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النتائج 1 - 10 من 49
Growth and physiological responses of tree seedlings to oil sands non-segregated tailings
Zhang, Wen-Qing | Fleurial, Killian | Sherr, Ira | Vassov, Robert | Zwiazek, Janusz J.
Bitumen recovery from oil sands in northeastern Alberta, Canada produces large volumes of tailings, which are deposited in mining areas that must be reclaimed upon mine closure. A new technology of non-segregated tailings (NST) developed by Canadian Natural Resources Limited (CNRL) was designed to accelerate the process of oil sands fine tailings consolidation. However, effects of these novel tailings on plants used for the reclamation of oil sands mining areas remain to be determined. In the present study, we investigated the effects of NST on seedlings of three species of plants commonly planted in oil sands reclamation sites including paper birch (Betula papyrifera), white spruce (Picea glauca) and green alder (Alnus viridis). In the controlled-environment study, we grew seedlings directly in NST and in the two types of reclamation soils with and without added NST and we measured seedling growth, gas exchange parameters, as well as tissue concentrations of selected elements and foliar chlorophyll. White spruce seedlings suffered from severe mortality when grown directly in NST and their needles contained high concentrations of Na. The growth and physiological processes were also inhibited by NST in green alder and paper birch. However, the addition of top soil and peat mineral soil mix to NST significantly improved the growth of plants, possibly due to a more balanced nutrient uptake. It appears that NST may offer some advantages in terms of site revegetation compared with the traditional oil sands tailings that were used in the past. The results also suggest that, white spruce may be less suitable for planting at reclamation sites containing NST compared with the two studied deciduous tree species.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Natural soil mineral nanoparticles are novel sorbents for pentachlorophenol and phenanthrene removal
He, Yan | Zeng, Fanfeng | Lian, Zhenghua | Xu, Jianming | Brookes, Philip C.
Natural soil montmorillonite and kaolinite nanoparticles (NPs) were tested as efficient sorbents for organic contaminant (OC) removal through mimicking their natural environmental dispersive states. Sorption of both mineral NPs decreased with increasing pH with ionizable pentachlorophenol (PCP), but increased with pH with non-ionizable phenanthrene (PHE), within the pH range of 4–10. In contrast, sorption decreased consistently for both PCP and PHE, as a function of increasing ion concentration (0.001–0.1 mol L−1). Sorption differences were likely caused by the electrolytic conditions dependent upon surface chemistry of OCs and mineral NPs. The results confirmed that the highly dispersive soil mineral NPs would prevail over both engineered NPs and their regular μm-sized colloids for OC removal, due to their ecological advantages and higher sorption properties. This finding provided a realistic assessment of the environmental function of soil natural minerals in water once they are released from soil into OC polluted aqueous systems.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Regionalized concentrations and fingerprints of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in German forest soils
Aichner, Bernhard | Bussian, Bernd M. | Lehnik-Habrink, Petra | Hein, Sebastian
Samples of 474 forest stands in Germany were analysed for concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in three sampling depths. Enhanced concentrations were mainly found at spots relatively close to densely industrialized and urbanized regions and at some topographically elevated areas. Average enrichment factors between mineral soil and humic layer depend on humus type i.e. decrease from mull via moder to mor. Based on their compound-patterns, the observed samples could be assigned to three main clusters. For some parts of our study area a uniform assignment of samples to clusters over larger regions could be identified. For instance, samples taken at vicinity to brown-coal strip-mining districts are characterized by high relative abundances of low-molecular-weight PAHs. These results suggest that PAHs are more likely originated from local and regional emitters rather than from long-range transport and that specific source-regions can be identified based on PAH fingerprints.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Dynamic modelling of atmospherically-deposited Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb in Pennine catchments (northern England)
Tipping, E. | Rothwell, J.J. | Shotbolt, L. | Lawlor, A.J.
