂–C₄ hydrocarbons (0.06 mmol/g).
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Impact of wildfires on SO2 detoxification mechanisms in leaves of oak and beech trees
Weber, Jan-Niklas | Kaufholdt, David | Minner-Meinen, Rieke | Bloem, Elke | Shahid, Afsheen | Rennenberg, H. (Heinz) | Hänsch, Robert
Frequency and intensity of wildfire occurrences are dramatically increasing worldwide due to global climate change, having a devastating effect on the entire ecosystem including plants. Moreover, distribution of fire-smoke can influence the natural environment over very long distances, i.e. hundreds of kilometres. Dry plant matter contains 0.1–0.9% (w/w) sulphur, which is mainly released during combustion into the atmosphere as sulphur dioxide (SO₂) resulting in local concentrations of up to 3000 nL L⁻¹. SO₂ is a highly hazardous gas, which enters plants mostly via the stomata. Toxic sulphite is formed inside the leaves due to conversion of SO₂. Plants as sessile organisms cannot escape from threats, why they evolved an impressive diversity of molecular defence mechanisms. In the present study, two recent wildfires in Germany were evaluated to analyse the effect of SO₂ released into the atmosphere on deciduous trees: the Meppen peat fire in 2018 and the forest fire close to Luebtheen in 2019. Collected leaf material from beech (Fagus sylvatica) and oak (Quercus robur) was examined with respect to detoxification of sulphur surplus due to the exposure to elevated SO₂. An induced stress reaction in both species was indicated by a 1.5-fold increase in oxidized glutathione. In beech leaves, the enzymatic activities of the sulphite detoxification enzymes sulphite oxidase and apoplastic peroxidases were increased 5-fold and a trend of sulphate accumulation was observed. In contrast, oaks did not regulate these enzymes during smoke exposure, however, the constitutive activity is 10-fold and 3-fold higher than in beech. These results show for the first time sulphite detoxification strategies of trees in situ after natural smoke exposure. Beech and oak trees survived short-term SO₂ fumigation due to exclusion of toxic gases and different oxidative detoxification strategies. Beeches use efficient upregulation of oxidative sulphite detoxification enzymes, while oaks hold a constitutively high enzyme-pool available.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Black carbon over an urban atmosphere in northern peninsular Southeast Asia: Characteristics, source apportionment, and associated health risks
Pani, Shantanu Kumar | Wang, Shengxiang | Lin, Neng-Huei | Chantara, Somporn | Lee, Chung-Te | Thepnuan, Duangduean
Black carbon (BC) has been demonstrated to pose significant negative impacts on climate and human health. Equivalent BC (EBC) measurements were conducted using a 7-wavelength aethalometer, from March to May 2016, over an urban atmosphere, viz., Chiang Mai (98.957°E, 18.795°N, 373 m above sea level), Thailand in northern peninsular Southeast Asia. Daily variations in aerosol light absorption were mainly governed by open fire activities in the region. The mean mass-specific absorption cross-section (MAC) value of EBC at 880 nm was estimated to be 9.3 m² g⁻¹. The median EBC mass concentration was the highest in March (3.3 μg m⁻³) due to biomass-burning (comprised of forest fire and agricultural burning) emissions accompanied by urban air pollution within the planetary boundary layer under favorable meteorological conditions. Daily mean absorption Ångström exponent (AAE₄₇₀/₉₅₀) varied between 1.3 and 1.7 and could be due to variations in EBC emission sources and atmospheric mixing processes. EBC source apportionment results revealed that biomass-burning contributed significantly more to total EBC concentrations (34–92%) as compared to fossil-fuel (traffic emissions). Health risk estimates of EBC in relation to different health outcomes were assessed in terms of passive cigarette equivalence, highlighting the considerable health effects associated with exposure to EBC levels. As a necessary action, the reduction of EBC emissions would promote considerable climate and health co-benefits.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Sources of atmospheric black carbon and related carbonaceous components at Rishiri Island, Japan: The roles of Siberian wildfires and of crop residue burning in China
Zhu, Chunmao | Kanaya, Yūgō | Yoshikawa-Inoue, Hisayuki | Irino, Tomohisa | Seki, Osamu | Tohjima, Yasunori
