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Metal(loid) pollution, not urbanisation nor parasites predicts low body condition in a wetland bioindicator snake
Lettoof, Damian C. | Cornelis, Jari | Jolly, Christopher J. | Aubret, Fabien | Gagnon, Marthe Monique | Hyndman, Timothy H. | Barton, Diane P. | Bateman, Philip W.
Urban ecosystems and remnant habitat 'islands' therein, provide important strongholds for many wildlife species including those of conservation significance. However, the persistence of these habitats can be undermined if their structure and function are too severely disrupted. Urban wetlands, specifically, are usually degraded by a monoculture of invasive vegetation, disrupted hydrology, and chronic-contamination from a suite of anthropogenic pollutants. Top predators—as bioindicators—can be used to assess and monitor the health of these ecosystems. We measured eight health parameters (e.g., parasites, wounds and scars, tail loss and body condition) in a wetland top predator, the western tiger snake, Notechis scutatus occidentalis. For three years, snakes were sampled across four wetlands along an urban gradient. For each site, we used GIS software to measure the area of different landscapes and calculate an urbanisation–landscape score. Previously published research on snake contamination informed our calculations of a metal-pollution index for each site. We used generalised linear mixed models to assess the relationship between all health parameters and site variables. We found the metal-pollution index to have the most significant association with poor body condition. Although parasitism, tail loss and wounds differed among sites, none of these parameters influenced body condition. Additionally, the suite of health parameters suggested differing health status among sites; however, our measure of contemporary landscape urbanisation was never a significant predictor variable. Our results suggest that the health of wetland predators surrounding a rapidly growing city may be offset by higher levels of environmental pollution.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Toxic Microcystis aeruginosa alters the resource allocation in Daphnia mitsukuri responding to fish predation cues
Many prey organisms adaptively respond to predation risk by inducible defenses with underlying tradeoffs in resource allocation. Cyanobacterial blooms expose zooplankton to poor food conditions, affecting the herbivores’ fitness. Given the interferences on resources allocation and life history traits, poor-quality cyanobacteria are predicted to affect the adaptive predator-induced responses in zooplankton. Here, we exposed two clones (i.e., clones SH and ZJ) of the cladoceran Daphnia mitsukuri to different combinations of fish predation cues and diets containing toxic Microcystis aeruginosa (0%–30%). D. mitsukuri matured at a small size and had elongated relative tail spine as adaptive responses to fish cues. Despite the comparable tail spine defense, fish cue-induced changes in growth and reproduction in the clone SH were more pronounced than those in the clone ZJ under no M. aeruginosa. Animals accumulated microcystin in the whole body with increasing abundance of M. aeruginosa. However, the inducible enhanced tail spine allometry was not affected, resulting in unchanged tail spine defense by Daphnia under all M. aeruginosa treatments. By contrast, M. aeruginosa remarkably decreased the adaptive maturation size and the offspring number in all animals. However, the inducible reproductive effort tended to increase or remain unchanged depending on clones associated with the constant or decreased responses of the somatic growth effort under increasing M. aeruginosa. Our results suggested that toxic M. aeruginosa did not alter the resource allocation to antipredator morphological defense but affected the somatic growth and reproduction in D. mitsukuri under fish cues. The present study highlights the different effects of toxic cyanobacteria on adaptive predator-induced responses in zooplankton, promoting the understanding for the morphological defense-mediated predator–prey interactions in eutrophic environments.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Bisphenol A exposure induces apoptosis and impairs early embryonic development in Xenopus laevis
Ge, Yaming | Ren, Fei | Chen, Lingli | Hu, Dongfang | Wang, Xinrui | Cui, Yunli | Suo, Yu | Zhang, Hongli | He, Junping | Yin, Zhihong | Ning, Hongmei
