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Abundance, spatial variation, and sources of rare earth elements in soils around ion-adsorbed rare earth mining areas
, | Zuo, Yiping | Wang, Lingqing | Wan, Xiaoming | Yang, Jun | Liang, Tao | Song, Hocheol | Weihrauch, Christoph | Rinklebe, Jörg
Rare earth elements (REEs) concentrated in soils have attracted increasing attention about their impact on soil health as emerging contaminants. However, the sources of REEs enriched in soils are diverse and need to be further investigated. Here, surface soil samples were collected from southern Jiangxi Province, China. REEs contents and soil physicochemical properties were determined, and cerium (Ce) and europium (Eu) anomalies were calculated. Moreover, we established a model to further identify the main sources of REEs accumulation in the studied soils. Results show that the abundance of soil REEs reveals larger spatial variation, suggesting spatially heterogeneous distribution of REEs. The median content of light REEs in soils (154.5 mg kg⁻¹) of the study area was higher than that of heavy REEs and yttrium (35.8 mg kg⁻¹). In addition, most of the soil samples present negative Ce anomalies and all the soil samples present negative Eu anomalies implying the combined effect of weathering and potential exogenous inputs on soil REEs. Positive matrix factorization modeling reveals that soil REEs content is primarily influenced by soil parent materials. Potential anthropogenic sources include mining-related leachate, traffic exhaust, and industrial dust. These results demonstrate that the identification of sources of soil REEs is an important starting point for targeted REEs sources management and regulation of excessive and potentially harmful REEs levels in the soil.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Rare earth elements (REEs): geochemical patterns and contamination aspects in Brazilian benchmark soils
Rare earth elements have been increasingly used in modern societies and soils are likely to be the final destination of several REE-containing (by)products. This study reports REE contents for topsoils (0–20 cm) of 175 locations in reference (n = 68) and cultivated (n = 107) areas in Brazil. Benchmark soil samples were selected accomplishing a variety of environmental conditions, aiming to: i) establishing natural background and anthropogenic concentrations for REE in soils; ii) assessing potential contamination of soils - via application of phosphate fertilizers - with REE; and, iii) predicting soil-REE contents using biomes, soil type, parent material, land use, sand content, and biomes-land use interaction as forecaster variables through generalized least squares multiple regression. Our hypotheses were that the variability of soil-REE contents is influenced by parent material, pedogenic processes, land use, and biomes, as well as that cultivated soils may have been potentially contaminated with REE via input of phosphate fertilizers. The semi-total concentrations of REE were assessed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) succeeding a microwave-assisted aqua regia digestion. Analytical procedures followed a rigorous QA/QC protocol. Soil physicochemical composition and total oxides were also determined. Natural background and anthropogenic concentrations for REE were established statistically from the dataset by the median plus two median absolute deviations method. Contamination aspects were assessed by REE-normalized patterns, REE fractionation indices, and Ce and Eu anomalies ratios, as well as enrichment factors. The results indicate that differences in the amounts of REE in cultivated soils can be attributed to land use and agricultural sources (e.g., phosphate-fertilizer inputs), while those in reference soils can be attributed to parent materials, biomes, and pedogenic processes. The biomes, land use, and sand content helped to predict concentrations of light REE in Brazilian soils, with parent material being also of special relevance to predict heavy REE contents in particular.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Geochemical signatures and natural background values of rare earth elements in soils of Brazilian Amazon
Ferreira, Matheus da Silva | Fontes, Maurício Paulo Ferreira | Bellato, Carlos Roberto | Marques Neto, José de Oliveira | Lima, Hedinaldo Narciso | Fendorf, Scott
Rare earth elements (REEs) are generally defined as a homogenous group of elements with similar physical-chemical properties, encompassing Y and Sc and the lanthanides elements series. Natural REEs contents in soils depend on the parent material, the soil genesis processes and can be gradually added to the soil by anthropogenic activities. The REEs have been considered emerging pollutants in several countries, so the establishment of regulatory guidelines is necessary to avoid environmental contamination. In Brazil, REE soils data are restricted to some regions, and knowledge about them in the Amazon soils is scarce, although this biome covers more than 40% of the Brazilian territory. Thus, the objectives of this study were to determine the REE content in soils of two hydrographic basins (Solimões and Rio Negro) of the Amazon biome, establish their Quality Reference Values (QRV) and to investigate the existence of enrichment of REEs in urban soils. The ΣREE(Y + Sc) content of Solimões surface samples was 109.28 mg kg⁻¹ and the ΣREE(Y + Sc) content in the subsurface samples was 94.11 mg kg⁻¹. In soils of Rio Negro basin, the ΣREE(Y + Sc) was 43.95 15 mg kg⁻¹ surface samples and 38.40 mg kg⁻¹ in subsurface samples. The ΣREE(Y + Sc) in urban topsoils samples was 38.62 mg kg⁻¹. The REEs contents pattern in three studied areas are influenced in different amplitude by natural soil properties. The REEs content in urban topsoils were slightly higher than the Rio Negro pristine soils, but the ecological risk was low. QRVs recommend for Solimões soils ranged from 0.01 (Lu) to 145.6 mg kg⁻¹ (Ce) and for Rio Negro soils ranged from 0.05 (Lu) to 15.8 mg kg⁻¹ (Ce).
