خيارات البحث
النتائج 1 - 10 من 324
Remote sensing technology for mapping and monitoring vegetation cover (Case study: Semirom-Isfahan, Iran)
Jabbari, Somayyeh | Khajedin, Seyed Jamaledin | Jafari, Reza | Soltani, Saeed
To determine the suitable indices for vegetation cover and production assessment based on the remote sensing data, simultaneous digital data with field data belonging to the spring rangeland of the Semirom-Isfahan province were analyzed. During two years of monitoring the annual, grass, forb, and shrub vegetation cover and the total production data from 86 were collected. The Global Positioning System (GPS) was used to measure the coordinates of plots and transects. Geometric correction and histogram equalization were applied in image processing, and image digital numbers were converted to reflectance numbers. In the next stage, all vegetation indices were calculated from the Advanced Wide Field Sensor (AWiFS) image data and compared with the vegetation cover estimates, at monitoring points, made during field assessments. A linear regression model was used to select suitable vegetation indices. The results showed that there were significant relationships between the satellite data and the vegetative characteristics. Among the indices, the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) consistently showed significant relationships with the vegetation cover. The estimation of the vegetation cover with the NDVI vegetation index was more accurately predicted within rangeland systems. Using the produced model from the NDVI index vegetation crown cover, percentage maps were produced in three class percentages for each image. Generally introduced indices provided accurate quantitative estimation of the parameters. Therefore, it was possible to estimate cover and production as important factors for range monitoring using the AWiFS data. The Remote sensing data and the Geographic Information System are the most effective tools in natural resource management.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Utilisation de la teledetection pour l' etude des maladies et de l' etat hydrique des forets et cultures.
Andrieu B.
Capturing spatial variability of factors affecting the water allocation plans—a geo-informatics approach for large irrigation schemes
Waqas, M. M. | Waseem, M. | Ali, S. | Hopman, J. W. | Awan, Usman Khalid | Shah, S. H. H. | Shah, A. N.
Capturing spatial variability of factors affecting the water allocation plans—a geo-informatics approach for large irrigation schemes
Waqas, M. M. | Waseem, M. | Ali, S. | Hopman, J. W. | Awan, Usman Khalid | Shah, S. H. H. | Shah, A. N.
The livelihoods of poor people living in rural areas of Indus Basin Irrigation System (IBIS) of Pakistan depend largely on irrigated agriculture. Water duties in IBIS are mainly calculated based on crop-specific evapotranspiration. Recent studies show that ignoring the spatial variability of factors affecting the crop water requirements can affect the crop production. The objective of the current study is thus to identify the factors which can affect the water duties in IBIS, map these factors by GIS, and then develop the irrigation response units (IRUs), an area representing the unique combinations of factors affecting the gross irrigation requirements (GIR). The Lower Chenab Canal (LCC) irrigation scheme, the largest irrigation scheme of the IBIS, is selected as a case. Groundwater quality, groundwater levels, soil salinity, soil texture, and crop types are identified as the main factors for IRUs. GIS along with gamma design software GS + was used to delineate the IRUs in the large irrigation scheme. This resulted in a total of 84 IRUs in the large irrigation scheme based on similar biophysical factors. This study provided the empathy of suitable tactics to increase water management and productivity in LCC. It will be conceivable to investigate a whole irrigation canal command in parts (considering the field-level variations) and to give definite tactics for management.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Monitoring mangrove forests after aquaculture abandonment using time series of very high spatial resolution satellite images: A case study from the Perancak estuary, Bali, Indonesia
Proisy, Christophe | Viennois, Gaëlle | Sidik, Frida | Andayani, Ariani | Enright, James Antony | Guitet, Stéphane | Gusmawati, Niken | Lemonnier, Hugues | Muthusankar, Gowrappan | Olagoke, Adewole, A | Prosperi, Juliana | Rahmania, Rinny | Ricout, Anaïs, A | Soulard, Benoit | Suhardjono, X | Institut Français de Pondichéry (IFP) ; Ministère de l'Europe et des Affaires étrangères (MEAE)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) | Botanique et Modélisation de l'Architecture des Plantes et des Végétations (UMR AMAP) ; Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement (Cirad)-Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)-Université de Montpellier (UM)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD [Occitanie]) | Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries = Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan (KKP) | Mangrove Action Project | Groupement d'Interêt Public Ecosystèmes Forestiers GIP ECOFOR (GIP ECOFOR) | Délégation Ifremer de Nouvelle-Calédonie ; Institut Français de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer (IFREMER) | Université de la Nouvelle-Calédonie (UNC) | Technische Universität Dresden = Dresden University of Technology (TU Dresden) | Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) | Projet INDESO; http://www.indeso.web.id
