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النتائج 1 - 10 من 23
Cadmium distribution in mature durum wheat grains using dissection, laser ablation-ICP-MS and synchrotron techniques
Yan, Bofang | Isaure, Marie-Pierre | Mounicou, Sandra | Castillo-Michel, Hiram | De Nolf, Wout | Nguyen, Christophe | Cornu, Jean-Yves
Understanding how essential and toxic elements are distributed in cereal grains is a key to improving the nutritional quality of cereal-based products. The main objective of this work was to characterize the distribution of Cd and of nutrients (notably Cu, Fe, Mn, P, S and Zn) in the durum wheat grain. Laser ablation inductively coupled mass spectrometry and synchrotron micro X-ray fluorescence were used for micro-scale mapping of Cd and nutrients. A dissection approach was used to quantitatively assess the distribution of Cd and nutrients among grain tissues. Micro X-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy was used to identify the Cd chemical environment in the crease. Cadmium distribution was characterized by strong accumulation in the crease and by non-negligible dissemination in the endosperm. Inside the crease, Cd accumulated most in the pigment strand where it was mainly associated with sulfur ligands. High-resolution maps highlighted very specific accumulation areas of some nutrients in the germ, for instance Mo in the root cortex primordia and Cu in the scutellum. Cadmium loading into the grain appears to be highly restricted. In the grain, Cd co-localized with several nutrients, notably Mn and Zn, which challenges the idea of selectively removing Cd-enriched fractions by dedicated milling process.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Ball milled biochar effectively removes sulfamethoxazole and sulfapyridine antibiotics from water and wastewater
Wong, Kam Sing | Zimmerman, Andrew R. | Chen, Hao | Gao, Bin
Release of antibiotics into the environment, which often occurs downstream of wastewater treatment plants, poses a human health threat due to the potential development of bacterial antibiotic resistance. In this study, laboratory experiments were conducted to evaluate the performance of ball milled biochar on the removal of two sulfonamide antibiotics, sulfamethoxazole (SMX) and sulfapyridine (SPY) from water and wastewater. Aqueous batch sorption experiment using both pristine and ball milled biochar derived from bagasse (BG), bamboo (BB) and hickory chips (HC), made at three pyrolysis temperatures (300, 450, 600 °C), showed that ball milling greatly enhanced the SMX and SPY adsorption. The 450 °C ball milled HC biochar and BB biochar exhibited the best removal efficiency for SMX (83.3%) and SPY (89.6%), respectively. A range of functional groups were produced by ball milling, leading to the conclusion that the adsorption of sulfonamides on the biochars was controlled by multiple mechanisms including hydrophobic interaction, π–π interaction, hydrogen bonding, and electrostatic interaction. Due to the importance of electrostatic interaction, SMX and SPY adsorption was pH dependent. In laboratory water solutions, the Langmuir maximum adsorption capacities of SMX and SPY reached 100.3 mg/g and 57.9 mg/g, respectively. When tested in real wastewater solution, the 450 °C ball milled biochar still performed well, especially in the removal of SPY. The maximum adsorption capacities of SMX and SPY in wastewater were 25.7 mg/g and 58.6 mg/g, respectively. Thus, ball milled biochar has great potential for SMX and SPY removal from aqueous solutions including wastewater.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]New insights into the sorption mechanism of cadmium on red mud
Luo, Lei | Ma, Chenyan | Ma, Yibing | Zhang, Shuzhen | Lv, Jitao | Cui, Mingqi
Effectiveness and mechanism of cadmium (Cd) sorption on original, acidified and ball milling nano-particle red muds were investigated using batch sorption experiments, sequential extraction analysis and X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy. The maximum sorption capacity of Cd was 0.16, 0.19, and 0.21mol/kg for the original, acidified, and nano-particle red muds at pH 6.5, respectively. Both acidification and ball-milling treatments significantly enhanced Cd sorption and facilitated transformation of Cd into less extractable fractions. The Cd LIII-edge XANES analysis indicated the formation of inner-sphere complexes of Cd similar to XCdOH (X represents surface groups on red mud) on the red mud surfaces although outer-sphere complexes of Cd were the primary species. This work shed light on the potential application of red mud to remediate Cd-contaminated soils and illustrated the promising tool of XANES spectroscopy for speciation of multicomponent systems of environmental relevance.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Subsurface Submergence of Mine Waste Materials as a Remediation Strategy to Reduce Metal Mobility: an Overview
Karna, RanjuR. | Hettiarachchi, GangaM.
