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Nanoselenium foliar application enhances biosynthesis of tea leaves in metabolic cycles and associated responsive pathways
Li, Dong | Zhou, Chunran | Zou, Nan | Wu, Yangliu | Zhang, Jingbang | An, Quanshun | Li, Jia-Qi | Pan, Canping
An emerging stress of pesticides in plant and soil is closely watched as it affects crop antioxidant systems, nutritional quality, and flavor. Although selenium (Se) can enhance the resistance of plants, the protective mechanism of nanoselenium is still not known under the long-term pesticide stress in tea trees. In this study, we investigated the potential effects of foliar application of nanoselenium for a two-year field experiment on tea plants under pesticide-induced oxidative stress. Compared to control, nano-Se (10 mg/L) markedly enhanced the protein, soluble sugar, carotenoid, tea polyphenols, and catechins contents. High levels of theanine, glutamic acid, proline, and arginine were found to be induced most likely by adjusting the GS-GOGAT cycle. Se-supplementation may promote tea leaves’ secondary metabolism, thus increasing the accumulation of total phenols and flavonoids (apigenin, kaempferol, quercetin, myricetin, and rutin). It also minimized the accumulation of malondialdehyde, hydrogen peroxide, and superoxide anion by activating the antioxidants enzymes including in the AsA-GSH cycle. Selenium-rich tea also showed better fragrance and flavor. In summary, nano-Se can ameliorate the nutrients quality and abiotic stresses resistance of crops.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Temporal variation analysis and risk assessment of neonicotinoid residues from tea in China
Li, Shaohua | Ren, Jun | Li, Lifeng | Chen, Rongbing | Li, Jingguang | Zhao, Yunfeng | Chen, Dawei | Wu, Yongning
The extensive use of neonicotinoids (NEOs) has caused the release of wide-ranging of residues to the environment and food, and their potential health risks are now receiving more attention. In this study, three surveys were conducted to obtain the overall profiles of NEO residue levels (seven NEOs and one metabolite) in Chinese tea over a period of seven years. A total of 726 tea samples were tested, and nearly 87% of the samples were found to have detectable NEO residues. The overall average detection frequency of acetamiprid was the highest, reaching 73%. Imidacloprid residues in 4.6% of the samples exceeded the Chinese maximum residue limits, whereas clothianidin and nitenpyram had been detected in Chinese tea samples since 2014. The applications of thiacloprid and thiamethoxam gradually increased, and some tea samples with high residue levels appeared in China. These findings signal the replacement of new and old varieties of NEOs in China. Both long- and short-term cumulative exposures to NEOs were calculated based on optimistic and pessimistic models recommended in the EFSA guidelines. In the three survey periods, the average total imidacloprid-equivalent concentrations were 484.63, 1713.36, and 1148.34 μg/kg, respectively. Combined with the refined point estimates and probabilistic models used in this study, the hazard quotients of NEO residues in tea for Chinese tea consumers were found to be low and within the bounds of safety.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Composition and endocrine effects of water collected in the Kibale national park in Uganda
Spirhanzlova, Petra | Fini, Jean-Baptiste | Demeneix, Barbara | Lardy-Fontan, Sophie | Vaslin-Reimann, Sophie | Lalere, Béatrice | Guma, Nelson | Tindall, Andrew | Krief, Sabrina
Pesticides are used worldwide with potential harmful effects on both fauna and flora. The Kibale National Park in Uganda, a site renowned for its biodiversity is surrounded by tea, banana and eucalyptus plantations as well as maize fields and small farms. We previously showed presence of pesticides with potential endocrine disruptive effects in the vicinity. To further investigate the water pollution linked to agricultural pressure in this protected area, we implemented a complementary monitoring strategy based on: analytical chemistry, effects based methods and the deployment of Polar Organic Chemical Integrative Samplers (POCIS). Chemical analysis of the POCIS extracts revealed the presence of 13 pesticides: carbofuran, DEET, 2.4-D amine, carbaryl, ametryn, isoproturon, metolachlor, terbutryn, dimethoate, imidacloprid, picaridin, thiamethoxam, carbendazim, with the first three being present in the largest quantities. Water samples collected at the POCIS sampling sites exhibited thyroid and estrogen axis disrupting activities in vivo, in addition to developmental and behaviour effects on Xenopus laevis tadpoles model. Based on our observations, for the health of local human and wildlife populations, further monitoring as well as actions to reduce agrochemical use should be considered in the Kibale National Park and in regions exposed to similar conditions.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Epigallocatechin-3-gallate attenuates microcystin-LR-induced apoptosis in human umbilical vein endothelial cells through activation of the NRF2/HO-1 pathway
Shi, Jun | Zhang, Min | Zhang, Libin | Deng, Huipin