International audience | Revegetation of abandoned aquaculture regions should be a priority for any integrated coastal zone management (ICZM). This paper examines the potential of a matchless time series of 20 very high spatial resolution (VHSR) optical satellite images acquired for mapping trends in the evolution of mangrove forests from 2001 to 2015 in an estuary fragmented into aquaculture ponds. Evolution of mangrove extent was quantified through robust multitemporal analysis based on supervised image classification. Results indicated that mangroves are expanding inside and outside ponds and over pond dykes. However, the yearly expansion rate of vegetation cover greatly varied between replanted ponds. Ground truthing showed that only Rhizophora species had been planted, whereas natural mangroves consist of Avicennia and Sonneratia species. In addition, the dense Rhizophora plantations present very low regeneration capabilities compared with natural mangroves. Time series of VHSR images provide comprehensive and intuitive level of information for the support of ICZM.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Soil toxic elements determination using integration of Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8 images: Effect of fusion techniques on model performance
Khosravi, Vahid | Gholizadeh, Asa | Saberioon, Mohammadmehdi
Finding an appropriate satellite image as simultaneous as possible with the sampling time campaigns is challenging. Fusion can be considered as a method of integrating images and obtaining more pixels with higher spatial, spectral and temporal resolutions. This paper investigated the impact of Landsat 8-OLI and Sentinel-2A data fusion on prediction of several toxic elements at a mine waste dump. The 30 m spatial resolution Landsat 8-OLI bands were fused with the 10 m Sentinel-2A bands using various fusion techniques namely hue-saturation-value (HSV), Brovey, principal component analysis (PCA), Gram-Schmidt (GS), wavelet, and area-to-point regression kriging (ATPRK). ATPRK was the best method preserving both spectral and spatial features of Landsat 8-OLI and Sentinel-2A after fusion. Furthermore, the partial least squares regression (PLSR) model developed on genetic algorithm (GA)-selected laboratory visible-near infrared-shortwave infrared (VNIR–SWIR) spectra yielded more accurate prediction results compared to the PLSR model calibrated on the entire spectra. It was hence, applied to both individual sensors and their ATPRK-fused image. In case of the individual sensors, except for As, Sentinel-2A provided more robust prediction models than Landsat 8-OLI. However, the best performances were obtained using the fused images, highlighting the potential of data fusion to enhance the toxic elements’ prediction models.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Tracing out the effect of transportation infrastructure on NO2 concentration levels with Kernel Density Estimation by investigating successive COVID-19-induced lockdowns
Kovács, Kamill Dániel | Haidu, Ionel
This study aims to investigate the effect of transportation infrastructure on the decrease of NO₂ air pollution during three COVID-19-induced lockdowns in a vast region of France. For this purpose, using Sentinel-5P satellite data, the relative change in tropospheric NO₂ air pollution during the three lockdowns was calculated. The estimation of regional infrastructure intensity was performed using Kernel Density Estimation, being the predictor variable. By performing hotspot–coldspot analysis on the relative change in NO₂ air pollution, significant spatial clusters of decreased air pollution during the three lockdowns were identified. Based on the clusters, a novel spatial index, the Clustering Index (CI) was developed using its Coldspot Clustering Index (CCI) variant as a predicted variable in the regression model between infrastructure intensity and NO₂ air pollution decline. The analysis revealed that during the three lockdowns there was a strong and statistically significant relationship between the transportation infrastructure and the decline index, CCI (r = 0.899, R² = 0.808). The results showed that the largest decrease in NO₂ air pollution was recorded during the first lockdown, and in this case, there was the strongest inverse correlation with transportation infrastructure (r = −0.904, R² = 0.818). Economic and population predictors also explained with good fit the decrease in NO₂ air pollution during the first lockdown: GDP (R² = 0.511), employees (R² = 0.513), population density (R² = 0.837). It is concluded that not only economic-population variables determined the reduction of near-surface air pollution but also the transportation infrastructure. Further studies are recommended to investigate other pollutant gases as predicted variables.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]A comparison of light-duty vehicles' high emitters fractions obtained from an emission remote sensing campaign and emission inspection program for policy recommendation
Hassani, Amin | Safavi, Seyed Reza | Hosseini, Vahid