The most common lead (Pb) and zinc (Zn) ore minerals are galena (PbS) and sphalerite (ZnS). Milling and mining operations of these ores produce huge amounts of waste known as chat and tailings. Chat is composed of gravel, sand, and silt-sized rock materials, whereas tailings are often fine-grained and silt-sized particles with higher toxic element concentrations. Upon oxidation, tailings with high pyritic materials release Pb, Zn, Cadmium (Cd), and other elements associated with ores affecting plant productivity, the ecosystem, and human health. This article is an overview on utilizing the subsurface submergence technique for mitigating environmental impacts from abandoned mine waste materials. In the past, researchers have studied the influence of submergence on these elements; however, an emphasis on gathering a detailed understanding of such redox-based remediation processes is not that common. We reviewed literature that evaluated water chemistry, solid phases, and association of trace elements, and addressed utilization of surface amendments of mine tailings for predicting their interactions within sediments and overlying waters. Case studies specifically focused on mining of Pb and Zn, including a recent study conducted in the Tri-State mining district (Kansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma), are presented to add a more comprehensive understanding of biogeochemical transformations of trace elements present in mine waste materials under a long-term submergence. The purpose of this article is to present evidence on the viability of subsurface disposal of mine waste materials, in order to design effective remediation and mitigation strategies to protect human and environmental health in the global dimension.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Biological effects of gold mine tailings on the intertidal marine environment in Nova Scotia, Canada
Doe, K. | Mroz, R. | Tay, K.-L. | Burley, J. | Teh, S. | Chen, S.
From 1861 to the 1940s, gold was produced from 64 mining districts in Nova Scotia, where mercury amalgamation was the dominant method for the extraction of gold from ore until the 1880s. As a result, wastes (tailings) from the milling process were contaminated by mercury and were high in naturally occurring arsenic. In 2004 and 2005, sediments, water and mollusc tissues were collected from 29 sampling stations at nine former gold mining areas along the Atlantic coastline and were analysed for arsenic and mercury. The resulting data were compared with environmental quality guidelines. Samples indicated high potential risk of adverse effects in the intertidal environments of Seal Harbour, Wine Harbour and Harrigan Cove. Arsenic in Seal Harbour was bioavailable, resulting in high concentrations of arsenic in soft-shell clam tissues. Mercury concentrations in tissues were below guidelines. This paper presents results of the sampling programs and implications of these findings.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Biological treatment of a synthetic gold milling effluent
Granato, M. | Goncalves, M.M.M. | Villas Boas, R.C. | Sant'Anna, G.L. Jr. (Centro de Tecnologia Mineral, CETEM/CNPq, Rua 4, Quadra D, Cidade Universitaria, Ilha do Fundao, 21.949-900, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil))
Water-saving technologies affect the grain characteristics and recovery of fine-grain rice cultivars in semi-arid environment
Jabran, Khawar | Riaz, Muhammad | Hussain, Mubshar | Nasim, Wajid | Zaman, Umar | Shah, Fahad | Chauhan, Bhagirath Singh
Growing rice with less water is direly needed due to declining water sources worldwide, but using methods that require less water inputs can have an impact on grain characteristics and recovery. A 2-year field study was conducted to evaluate the impact of conventionally sown flooded rice and low-water-input rice systems on the grain characteristics and recovery of fine rice. Three fine grain rice cultivars—Super Basmati, Basmati 2000, and Shaheen Basmati—were grown under conventional flooded transplanted rice (CFTR), alternate wetting and drying (AWD), and aerobic rice systems. Grain characteristics and rice recovery were significantly influenced by different water regimes (production systems). Poor milling, including the lowest percentage of brown (head) rice (65.3%) and polished (white) rice (64.2–66.9%) and the highest percentage of broken brown rice (10.2%), husk (24.5%–26.3%), polished broken rice (24.7%), and bran (11.0–12.5%), were recorded in the aerobic rice system sown with Shaheen Basmati. With a few exceptions, cultivars sown in CFTR were found to possess a higher percentage of brown (head) and polished (white) rice and they had incurred the least losses in the form of brown broken rice, husk, polished broken rice, and bran. In conclusion, better grain quality and recovery of rice can be attained by growing Super Basmati under the CFTR system. Growing Shaheen Basmati under low-water-input systems, the aerobic rice system in particular, resulted in poor grain characteristics tied with less rice recovery.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Radioactivity and Water Quality in Areas of Old Uranium Mines (Viseu, Portugal)
