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النتائج 1 - 10 من 171
Examining the Environmental Kuznets Curve in Sweden to Assess the Nexus of Economic Sectors
Pakrooh, Parisa | Brännlund, Runar
To support the fulfillment of Sweden’s targets in term of climate change and economic growth, we need to do a distinct study to show the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) pattern in different sector of the economy, as the GDP allocation, energy intensities, GHG emission, and technological development are different between sectors. This kind of study helps to figure out how the different sectors contribute to climate change and could appoint more particular and effective environment-energy policies. For this aim, we analyzed the existence of the EKC by implementing the ARDL Bound test approach in the whole and individual sectors of Sweden’s economy throughout 1990-2019. Our results indicated the contribution of a particular sector on total GHG emissions per capita. Results of the whole economy confirmed the EEKC hypothesis with a turning point in 1996, in which the AFF sector, unlike industry and service, had increased GHG emissions. Disaggregated sectoral analysis showed various results. The industry sector had efficient energy improvement. Policymakers should pay attention to AFF’s GHG emissions, as different sources of energy consumption had not impressive impact in both the short and long term. Also, effective fossil-related policies are necessary for the service sector due to the main contribution to transportation.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Changes in fruitbody production of mycorrhizal and litter decomposing macromycetes in heavy metal polluted coniferous forests in north Sweden.
Ruehling A. | Soederstroem B.
A reconstruction of emission, flow and accumulation of chromium in Sweden 1920-1980.
Bergbaeck B. | Anderberg S. | Lohm U.
Operational liming of surface waters in Sweden.
Nyberg P. | Thoerneloef E.
Impacts of changes in environmental exposures and health behaviours due to the COVID-19 pandemic on cardiovascular and mental health: A comparison of Barcelona, Vienna, and Stockholm
Koch, Sarah | Khomenko, Sasha | Cirach, Marta | Ubalde-Lopez, Mònica | Baclet, Sacha | Daher, Carolyn | Hidalgo, Laura | Lõhmus, Mare | Rizzuto, Debora | Rumpler, Romain | Susilo, Yusak | Venkataraman, Siddharth | Wegener, Sandra | Wellenius, Gregory A. | Woodcock, Jim | Nieuwenhuijsen, Mark
Responses to COVID-19 altered environmental exposures and health behaviours associated with non-communicable diseases. We aimed to (1) quantify changes in nitrogen dioxide (NO₂), noise, physical activity, and greenspace visits associated with COVID-19 policies in the spring of 2020 in Barcelona (Spain), Vienna (Austria), and Stockholm (Sweden), and (2) estimated the number of additional and prevented diagnoses of myocardial infarction (MI), stroke, depression, and anxiety based on these changes. We calculated differences in NO₂, noise, physical activity, and greenspace visits between pre-pandemic (baseline) and pandemic (counterfactual) levels. With two counterfactual scenarios, we distinguished between Acute Period (March 15th – April 26th, 2020) and Deconfinement Period (May 2nd – June 30th, 2020) assuming counterfactual scenarios were extended for 12 months. Relative risks for each exposure difference were estimated with exposure-risk functions. In the Acute Period, reductions in NO₂ (range of change from −16.9 μg/m³ to −1.1 μg/m³), noise (from −5 dB(A) to −2 dB(A)), physical activity (from −659 MET*min/wk to −183 MET*min/wk) and greenspace visits (from −20.2 h/m to 1.1 h/m) were largest in Barcelona and smallest in Stockholm. In the Deconfinement Period, NO₂ (from −13.9 μg/m³ to −3.1 μg/m³), noise (from −3 dB(A) to −1 dB(A)), and physical activity levels (from −524 MET*min/wk to −83 MET*min/wk) remained below pre-pandemic levels in all cities. Greatest impacts were caused by physical activity reductions. If physical activity levels in Barcelona remained at Acute Period levels, increases in annual diagnoses for MI (mean: 572 (95% CI: 224, 943)), stroke (585 (6, 1156)), depression (7903 (5202, 10,936)), and anxiety (16,677 (926, 27,002)) would be anticipated. To decrease cardiovascular and mental health impacts, reductions in NO₂ and noise from the first COVID-19 surge should be sustained, but without reducing physical activity. Focusing on cities’ connectivity that promotes active transportation and reduces motor vehicle use assists in achieving this goal.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Investigating the effects of municipal and hospital wastewaters on horizontal gene transfer