Simulation modelling with CHUM-AM was carried out to investigate the accumulation and release of atmospherically-deposited heavy metals (Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb) in six moorland catchments, five with organic-rich soils, one with calcareous brown earths, in the Pennine chain of northern England. The model considers two soil layers and a third layer of weathering mineral matter, and operates on a yearly timestep, driven by deposition scenarios covering the period 1400-2010. The principal processes controlling heavy metals are competitive solid-solution partitioning of solutes, chemical interactions in solution, and chemical weathering. Agreement between observed and simulated soil metal pools and surface water concentrations for recent years was generally satisfactory, the results confirming that most contemporary soil metal is from atmospheric pollution. Metals in catchments with organic-rich soils show some mobility, especially under more acid conditions, but the calcareous mineral soils have retained nearly all anthropogenic metal inputs. Complexation by dissolved organic matter and co-transport accounts for up to 80% of the Cu in surface waters.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]PCDD/F and PCB in spruce forests of the Alps
Offenthaler, I. | Bassan, R. | Belis, C. | Jakobi, G. | Kirchner, M. | Kräuchi, N. | Moche, W. | Schramm, K.W. | Sedivy, I. | Simončič, P. | Uhl, M. | Weiss, P.
PCDD/F and PCB concentrations in remote mountainous spruce stands of the Central European Alps show strong geographic variation. Independent of the matrix (0.5 year old needles, humus or mineral soil), the highest pollutant levels were always found at the lateral zones of the mountain range. High levels coincided with strong precipitation, particularly along the northern margin of the study region. The most volatile PCB congener propagated farther into the colder, drier central Alps than the heavier species. Matrices with different accumulation history (needles and humus) repeatedly reflected different spatial immission patterns. Consistent with its much longer exposure, pollutant levels in humus exceeded those of needles by up to two orders of magnitude. Needle contamination varied with altitude but the vertical trends were highly variable between transsects and changed between years, too. Dioxin-like pollution of forests in the Alps shows strong geographic variation.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Litterfall mercury reduction on a subtropical evergreen broadleaf forest floor revealed by multi-element isotopes
Lu, Zhiyun | Yuan, Wei | Luo, Kang | Wang, Xun
Litterfall mercury (Hg) deposition is the dominant source of soil Hg in forests. Identifying reduction processes and tracking the fate of legacy Hg on forest floor are challenging tasks. Interplays between isotopes of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) may shed some lights on Hg biogeochemical processes because their biogeochemical cycling closely links with organic matters. Isotope measurements at the evergreen broadleaf forest floor at Mt. Ailao (Mountain Ailao) display that δ²⁰²Hg and Δ¹⁹⁹Hg both significantly correlate with δ¹³C and δ¹⁵N in soil profiles. Data analysis results show that microbial reduction is the dominant process for the distinct δ²⁰²Hg shift (up to ∼1.0‰) between Oi and 0–10 cm surface mineral soil, and dark abiotic organic matter reduction is the main cause for the Δ¹⁹⁹Hg shift (∼-0.18‰). Higher N in foliage leads to greater Hg concentration, and Hg⁰ re-emission via microbial reduction on forest floor is likely linked to N release and immobilization on forest floor. We thus suggest that the enhanced N deposition in global forest ecosystems can potentially influence Hg uptake by vegetation and litter Hg sequestration on forest floor.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Consistent trace element distribution and mercury isotopic signature between a shallow buried volcanic-hosted epithermal gold deposit and its weathered horizon
Yin, Runsheng | Pan, Xin | Deng, Changzhou | Sun, Guangyi | Kwon, Sae Yun | Lepak, Ryan F. | Hurley, James P.
