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Can the use of deactivated glass fibre filters eliminate sorption artefacts associated with active air sampling of perfluorooctanoic acid?
Johansson, Jana H. | Berger, Urs | Cousins, Ian T.
Experimental work was undertaken to test whether gaseous perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) sorbs to glass fibre filters (GFFs) during air sampling, causing an incorrect measure of the gas-particle equilibrium distribution. Furthermore, tests were performed to investigate whether deactivation by siliconisation prevents sorption of gaseous PFOA to filter materials. An apparatus was constructed to closely simulate a high-volume air sampler, although with additional features allowing introduction of gaseous test compounds into an air stream stripped from particles. The set-up enabled investigation of the sorption of gaseous test compounds to filter media, eliminating any contribution from particles. Experiments were performed under ambient outdoor air conditions at environmentally relevant analyte concentrations. The results demonstrate that gaseous PFOA sorbs to GFFs, but that breakthrough of gaseous PFOA on the GFFs occurs at trace-level loadings. This indicates that during high volume air sampling, filters do not quantitatively capture all the PFOA in the sampled air. Experiments with siliconised GFFs showed that this filter pre-treatment reduced the sorption of gaseous PFOA, but that sorption still occurred at environmentally relevant air concentrations. We conclude that deactivation of GFFs does not allow for the separation of gaseous and particle bound perfluorinated carboxylic acids (PFCAs) during active air sampling. Consequently, the well-recognised theory that PFCAs do not prevail as gaseous species in the atmosphere may be based on biased measurements. Caution should be taken to ensure that this artefact will not bias the conclusions of future field studies.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in urban environments: Health risk assessment by age groups
Amarillo, Ana C. | Tavera Busso, Iván | Carreras, Hebe
A detailed investigation was conducted into the concentration of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) associated with PM10 particles collected during 2012 in an urban area in Cordoba, Argentina. Their composition was studied and the lifetime lung cancer risk resulting from exposure to total and individual PAHs was estimated. Samples of PM10 were collected daily on fiber glass filters with PAHs being extracted with methylene chloride and analyzed by HPLC. Mean PAH concentrations were higher during autumn and winter. In contrast, during warm months, high ambient temperature and wind speed contributed to a decrease in the PAH ambient concentrations. The PAH levels found in the present study were within the range of those reported in other polluted urban areas. However risk factors calculated for exposure to individual and cumulative PAHs exceeded the carcinogenic benchmark level of 1 × 10−6 early in childhood, implying that these PAH concentrations represent a serious risk to public health.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Characterization of microplastics on filter substrates based on hyperspectral imaging: Laboratory assessments
Zhu, Chunmao | Kanaya, Yūgō | Nakajima, Ryota | Tsuchiya, Masashi | Nomaki, Hidetaka | Kitahashi, Tomo | Fujikura, Katsunori
Microplastic pollution has become an urgent issue because it adversely affects ecosystems. However, efficient methods to detect and characterize microplastic particles are still in development. By conducting a series of laboratory assessments based on near-infrared hyperspectral imaging in the wavelength range of 900–1700 nm, we report the fundamental spectral features of (i) 11 authentic plastics and (ii) 11 filter substrate materials. We found that different plastic polymers showed distinct spectral features at 1150–1250 nm, 1350–1450 nm and 1600–1700 nm, enabling their automatic recognition and identification with spectral separation algorithms. Using an improved hyperspectral imaging system, we demonstrated the detection of three types of microplastic particles, polyethylene, polypropylene and polystyrene, down to 100 μm in diameter. As a filter substrate, a gold-coated polycarbonate filter (GPC0847-BA) showed constant reflectance over 900–1700 nm and a large radiative contrast against loaded plastic particles. Glass fiber filters (GF10 and GF/F) would also be suitable substrates due to their low cost and easy commercial availability. This study provides key parameters for applying hyperspectral imaging techniques for the detection of microplastics.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Multi-temporal surveys for microplastic particles enabled by a novel and fast application of SWIR imaging spectroscopy – Study of an urban watercourse traversing the city of Berlin, Germany
Schmidt, L Katharina | Bochow, Mathias | Imhof, Hannes K. | Oswald, Sascha E.