Hutinel, Marion | Fick, Jerker | Larsson, D.G Joakim | Flach, Carl-Fredrik
Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) plays an important role in the dissemination of antibiotic resistance genes. In sewer systems, human-associated and environmental bacteria are mixed together and exposed to many substances known to increase HGT, including various antibacterial compounds. In wastewaters, those substances are most often detected below concentrations known to induce HGT individually. Still, it is possible that such wastewaters induce HGT, for example via mixture effects. Here, a panel of antibiotics, biocides and other pharmaceuticals was measured in filter-sterilized municipal and hospital wastewater samples from Gothenburg, Sweden. The effects on HGT of the chemical mixtures in these samples were investigated by exposing a complex bacterial donor community together with a GFP-tagged E. coli recipient strain. Recipients that captured sulfonamide resistance-conferring mobile genetic elements (MGEs) from the bacterial community were enumerated and characterized by replicon typing, antibiotic susceptibility testing and long read sequencing. While exposure to municipal wastewater did not result in any detectable change in HGT rates, exposure to hospital wastewater was associated with an increase in the proportion of recipients that acquired sulfonamide resistance but also a drastic decrease in the total number of recipients. Although, concentrations were generally higher in hospital than municipal wastewater, none of the measured substances could individually explain the observed effects of hospital wastewater. The great majority of the MGEs captured were IncN plasmids, and resistance to several antibiotics was co-transferred in most cases. Taken together, the data show no evidence that chemicals present in the studied municipal wastewater induce HGT. Still, the increased relative abundance of transconjugants after exposure to hospital wastewater could have implications for the risks of both emergence and transmission of resistant bacteria.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Formation and mobilization of methylmercury across natural and experimental sulfur deposition gradients
Åkerblom, Staffan | Nilsson, Mats B. | Skyllberg, Ulf | Bjørn, Erik | Jonsson, Sofi | Ranneby, Bo | Bishop, Kevin
We investigated the influence of sulfate (SO₄²⁻) deposition and concentrations on the net formation and solubility of methylmercury (MeHg) in peat soils. We used data from a natural sulfate deposition gradient running 300 km across southern Sweden to test the hypothesis posed by results from an experimental field study in northern Sweden: that increased loading of SO₄²⁻ both increases net MeHg formation and redistributes methylmercury (MeHg) from the peat soil to its porewater. Sulfur concentrations in peat soils correlated positively with MeHg concentrations in peat porewater, along the deposition gradient similar to the response to added SO₄²⁻ in the experimental field study. The combined results from the experimental field study and deposition gradient accentuate the multiple, distinct and interacting roles of SO₄²⁻ deposition in the formation and redistribution of MeHg in the environment.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Availability of specific prey types impact pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) nestling health in a moderately lead contaminated environment in northern Sweden
Lidman, Johan | Jonsson, Micael | Berglund, Åsa M.M.