A field study was conducted to clarify sources of atmospheric black carbon and related carbonaceous components at Rishiri Island, Japan. We quantified equivalent black carbon (eBC) particle mass and the absorption Ångström exponent (AAE), atmospheric CO and CH₄, in addition to levoglucosan in total suspended particles, a typical tracer of biomass burning. Sixteen high eBC events were identified attributable to either anthropogenic sources or biomass burning in Siberia/China. These events were often accompanied by increases of co-emitted gases such as CH₄ and CO. Specifically, we observed pollution events with elevated eBC, AAE, levoglucosan, and CH₄CO slope in late July 2014, which were attributed to forest fires in Siberia by reference to the FLEXPART model footprint and fire hotspots. In autumn, drastic increases of eBC, AAE, and levoglucosan were observed, accompanied by an eBC–CO slope of >15 ng m⁻³/ppb, resulting from long-range transport of emissions from extensive burning of crop residue on the Northeast China Plain. Other than the sources of fossil fuel combustion in China and forest fires in Siberia, we report for the first time that pollution events in northern Japan are caused by crop residue burning in China. This study elucidated valuable information that will improve understanding of the effects of biomass burning in East Asia on atmospheric carbonaceous components.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Chemical composition and source apportionment of PM10 at an urban background site in a high–altitude Latin American megacity (Bogota, Colombia)
Ramírez R., Omar | Sánchez de la Campa, A.M. | Amato, F. (Fulvio) | Catacolí, Ruth A. | Rojas, Néstor Y. | Rosa, Jesús de la
Bogota registers frequent episodes of poor air quality from high PM₁₀ concentrations. It is one of the main Latin American megacities, located at 2600 m in the tropical Andes, but there is insufficient data on PM₁₀ source contribution. A characterization of the chemical composition and the source apportionment of PM₁₀ at an urban background site in Bogota was carried out in this study. Daily samples were collected from June 2015 to May 2016 (a total of 311 samples). Organic carbon (OC), elemental carbon (EC), water soluble compounds (SO₄²⁻, Cl⁻, NO₃⁻, NH₄⁺), major elements (Al, Fe, Mg, Ca, Na, K, P) and trace metals (V, Cd, Pb, Sr, Ba, among others) were analyzed. The results were interpreted in terms of their variability during the rainy season (RS) and the dry season (DS). The data obtained revealed that the carbonaceous fraction (∼51%) and mineral dust (23%) were the main PM₁₀ components, followed by others (15%), Secondary Inorganic Compounds (SIC) (11%) and sea salt (0.4%). The average concentrations of soil, SIC and OC were higher during RS than DS. However, peak values were observed during the DS due to photochemical activity and forest fires. Although trace metals represented <1% of PM₁₀, high concentrations of toxic elements such as Pb and Sb on RS, and Cu on DS, were obtained. By using a PMF model, six factors were identified (∼96% PM₁₀) including fugitive dust, road dust, metal processing, secondary PM, vehicles exhaust and industrial emissions. Traffic (exhaust emissions + road dust) was the major PM₁₀ source, accounting for ∼50% of the PM₁₀. The results provided novel data about PM₁₀ chemical composition, its sources and its seasonal variability during the year, which can help the local government to define control strategies for the main emission sources during the most critical periods.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in ocean sediments from the North Pacific to the Arctic Ocean
Ma, Yuxin | Halsall, Crispin J. | Xie, Zhiyong | Koetke, Danijela | Mi, Wenying | Ebinghaus, Ralf | Gao, Guoping
Eighteen polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were measured in surficial sediments along a marine transect from the North Pacific into the Arctic Ocean. The highest average Σ18PAHs concentrations were observed along the continental slope of the Canada Basin in the Arctic (68.3 ± 8.5 ng g−1 dw), followed by sediments in the Chukchi Sea shelf (49.7 ± 21.2 ng g−1 dw) and Bering Sea (39.5 ± 11.3 ng g−1 dw), while the Bering Strait (16.8 ± 7.1 ng g−1 dw) and Central Arctic Ocean sediments (13.1 ± 9.6 ng g−1 dw) had relatively lower average concentrations. The use of principal components analysis with multiple linear regression (PCA/MLR) indicated that on average oil related or petrogenic sources contributed ∼42% of the measured PAHs in the sediments and marked by higher concentrations of two methylnaphthalenes over the non-alkylated parent PAH, naphthalene. Wood and coal combustion contributed ∼32%, and high temperature pyrogenic sources contributing ∼26%. Petrogenic sources, such as oil seeps, allochthonous coal and coastally eroded material such as terrigenous sediments particularly affected the Chukchi Sea shelf and slope of the Canada Basin, while biomass and coal combustion sources appeared to have greater influence in the central Arctic Ocean, possibly due to the effects of episodic summertime forest fires.
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