Bisphenol A (BPA), an endocrine-disrupting chemical that is largely produced and used in the plastics industry, causes environmental pollution and is absorbed by humans through consumption of food and liquids in polycarbonate containers. BPA exerts developmental and genetic toxicities to embryos and offsprings, but the embryotoxicity mechanism of this chemical is unclear. This study aimed to explore the toxic effect of BPA on embryonic development and elucidate its toxicity mechanism. Embryos of Xenopus laevis as a model were treated with different concentrations (0.1, 1, 10, and 20 μM) of BPA at the two-cell stage to investigate the developmental toxicity of BPA. Embryonic development and behaviors were monitored 24 h–96 h of BPA exposure. BPA concentrations greater than 1 μM exerted significant teratogenic effects on the Xenopus embryos, which showed short tail axis, miscoiled guts, and bent notochord as the main malformations. The 20 μM BPA-treated embryos were seriously damaged in all aspects and exhibited deformity, impaired behavioral ability, and tissue damage. The DNA integrity and apoptosis of the Xenopus embryos were also investigated. Exposure to BPA concentrations higher than 0.1 μM significantly induced DNA damage (p < 0.05). The 10 and 20 μM BPA-treated embryos exhibited higher levels of cleaved caspase-3 protein than the control. The ratios of bax/bcl-2 mRNA were significantly higher in the 10 μM and 20 μM-treated embryos than the ratio in the control group. Overall, data indicated that BPA can delay the early development, induce DNA damage and apoptosis, and eventually cause multiple malformations in Xenopus embryos.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Preliminary results on the occurrence and anatomical distribution of microplastics in wild populations of Nephrops norvegicus from the Adriatic Sea
Martinelli, Michela | Gomiero, Alessio | Guicciardi, Stefano | Frapiccini, Emanuela | Strafella, Pierluigi | Angelini, Silvia | Domenichetti, Filippo | Belardinelli, Andrea | Colella, Sabrina
This study reports the shapes, dimensional classes, types and counts of microplastics (MPs) found in 23 individuals of N. norvegicus collected from two wild populations of the Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean basin). The focus was on three different anatomical compartments (gut, hepatopancreas and tail), which were analysed separately. MPs were found in all the investigated individuals with an average of about 17 MPs/individual. Fragments were predominant over fibers with a ratio of about 3:1. The majority of MPs were in the dimensional range 50–100 μm. The predominant polymers were polyester, polyamide 6, polyvinyl chloride and polyethylene, which together constitute about 61% of all the MPs found. Fragments were more concentrated in the hepatopancreas, with no significant difference between gut and tail, while fibers were more concentrated in the gut than in the tail with hepatopancreas somehow in between. The dimensional class of the MPs influences their anatomical distribution. There were no statistical differences among individuals from the two sampling sites. Sex of the individual did not influence the level of retained MPs, while length had a very marginal effect. The information reported here contributes to understanding of the possible risks linked to human consumption of different tissues from contaminated Norway lobsters.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Long-term effects of an early-life exposure of fathead minnows to sediments containing bitumen. Part I: Survival, deformities, and growth
Vignet, C. | Frank, R.A. | Yang, Zhunhe | Wang, Z. | Shires, K. | Bree, M. | Sullivan, C. | Norwood, W.P. | Hewitt, L.M. | McMaster, M.E. | Parrott, J.L.
The aim of this study was to investigate the long-term effects of a short exposure to natural sediments within the Athabasca oil sand formation to critical stages of embryo-larval development in fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas). Three different sediments were used: Ref sediment from the upper Steepbank River tested at 3 g/L (containing 12.2 ng/g ∑PAHs), and two bitumen-rich sediments tested at 1 and 3 g/L; one from the Ells River (Ells downstream, 6480 ng/g ∑PAHs) and one from the Steepbank River (Stp downstream, 4660 ng/g ∑PAHs). Eggs and larvae were exposed to sediments for 21 days, then transferred to clean water for a 5-month grow-out and recovery period. Larval fish had significantly decreased survival after exposure to 3 g/L sediment from Stp downstream, and decreased growth (length and weight at 16 days post hatch) in Ells and Stp downstream sediments at both 1 and 3 g/L. Decreased tail length was a sensitive endpoint in larval fish exposed to Ells and Stp downstream sediments for 21 days compared to Ref sediment. After the grow-out in clean water, all growth effects from the bitumen-containing sediments recovered, but adult fish from Stp downstream 3 g/L sediment had significant increases in jaw deformities. The study shows the potential for fish to recover from the decreased growth effects caused by sediments containing oil sands-related compounds, but that some effects of the early-life sediment exposure occur later on in adult fish.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Cardio-respirometry disruption in zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos exposed to hydraulic fracturing flowback and produced water
Folkerts, Erik J. | Blewett, Tamzin A. | He, Yuhe | Goss, Greg G.
