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Microplastic and soil protists: A call for research
Rillig, Matthias C. | Bonkowski, Michael
Microplastic is an emerging contaminant of concern in soils globally, probably gradually increasing in soil due to slow degradation. Few studies on microplastic effects on soil biota are available, and no study in a microplastic contamination context has specifically addressed soil protists. Soil protists, a phylogenetically and functionally diverse group of eukaryotic, unicellular soil organisms, are major consumers of bacteria in soils and are potentially important vehicles for the delivery of microplastics into the soil food chain. Here we build a case for focusing research on soil protists by drawing on data from previous, older studies of phagocytosis in protist taxa, which have long made use of polystyrene latex beads (microspheres). Various soil-borne taxa, including ciliates, flagellates and amoebae take up microplastic beads in the size range of a few micrometers. This included filter feeders as well as amoebae which engulf their prey. Discrimination in microplastic particle uptake depended on species, physiological state as well as particle size. Based on the results of the studies we review here, there is now a need to study microplastic effects in a pollution ecology context: this means considering a broad range of particle types under realistic conditions in the soil, and exploring longer-term effects on soil protist communities and functions.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Influence of graphene oxide on the transport and deposition behaviors of colloids in saturated porous media
Peng, Shengnan | Wu, Dan | Ge, Zhi | Tong, Meiping | Kim, Hyŏn-jŏng
The effects of graphene oxide (GO) on the transport and deposition behaviors of colloids with different sizes in packed quartz sand were investigated in both NaCl (10 and 50 mM) and CaCl2 solutions (1 and 5 mM) at pH 6. Fluorescent carboxylate-modified polystyrene latex microspheres (CMLs) with size ranging from 0.2 to 2 μm were utilized as model colloids. Both breakthrough curves and retained profiles of colloids in the presence and absence of GO in suspensions under all examined solution conditions were analyzed. The breakthrough curves of all three different-sized CMLs with GO were higher yet the retained profiles were lower than those without GO at both examined ionic strengths in NaCl solutions. The observation showed that GO increased the transport and decreased the deposition of all three different-sized CMLs in NaCl solutions. However, in CaCl2 solutions, opposite observation was achieved at two different ionic strength conditions. Specifically, the presence of GO increased the transport and decreased the deposition of all three different-sized CMLs in 1 mM CaCl2 solutions, whereas, it decreased the transport and increased the deposition of all three different-sized CMLs in 5 mM CaCl2 solutions. Comparison the breakthrough curves and retained profiles of CMLs versus those of GO yielded that the overall transport and deposition behaviors of all three different-sized CMLs with GO copresent in suspensions agreed well with the transport and deposition behaviors of GO under all examined conditions. The transport and deposition behaviors of CMLs in packed porous media clearly were controlled by those of GO under the conditions investigated in present study due to the adsorption of CMLs onto GO surfaces. Our study showed that once released into natural environment, GO would adsorb (interact with) different types of colloids and thus have significant influence on the fate and transport of colloids in porous media.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Influence of ionic strength and pH on the limitation of latex microsphere deposition sites on iron-oxide coated sand by humic acid
Yang, X. | Flynn, R. | von der Kammer, F. | Hofmann, T.
