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Use of natural and artificial radionuclides to determine the sedimentation rates in two North Caucasus lakes
Kuzmenkova, Natalia V. | Ivanov, Maxim M. | Alexandrin, Mikhail Y. | Grachev, Alexei M. | Rozhkova, Alexandra K. | Zhizhin, Kirill D. | Grabenko, Evgeniy A. | Golosov, Valentin N.
The specific activities of natural (²¹⁰Pb, ²²⁶Ra, and ²³²Th) and artificial (¹³⁷Cs, ²³⁹,²⁴⁰Pu, and ²⁴¹Am) radionuclides in the sediments of two North Caucasus lakes were determined. The two lakes, Lake Khuko and Lake Donguz-Orun, differ in their sedimentation conditions. Based on the use of unsupported ²¹⁰Pbₑₓ and both Chernobyl-derived and bomb-derived ¹³⁷Cs as chronological markers, it was established that the sedimentation rates in Lake Khuko over the past 55–60 y did not exceed 0.017 cm y⁻¹. Sedimentation rates in Lake Donguz-Orun were found to be more than an order of magnitude higher. In the latter case, the sedimentation rates for the period from 1986 to the present were over 1.5 times higher than they were for the period 1963–1986. The differences in sedimentation rates were due to differences in the rates of denudation of their respective catchment areas. The specific activities of artificial radionuclides (¹³⁷Cs, 2600 Bq kg⁻¹; ²³⁹,²⁴⁰Pu, 162 Bq kg⁻¹; and ²⁴¹Am, 36 Bq kg⁻¹) and their ratios in the sediments of Lake Khuko show that their deposition was mainly due to global stratospheric fallout of technogenic radionuclides associated with nuclear bomb testing during 1954–1963—rather than fallout from the Chernobyl accident. Several factors, including the mode of precipitation, features of the surface runoff, and location of Lake Khuko, were responsible for the accumulation of artificial radionuclides.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Multifractal features of activity concentration and stochastic risk assessment of naturally occurring and technogenic radionuclides in the soil of Yerevan, Armenia
Aruta, Antonio | Sahakyan, Lilitʻ | Tepanosyan, Gevorg | Movsisyan, Nona | Belyaeva, Olga | Albanese, Stefano
Spatial patterns and background ranges of naturally occurring radionuclides (NORs) (i.e. U-238, Th-232, K-40) and Cs-137 were studied in the urban soils of Yerevan, the capital city of Armenia. Multifractal Inverse Distance Weighting (MIDW) was used to generate and analyze distribution patterns of radionuclide activities. Based on Fourier transformation of radioactivity data, a spectral analysis was also applied to separate, where possible, background/baseline patterns from local anomalies: two ranges of background values were found to characterise the Yerevan territory. Specifically, in the south and south-east of Yerevan, the lower background ranges of U-238, Th-232 and K-40 comprised in the intervals 2.60–36.42 Bq/kg, 4.04–30.63 Bq/kg and 147.7–396.7 Bq/kg, respectively, were observed in association with the presence of sedimentary formations. In contrast, the higher ones were found, instead, in the central and northern parts of the city where andesite-basalt lavas and ignimbrite tuffs occur. Here, the background values rise to 142.4 Bq/kg, 138.76 Bq/kg and 1502 Bq/kg, respectively. As for the distribution of artificial Cs-137, its baseline levels in Yerevan seem to depend mostly on the global radioactive fallout and some local technogenic sources. Its distribution patterns partially differ from those of NORs. In the framework of this paper, Radium equivalent activity (RaEq), outdoor absorbed dose rate in air (ODRA) and annual effective dose equivalent (AEDEs) were also determined and mapped. They show a good coincidence of their spatial variations with those of NORs. The Monte Carlo simulation was used to assess excess lifetime cancer risk from a stochastic perspective. The related sensitivity analysis revealed that, among NORs, U-238 and Th-232 give the greatest contribution to the total variance (45.7% 42.8%, respectively). In comparison, K-40 has the lowest share (11.3%). Regarding Cs-137, a highly negligible contribution to the onset of health risks (accounting for 0.02%) was observed.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Chemical composition of scales generated from oil industry and correlation to radionuclide contents and gamma-ray measurements of 210Pb
Al Attar, Lina | Safia, Bassam | Abdul Ghani, Basem
Scale generated from the maintenance of equipment contaminated by naturally occurring radioactive materials may contain also chemical components that cause hazardous pollution to human health and the environment. This study spotlights the characterisation of chemical pollutants in scales in relation to home-made comparison samples as no reference material for such waste exists. Analysis by energy dispersive x-ray fluorescence, with accuracy and precision better than 90%, revealed that barium was the most abundant element in scale samples, ranging from 1.4 to 38.2%. The concentrations of the toxic elements such as lead and chromium were as high as 2.5 and 1.2% respectively. Statistically, high correlation was observed between the concentration of Ba and Sr, sample density, radionuclide contents (210Pb and 226Ra) and self-attenuation factor used for the radio-measurements. However, iron showed a reverse correlation. Interpretation of data with regards to the mineralogical components indicated that 226Ra and 210Pb co-precipitated with the insoluble salt Ba0.75Sr0.25SO4. Since both Ba and Sr have high Z, samples of high density (ρ) were accompanied with high values of self-attenuation correction factors (Cf) for the emitted radiation; correlation matrix of Pearson reached 0.935 between ρ and Cf. An attempt to eliminate the effect of the elemental composition and improve gamma measurements of 210Pb activity concentration in scale samples was made, which showed no correction for self-attenuation was needed when sample densities were in the range 1.0–1.4 g cm−3. For denser samples, a mathematical model was developed. Accurate determinations of radionuclide and chemical contents of scale would facilitate future Environmental Impact Assessment for the petroleum industry.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Natural and anthropogenic radioactivity in the environment of Kopaonik mountain, Serbia