Following the widespread assumption that a majority of ubiquitous marine microplastic particles originate from land-based sources, recent studies identify rivers as important pathways for microplastic particles (MPP) to the oceans. Yet a detailed understanding of the underlying processes and dominant sources is difficult to obtain with the existing accurate but extremely time-consuming methods available for the identification of MPP.Thus in the presented study, a novel approach applying short-wave infrared imaging spectroscopy for the quick and semi-automated identification of MPP is applied in combination with a multitemporal survey concept. Volume-reduced surface water samples were taken from transects at ten points along a major watercourse running through the South of Berlin, Germany, on six dates. After laboratory treatment, the samples were filtered onto glass fiber filters, scanned with an imaging spectrometer and analyzed by image processing.The presented method allows to count MPP, classify the plastic types and determine particle sizes. At the present stage of development particles larger than 450 μm in diameter can be identified and a visual validation showed that the results are reliable after a subsequent visual final check of certain typical error types. Therefore, the method has the potential to accelerate microplastic identification by complementing FTIR and Raman microspectroscopy. Technical advancements (e.g. new lens) will allow lower detection limits and a higher grade of automatization in the near future.The resulting microplastic concentrations in the water samples are discussed in a spatio-temporal context with respect to the influence (i) of urban areas, (ii) of effluents of three major Berlin wastewater treatment plants discharging into the canal and (iii) of precipitation events. Microplastic concentrations were higher downstream of the urban area and after precipitation. An increase in microplastic concentrations was discernible for the wastewater treatment plant located furthest upstream though not for the other two.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Chemical characterization of variably degraded fibre glass reinforced plastic from the marine environment
Hopkinson, Laurence | Ostapishin, Stanislav | Kristova, Petra | Hamilton, Katy | Ciocan, Corina
Glass reinforced plastic (GRP) constitutes the commonest component of small sea going craft of all descriptions. This study provides a baseline molecular and elemental account of GRP's recovered from the marine environment. Fourteen samples of GRP sourced from scrapyards and one sample sourced from a GRP boat manufacturer were examined. Samples were analysed by x-ray fluorescence and mid infrared (MIR). The latter technique confirmed that all samples contained the same polyester resin, poly diallyl phthalate (PDP). The two techniques in combination indicate the presence of aluminium calcium borosilicate E-glass fibres (E denotes electrical) of variable origins. MIR results are consistent with hydrolysis of polyester, weakening of the glass fibre resin interface facilitating exposure of e-type fibres to water which accelerates fibre breakage. The implication being that aging of GRP in the marine environment represent sources for micro (<5 mm) and macro plastic release, plus fragmented asbestiform-like silicate fibres.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Baseline survey of trace metals in ambient PM10 at Tummalapalle uranium mining site
Trace metals (Ag, Al, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cs, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Se, Sr, Tl, U, V and Zn) in PM10 were measured at 10 different sites in the surrounding areas of Tummalapalle Uranium Mining (India). The PM10 samples were collected on glass fiber/EPM 2000 filter using high volume air samplers in 10 different sampling sites during November–2010 to February–2012. Trace metals in PM10 were analyzed using Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (ICP–MS). The observed trace metal concentrations varied from 0.01 to 2 640ng/m3. It was found that metals associated with crustal sources like Al and Fe were in higher concentrations. The elements Tl, U, Cs and Co were found to be in very low concentrations. Obtained trace metal data in PM10 were subjected to statistical analyses using correlation matrices and factor analysis to examine the interrelationship between the investigated trace elements and possible source identification of the elements. Enrichment factors of trace metals were also determined to determine the anthropogenic contribution to ambient PM10. The daily intake of analyzed trace metals by the adult population in the surrounding of Tummalapalle Uranium mining (30km radial distance) was estimated and it was found to be in the range of 1 to 13 401ng/day through the inhalation route.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Equilibrium passive sampling as a tool to study polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Baltic Sea sediment pore-water systems
Lang, Susann-Cathrin | Hursthouse, Andrew | Mayer, Philipp | Kötke, Danjiela | Hand, Ines | Schulz-Bull, Detlef | Witt, Gesine
Solid Phase Microextraction (SPME) was applied to provide the first large scale dataset of freely dissolved concentrations for 9 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Baltic Sea sediment cores. Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) coated glass fibers were used for ex-situ equilibrium sampling followed by automated thermal desorption and GC–MS analysis. From the PAH concentrations in the fiber coating we examined (i) spatially resolved freely dissolved PAH concentrations (Cfree); (ii) baseline toxicity potential on the basis of chemical activities (a); (iii) site specific mixture compositions; (iv) diffusion gradients at the sediment water interface and within the sediment cores and (v) site specific distribution ratios. Contamination levels were low in the northern Baltic Sea, moderate to elevated in the Baltic Proper and highest in the Gulf of Finland. Chemical activities were well below levels expected to cause narcosis to benthos organisms. The SPME method is a very sensitive tool that opens new possibilities for studying the PAHs at trace levels in marine environments.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Indoor environmental quality in chemistry and chemical engineering laboratories at Izmir Institute of Technology