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Neodymium-containing contrast induces mummification of neutrophil granulocytes
Pleskova, Svetlana | Kryukov, Ruslan | Boryakov, Alexey | Gorshkova, Ekaterina
Recently, chemical compounds containing lanthanides were used in various fields of biology and medicine. It has been described that such compounds can be applied in scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to increase the contrast and simplify the sample preparation process due to the process of replacing calcium with lanthanides in cell. However cell death by different mechanisms under influence of lanthanides seems possible. Here, we described that mummification process is a cell death physiologically realized in time: some time after lanthanide contrasting, the cell remains metabolically active and is able to biochemically transform neodymium-containing contrast, oxidize it and form large agglomerates. A distinctive feature of mummification induced by neodymium-containing contrast (NCC) is the formation of a high-rigid oxygen-containing “shield” on the surface of a neutrophil granulocyte.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Assessment of the ability of roadside vegetation to remove particulate matter from the urban air
Kończak, B. | Cempa, M. | Pierzchała, Ł | Deska, M.
The development of urbanised areas together with the growing transport infrastructure and traffic volume are the main cause of air quality deterioration due to the increasing concentrations of particulate matter. Dust pollution is a threat to human health. It can cause the development of lung, larynx or circulatory system cancer. Due to the ability to accumulate dust particles on the leaf surface, the contribution of trees in the process of phytoremediation of air pollution has started to be appreciated. An analysis of the elemental composition of particulate matter (PM) stored on the leaves surface was also carried out, which showed high average concentration of: C > O > Si > Fe (above 8wt.%). It was also observed single particles with a high concentration of heavy metals: Ti, Mn, Ba, Zn, Cr, Pb, Sn, Ni and REE (rare earth elements). The major origin of PM are vehicular emissions, soil and re-suspended road dust. This paper presents also a comparison of selected tree, shrub and vine species differing in their ability to accumulate particulate matter. It was experimentally determined the average leaf surface of individual plant species and established the amount of particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter between 10 and 100 μm, 2.5 and 10 μm, and 0.2 and 2.5 μm deposited on the leaf surface and in waxes.Some species of vines (Parthenocissus quinquefolia), shrubs (Forsythia x intermediata) and coniferous trees, such as Betula pendula ‘Youngii’, Quercus rubra, Cratageus monogyna, Acer pseduoplatanus, Tilia cordata Mill. or Platanus orientalis turned out to be the most efficient in the process of phylloremediation.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Influence of household smoking habits on inhalation bioaccessibility of trace elements and light rare earth elements in Canadian house dust
Kastury, Farzana | Ritch, Susie | Rasmussen, Pat E. | Juhasz, Albert L.
In this study, total concentration and inhalation bioaccessibility (dissolution in simulated biological solution) of trace elements (TE) and rare earth elements (REE) were assessed in PM₁₀ from Canadian house dust samples with smoking (n = 25) and non-smoking (n = 25) status. Compared to the natural background concentrations in Canadian soils, median Zn, Pb, Cd and Cu concentrations in PM₁₀ were 10–23 fold higher, while median La, Ce and Pr concentrations were 1.6–2.4 fold higher. Mann-Whitney tests (α = 0.05) indicated no difference between the median TE concentrations based on the smoking status of the household; however, median REE concentrations were significantly higher in the PM₁₀ of smoking households. Additionally, Cd and Ni were positively correlated (Spearman r, p < 0.05) to La, Ce and Nd in smoking households, suggesting that tobacco combustion may have contributed REE in the PM₁₀ of these households. Median inhalation-ingestion bioaccessibility assay outcomes of arsenic (As) and lead (Pb) was higher in the non-smoking households when compared to smoking households (Mann Whitney test, α = 0.05), suggesting that tobacco combustion products may be associated with less soluble species of As and Pb. Although REE bioaccessibility was negligible in simulated lung epithelial fluid regardless of the smoking status of the household, bioaccessibility in the lung-gastric phase was 23.6–27.6% in the smoking household and 34.7–36.7% in the non-smoking households, indicating a significantly lower REE dissolution in PM₁₀ of smoking households. In contrast, between 17 and 21.9% bioaccessibility of REE was observed when artificial lysosomal fluid was used, where the outcome was not significantly affected by the smoking status. This study indicates that despite a higher median REE concentration in the PM₁₀ of smoking households, inhalation bioaccessibility may be significantly influenced by the mineralogy.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Lanthanide ecotoxicity: First attempt to measure environmental risk for aquatic organisms