This study, for the first time, investigates and quantifies the influence of slight changes in solution pH and ionic strength (IS) on colloidal microsphere deposition site coverage by Suwannee River Humic Acid (SRHA) in a column matrix packed with saturated iron-oxide coated sand. Triple pulse experimental (TPE) results show adsorbed SRHA enhances microsphere mobility more at higher pH and lower IS and covers more sites than at higher IS and lower pH. Random sequential adsorption (RSA) modelling of experimental data suggests 1 μg of adsorbed SRHA occupied 9.28 ± 0.03 × 10⁹ sites at pH7.6 and IS of 1.6 mMol but covered 2.75 ± 0.2 × 10⁹ sites at pH6.3 and IS of 20 mMol. Experimental responses are suspected to arise from molecular conformation changes whereby SRHA extends more at higher pH and lower ionic strength but is more compact at lower pH and higher IS. Results suggest effects of pH and IS on regulating SRHA conformation were additive.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Effect of different-sized colloids on the transport and deposition of titanium dioxide nanoparticles in quartz sand
Cai, Li | Peng, Shengnan | Wu, Dan | Tong, Meiping
Colloids (non-biological and biological) with different sizes are ubiquitous in natural environment. The investigations regarding the influence of different-sized colloids on the transport and deposition behaviors of engineered-nanoparticles in porous media yet are still largely lacking. This study investigated the effects of different-sized non-biological and biological colloids on the transport of titanium dioxide nanoparticles (nTiO2) in quartz sand under both electrostatically favorable and unfavorable conditions. Fluorescent carboxylate-modified polystyrene latex microspheres (CML) with sizes of 0.2–2 μm were utilized as model non-biological colloids, while Gram-negative Escherichia coli (∼1 μm) and Gram-positive Bacillus subtilis (∼2 μm) were employed as model biological colloids. Under the examined solution conditions, both breakthrough curves and retained profiles of nTiO2 with different-sized CML particles/bacteria were similar as those without colloids under favorable conditions, indicating that the copresence of model colloids in suspensions had negligible effects on the transport and deposition of nTiO2 under favorable conditions. In contrast, higher breakthrough curves and lower retained profiles of nTiO2 with CML particles/bacteria relative to those without copresent colloids were observed under unfavorable conditions. Clearly, the copresence of model colloids increased the transport and decreased the deposition of nTiO2 in quartz sand under unfavorable conditions (solution conditions examined in present study). Both competition of deposition sites on quartz sand surfaces and the enhanced stability/dispersion of nTiO2 induced by copresent colloids were found to be responsible for the increased nTiO2 transport with colloids under unfavorable conditions. Moreover, the smallest colloids had the highest coverage on sand surface and most significant dispersion effect on nTiO2, resulting in the greatest nTiO2 transport.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Single and combined effects of microplastics, pyrethroid and food resources on the life-history traits and microbiome of Chironomus riparius
Varg, Javier Edo | Kunce, Warren | Outomuro, David | Svanbäck, Richard | Johansson, Frank
There is growing evidence of widespread contamination of freshwater ecosystems with microplastics. However, the effects of chronic microplastic ingestion and its interaction with other pollutants and stress factors on the life-history traits and the host-microbiome of aquatic invertebrates are not well understood. This study investigates the effects of exposure to sediment spiked with 1 μm polystyrene-based latex microplastic spheres, an environmentally realistic concentration of a pyrethroid pesticide (esfenvalerate), and a combination of both treatments on the life-history traits of the benthic-dwelling invertebrate, Chironomus riparius and its microbial community. The chironomid larvae were also exposed to two food conditions: abundant or limited food in the sediment, monitored for 28 and 34 days respectively. The microplastics and esfenvalerate had negative effects on adult emergence and survival, and these effects differed between the food level treatments. The microbiome diversity was negatively affected by the exposure to microplastics, while the relative abundances of the four top phyla were significantly affected only in the high food level treatment. Although the combined exposure to microplastics and esfenvalerate showed some negative effects on survival and emergence, there was little evidence for synergistic effects when compared to the single exposure. The food level affected all life-history traits and the microbiota, and lower food levels intensified the negative effects of the exposure to microplastics, esfenvalerate and their combination. We argue that these pollutants can affect crucial life-history traits such as successful metamorphosis and the host-microbiome. Therefore, it should be taken into consideration for toxicological assessment of pollutant acceptability. Our study highlights the importance of investigating possible additive and synergic activities between stressors to understand the effects of pollutants in the life story traits and host-microbiome.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Marine debris ingestion by sea turtles (Testudines) on the Brazilian coast: an underestimated threat?
