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الكلمات المفتاحية الخاصة بالمكنز الزراعي (أجروفوك)
خيارات البحث
النتائج 1 - 4 من 4
Effect of mineral nutrient supply and light intensity on root growth, root morphology, and nutrient uptake of Norway spruce
Seith, B. | George, E. | Marschner, H.
ZB MED Nutrition. Environment. Agriculture - Germany
Revitalization of a spruce tree with typical yellowing symptoms - effects of light exposure and fertilization on biochemical, physiological and structural properties of chloroplasts. Pt.3: Functional and structural changes in the photosynthetic apparatus of yellowing spruce - no effect of Mg fertilization on chlorosis
Siefermann-Harms, D. | Boxler-Baldoma, C. | Diabate, S. | Heumann, H.G. | Hoch, R. | Nagel, E. | Pfuendel, E. | Schneckenburger, H. | Seidel, A. | Strack, S. | Trefz-Malcher, G. | Wilpert, K. von | Zeil, M.
ZB MED Nutrition. Environment. Agriculture - Germany
The yellowing process and its prevention by artificial shading
Siefermann-Harms, D. (Karlsruhe Univ. (Germany). Botanisches Inst.) | Weinmann, C. | Schneckenburger, H. | Heumann, H.G. | Seidel, A.
ZB MED Nutrition. Environment. Agriculture - Germany
Function and repair of the photosynthetic apparatus in spruce with disorders in the supply with nutrients at different light intensities
Godde, D. (Bochum Univ. (Germany))
ZB MED Nutrition. Environment. Agriculture - Germany