Mitrović, Branislava | Ajtić, Jelena | Lazić, Marko | Andrić, Velibor | Krstič, Nikola | Vranješ, Borjana | Vićentijević, Mihajlo
To evaluate the state of the environment in Kopaonik, a mountain in Serbia, the activity concentrations of 4 K, 226Ra, 232Th and 137Cs in five different types of environmental samples are determined by gamma ray spectrometry, and radiological hazard due to terrestrial radionuclides is calculated. The mean activity concentrations of natural radionuclides in the soil are higher than the global average. However, with an exception of two sampling locations, the external radiation hazard index is below one, implying an insignificant radiation hazard. Apart from 40K, content of the natural radionuclides is predominantly below minimum detectable activities in grass and cow milk, but not in mosses. Although 137Cs is present in the soil, grass, mosses and herbal plants, its specific activity in cow milk is below minimum detectable activity. Amongst the investigated herbal plants, Vaccinium myrtillus L. shows accumulating properties, as a high content of 137Cs is detected therein. Therefore, moderation is advised in consuming Vaccinium myrtillus L. tea.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Mobility of radium and trace metals in sediments of the Winterbeek: Application of sequential extraction and DGT techniques
Gao, Y. | Baeyens, W. | Galan, S De | Poffijn, A. | Leermakers, M.
For several decades, phosphate ores containing 226Ra as well as several trace metals have been processed in Belgium to produce calcium phosphate for use in cattle food. The waste water is discharged in two small rivers, the Laak and the Winterbeek. In this study, the levels of 226Ra and trace metals in surface water and sediments of the Winterbeek were investigated and the mobility of these compounds was assessed using DGT (Diffusive Gradient in Thin Films) and sequential extraction techniques. The concentrations of 226Ra and trace metals in water and sediment indicate a decreasing trend in inputs to the Winterbeek. The mobility of 226Ra, assessed by DGT, is related to the reductive mobilization of Fe. The sequential extraction technique shows that at some stations an important fraction of 226Ra is found to labile sediment phases. Diffusive 226Ra sediment fluxes, are however, relatively small and have only a minor contribution to the water column concentration of 226Ra.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Variations in growth behavior, yield and DNA stability of two vegetable crops cultivated in radioactive spiked soils
Negm, Hani | Younes, Nabil Ahmed | Rabee, Ayat | Youssef, Muhammad
Radioactive pollution comes on the top of pollution types that affect human life directly through damaging the human genome or indirectly via his food web. The current study focused on the evaluation of radiation effects of Assiut Thermal Power Plant (ATPP) ashes on two crop plants, potato and squash, in terms of morphological and molecular levels. More particularly, the specific activity concentrations were measured in Bq/kg, of the ²³⁸U (²²⁶Ra) and ²³²Th series, and ⁴⁰K-isotope for the untreated soil sample (control) and ATPP ash sample (represents the radioactive source with 100% concentration). Different concentrations of ATPP ash (0, 2, 4, 6 and 8%) were mixed with soil sample to study the effect of radioactively contaminated soil on potato and squash plants. The results of the present investigation revealed that the morphological characteristics of both potato and squash plants were changed, which reflected a steep regression in the values of all vegetative growth and yield traits. The alterations of the characteristic values were directly proportional to the radioactive ash concentration in the soil. In the same context, the molecular evaluation using PCR-based markers, e.g., ISSR and SCoT helps in understanding and explaining experimental observations at morphological level. ISSR/SCoT bands confirmed the toxicity and mutagenicity of radioactive ash samples at their present dose on both potato and squash plants. The present findings clearly explained the morphometric and genetic abnormalities in two of the main consumed crops by a human. Thus, the green area around the ATPP may disappear in the future due to increasing the pollution in terms of the radioactive component that directly attached to plants or indirectly by mixing with soil.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Evaluation of the radioactive pollution in the salt-marshes under a phosphogypsum stack system
Guerrero, José Luis | Gutiérrez-Álvarez, Isidoro | Mosqueda, Fernando | Gázquez, Manuel Jesús | García-Tenorío, R. (Rafael) | Olías, Manuel | Bolívar, Juan Pedro