Hydraulic fracturing to extract oil and natural gas reserves is an increasing practice in many international energy sectors. Hydraulic fracturing flowback and produced water (FPW) is a hyper saline wastewater returned to the surface from a fractured well containing chemical species present in the initial fracturing fluid, geogenic contaminants, and potentially newly synthesized chemicals formed in the fracturing well environment. However, information on FPW toxicological mechanisms of action remain largely unknown. Both cardiotoxic and respirometric responses were explored in zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos after either an acute sediment-free (FPW-SF) or raw/sediment containing (FPW-S) fraction exposure of 24 and 48 h at 2.5% and 5% dilutions. A 48 h exposure to either FPW fraction in 24–72 h post fertilization zebrafish embryos significantly increased occurrences of pericardial edema, yolk-sac edema, and tail/spine curvature. In contrast, larval heart rates significantly decreased after FPW fraction exposures. FPW-S, but not FPW-SF, at 2.5% doses significantly reduced embryonic respiration/metabolic rates (MO2), while for 5% FPW, both fractions reduced MO2. Expression of select cardiac genes were also significantly altered in each FPW exposure group, implicating a cardiovascular system compromise as the potential cause for reduced embryonic MO2. Collectively, these results support our hypothesis that organics are major contributors to cardiac and respiratory responses to FPW exposure in zebrafish embryos. Our study is the first to investigate cardiac and respiratory sub-lethal effects of FPW exposure, demonstrating that FPW effects extend beyond initial osmotic stressors and verifies the use of respirometry as a potential marker for FPW exposure.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Embryonic cardio-respiratory impairments in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) following exposure to hydraulic fracturing flowback and produced water
Folkerts, Erik J. | Snihur, Katherine N. | Zhang, Yifeng | Martin, Jonathan W. | Alessi, Daniel S. | Goss, Greg G.
During hydraulic fracturing, wastewaters - termed flowback and produced water (FPW) - are created as a by-product during hydrocarbon extraction. Given the large volumes of FPW that a single well can produce, and the history of FPW release to surface water bodies, it is imperative to understand the hazards that hydraulic fracturing and FPW pose to aquatic biota. Using rainbow trout embryos as model organisms, we investigated impacts to cardio-respiratory system development and function following acute (48 h) and sub-chronic (28-day) FPW exposure by examining occurrences of developmental deformities, rates of embryonic respiration (MO₂), and changes in expression of critical cardiac-specific genes. FPW-exposed embryos had significantly increased rates of pericardial edema, yolk-sac edema, and tail/trunk curvatures at hatch. Furthermore, when exposed at three days post-fertilization (dpf), acute 5% FPW exposures significantly increased embryonic MO₂ through development until 15 dpf, where a switch to significantly reduced MO₂ rates was subsequently recorded. A similar trend was observed during sub-chronic 1% FPW exposures. Interestingly, at certain specific developmental timepoints, previous salinity exposure seemed to affect embryonic MO₂; a result not previously observed. Following acute FPW exposures, embryonic genes for cardiac development and function were significantly altered, although at termination of sub-chronic exposures, significant changes to these same genes were not found. Together, our evidence of induced developmental deformities, modified embryonic MO₂, and altered cardiac transcript expression suggest that cardio-respiratory tissues are toxicologically targeted following FPW exposure in developing rainbow trout. These results may be helpful to regulatory bodies when developing hazard identification and risk management protocols concerning hydraulic fracturing activities.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Disruptive effects of chlorpyrifos on predator-prey interactions of Ceratophrys ornata tadpoles: Consequences at the population level using computational modeling
Salgado Costa, Carolina | Rimoldi, Federico | Pantucci Saralegui, Morena J. | Rubio Puzzo, M Leticia | Trudeau, Vance L. | Natale, Guillermo S.
Large-scale ecotoxicological studies have technical and ethical limitations, both related to the need to expose large numbers of individuals to potentially harmful compounds. The computational modeling is a complementary useful and predictive tool that overcomes these limitations. Considering the increasing interest in the effects of pesticides on behavioral traits, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of chlorpyrifos (CPF) on intra- and inter-specific interactions of anuran tadpoles, complementing traditional ecotoxicological tools with a theoretical analysis verified by computational simulations. Experiments were developed under two consecutive phases: a first phase of exposure (treated and control group), and a second phase of interactions. The second phase consisted of evaluating the effects of CPF on intra- and inter-specific interactions of exposed C. ornata (Co) tadpoles acting as predators and unexposed Rhinella fernandezae (Rf) tadpoles acting as prey (Experiment I), under different predator-prey proportions (0/10 = 0Co–10Rf, 2/8, 4/6, 6/4, 8/2, 10/0). Also, intraspecific interactions of three Co tadpoles under different conditions of exposure were evaluated (Experiment II: 3 exposed Co, 2 exposed Co/1 non-exposed, 1 exposed Co/2 non-exposed). During the exposure phase, chlorpyrifos induced significant mortality from 48 h (48 h: p < 0.05, 72 h–96 h: p < 0.001), irregular swimming, tail flexure, and the presence of subcutaneous air. Also, it induced effects on the sounds emitted after 96 h of exposure, registering a smaller number of pulses and higher dominant frequencies, and altered intra- and inter-specific interactions. During the interaction phase, the larvae continued to show sound effects, however, the antipredator mechanism continued to be operating and efficient. Finally, it was possible to model the behavior of the larvae under the effects of chlorpyrifos. We conclude that experimental data and computational modeling matched. Therefore, computational simulation is a valuable ecotoxicological tool that provides new information and allows prediction of natural processes.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Multi-decadal trends in mercury and methylmercury concentrations in the brown watersnake (Nerodia taxispilota)
Haskins, David L. | Brown, M Kyle | Qin, Chongyang | Xu, Xiaoyu | Pilgrim, Melissa A. | Tuberville, Tracey D.