Indoor air pollution in university research laboratories may be important to building occupants, especially for those who work in the laboratories. In this study, indoor air quality (IAQ) and indoor environmental comfort were investigated in research laboratories of two departments at a university. PM2.5, PM10, TVOC (total volatile organic compounds), and CO concentrations, and three comfort variables which are temperature, relative humidity, and CO2 were measured. PM2.5 concentration was determined gravimetrically by collecting particles on glass fiber filters, whereas the remaining pollutants and comfort variables were measured using a monitoring device. IAQ measurements showed that levels of all pollutants were under the limits in both of the departments except for TVOC in one laboratory which had a mean concentration of 182ppb. The comfort variables were in the comfort ranges for laboratories in both of the departments except for temperature in one laboratory with a mean value of 30 °C. In conclusion, measures are needed for extensive uses of organic solvents because ventilation may not be sufficient to keep VOC concentrations within the limits, and to provide thermal comfort.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Ammonia and methane oxidation on TiO2 supported on glass fiber mesh under artificial solar irradiation
Grčić, Ivana | Marčec, Jan | Radetić, Lucija | Radovan, Ana-Maria | Melnjak, Ivana | Jajčinović, Igor | Brnardić, Ivan
In this work, we present the application of solar photocatalysis for air purification including toxic substances such as ammonia and methane normally related to emissions from agriculture (e.g., poultry and cattle farms), landfills, etc. The study was done in three different laboratory and semi-pilot scale reactors: annular reactor (AR), mini-photocatalytic wind tunnel (MPWT), and photocatalytic wind tunnel (PWT). Reactors present a physical model for estimation of air-borne pollutant degradation over TiO₂-based photocatalytic layer in respect to optimal operating conditions (relative humidity, air/gas flow, and feed concentration). All studies were performed under artificial solar irradiation with different portions of UVB and UVA light. The application of solar photocatalysis for air purification was evaluated based on thorough monitoring of pollutants in inlet and outlet streams. The kinetic study resulted with intrinsic reaction rate constants: kₚ,ᵢₙₜ,NH₃ = (3.05 ± 0.04) × 10⁻³ cm⁴.⁵ mW⁻⁰.⁵ g⁻¹ min⁻¹ and kₚ,ᵢₙₜ,CH₄ = (1.81 ± 0.02) × 10⁻² cm⁴.⁵ mW⁻⁰.⁵ g⁻¹ min⁻¹, calculated using axial dispersion model including mass transfer considerations and first-order reaction rate kinetics with photon absorption effects. The results of photocatalytic oxidation of NH₃ and CH₄ confirmed continuous reduction of pollutant content in the air stream due to the oxidation of NH₃ to N₂ and CH₄ to CO and CO₂, respectively. The application of solar photocatalysis in outdoor air protection is still a pioneering work in the field, and the results obtained in this work represent a good basis for sizing large-scale devices and applying them to prevent further environmental pollution. In the current study, a TiO₂ P25 supported on a glass fiber mesh was prepared from commercially available materials. The system designed in this way is easy to perform, operate, and relatively inexpensive.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Depth profile of persistent and emerging organic pollutants upstream of the Three Gorges Dam gathered in 2012/2013
Deyerling, Dominik | Wang, Jingxian | Bi, Yonghong | Peng, Chengrong | Pfister, Gerd | Henkelmann, Bernhard | Schramm, Karl–Werner
Persistent and emerging organic pollutants were sampled in September 2012 and 2013 at a sampling site in front of the Three Gorges Dam near Maoping (China) in a water depth between 11 and 61 m to generate a depth profile of analytes. A novel compact water sampling system with self-packed glass cartridges was employed for the on-site enrichment of approximately 300 L of water per sample to enable the detection of low analytes levels in the picogram per liter-scale in the large water body. The overall performance of the sampling system was acceptable for the qualitative detection of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), perfluoroalkylic acids (PFAAs), pharmaceutical residues and polar pesticides. Strongly particle-associated analytes like PAHs and PCBs resided mainly in the glass wool filter of the sampling system, whereas all other compounds have mainly been enriched on the XAD-resin of the self-packed glass cartridges. The sampling results revealed qualitative information on the presence, depth distribution and origin of the investigated compounds. Although the depth profile of PAHs, PCBs, OCPs, and PFAAs appeared to be homogeneous, pharmaceuticals and polar pesticides were detected in distinct different patterns with water depth. Source analysis with diagnostic ratios for PAHs revealed their origin to be pyrogenic (burning of coal, wood and grass). In contrast, most PCBs and OCPs had to be regarded as legacy pollutants which have been released into the environment in former times and still remain present due to their persistence. The abundance of emerging organic pollutants could be confirmed, and their most abundant compounds could be identified as perfluorooctanoic acid, diclofenac and atrazine among investigated PFAAs, pharmaceuticals and polar pesticides, respectively.
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