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Etoxazole induces testicular malfunction in mice by dysregulating mitochondrial function and calcium homeostasis
Epidemiological relationships between pesticide use and male infertility have been suggested for a long time. Etoxazole (ETX), an oxazoline pesticide, has been extensively used for pest eradication. It is considered relatively safe and has low mammalian toxicity because it specifically inhibits chitin synthesis. However, ETX may have toxic effects on the reproductive system. In this study, we examined the effects of ETX on the reproductive system using mouse testis cell lines (TM3 for Leydig cells and TM4 for Sertoli cells) and C57BL/6 male mice. We confirmed that ETX has anti-proliferative effects on the TM3 and TM4 cell lines. Moreover, ETX induced mitochondrial dysfunction and hampers calcium homeostasis. Western blot analysis of MAPK and Akt signaling cascades was performed to demonstrate the mode of action of ETX at a molecular level. Moreover, ETX induced misregulation of genes related to testicular function. Upon oral administration of ETX in C57BL/6 male mice, testis weight was reduced and transcriptional expression related to testis function was altered. These results indicate that ETX induces testicular toxicity by inducing mitochondrial dysfunction and calcium imbalance and regulating gene expression.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Frequently encountered pesticides can cause multiple disorders in developing worker honey bees
Tomé, Hudson V. V. | Schmehl, Daniel R. | Wedde, Ashlyn E. | Godoy, Raquel S.M. | Ravaiano, Samira V. | Guedes, Raul N.C. | Martins, Gustavo F. | Ellis, James D.
Pesticide exposure is regarded as a contributing factor to the high gross loss rates of managed colonies of Apis mellifera. Pesticides enter the hive through contaminated nectar and pollen carried by returning forager honey bees or placed in the hive by beekeepers when managing hive pests. We used an in vitro rearing method to characterize the effects of seven pesticides on developing brood subjected dietary exposure at worse-case environmental concentrations detected in wax and pollen. The pesticides tested included acaricides (amitraz, coumaphos, fluvalinate), insecticides (chlorpyrifos, imidacloprid), one fungicide (chlorothalonil), and one herbicide (glyphosate). The larvae were exposed chronically for six days of mimicking exposure during the entire larval feeding period, which is the worst possible scenario of larval exposure. Survival, duration of immature development, the weight of newly emerged adult, morphologies of the antenna and the hypopharyngeal gland, and gene expression were recorded. Survival of bees exposed to amitraz, coumaphos, fluvalinate, chlorpyrifos, and chlorothalonil was the most sensitive endpoint despite observed changes in many developmental and physiological parameters across the seven pesticides. Our findings suggest that pesticide exposure during larvae development may affect the survival and health of immature honey bees, thus contributing to overall colony stress or loss. Additionally, pesticide exposure altered gene expression of detoxification enzymes. However, the tested exposure scenario is unlikely to be representative of real-world conditions but emphasizes the importance of proper hive management to minimize pesticide contamination of the hive environment or simulates a future scenario of increased contamination.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Effect of prothioconazole on the degradation of microplastics derived from mulching plastic film: Apparent change and interaction with heavy metals in soil
Li, Ruojia | Liu, Yi | Sheng, Yingfei | Xiang, Qingqing | Zhou, Ying | Cizdziel, James V.
Microplastic pollution is a major global environmental problem in both aquatic and terrestrial environments. Pesticides are frequently applied to agricultural soil to reduce the effects of pests on crops, but may also affect the degradation of plastics. In this study, we generated microplastics from polyethylene (PE) film and biodegradable poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate) (PBAT) film and determined (1) the effect of prothioconazole on degradation of the microplastics, and (2) the adsorption and release characteristics of heavy metals (Cr, Cu, As, Pb, Ba, and Sn) by the microplastics during degradation process. Changes of surface functional groups and morphologies were measured by FTIR and SEM, while metal concentrations were determined by ICPMS. Prothioconazole was found to promote plastic degradation. PBAT degraded faster and adsorbed more heavy metals from the soil than PE. Whether the microplastics adsorb or release heavy metals depended on the metal and their concentrations. Prothioconazole inhibited the adsorption of Cr, As, Pb and Ba by microplastics, promoted the adsorption of Cu, and had no significant effect for Sn. These results can help to assess the ecological risk of microplastic pollution from plastic mulch when combined with heavy metals.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Are there fitness costs of adaptive pyrethroid resistance in the amphipod, Hyalella azteca?
Heim, Jennifer R. | Weston, Donald P. | Major, Kaley | Poynton, Helen | Huff Hartz, Kara E. | Lydy, Michael J.