Anthropogenic metal contamination can cause increased stress in exposed organisms, but it can be difficult to disentangle the anthropogenic influence from natural variation in environmental conditions. In the proximity of a closed lead (Pb)/zinc (Zn) mine in northern Sweden, the health effects of Pb exposure, essential element (calcium [Ca] and Zn) uptake, and prey availability and composition were estimated on pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) nestlings, using hemoglobin (Hb) level as a proxy for health. Pb concentration in nestling blood range between 0.00034 and 2.21 μg/g (ww) and nestlings close to the mine had higher Pb concentrations and lower Hb, but contrary to our hypothesis, Hb was not directly related to Pb accumulation. Proportions of flying terrestrial and aquatic insects in available prey and availability of flying terrestrial insects were positively associated with nestling Hb, whereas the proportion of terrestrial ground living prey, the most common prey type, showed a negative association. This suggests that positive influence of certain prey, which does not have to be the most common in the surroundings, can counteract the negative effects from Pb contamination on bird health. Nestlings inhabiting sites adjacent to lakes had an advantage in terms of prey composition and availability of preferred prey, which resulted in higher Hb. As such, our results show that during moderate exposure to metals, variation in natural conditions, such as prey availability, can have great impact on organism health compared to Pb exposure.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Concentrations and variability of organophosphate esters, halogenated flame retardants, and polybrominated diphenyl ethers in indoor and outdoor air in Stockholm, Sweden
We investigated the concentrations and temporal variability of organophospate esters (OPEs), halogenated flame retardants (HFRs) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in indoor and outdoor urban air in Stockholm, Sweden over one year (2014–2015) period. The median concentrations of the three target chemical groups (OPEs, HFRs, PBDEs) were 1–2 orders of magnitude higher in indoor air than outdoor urban air. OPEs were the most abundant target FRs with median concentrations in indoor (Σ10OPE = 340 000 pg/m3) and outdoor urban (Σ10OPEs = 3100 pg/m3) air, being 3 orders of magnitude greater than for HFRs in indoor (Σ15HFRs = 120 pg/m3) and outdoor urban (Σ15HFRs = 1.6 pg/m3) air. In indoor air, PBDE concentrations (Σ17PBDEs = 33 pg/m3) were lower than for the HFRs, but in outdoor urban air, concentrations (Σ17PBDEs = 1.1 pg/m3) were similar to HFRs. The most abundant OPEs in both the indoor and outdoor urban air were tris(2-butoxyethyl)phosphate (TBOEP), tris(chloroisopropyl)phosphate (TCIPP), tris(2-chloroethyl)phosphate (TCEP), tri-n-butyl-phosphate (TnBP), triphenyl phosphate (TPhP) and tris(1,3-dichloroisopropyl)phosphate (TDCIPP). TCIPP in indoor air was found in the highest concentrations and showed the greatest temporal variability, which ranged from 85 000 to 1 900 000 pg/m3 during the one-year sampling period. We speculate that activities in the building, e.g. floor cleaning, polishing, construction, introduction of new electronics and changes in ventilation rate could explain its variation. Some OPEs (TnBP, TCEP, TCIPP, TDCIPP and TPhP), HFRs/PBDEs (pentabromotoluene, 2, 3-dibromopropyl 2, 4, 6-tribromophenyl ether, hexabromobenzene, BDE-28, -47, and -99) in outdoor urban air showed seasonality, with increased concentrations during the warm period (p < 0.05, Pearson's r ranged from −0.45 to −0.91). The observed seasonality for OPEs was probably due to changes in primary emission, and those for the HFRs and PBDEs was likely due to re-volatilization from contaminated surfaces.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Reduced European emissions of S and N – Effects on air concentrations, deposition and soil water chemistry in Swedish forests
Pihl Karlsson, Gunilla | Akselsson, Cecilia | Hellsten, Sofie | Karlsson, Per Erik
Changes in sulphur and nitrogen pollution in Swedish forests have been assessed in relation to European emission reductions, based on measurements in the Swedish Throughfall Monitoring Network. Measurements were analysed over 20 years with a focus on the 12-year period 1996 to 2008. Air concentrations of SO₂ and NO₂, have decreased. The SO₄-deposition has decreased in parallel with the European emission reductions. Soil water SO₄-concentrations have decreased at most sites but the pH, ANC and inorganic Al-concentrations indicated acidification recovery only at some of the sites. No changes in the bulk deposition of inorganic nitrogen could be demonstrated. Elevated NO₃-concentrations in the soil water occurred at irregular occasions at some southern sites. Despite considerable air pollution emission reductions in Europe, acidification recovery in Swedish forests soils is slow. Nitrogen deposition to Swedish forests continues at elevated levels that may lead to leaching of nitrate to surface waters.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]