González, Verónica | Vignati, Davide A.L. | Pons, Marie-Noëlle | Montarges-Pelletier, Emmanuelle | Bojic, Clément | Giamberini, Laure
The geochemical cycles of lanthanides are being disrupted by increasing global production and human use, but their ecotoxicity is not fully characterized. In this study, the sensitivity of Aliivibrio fischeri and Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata to lanthanides increased with atomic number, while Daphnia magna, Heterocypris incongruens, Brachionus calyciflorus and Hydra attenuata were equally sensitive to the tested elements. In some cases, a marked decrease in exposure concentrations was observed over test duration and duly considered in calculating effect concentrations and predicted no effect concentrations (PNEC) for hazard and risk assessment. Comparison of PNEC with measured environmental concentrations indicate that, for the present, environmental risks deriving from lanthanides should be limited to some hotspots (e.g., downstream of wastewater treatment plants). However, considering the increasing environmental concentrations of lanthanides, the associated risks could become higher in the future. Ecotoxicological and risk assessment studies, along with monitoring, are required for properly managing these emerging contaminants.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Levels of pollution of rare earth elements in the surface sediments from the Gulf of Pozzuoli (Campania, Italy)
Trifuoggi, Marco | Donadio, Carlo | Ferrara, Luciano | Stanislao, Corrado | Toscanesi, Maria | Arienzo, Michele
The Gulf of Pozzuoli includes the former second largest Italian steelworks of Bagnoli. The REE, Y, Th and Sc pollution in sediments of the Gulf of Pozzuoli was determined. Ce, La, Nd and Pr had the highest percentage distribution of rare earth elements normalized respect to chondrite with 31.19, 28.35, 19.51 and 8.41% individually. It was observed a marked enrichment of these elements, from west to the east from 26.39 to 111.04 mg/kg and from onshore to offshore from 31.67 to 217.74 mg/kg. The output of the principal component analysis revealed that the REE were mainly of anthropic origin being clearly linked to that of PAHs, metals and organic matter. This, together with their distribution patterns, highlighted the role of the former Bagnoli metallurgical plant in the pollution of the gulf.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Geogenic lanthanoid signature in coastal and marine waters from the southern Gulf of California
Martinez-Salcido, A.I. | Morton-Bermea, O. | Ochoa-Izaguirre, M.J. | Soto-Jiménez, M.F.
Lanthanoids in the southern Gulf of California (GC) seawater are reported for the first time. Lanthanoids showed differences between peninsular and continental coastline, coastal or marine ecosystems, and dry or rainy season. The chondrite-normalized values showed high variability but followed a same pattern. Light lanthanoids were more enriched than heavy ones. Values of ∑Ln and La/Lu were higher in continental than peninsular coastlines, coastal than adjacent marine ecosystems, and rainy than dry season. Differences were related to the lithology and perturbation degree of the ecosystem watersheds. The chondrite-normalized patterns are typical of geological origin. Slightly negative Ce anomaly was related to the low levels of oxygen in water for the oxidation of Ce (III) to Ce (IV) and its posterior scavenging. Negative δEu anomaly is explained by an influx of fluvial and eolian materials from the upper continental, while a positive Eu anomaly related to hydrothermal vent inputs was non-evidenced.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Contents, distribution and sources of lanthanoid elements in rural and urban atmospheric particles in Cienfuegos (Cuba)
Morera-Gómez, Yasser | Alonso-Hernández, Carlos Manuel | Widory, David | Lasheras, Esther | Santamaría, Jesús Miguel | Elustondo, David
This study investigates the contents, distribution patterns, and sources of lanthanoid elements (La to Lu) in aerosols with an aerodynamic diameter ≤10 μm (PM₁₀) in a coastal Caribbean region in order to better constrain the origin of the atmospheric PM contamination. We sampled and analysed PM₁₀ aerosols during 2015 simultaneously at a rural and an urban site in Cienfuegos (Cuba) as well as particles samples from regional contamination sources. Results showed that the sum of the studied lanthanoids concentrations ranged from 0.03 to 13.42 ng m⁻³ and from 0.51 to 18.75 ng m⁻³ at the rural and the urban site, respectively. Time variations for the lanthanoid concentrations displayed similar trends and showed that the highest concentrations corresponded to the influence of the African dust for both sites, but presented distinct variability and lower concentrations when dust intrusions were less frequent. The lanthanoid distribution patterns in the rural and urban sites were significantly different, due to the impact of different local combustion sources. Our results were comforted by comparing the degree of fractionation of the lighter and heavier lanthanoids and the δEu and δCe anomalies between our PM₁₀ samples and those of the local sources of contamination. Ultimately, we highlight the added value of lanthanoid elements as reliable indicators for discriminating emission sources and for tracking the origin of atmospheric particulate matter.
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