خيارات البحث
النتائج 1 - 10 من 12
Rapport existant entre les concentrations maximales de SO2 et les temps de mesure pour differentes zones.
Esteban F. | Cervera A.
In situ air sparging: lessons learned from applications and research in the United States
Johnson, P.C. (Arizona State Univ. (USA))
Calculation of water and element fluxes in a sandy forest soil taking into account the input variability
Beier, C.
[Relationship existing between maximal SO2 concentrations and the measurement time for different zones]
Esteban, F. (Asociacion de Investigacion Industrial Electrica, Madrid (Spain)) | Cervera, A.
Effects of environmental stress on forest crown condition in Europe. Part IV: statistical analysis of relationships
Klap, J.M. | Voshaar, J.H.O. | Vries, W. de | Erisman, J.W.
Effects of environmental stress on forest crown condition in Europe. Part I: hypotheses and approach to the study
Vries, W. de | Klap, J.M. | Erisman, J.W.
Effects of air pollutants on mineral nutrition of Norway spruce and revitalization of declining stands in Austria
Katzensteiner, K. (Universitaet fuer Bodenkultur, Vienna (Austria). Inst. of Forest Ecology) | Glatzel, G. | Kazda, M. | Sterba, H.
Nutritional stress in Picea sitchensis plantations in coastal British Columbia: the effects of Gaultheria shallon and declining site fertility
Messier, C. (British Columbia Univ., Vancouver, B.C. (Canada). Dept. of Forest Sciences) | Kimmins, J.P.
Analysis of site specific growth responses of forest trees in Southwestern Germany
Kahle, H.P. | Spiecker, H.
Climatic variation and growth of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.), Silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) and European beech (Fagus silvatica L.) in Southwestern Germany
Kahle, H.P. (Freiburg Univ. (Germany). Forstwissenschaftliche Fakultaet. Inst. fuer Waldwachstum) | Hahn, D. | Spiecker, H.