Pyrethroid-resistant Hyalella azteca with voltage-gated sodium channel mutations have been identified at multiple locations throughout California. In December 2013, H. azteca were collected from Mosher Slough in Stockton, CA, USA, a site with reported pyrethroid (primarily bifenthrin and cyfluthrin) sediment concentrations approximately twice the 10-d LC50 for laboratory-cultured H. azteca. These H. azteca were shipped to Southern Illinois University Carbondale and have been maintained in pyrethroid-free culture since collection. Even after 22 months in culture, resistant animals had approximately 53 times higher tolerance to permethrin than non-resistant laboratory-cultured H. azteca. Resistant animals held in culture also lacked the wild-type allele at the L925 locus, and had non-synonymous substitutions that resulted in either a leucine-isoleucine or leucine-valine substitution. Additionally, animals collected from the same site nearly three years later were again resistant to the pyrethroid permethrin. When resistant animals were compared to non-resistant animals, they showed lower reproductive capacity, lower upper thermal tolerance, and the data suggested greater sensitivity to, 4, 4′-dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), copper (II) sulfate, and sodium chloride. Further testing of the greater heat and sodium chloride sensitivity of the resistant animals showed these effects to be unrelated to clade association. Fitness costs associated with resistance to pyrethroids are well documented in pest species (including mosquitoes, peach-potato aphids, and codling moths) and we believe that H. azteca collected from Mosher Slough also have fitness costs associated with the developed resistance.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Azadirachtin impairs egg production in Atta sexdens leaf-cutting ant queens
Amaral, Karina Dias | Martínez, Luis Carlos | Pereira Lima, Maria Augusta | Serrão, José Eduardo | Della Lucia, Terezinha M. C.
Leaf-cutting ants are important pests of forests and agricultural crops in the Neotropical region. Atta sexdens colonies can be composed of thousands of individuals, which form a highly complex society with a single reproductive queen. Successful control of this species is achieved only if the queen is affected. Few data are available on the lethal or sublethal effects of toxic compounds on leaf-cutting ant queens. Azadirachtin has been claimed as an effective biopesticide for insect control, but its action on leaf-cutting ants has been little explored. This study shows that azadirachtin affects oviposition in A. sexdens queens, impairing egg development by decreasing protein reserves. Azadirachtin inhibits the synthesis of vitellogenin, the major yolk protein precursor. The negative effects of azadirachtin on the reproduction of leaf-cutting ant queens suggest a potential use for the control of these insects.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Acute toxicity, bioconcentration, elimination and antioxidant effects of fluralaner in zebrafish, Danio rerio
Jia, Zhong-Qiang | Liu, Di | Sheng, Cheng-Wang | Casida, John E. | Wang, Chen | Song, Ping-Ping | Chen, Yu-Ming | Han, Zhao-Jun | Zhao, Chun-Qing
Fluralaner is a novel isoxazoline insecticide which shows high insecticidal activity against parasitic, sanitary and agricultural pests, but there is little information about the effect of fluralaner on non-target organisms. This study reports the acute toxicity, bioconcentration, elimination and antioxidant response of fluralaner in zebrafish. All LC50 values of fluralaner to zebrafish were higher than 10 mg L⁻¹ at 24, 48, 72 and 96 h. To study the bioconcentration and elimination, the zebrafish were exposed to sub-lethal concentrations of fluralaner (2.00 and 0.20 mg L⁻¹) for 15 d and then held 6 d in clean water. The results showed medium BCF of fluralaner with values of 12.06 (48 h) and 21.34 (144 h) after exposure to 2.00 and 0.20 mg L⁻¹ fluralaner, respectively. In the elimination process, a concentration of only 0.113 mg kg⁻¹ was found in zebrafish on the 6th day after removal to clean water. After exposure in 2.00 mg L⁻¹ fluralaner, the enzyme activities of SOD, CAT, and GST, GSH-PX, CarE and content of MDA were measured. Only CAT and CarE activities were significantly regulated and the others stayed at a stable level compared to the control group. Meanwhile, transcriptional expression of CYP1C2, CYP1D1, CYP11A were significantly down-regulated at 12 h exposed to 2.00 mg L⁻¹ of fluralaner. Except CYP1D1, others CYPs were up-regulated at different time during exposure periods.Fluralaner and its formulated product (BRAVECTO®) are of low toxicity to zebrafish and are rapidly concentrated in zebrafish and eliminated after exposure in clean water. Antioxidant defense and metabolic systems were involved in the fluralaner-induced toxicity. Among them, the activities of CAT and CarE, and most mRNA expression level of CYPs showed fast response to the sub-lethal concentration of fluralaner, which could be used as a biomarker relevant to the toxicity.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Sublethal insecticide exposure affects reproduction, chemical phenotype as well as offspring development and antennae symmetry of a leaf beetle
Müller, Thorben | Prosche, Alexander | Muller, Caroline