Carvalho, Fernando P. | Oliveira, João M. | Malta, Margarida
Radionuclides were determined in streams and rivers receiving mine drainage from old uranium mines at the center of Portugal. Results showed enhanced radioactivity levels in some areas impacted by uranium mining and milling wastes, but levels were lower than several years ago due to current water treatment of mine drainage. In some areas, such as at the village of Cunha Baixa, water from wells was contaminated by acid mine drainage, and it is not suitable anymore for human consumption and irrigation of horticulture plots. In the present, villages and towns near those old uranium mines have tap water from public networks supplied from artificial lakes built in major rivers of the region. This tap water showed compliance with the recommended limits of total alpha and total beta radioactivity, and it is suitable for human consumption. Radiation exposure of the population was therefore controlled, but current water supply is much more costly than it was with local water sources.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Removal of Residual Oils from Palm Oil Mill Effluent by Adsorption on Natural Zeolite
Shavandi, M. A. | Haddadian, Z. | Ismail, M. H. S. | Abdullah, N. | Abidin, Z. Z.
The adsorption of residue oil from palm oil mill effluent using natural zeolite was investigated in this study. The adsorption was performed in batch mode, and the effect of different operational parameters such as pH, dose of adsorbent, stirring rate, contact time and initial oil concentration were explored. It was found that the pH plays a major role in the adsorption process. Isotherm data best fitted with the Freundlich model, and kinetic data followed the pseudo-second-order kinetic model. The results obtained demonstrated that the oil removal efficiencies by natural zeolite were up to 70 % at a pH of 3.0 and 50 min of contact time. The adsorbent material also has been characterised by X-ray diffraction, X-ray fluorescence and scanning electron microscopy.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Bacterial Diversity at Abandoned Uranium Mining and Milling Sites in Bulgaria as Revealed by 16S rRNA Genetic Diversity Study
Radeva, Galina | Kenarova, Anelia | Bachvarova, Velina | Flemming, Katrin | Popov, Ivan | Vassilev, Dimitar | Selenska-Pobell, Sonja
Radionuclide and heavy metal contamination influences the composition and diversity of bacterial communities, thus adversely affecting their ecological role in impacted environments. Bacterial communities from uranium and heavy metal-contaminated soil environments and mine waste piles were analyzed using 16S rRNA gene retrieval. A total of 498 clones were selected, and their 16S rDNA amplicons were analyzed by restriction fragment length polymorphism, which suggested a total of 220 different phylotypes. The phylogenetic analysis revealed Proteobacteria, Acidobacteria, and Bacteroidetes as the most common bacterial taxa for the three sites of interest. Around 20-30 % of the 16S rDNA sequences derived from soil environments were identified as Proteobacteria, which increased up to 76 % (mostly Gammaproteobacteria) in bacterial communities inhabiting the mine waste pile. Acidobacteria, known to be common soil inhabitants, dominated in less contaminated environments, while Bacteroidetes were more abundant in highly contaminated environments regardless of the type of substratum (soil or excavated gravel material). Some of the sequences affiliated with Verrucomicrobia, Actinobacteria, Chloroflexi, Planctomycetes, and Candidate division OP10 were site specific. The relationship between the level of contamination and the rate of bacterial diversity was not linear; however, the bacterial diversity was generally higher in soil environments than in the mine waste pile. It was concluded that the diversity of the bacterial communities sampled was influenced by both the degree of uranium and heavy metal contamination and the site-specific conditions. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.
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