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النتائج 1 - 10 من 11
Cadmium source identification in soils and high-risk regions predicted by geographical detector method
Zhao, Yinjun | Deng, Qiyu | Lin, Qing | Zeng, Changyu | Zhong, Cong
Cadmium (Cd) contamination in soils has become a serious and widespread environmental problem, especially in areas with high natural background Cd values, but the mechanism of Cd enrichment in these areas is still unclear. This study uses the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region (Guangxi), a typical area with a high background Cd level and Cd pollution related to mining activities, as an example to explore the source and predict areas with high Cd risk in soils based on the geographical detector method. The areas with high Cd in Guangxi soils were classified into non-mining areas and mining areas according to their potential Cd sources. The results show that the rich Cd content in the soils from the non-mining area of Guangxi was mainly derived from the soil type (q = 0.34), geological age (q = 0.27), rock type (q = 0.26) and geomorphic type (q = 0.20). Specifically, the Cd content was derived from the weathering and deposition processes of carbonatite from the Carboniferous system in the karst area. The high Cd content in the soils of the mining area of Guangxi was mainly derived from the area mined for mineral resources (q = 0.08) and rock type (q = 0.05). Specifically, the Cd content was derived from the mining of lead-zinc ores. The areas in Guangxi with a high risk of Cd soil pollution are mostly concentrated in karst areas, such as Hechi, Laibin, Chongzuo, southern Liuzhou and Baise, northern Nanning city and northeastern Guilin city, and some mining areas. These results indicated that the high Cd concentration in the soils of large areas of Guangxi is probably due to natural sources, while the high Cd concentration around mining areas is due to anthropogenic sources. The results will be useful for soil restoration and locating and controlling contaminated agricultural land.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Cd contamination status and cost-benefits analysis in agriculture soils of Yangtze River basin
Zhou, Xi-Yin | Wang, Xiuru
Soil is a fundamental carrier to support for human living and development and has been polluted seriously by heavy metals. This fact highlights the urgency to realize soil heavy metal pollution prevention through soil heavy metals contamination status assessment and root cause analysis. The previous research tends to focus status assessment and source identification without consideration of economic aspect. This study realized the systematic analysis from status assessment, sources identification and economic-environmental cost-benefits analysis in the Yangtze River basin. Through the spatial difference comparison among the provinces of upper, middle and lower in the Yangtze River basin, it revealed that anthropogenic influence is the main reason caused the current Cd contamination in Yangtze River basin. An interesting finding is that the human caused Cd concentration contribution amount is nearly the same between upstream and downstream which is all about 0.1 mg/kg, while they have quite different economic scale. It indicated that due to the difference of the scale and structure of local economy, and the level of cleaner production and pollution treatment, some regions could own high economic-benefits and low environmental cost, which it is opposite in other regions. The geographic location and natural resources is the root cause to form the environmental cost-economic benefits difference among regions. The convenient traffic promoted downstream to develop large amount and high quality of economy. The natural mineral resources promoted midstream to develop resources based economy. The poor condition of traffic and natural resources has restricted the development of Qinghai province, and made it has the highest Cd pollution intensity. The results would provide effective economic management measures for better soil quality and sustainable development goals achievement.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Data-driven modeling of background and mine-related acidity and metals in river basins
Friedel, Michael J.
A novel application of self-organizing map (SOM) and multivariate statistical techniques is used to model the nonlinear interaction among basin mineral-resources, mining activity, and surface-water quality. First, the SOM is trained using sparse measurements from 228 sample sites in the Animas River Basin, Colorado. The model performance is validated by comparing stochastic predictions of basin-alteration assemblages and mining activity at 104 independent sites. The SOM correctly predicts (>98%) the predominant type of basin hydrothermal alteration and presence (or absence) of mining activity. Second, application of the Davies–Bouldin criteria to k-means clustering of SOM neurons identified ten unique environmental groups. Median statistics of these groups define a nonlinear water-quality response along the spatiotemporal hydrothermal alteration-mining gradient. These results reveal that it is possible to differentiate among the continuum between inputs of background and mine-related acidity and metals, and it provides a basis for future research and empirical model development.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Life cycle assessment of environmental impacts associated with oxidative desulfurization of diesel fuels catalyzed by metal-free reduced graphene oxide
Lin, Shichun | Ng, Sue-Faye | Ong, Wee-Jun
This study aimed to analyze the environmental impacts of the oxidative desulfurization (ODS) process catalyzed by metal-free reduced graphene oxide (rGO) through life cycle assessment (LCA). The environmental impacts study containing the rGO production process, the ODS process, the comparison of different oxidants and solvents was developed. This study was performed by using ReCiPe 2016 V1.03 Hierarchist midpoint as well as endpoint approach and SimaPro software. For the production of 1 kg rGO, the results showed that hydrochloric acid (washing), sulfuric acid (mixing), hydrazine (reduction) and electricity were four main contributors in this process, and this process showed a significant impact on human health 14.21 Pt followed by ecosystem 0.845 Pt and resources 0.164 Pt. For the production of 1 kg desulfurized oil (400 ppm), main environmental impacts were terrestrial ecotoxicity (43.256 kg 1,4-DCB), global warming (41.058 kg CO₂), human non-carcinogenic toxicity (19.570 kg 1,4-DCB) and fossil resource scarcity (13.178 kg oil), and the main contributors were electricity, diesel oil and acetonitrile. The whole ODS process also showed a greatest effect on human health. For two common oxidants hydrogen peroxide and oxygen used in ODS, hydrogen peroxide showed a greater impact than oxygen. On the other hand, for three common solvents employed in ODS, N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone had a more serious impact on human health followed by acetonitrile and N,N-dimethylformamide. As such, LCA results demonstrated the detailed environmental impacts originated from the catalytic ODS, hence elucidating systematic guidance for its future development toward practicality.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]The Study of Atmospheric Transport and Deposition of Cadmium Emitted from Primitive Zinc Production Area
Xie, Feng | Tan, Hong | Yang, Bing | He, Jin L. | Chen, An N. | Wen, Xi M.
