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Strategies for enhancing the phytoremediation of cadmium-contaminated agricultural soils by Solanum nigrum L
Ji, Puhui | Sun, Tieheng | Song, Yufang | Ackland, M Leigh | Liu, Yang
Field trials contribute practical information towards the development of phytoremediation strategies that cannot be provided by laboratory tests. We conducted field experiments utilizing the Cd hyperaccumulator plant Solanum nigrum L., on farmland contaminated with 1.91 mg kg⁻¹ Cd in the soil. Our study showed that S. nigrum has a relatively high biomass. Planting density had a significant effect on the plant biomass and thus on overall Cd accumulation. For double harvesting, an optimal cutting position influenced the amount of Cd extracted from soils. Double cropping was found to significantly increase the amount of Cd extracted by S. nigrum. Fertilizing had no significant effect on plant biomass or on the Cd remediation of the soil over the short-term period. Our study indicates that S. nigrum can accumulate Cd from soils where the concentrations are relatively low, and thus has application for use in decontamination of slightly to moderately Cd-contaminated soil.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Sorption of alkylphenols on Ebro River sediments: Comparing isotherms with field observations in river water and sediments
Navarro Granell, Alicia | Endo, Satoshi | Gocht, Tilman | Barth, Johannes A.C. | Lacorte, Silvia | Barceló, Damià | Grathwohl, Peter
This study reports sorption isotherms of the endocrine disruptors nonylphenol (NP) and octylphenol (OP) in three sediment samples from the Ebro River basin (NE Spain), with organic carbon fractions (fOC) ranging from 0.0035 to 0.082 gOC g-1. All isotherms were fitted to the Freundlich model with slightly nonlinear exponents ranging from 0.80 to 0.94. The solubility of the compounds as well as the organic carbon (OC) content had the strongest influences on the sorption behavior of these compounds. Comparison of the laboratory-spiked samples with the native contamination of NP of 45 water and concurrent sediment samples resulted in reasonable matches between both data sets, even though the lowest concentrations in the field were not completely reached in laboratory tests. This good agreement indicates that sorption laboratory data can be extrapolated to environmental levels and therefore the distribution of nonylphenol between sediments and water can be predicted with a precision of one order of magnitude. Furthermore, laboratory experiments with simultaneous loading of NP and OP revealed negligible competition for sorption sites at low concentrations.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Effects of a chelating resin on metal bioavailability and toxicity to estuarine invertebrates: Divergent results of field and laboratory tests
Wilkie, Emma M. | Roach, Anthony C. | Micevska, Tina | Kelaher, Brendan P. | Bishop, Melanie J.
Benthic invertebrates can uptake metals through diffusion of free ion solutes, or ingestion of sediment-bound forms. This study investigated the efficacy of the metal chelating resin SIR 300™ in adsorbing porewater metals and isolating pathways of metal exposure. A field experiment (Botany Bay, Sydney, Australia) and a laboratory toxicity test each manipulated the availability of porewater metals within contaminated and uncontaminated sediments. It was predicted that within contaminated sediments, the resin would adsorb porewater metals and reduce toxicity to invertebrates, but in uncontaminated sediments, the resin would not significantly affect these variables. Whereas in the laboratory, the resin produced the predicted results, in the field the resin increased porewater metal concentrations of contaminated sediments for at least 34 days and decreased abundances of four macroinvertebrate groups, and richness in all sediments. These contrasting findings highlight the limits of extrapolating the results of laboratory experiments to the field environment.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]The present and future of microplastic pollution in the marine environment
Ivar do Sul, Juliana A. | Costa, Monica F.
Recently, research examining the occurrence of microplastics in the marine environment has substantially increased. Field and laboratory work regularly provide new evidence on the fate of microplastic debris. This debris has been observed within every marine habitat. In this study, at least 101 peer-reviewed papers investigating microplastic pollution were critically analysed (Supplementary material). Microplastics are commonly studied in relation to (1) plankton samples, (2) sandy and muddy sediments, (3) vertebrate and invertebrate ingestion, and (4) chemical pollutant interactions. All of the marine organism groups are at an eminent risk of interacting with microplastics according to the available literature. Dozens of works on other relevant issues (i.e., polymer decay at sea, new sampling and laboratory methods, emerging sources, externalities) were also analysed and discussed. This paper provides the first in-depth exploration of the effects of microplastics on the marine environment and biota. The number of scientific publications will increase in response to present and projected plastic uses and discard patterns. Therefore, new themes and important approaches for future work are proposed.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Damping of surface waves due to crude oil/oil emulsion films on water
Sergievskaya, Irina | Ermakov, Stanislav | Lazareva, Tatyana | Guo, Jie
In this paper results of laboratory studies of damping of gravity-capillary waves due to emulsified oil films (EOF) are presented and compared to crude oil films (COF). A laboratory method based on measuring the damping coefficient and the length of parametrically generated gravity-capillary waves is applied to a 50% EOF and to crude oil films. Measurements of wave damping were carried out in a range of surface wave lengths, corresponding to Bragg waves of X- to Ka-band radars. The obtained dependences of wave damping coefficient on EOF thickness have demonstrated the existence of a damping maximum at thicknesses of about 1–2 mm, and the maximum is approximately twice the one for COF, the damping maximum for EOF is located at larger film thicknesses than for COF. Theoretical calculations of wave damping have been performed and viscoelastic parameters of EOF have been estimated from comparison between theory and experiment.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Microplastics in Baltic bottom sediments: Quantification procedures and first results
Zobkov, M | Esiukova, E
Microplastics in the marine environment are known as a global ecological problem but there are still no standardized analysis procedures for their quantification. The first breakthrough in this direction was the NOAA Laboratory Methods for quantifying synthetic particles in water and sediments, but fibers numbers have been found to be underestimated with this approach. We propose modifications for these methods that will allow us to analyze microplastics in bottom sediments, including small fibers. Addition of an internal standard to sediment samples and occasional empty runs are advised for analysis quality control. The microplastics extraction efficiency using the proposed modifications is 92±7%. Distribution of microplastics in bottom sediments of the Russian part of the Baltic Sea is presented. Microplastic particles were found in all of the samples with an average concentration of 34±10 items/kg DW and have the same order of magnitude as neighbor studies reported.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Mixing and dispersion of pollutants emitted from an outboard motor
Situ, Rong | Brown, Richard J.