de Carvalho, Robson Henrique | Lacerda, Pedro Dutra | da Silva Mendes, Sarah | Barbosa, Bruno Corrêa | Paschoalini, Mariana | Prezoto, Fabio | de Sousa, Bernadete Maria
Assessment of marine debris ingestion by sea turtles is important, especially to ensure their survival. From January to December 2011, 23 specimens of five species of sea turtles were found dead or dying after being rehabilitated, along the coast of the municipality of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. To detect the presence of marine debris in the digestive tract of these turtles, we conducted a postmortem examination from the esophagus until the distal portion of the large intestine for each specimen. Of the total number of turtles, 39% had ingested marine debris such as soft plastic, hard plastic, metal, polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottle caps, human hair, tampons, and latex condoms. Five of the seven sea turtles species are found along the Brazilian coast, where they feed and breed. A large number of animals are exposed to various kinds of threats, including debris ingestion.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Predictable pollution: An assessment of weather balloons and associated impacts on the marine environment – An example for the Great Barrier Reef, Australia
O’Shea, Owen R. | Hamann, Mark | Smith, Walter | Taylor, Heidi
Efforts to curb pollution in the marine environment are covered by national and international legislation, yet weather balloons are released into the environment with no salvage agenda. Here, we assess impacts associated with weather balloons in the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area (GBRWHA). We use modeling to assess the probability of ocean endpoints for released weather balloons and predict pathways post-release. In addition, we use 21months of data from beach cleanup events to validate our results and assess the abundance and frequency of weather balloon fragments in the GBRWHA. We found between 65% and 70% of balloons land in the ocean and ocean currents largely determine final endpoints. Beach cleanup data revealed 2460 weather balloon fragments were recovered from 24 sites within the GBRWHA. This is the first attempt to quantify this problem and these data will add support to a much-needed mitigation strategy for weather balloon waste.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Presence of microplastics in water, sediments and fish species in an urban coastal environment of Fiji, a Pacific small island developing state
Ferreira, Marta | Thompson, Jameel | Paris, Andrew | Rohindra, David | Rico, Ciro
Microplastics (MP) in the marine environment are widely reported. However, MP occurrence in some geographical areas such as from Small Island Developing States (SIDS) is missing. The main aim of this study was to assess MP levels in the urban coastal environment of Suva, the capital of the Republic of Fiji. Microplastics were measured from surface water, sediments and fish gastrointestinal tracts (GI) from three sites adjacent to Suva. In addition, an evaluation on the contribution from the local sewage treatment plant to MP levels was undertaken. In general, low levels of MP in water and sediments were detected, but significant differences were observed among sites. The sewage treatment plant was shown to contribute to MP levels in sediment but not in water. Species ingestion of MP was high and associated with MP in sediments. Fibres and fragments were the predominant type of MP, and fifteen different polymers were detected, with higher percentages of polyethylene, latex and polypropylene. In conclusion, MP were found in Suva coastal environment and these MP were associated to land based human activities.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Debris ingestion by carnivorous consumers: Does the position in the water column truly matter?
Di Beneditto, Ana Paula Madeira | Oliveira, Ariane da Silva
The hypothesis that carnivorous consumers associated with the seabed are more likely to ingest marine debris was tested based on stomach content analysis of fish (Trichiurus lepturus and species of Ariidae) and cetaceans (Sotalia guianensis and Pontoporia blainvillei). Among 596 stomach contents, only 22 (3.7%) contained debris. The debris was flexible plastic, nylon yard, paper, latex, styrofoam and cigarette filter. The proportion of stomach contents with debris varied among species: P. blainvillei (pelagic demersal consumer) presented the highest frequency of ingestion (15.7%), while T. lepturus (pelagic consumer), S. guianensis (pelagic consumer) and Ariidae (demersal consumer) presented similar frequencies (1.3–1.8%). Therefore, a feeding site in the water column does not predict the probability of debris ingestion. Concerning these species, this probability seems to be more associated with prey-capture strategies (or feeding behavior), regardless of debris availability in the environment.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Development and laboratory evaluation of a compact swirling aerosol sampler (SAS) for collection of atmospheric bioaerosols
Wubulihairen, Maimaitireyimu | Lü, Xiaoying | Lee, Patrick K.H. | Ning, Zhi
Inhalation of infectious bioaerosols has been linked to a variety of respiratory diseases. However, efficient sampling techniques to allow high temporal resolution sampling are limited to collect and study bioaerosols in the various occupational and ambient micro–environmental atmospheres. This study introduces a medium flow swirling bioaerosol sampler (SAS) approach that collects atmospheric bioaerosols at the flow rate of 167 Lpm (10 cubic meter per hour). The collection of bioaerosols is achieved through a combination of impaction and cyclonic centrifugal motion. Aerosol deposition efficiency tests were performed with monodispersive polystyrene latex (PSL) particles ranging from 0.1 to 10 μm. Results have shown that the sampler has cut–off size of 0.7 μm and 1.5 μm, with and without the assistance of added water vapor, respectively. The bioaerosol collection and viability tests were performed with comparison to the commercially–available BioSampler, and the results show that the collection efficiency of the SAS is 97% at the designed flow rate, while the higher flow of the new system yields more than 13 times of the collection rate compared to the BioSampler. The high collection efficiency and observed viability preservation of the SAS make it an attractive alternative for high time resolution bioaerosol sampling for atmospheric, occupational and indoor air quality monitoring.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]