Laoyingshan town lead zinc mine is one of the important zinc production centers in Guizhou province, China. The cadmium (Cd) is one of the mineral resources associated of lead zinc mine. The exploitation and uses of lead zinc mine would lead to Cd pollution to the environment. Soil Cd concentrations in this area are elevated by 30–50 times compared to the national background value in soil which is 0.279 mg kg⁻¹. In situ air Cd concentrations air/soil Cd fluxes were measured at 26 sampling sites in Laoyingshan town by moss bag from Jan. to Sep. 2005. The results showed that the average Cd concentration of total suspended particulates (TSP) and soil were 5.3 and 4.6 times higher than those measured at downwind direction 10 km due to a large amount of Cd emission from traditional melting. The results showed a clear decreasing trend along with the distance increasing from the pollution source for all the study parameters, namely cadmium contents in soil and TSP and deposition rate determined using moss-bag method. The results are consistent with the studied results previously. The correlations between Cd fluxes and soil show the relationship between the content in atmospheric TSP and spatial distribution of deposited heavy metal. The authors found that air spread is the major route of Cd pollution.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Environmental life cycle assessment of cow milk in a conventional semi-intensive Brazilian production system
Carvalho, Laurine Santos | Willers, Camila Daniele | Soares, Bruna Borges | Nogueira, Alex Rodrigues | de Almeida Neto, José Adolfo | Rodrigues, Luciano Brito
The environmental performance of cow milk produced in a conventional semi-intensive system was assessed using a cradle-to-farm gate attributional life cycle assessment. The impacts of 1 kg FPCM—fat and protein corrected milk were obtained considering six midpoint impact categories from the ReCiPe 2016 method: climate change (CC), terrestrial acidification (TA), freshwater eutrophication (FE), land use (LU), water consumption (WC), and fossil resource scarcity (FRS). The modeling of the product system and calculating the environmental impacts considered the use of SimaPro™ software. Enteric methane and nitrogen emissions and inputs for feeding animals (fertilization for pasture production, use of seed in corn crops, and milk replacer in calves feed) were the main contributors to impacts in milk production in most categories. In addition, the indirect energy use and wastewater generation in milking and milk cooling also were relevant. Literature-based strategies are suggested to mitigate the identified environmental impacts to achieve the best environmental performance without decreasing technical and quality milk production. We emphasize the importance of improving productivity per milk cow, knowing the origin of the supply chain inputs, and using it efficiently to produce animal feeds as the main strategies to improve milk's environmental performance. Changes in allocation methods did not substantially differ in impact categories. Sensitivity analysis foregrounds the consistency of results and conclusions of the current study despite the uncertainties associated with methodological choices, simplifications, suppositions, and the use and adaptation of international databases.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]The mining sector of Liberia: current practices and environmental challenges
Wilson, Samuel T. K. | Wang, Hongtao | Kabenge, Martin | Qi, Xuejiao
Liberia is endowed with an impressive stock of mineral reserves and has traditionally relied on mining, namely iron ore, gold, and diamonds, as a major source of income. The recent growth in the mining sector has the potential to contribute significantly to employment, income generation, and infrastructure development. However, the development of these mineral resources has significant environmental impacts that often go unnoticed. This paper presents an overview of the Liberian mining sector from historical, current development, and economic perspectives. The efforts made by government to address issues of environmental management and sustainable development expressed in national and international frameworks, as well as some of the environmental challenges in the mining sector are analyzed. A case study was conducted on one of the iron ore mines (China Union Bong Mines Investment) to analyze the effects of the water quality on the local water environment. The results show that the analyzed water sample concentrations were all above the WHO and Liberia water standard Class I guidelines for drinking water. Finally the paper examines the application of water footprint from a life cycle perspective in the Liberian mining sector and suggests some policy options for water resources management.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Hydrochemical evaluation of the influences of mining activities on river water chemistry in central northern Mongolia
Batsaikhan, Bayartungalag | Kwon, Jang-Soon | Kim, Kyoung-Ho | Lee, Young-Joon | Lī, Jaṅga Ho | Badarch, Mendbayar | Yun, Seong-Taek