The area of agriculturally used land and following to that the use of pesticides are steadily increasing. Insecticides do not only reduce pest organisms on crops but can also affect non-target organisms when present in sublethal concentrations in the environment. We investigated the effects of an exposure to sublethal pyrethroid (lambda-cyhalothrin) concentrations, at doses 20 and 60 times lower than the LC50, respectively, on reproductive traits and adult cuticular hydrocarbon (CHC) profiles of a leaf beetle (Phaedon cochleariae Fabricius). Furthermore, we tested for effects on growth and antennae symmetry of the offspring generation that was not exposed to the insecticide. Sublethal insecticide concentrations decreased the egg number produced by the adults and the hatching rate. Moreover, the chemical phenotype (CHC profile) of adults was altered in dependence of the insecticide treatment, with sex-specific effects. In the unexposed offspring of insecticide-exposed parents, a prolonged development time and a fluctuating asymmetry of the females' antennae were detected, revealing transgenerational effects. The insecticide effects on the CHC profiles of the parental generation might have been caused by changes in CHC precursors, which were potentially induced by the insecticide treatment of the insect diet. Such altered CHC pattern may have implications for intraspecific communication, e.g., in mate choice, as well as in an interspecific way, e.g., in interactions with other arthropod species. The observed detrimental transgenerational effects might be explainable by a reduced investment in the offspring, maternal transfer or epigenetic processes. An asymmetry of the antennae may lead to defects in the reception of chemical signals. In conclusion, the results disclose that, besides detrimental (transgenerational) effects on reproduction and development, an exposure to sublethal insecticide concentrations can impair the chemical communication between individuals, with impacts on the sender (i.e., the CHC profile) and the receiver (i.e., caused by asymmetry of the antennae).
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Sublethal effect of agronomical surfactants on the spider Pardosa agrestis
Niedobová, Jana | Hula, Vladimír | Michalko, Radek
In addition to their active ingredients, pesticides contain also additives – surfactants. Use of surfactants has been increasing over the past decade, but their effects on non-target organisms, especially natural enemies of pests, have been studied only very rarely. The effect of three common agrochemical surfactants on the foraging behavior of the wolf spider Pardosa agrestis was studied in the laboratory. Differences in short-term, long-term, and overall cumulative predatory activities were investigated. We found that surfactant treatment significantly affected short-term predatory activity but had no effect on long-term predatory activity. The surfactants also significantly influenced the cumulative number of killed prey. We also found the sex-specific increase in cumulative kills after surfactants treatment. This is the first study showing that pesticide additives have a sublethal effect that can weaken the predatory activity of a potential biological control agent. More studies on the effects of surfactants are needed to understand how they affect beneficial organisms in agroecosystems.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]If you see one, have you seen them all?: Community-wide effects of insecticide cross-resistance in zooplankton populations near and far from agriculture
Bendis, Randall J. | Relyea, Rick A.
The worldwide use of pesticides has led to increases in agricultural yields by reducing crop losses. However, increased pesticide use has resulted in pesticide-resistant pest species and recent studies have discovered pesticide-resistance in non-target species living close to farms. Such increased tolerance not only affects the species, but can alter the entire food web. Given that some species can evolve not only resistance to a single pesticide, but also cross-resistance to other pesticides that share the same mode of action, one would predict that cross-resistance to pesticides would also have effects on the entire community and affect community stability. To address this hypothesis, we conducted an outdoor mesocosm experiment comprised of 200 identical aquatic communities with phytoplankton, periphyton, and leopard frog (Lithobates pipiens) tadpoles. To these communities, we added one of four Daphnia pulex populations that we previously discovered were either resistant or sensitive to the insecticide of chlorpyrifos as a result of living close to or far from agriculture, respectively. We then exposed the communities to either no insecticide or three different concentrations of AChE-inhibiting insecticides (chlorpyrifos, malathion or carbaryl) or sodium channel-inhibiting insecticides (permethrin or cypermethrin). We discovered that communities containing sensitive Daphnia pulex experienced phytoplankton blooms and subsequent cascades through all trophic groups including amphibians at moderate to high concentrations of all five insecticides. However, communities containing resistant D. pulex were buffered from these effects at low to moderate concentrations of all AChE-inhibiting insecticides, but were not buffered against the pyrethroid insecticides. These data suggest that a simple change in the population-level resistance of zooplankton to a single insecticide can have widespread consequences for community stability and that the effects can be extrapolated to a wide variety of pesticides that share the same mode of action.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Global climate change : Modelling the potential responses of agro-ecosystems with special reference to crop protection
Goudriaan, J. | Zadoks, J.C.