Urban transportation is one of the leading causes of air pollution in big cities. In-use emissions of vehicles are higher than the emission control certification levels. The current study uses a roadside remote sensing emission monitoring campaign to investigate (a) fraction of high emitters in the light-duty vehicle (LDV) fleet and their contributions to the total emissions, (b) emission inspection (I/M) programs' effectiveness, and (c) alternate fuel (natural gas) encouragement policy. LDVs consist of passenger or freight transport vehicles with four wheels equivalent to classes M1 and N1 of European union vehicle classifications. The motivation is to assess the current emission inspection program's success rate and study the impact of the increased natural gas vehicle market share policy. It is also meant to present and validate remote sensing as a possible backup method to the current I/M program.The emission remote sensing campaign was conducted to measure emissions of CO, HC, and NO of the LDV fleet. Fleet age, engine size, and fuel type (gasoline or natural gas) were extracted and correlated with emissions. It was found that CO and HC emissions are five times higher for cars more than fifteen years old of age compared to those less than five years old. Analyses of high-emitters showed that almost 20% of the fleet were high-emitters and responsible for roughly half of CO, HC, and NO emissions.The correlation between the I/M program and the remote sensing to identify high-emitters was weak. Which indicates the need for an improved I/M program. It shows that even a limited remote sensing campaign is beneficial as a complementary monitoring tool to the I/M program. The study showed the same fraction of high-emitters in natural gas (methane) vehicles, despite the national policies to increase natural gas vehicle fraction in the market for reduced emissions.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]A generalized machine learning approach for dissolved oxygen estimation at multiple spatiotemporal scales using remote sensing
Guo, Hongwei | Huang, Jinhui Jeanne | Zhu, Xiaotong | Wang, Bo | Tian, Shang | Xu, Wang | Mai, Youquan
Dissolved oxygen (DO) is an effective indicator for water pollution. However, since DO is a non-optically active parameter and has little impact on the spectrum captured by satellite sensors, research on estimating DO by remote sensing at multiple spatiotemporal scales is limited. In this study, the support vector regression (SVR) models were developed and validated using the remote sensing reflectance derived from both Landsat and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data and synchronous DO measurements (N = 188) and water temperature of Lake Huron and three other inland waterbodies (N = 282) covering latitude between 22–45 °N. Using the developed models, spatial distributions of the annual and monthly DO variability since 1984 and the annual monthly DO variability since 2000 in Lake Huron were reconstructed for the first time. The impacts of five climate factors on long-term DO trends were analyzed. Results showed that the developed SVR-based models had good robustness and generalization (average R² = 0.91, root mean square percentage error = 2.65%, mean absolute percentage error = 4.21%), and performed better than random forest and multiple linear regression. The monthly DO estimates by Landsat and MODIS data were highly consistent (average R² = 0.88). From 1984 to 2019, the oxygen loss in Lake Huron was 6.56%. Air temperature, incident shortwave radiation flux density, and precipitation were the main climate factors affecting annual DO of Lake Huron. This study demonstrated that using SVR-based models, Landsat and MODIS data could be used for long-term DO retrieval at multiple spatial and temporal scales. As data-driven models, combining spectrum and water temperature as well as extending the training set to cover more DO conditions could effectively improve model robustness and generalization.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Spatiotemporal variation and distribution characteristics of crop residue burning in China from 2001 to 2018
Yin, Shuai | Guo, Meng | Wang, Xiufeng | Yamamoto, Haruhiko | Ou, Wei
In this study, we integrated a remote-sensing fire product (MOD14A1) and land-use product (MCD12Q1) to extract the number of crop-residue burning (CRB) spots and the fire radiative power (FRP) in China from 2001 to 2018. Moreover, we conducted three trend analyses and two geographic distribution analyses to quantify the interannual variations and summarize the spatial characteristics of CRB on grid (0.25° × 0.25°) and regional scales. The results indicated that CRB presents distinctive seasonal patterns with each sub-region. All trend analyses suggested that the annual number of CRB spots in China increased significantly from 2001 to 2018; the linear trend reached 2615 spots/year, the Theil-Sen slope was slightly lower at 2557 spots/year, and the Mann-Kendal τ was 0.75. By dividing the study period into two sub-periods, we found that the five sub-regions presented different trends in the first and second sub-periods; e.g., the Theil-Sen slope of eastern China in the first sub-period (2001–2009) was 1021 spots/year but was −1599 spots/year in the second period (2010–2018). This suggests that summer CRB has been effectively mitigated in eastern China since 2010. Further, the average FRP of CRB spots presented a decreasing trend from 27.5 MW/spot in 2001 to only 15.8 MW/spot in 2018; this may be attributable to more scattered CRB rather than aggregated CRB. Collectively, the fire spots, FRP, and average FRP indicated that spring, summer, and autumn CRB had dropped dramatically over previous levels by 2018 due to strict mitigation measures by local governments.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]