Mercury (Hg) is an environmental contaminant that poses a threat to aquatic systems globally. Temporal evaluations of Hg contamination have increased in recent years, with studies focusing on how anthropogenic activities impact Hg bioavailability in a variety of aquatic systems. While it is common for these studies and ecological risk assessments to evaluate Hg bioaccumulation and effects in wildlife, there is a paucity of information regarding Hg dynamics in reptiles. The goal of this study was to investigate temporal patterns in total mercury (THg) and methylmercury (MeHg) concentrations across a 36-year period, as well as evaluate relationships among and between destructive (kidney, liver, muscle) and non-destructive (blood, tail) tissue types in a common watersnake species. To accomplish this, we measured THg and MeHg concentrations in multiple tissues from brown watersnakes (Nerodia taxispilota) collected from Steel Creek on the Savannah River Site (SRS; Aiken, SC, USA) from two time periods (1983–1986 and 2019). We found significant and positive relationships between tail tips and destructive tissues. In both time periods, THg concentrations varied significantly by tissue type, and destructive tissues exhibited higher but predictable THg values relative to tail tissue. Methylmercury concentrations did not differ among tissues from the 1980s but was significantly higher in muscle compared to other tissues from snakes collected in 2019. Percent MeHg of THg in N. taxispilota tissues mirrored patterns reported in other reptiles, although the range of % MeHg in liver and kidney differed between time periods. Both THg and MeHg concentrations in N. taxispilota declined significantly from the 1980s to 2019, with average values 1.6 to 4-fold lower in contemporary samples. Overall, our data add further evidence to the utility of watersnakes to monitor Hg pollution in aquatic environments and suggest attenuation of this contaminant in watersnakes in our study system.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]The lipid metabolism alteration of three spirocyclic tetramic acids on zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos
Zhang, Jie | Qian, Le | Teng, Miaomiao | Mu, Xiyan | Qi, Suzhen | Chen, Xiangguang | Zhou, Yimeng | Cheng, Yi | Pang, Sen | Li, Xuefeng | Wang, Chengju
Spirocyclic tetramic acids are widely used in controlling phytophagous mite species throughout the world. the data set is incomplete and provides insufficient evidence for drawing the same conclusion for fish. To fill the gap whether these acaricides alter lipid metabolism on vertebrates, zebrafish embryos exposed to a series concentration of pesticides, the developmental effects, enzyme activities and levels of gene expression were assessed, battery of biomarker utilized by the integrated biomarker response (IBRv2) model. The 96 h-LC₅₀ of spirodiclofen, spiromesifen and spirotetramat were 0.14, 0.12 and 5.94 mg/L, respectively. Yolk sac deformity, pericardial edema, spinal curvature and tail malformation were observed. Three spirocyclic acids were unfavouring the lipid accumulation of by inhibited the acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC), fatty acid synthesis (FAS), fatty acid binding proteins (FABP2) and lipoprotein lipase (LPL) activity. The total cholesterol (TCHO) level significantly decreased in the 0.072 mg/L spirodiclofen group and 0.015 and 0.030 mg/L in the spiromesifen groups. No expected change in spirotetramat group on the TCHO and triglycerides (TGs) levels for any of the treatments. The mRNA levels of the genes related to lipid metabolism also significantly altered. In both spirodiclofen and spiromesifen, ACC achieved the highest scores among a battery of biomarkers using integrated biomarker response (IBRv2). The results suggest that spiromesifen was the most toxic for embryos development and spirodiclofen was the most toxic for lipid metabolism in embryos. The 0.07 mg/L of spirodiclofen, 0.05 mg/L of spiromesifen and 2.00 mg/L would cause malformation on zebrafish embryos. This study will provide new insight that fatty acid metabolism may be a suitable biomarker for the spirocyclic tetramic acids in fish species.
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