أجريس - النظام الدولي للعلوم الزراعية والتكنولوجيا

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الكلمات المفتاحية الخاصة بالمكنز الزراعي (أجروفوك)

النتائج 1 - 10 من 25

Microplastics in livers of European anchovies (Engraulis encrasicolus, L.)


Collard, France | Gilbert, Bernard | Compère, Philippe | Eppe, Gauthier | Dāsa, Kr̥shṇā | Jauniaux, Thierry | Parmentier, Eric

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Transcriptomic analysis of short-term 17α-ethynylestradiol exposure in two Californian sentinel fish species sardine (Sardinops sagax) and mackerel (Scomber japonicus)


Renaud, Ludivine | Agarwal, Nisha | Richards, Dylan J. | Falcinelli, Silvia | Hazard, E Starr | Carnevali, Oliana | Hyde, John | Hardiman, Gary

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Metals and metalloids in Little Penguin (Eudyptula minor) prey, blood and faeces


Finger, Annett | Lavers, Jennifer L. | Dann, Peter | Kowalczyk, Nicole D. | Scarpaci, Carol | Nugegoda, Dayanthi | Orbell, John D.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Organophosphate ester plasticizers in edible fish from the Mediterranean Sea: Marine pollution and human exposure


Sala, Berta | Giménez, Joan | Fernández-Arribas, Julio | Bravo, Carlota | Lloret-Lloret, Elena | Esteban Drake, Antonio | Bellido, José María | Coll, Marta | Eljarrat, Ethel

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Seasonal and ontogenic variations of metal content in the European pilchard (Sardina pilchardus) in northwestern African waters


Lozano-Bilbao, Enrique | Lozano, Gonzalo | Jiménez, Sebastián | Jurado-Ruzafa, Alba | Hardisson, Arturo | Rubio, Carmen | Weller, Dailos-González | Paz, Soraya | Gutiérrez, Ángel J.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Predictions of sardine and the Portuguese continental shelf ecosystem dynamics under future fishing, forced-biomass and SST scenarios


Szalaj, D. | Silva, Adailton da | Ré, P. | Cabral, H.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Ingestion of microplastics and occurrence of parasite association in Mediterranean anchovy and sardine


Pennino, Maria Grazia | Bachiller, Eneko | Lloret-Lloret, Elena | Albo-Puigserver, Marta | Esteban Drake, Antonio | Jadaud, Angélique | Bellido, José María | Coll, Marta

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Patterns of trace metal bioaccumulation and trophic transfer in a phytoplankton-zooplankton-small pelagic fish marine food web


Chouvelon, Tiphaine | Strady, Emilie | Harmelin-Vivien, M. L. (Mireille L.) | Radakovitch, Olivier | Brach-Papa, Christophe | Crochet, Sylvette | Knoery, Joël | Rozuel, Emmanuelle | Thomas, Bastien | Tronczynski, Jacek | Chiffoleau, Jean-François

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in edible fish species from different fishing zones of Croatian Adriatic


Vuković, Gordana | Herceg Romanić, Snježana | Babić, Željka | Mustać, Bosiljka | Štrbac, Mirna | Deljanin, Isidora | Antanasijević, Davor

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Pollutants and parasites in bycatch teleosts from south eastern Spanish Mediterranean's fisheries: Concerns relating the foodstuff harnessing


Casadevall, Margarida | Torres, Jordi | El Aoussimi, Ahmed | Carbonell, Ana | Delgado, Eulàlia | Sarrà-Alarcón, Lídia | García-Ruíz, Cristina | Esteban Drake, Antonio | Mallol, Sandra | Bellido, José María

National Agricultural Library - United States of America