Although metallic mineral resources are most important in the economy of Mongolia, mining activities with improper management may result in the pollution of stream waters, posing a threat to aquatic ecosystems and humans. In this study, aiming to evaluate potential impacts of metallic mining activities on the quality of a transboundary river (Selenge) in central northern Mongolia, we performed hydrochemical investigations of rivers (Tuul, Khangal, Orkhon, Haraa, and Selenge). Hydrochemical analysis of river waters indicates that, while major dissolved ions originate from natural weathering (especially, dissolution of carbonate minerals) within watersheds, they are also influenced by mining activities. The water quality problem arising from very high turbidity is one of the major environmental concerns and is caused by suspended particles (mainly, sediment and soil particles) from diverse erosion processes, including erosion of river banks along the meandering river system, erosion of soils owing to overgrazing by livestock, and erosion by human activities, such as mining and agriculture. In particular, after passing through the Zaamar gold mining area, due to the disturbance of sediments and soils by placer gold mining, the Tuul River water becomes very turbid (up to 742 Nephelometric Turbidity Unit (NTU)). The Zaamar area is also the contamination source of the Tuul and Orkhon rivers by Al, Fe, and Mn, especially during the mining season. The hydrochemistry of the Khangal River is influenced by heavy metal (especially, Mn, Al, Cd, and As)-loaded mine drainage that originates from a huge tailing dam of the Erdenet porphyry Cu-Mo mine, as evidenced by δ³⁴S values of dissolved sulfate (0.2 to 3.8 ‰). These two contaminated rivers (Tuul and Khangal) merge into the Orkhon River that flows to the Selenge River near the boundary between Mongolia and Russia and then eventually flows into Lake Baikal. Because water quality problems due to mining can be critical, mining activities in central northern Mongolia should be carefully managed to minimize the transboundary movement of aquatic contaminants (in particular, turbidity, dissolved organic carbon, Fe and Al) from mining activities.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Effects of supersaturation control strategies on hydroxyapatite (HAP) crystallization for phosphorus recovery from wastewater
Dai, Hongliang | Lu, Xiwu | Peng, Y. (Yonghong) | Yang, Zixuan | Zhsssu, Huaqing
The HAP crystallization for phosphorus removal from wastewater contributes to an environmental friendly production due to the fact that it helps reduce or eliminate the water eutrophication as well as increases the recovery of mineral resources. However, the generated microcrystalline with poor settleability in high levels of supersaturation solution has a negative effect on the phosphorus recovery efficiency. To overcome the drawback, multiple reagent feed ports (four feed ports) and different recirculation ratio (1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0) were investigated to control the levels of supersaturation in an air-agitated reactor with calcite as seeds. Results showed that the approach of multiple reagent feed ports could improve the conversion ratio of orthophosphate, but it had a limited effect (∼3% improvement) on phosphorus recovery efficiency (deposition on the seeds). With the increase of the recirculation ratio, the recovery efficiency was increased gradually and reached an optimal value of 85.63% under the recirculation ratio of 2.5 and four feed ports. This is because the adopted strategies could reduce the level of supersaturation by diluting the concentration of the reagents and inhibit large numbers of microcrystalline coinstantaneous occurrence. Meanwhile, the crystallized products were detected and analyzed by scanning electron micrograph (SEM) with energy-dispersive spectrometry (EDS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD), which were proved to be HAP with a high purity. Collectively, these results demonstrated that supersaturation control using conventional approaches had a limited improvement on the phosphorus recovery efficiency in the form of HAP, and the new control strategies for supersaturation dispersion should be developed in the further study.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]An extensive review on restoration technologies for mining tailings
Sun, Wei | Ji, Bin | Khoso, Sultan Ahmed | Tang, Honghu | Liu, Runqing | Wang, Li | Hu, Yuehua
Development of mineral resources and the increasing mining waste emissions have created a series of environmental and health-related issues. Nowadays, the ecological restoration of mining tailings has become one of the urgent tasks for mine workers and environmental engineers all over the world. Aim of the present paper is to highlight the previous restoration techniques and the challenges encountered during the restoration of mine tailings. As it is a common practice that, before restoring of tailings, the site should be evaluated carefully. Studies showed that the mine tailings’ adverse properties, including excessive heavy metal concentration, acidification, improper pH value, salinization and alkalization, poor physical structure and inadequate nutrition, etc., are the major challenges of their restoration. Generally, four restoration technologies, including physical, chemical, phytoremediation, and bioremediation, are used to restore the mining tailings. The working mechanism, advantages, and disadvantages of these techniques are described in detail. In addition, selection of the suitable restoration techniques can largely be carried out by considering both the economic factors and time required. Furthermore, the ecosystem restoration is perceived to be a more promising technology for mine tailings. Therefore, this extensive review can act as a valuable reference for the researchers involved in mine tailing restoration.
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