This paper quantifies the mixing and dispersion from an outboard motor by field experiments in a small subtropical waterway. Organic dye was used as a surrogate for exhaust emissions and was mixed with uncontaminated creek water before being dispersed into the creek. Dye concentrations were measured with an array of concentration probes stationed in the creek. The data were then processed and fitted with a power law function. The corresponding dispersion constants agreed well with the literature. However, the amplitude was lower than the IMO equation but higher than the correlation from laboratory tests. Results for dye concentration intermittency (presence of dye) are presented for the first time from such field measurements and show significant mixing in-homogeneity.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Assessment of sacrificial anode impact by aluminum accumulation in mussel Mytilus edulis: A large-scale laboratory test
Mao, Andrea | Mahaut, Marie-Laure | Pineau, Samuel | Barillier, Daniel | Caplat, Christelle
Since the early 1960s, the application of aluminum alloy sacrificial anodes to mitigate marine corrosion has been well known. The aim of this work was to study aluminum bioconcentration in Mytilus edulis by an in vitro test performed in two tanks: the first containing non-contaminated water (NCW) and the second containing aluminum-contaminated water (CW) (530μgL⁻¹) released by sacrificial anode. The mussels were collected and examined over a period of 8weeks. A comparison between the aluminum concentrations in the digestive glands of mussels from the CW and NCW tanks shows that the highest value (1700mg/kgd.w.) was found in the CW mussels collected after 13days. In NCW, the mean aluminum concentration in digestive glands during the test was 281mg/kgd.w. The rapid concentration decrease in digestive glands is probably due to the inhibition of filtering activity due to valve closure at the high concentration as well as the induction of the detoxification response.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Evaluation of the Affinity of Some Toxic Elements to Schwertmannite in Natural Streams Contaminated with Acid Mine Drainage
Nagano, Tetsushi | Yanase, Nobuyuki | Hanzawa, Yukiko | Takada, Morio | Mitamura, Hisayoshi | Sato, Tsutomu | Naganawa, Hirochika
In order to evaluate fixation potential of schwertmannite for fluvial transport of various toxic elements, we examined bottom precipitates and stream waters collected from the rivers contaminated with acid mine drainage (AMD), which arose from the abandoned Nishinomaki mine (Shimonita, Gunma, Japan). Mineralogical and morphological observations revealed that schwertmannite was the main mineral of the precipitates. The affinity of various toxic ions to schwertmannite was evaluated on the basis of (1) apparent solid–liquid partition coefficients (K d’s) between precipitates and stream waters, (2) coprecipitation behaviors during schwertmannite formation in a laboratory test, and (3) consideration on coprecipitation processes using partial charge model (PCM). As a result, oxyanions of V, As, Mo and Sb, K d’s of which were relatively large (>104 (ml g−1)), were considered to be immobilized by schwertmannite precipitates. A laboratory test also demonstrated that these ions except Mo coprecipitated with schwertmannite. In addition, partial charges and average electronegativities predicted on the basis of PCM suggested that the oxyanions of V, As, Mo, and Sb could create stable inner sphere complexes with schwertmannite embryos, which results in their high affinity to schwertmannite. On the other hand, cationic ions of Mn, Cu, Zn, Sr, Cs, and U, K d’s of which were relatively small (<104 (ml g−1)), were thought to have a tendency to flow downstream without uptake by schwertmannite precipitates. All these results suggested that schwertmannite has high fixation potential for fluvial transport of various toxic oxyanions in AMD-contaminated rivers.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Rapid Mercury Analysis for the Field: Method Development and Application to Natural Gas Utility Sites
Boylan, Helen M. | Richter, Robert C. | Kingston, H. M ‘Skip’ | Ricotta, Angela
A new technique based on traditional concepts has beendeveloped for rapid, on-site analysis of mercury inenvironmental media. In this method, mercury isanalyzed by integration of thermal decomposition,amalgamation, and atomic absorption spectrometry(TDA-AAS). Sample preparation and analysis areessentially integrated into a single instrumentalsystem; solid samples can be analyzed directly,without chemical pre-treatment, in an analysis time ofapproximately 5 minutes per sample. A wide range ofstandard reference material has been analyzed byTDA-AAS. Agreement with the certified values at the95% confidence interval for all matrices testedvalidates this technique. Subsequent to validation,TDA-AAS has been used in a series of field studies inconjunction with remediation of mercury-contaminatedsoil at natural gas utility sites. Reasonableagreement has been demonstrated between TDA-AASon-site results and laboratory results usingconventional mercury analysis techniques. Independentlaboratory confirmation of the field data is notrequired as TDA-AAS demonstrates lab-quality resultson-site. This field technique has been shown tosurpass traditional laboratory methods in terms ofboth precision and detection limits. A method for theUnited States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), Method 7473, has been developed and validatedbased on TDA-AAS methodology (US EPA, 1998).
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