Next to the city of Huelva (SW of Spain), around 100 Mt of phosphogypsum (PG) are stored in stacks on the salt-marshes of the Tinto River estuary covering a surface of about 1000 ha. Due to the high content of ²³⁸U series natural radionuclides of the PG, its acidic nature (pH about 3), and the fact that PG stacks were disposed without any kind of isolation from the substrate, they could produce a potential radioactive impact into the underlying sediments.The aim of this work is to assess the pollution of the underlying sediments by natural radionuclides coming from the PG stacks. To this end, seven cores were taken, and PG and sediments samples collected at different depths were analysed. The activity concentrations of the main long half-live natural radionuclides of interest were determined by applying both gamma-ray and alpha-particle spectrometry radiometric techniques.The results of this study showed that the first decimeters of salt-marsh sediment act as a “barrier” for the radionuclides coming from the PG stacks decreasing rapidly its activity concentration in depth, affecting mainly sediments located in the first 20 cm below the contact due to mixing processes. While ²³⁰Th, ²²⁶Ra and ²¹⁰Pb pollution is mainly restricted to the first 20 cm of sediments, U-isotopes can reach higher depths (up to around 50 cm) by leaching processes due to their lower reactivity and higher concentration in the polluted leachates. The obtained results have high relevance for the design of the perimeter channel which is projected to build in the restoration project, suggesting that should has around 1 m deep under the base of the PG stacks, to ensure the full collection of polluting leachates, and to prevent their release into the estuary of the Tinto River.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]A radiological index for evaluating the impact of an abandoned uranium mining area in Salamanca, Western Spain
The establishment of a screening index would be a powerful tool to decide whether abandoned uranium mining areas should be rehabilitated or decommissioned. Thus, in this work we established a radiological index which uses the activity concentrations of different groups of gamma emitters from the natural radioactive series of ²³⁸U, ²³⁵U, and ²³²Th, as well as ⁴⁰K and ¹³⁷Cs. These activity concentrations were calculated by using the absorbed gamma radiation dose value of 175 nGy h⁻¹ specified in the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations. We studied our index in an abandoned uranium mining area in Salamanca, Western Spain, and found that the most influential factors in this area were the presence of organic matter in the soil and the possible effect that plants and fungi may have on the retention of these aforementioned radionuclides. In addition, the results showed that contaminants are migrating in an easterly direction in line with the prevailing wind direction and we were able to identify areas in which the radiological risk is likely high. The mean effective dose rate was 2.51 ± 0.98 mSv y⁻¹ which was equivalent to the levels obtained in previous works.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Multivariate statistical approach on distribution of natural and anthropogenic radionuclides and associated radiation indices along the north-western coastline of Aegean Sea, Greece
Shahrokhi, Amin | Adelikhah, Mohammademad | Chalupnik, Stanislaw | Kovács, Tibor
A comprehensive radiological survey using multivariate statistical analysis was carried out to evaluate the distribution of ⁴⁰K, ²³²Th, ²²⁶Ra, ²³⁵U, and ¹³⁷Cs, and associated radiation indices in beach sand samples of the coastal area of the Aegean Sea. The activity concentration of selected radionuclides was measured and no clue of recent migration of radiocaesium by not only precipitation but also through an indirect way, such as ocean runoff, was found. As part of radiological risk assessment, external radiation hazard index, radium equivalent activity, effective dose, and absorbed dose rate were estimated. Pearson correlation, cluster, and PCA analysis were used by processing observed radiological parameters to determine the correlation between the radiological parameters and locations. Pearson correlation shows a strong association between all parameters and activity of ²²⁶Ra and ²³²Th. A spatial distribution map was provided to a distinct visual representation of the distribution of radionuclide contents in the study area.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Investigation of submarine groundwater discharge and associated nutrient inputs into Laizhou Bay (China) using radium quartet
Wang, Jerry H. C. | Li, Hailong | Zhang, Yan | Zheng, Chunmiao | Gao, Maosheng
Radium is widely used to estimate flushing time, submarine groundwater discharge (SGD), and submarine fresh groundwater discharge (SFGD), however there are important sources of uncertainty in current methods. Here an improved method is proposed, incorporating all radium quartet information to estimate flushing time, SFGD, SGD, and associated nutrient fluxes during wet and dry seasons in Laizhou Bay, China. Both SGD and SFGD in dry season are comparable to that in wet season, likely due to higher groundwater hydraulic gradients resulting from higher groundwater table and lower mean sea level in dry season. Estimated dry and wet season SFGD are of the same order of magnitude as the annually-averaged Yellow River discharge, highlighting SFGD's importance to the bay environment. Nutrient inputs into Laizhou Bay were estimated for the wet season, suggesting that SGD-derived nutrients are indeed important and significant for coastal environments compared to local river discharge estimates.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]