Trace elements and Hg isotopic composition were investigated in mineralized rocks, barren rocks, and mineral soils in the Xianfeng prospect, a shallow buried epithermal gold deposit in northeastern China, to understand whether this deposit has left a diagnostic geochemical fingerprint to its weathered horizon. All the rocks and soils display congruent patterns for immobile elements (large ion lithophile elements, high field strength elements, and rare earth elements), which reflect the subduction-related tectonic setting. Both mineralized rocks and soils showed common enrichment of elemental suite As–Ag–Sb–Hg, suggesting that the Xianfeng gold deposit has released these elements into its weathered horizon. Similar mercury isotopic composition was observed between mineralized rocks (δ²⁰²Hg: −0.21 ± 0.70‰; Δ¹⁹⁹Hg: −0.02 ± 0.12‰; 2SD) and barren rocks (δ²⁰²Hg: −0.46 ± 0.48‰; Δ¹⁹⁹Hg: 0.00 ± 0.10‰; 2SD), suggesting that mercury in the Xianfeng deposit is mainly derived from the magmatic rocks. Mineralized soils (δ²⁰²Hg: −0.44 ± 0.60‰; −0.03 ± 0.14‰; 2SD) and barren soils (δ²⁰²Hg: −0.54 ± 0.68‰; Δ¹⁹⁹Hg: −0.05 ± 0.14‰; 2SD) displayed congruent Hg isotopic signals to the underlying rocks, suggesting limited Hg isotope fractionation during the release of Hg from ore deposit to soils via weathering. This study reveals evidence of a simple and direct geochemical link between this shallow buried hydrothermal deposit and its weathered horizon, and highlights that the weathering of shallow-buried hydrothermal gold deposits can release a substantial amount of heavy metals (e.g. Hg, As and Sb) to surface soil.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]The current state of environmental pollution with sulfur dioxide (SO2) in Poland based on sulfur concentration in Scots pine needles
Likus-Cieślik, Justyna | Socha, Jarosław | Gruba, Piotr | Pietrzykowski, Marcin
The current air pollution by SO₂ due to anthropogenic pressure in Poland was assessed based on sulfur concentrations in pine needles (Pinus sylvestris L.). On 308 monitoring sample plots located in pine stands distributed across Poland, measurements were conducted in mineral soil layers (0–10 cm, 10–40 cm, 40–100 cm) and in the soil organic layer (+5–0 cm). Samples of Scots pine foliage (current-year needles) were then collected, and the sulfur concentration in these needles was determined. Based on these data, a map of the spatial variability of sulfur concentrations in pine needles was drawn. The mean sulfur concentration in the pine needles was 854.8 mg kg⁻¹ in dry mass. Higher SO₂ emissions were noted in regions influenced by industry, such as the Upper Silesia and regions under strong urban pressure. Sulfur concentrations in Scots pine needles were related to the stands' degrees of defoliation. A comparison of the current sulfur concentrations in pine needles from biomonitoring in 2015–2016 with those from previous biomonitoring (in 1983–1985, by Dmuchowski and Bytnerowicz (1995) showed that air quality has improved and SO₂ emissions have decreased.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Impact of soil pH and organic matter on the chemical bioavailability of vanadium species: The underlying basis for risk assessment
Reijonen, Inka | Metzler, Martina | Hartikainen, Helinä
The main objective of this study was to unravel the chemical reactions and processes dictating the potential bioavailability of vanadium (V). In environmental solutions V exists in two stable oxidation states, +IV and +V, of which + V is considered to be more toxic. In this study, the effect of speciation and soil pH on the chemical accessibility of V was investigated with two soils: 1) field soil rather rich in soil organic matter (SOM) and 2) coarse mineral soil low in SOM. Fresh soil samples treated with V(+V) (added as NaVO3) or V(+IV) (added as VOSO4) (pH adjusted to the range 4.0–6.9) were incubated for 3 months at 22 °C. The adsorption tendency of V species was explored by water extraction (Milli-Q water, 1:50 dw/V) and by sequential extraction (0.25 M KCl; 0.1 M KH2/K2HPO4; 0.1 M NaOH; 0.25 M H2SO4, 1:10 dw/V). The potential bioavailability of V was found to be dictated by soil properties. SOM reduced V(+V) to V(+IV) and acted as a sorbent for both species, which lowered the bioaccessibility of V. A high pH, in turn, favored the predominance of the V(+V) species and thus increased the chemical accessibility of V.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Does an analysis of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) distribution in mountain soils across China reveal a latitudinal fractionation paradox?
Zheng, Qian | Nizzetto, Luca | Mulder, Marie D. | Sáňka, Ondřej | Lammel, Gerhard | Li, Jun | Bing, Haijian | Liu, Xin | Jiang, Yishan | Luo, Chunlin | Zhang, Gan
Organic and mineral soil horizons from forests in 30 mountains across China were analysed for polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB). Soil total organic carbon (TOC) content was a key determinant of PCB distribution explaining over 90% of the differences between organic and mineral soils, and between 30% and 60% of the variance along altitudinal and regional transects. The residual variance (after normalization by TOC) was small. Tri- to tetra-CB levels were higher in the South in relation to high source density and precipitation. Heavier congeners were instead more abundant at mid/high-latitudes where the advection pattern was mainly from long range transport. This resulted in a latitudinal fractionation opposite to theoretical expectations. The study showed that exposure to sources with different characteristics, and possibly accumulation/degradation trends of different congeners in soils being out-of-phase at different latitudes, can lead to an unsteady large scale distribution scenario conflicting with the thermodynamic equilibrium perception.
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