Our previous study showed that the tea extract, epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), protects against microcystin-LR (MC-LR) -mediated apoptosis of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs); however, the mechanism underlying MC-LR-induced HUVEC apoptosis remains incompletely understood. In this study, we investigated whether the nuclear factor erythroid-like 2 (NRF2)/heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) pathway, which regulates antioxidant transcriptional regulation of oxidative stress and apoptosis, is involved in this process. Mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) and caspase-3/-9 activities were evaluated in HUVECs by JC-1 staining and colorimetric activity assay, and a DCFH-DA fluorescent probe assay was used to quantitate reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation. The effects of MC-LR, EGCG, NF2, and HO-1 on HUVEC apoptosis were explored by western blotting and small interfering RNA (siRNA) analyses. MC-LR treatment downregulated HUVEC mitochondrial membrane potential, and decreased levels of cytochrome c release and activated caspase-3/-9, ROS generation, consequently inducing HUVEC apoptosis. EGCG treatment attenuated MC-LR-mediated HUVEC oxidative stress and mitochondria-related apoptosis. EGCG induced NRF2/HO-1 expression and activation in MC-LR treated HUVECs, while downregulation of NRF2/HO-1 by specific siRNAs revealed that NRF2/HO-1 signaling was involved in EGCG attenuation of MC-LR-induced HUVEC apoptosis. Our findings indicate that EGCG treatment protects against MC-LR-mediated HUVEC apoptosis via activation of NRF2/HO-1 signaling.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]The relationship between fluoride accumulation in tea plant and changes in leaf cell wall structure and composition under different fluoride conditions
Luo, Jinlei | Ni, Dejiang | Li, Chunlei | Du, Yaru | Chen, Yuqiong
Tea plant is capable of hyper-accumulating fluoride (F) in leaves, suggesting drinking tea may cause excessive F intake in our body and threaten the health. This study investigated the changes in the structure, composition, and F content in the leaf cell wall of the tea (Camellia sinensis) under different F conditions to demonstrate the role of cell wall in F enrichment in tea plants. The cell wall was shown as the main part for F accumulation (67%–92%), with most of F distributed in the pectin fraction (56%–71%). With increasing F concentration, a significant increase (p < 0.05) was observed in the F content of cell wall and its components, the level of cell wall metal ions (i.e. Cu, Mg, Zn, Al, Ca, Ba, Mn), as well as the content of total cell wall materials, cellulose, and pectin. Meanwhile, the level of Cu, Mg, Zn, pectin, and cellulose was significantly positively correlated with the F content in the leaf cell wall. F addition was shown to increase the fluorescence intensity of LM19 and 2F4 antibody-labeled low-methylesterified homogalacturonans (HGs), while decrease LM20-labeled high-methylesterified HGs, coupled with an increase in the activity and gene expression of pectin methyl esterases (PMEs) in tea leaves. All these results suggest that F addition can increase pectin content and demethylesterification, leading to increased absorption of metal cations and chelation of F in the cell wall through the action of metal ions.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Organic-matter decomposition as a bioassessment tool of stream functioning: A comparison of eight decomposition-based indicators exposed to different environmental changes
Ferreira, Verônica | Silva, João | Cornut, Julien | Sobral, Olímpia | Bachelet, Quentin | Bouquerel, Jonathan | Danger, Michael
Organic-matter decomposition has long been proposed as a tool to assess stream functional integrity, but this indicator largely depends on organic-matter selection. We assessed eight decomposition-based indicators along two well-known environmental gradients, a nutrient-enrichment gradient (0.2–1.4 mg DIN/L) in central Portugal and an acidification gradient (pH: 4.69–7.33) in north-eastern France to identify the most effective organic-matter indicator for assessing stream functional integrity. Functional indicators included natural leaf litter (alder and oak) in 10-mm and 0.5-mm mesh bags, commercial tea (Lipton green and rooibos teas in 0.25-mm mesh bags), wood sticks (wood tongue depressors) and cotton strips. Biotic indices based on benthic macroinvertebrates (IPtIN for Portugal and IBGN for France) were calculated to compare the effectiveness of structural and functional indicators in detecting stream impairment and to assess the relationship between both types of indicators. The effectiveness of organic-matter decomposition rates as a functional indicator depended on the stressor considered and the substrate used. Decomposition rates generally identified nutrient enrichment and acidification in the most acidic streams. Decomposition rates of alder and oak leaves in coarse-mesh bags, green and rooibos teas and wood sticks were positively related with pH. Only decomposition rates of rooibos tea and wood sticks were related with DIN concentration; decomposition rates along the nutrient-enrichment gradient were confounded by differences in shredder abundance and temperature among streams. Stream structural integrity was good to excellent across streams; the IPtIN index was unrelated to DIN concentration, while the IBGN index was positively related with pH. The relationships between decomposition rates and biotic indices were loose in most cases, and only decomposition rates of alder leaves in coarse-mesh bags and green tea were positively related with the IBGN. Commercial substrates may be a good alternative to leaf litter to assess stream functional integrity, especially in the case of nutrient enrichment.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]The conversion of subtropical forest to tea plantation changes the fungal community and the contribution of fungi to N2O production
Zheng, Ningguo | Yu, Yongxiang | Wang, Juan | Chapman, Stephen J. | Yao, Huaiying | Zhang, Yingying
The conversion of natural forests to tea plantations largely affects soil nitrous oxide (N₂O) emissions and soil microbial communities. However, the impacts of this conversion on the contribution of fungi to N₂O emission and on fungal community structure remain unclear. In this study, we determined the soil N₂O emission rate, N₂O production by fungi, associated fungal community diversity, and related ecological factors in chronological changes of tea crop systems (3, 36 and 105 years old tea orchards named T3, T36 and T105, respectively), and in an adjacent soil from a natural forest. The results indicate that the tea plantations significantly enhanced soil N₂O production compared with the forest soil. Tea plantations significantly decreased soil pH and C/N ratio, but increased soil inorganic nitrogen (N). Furthermore, they increased the fungal contribution to the production of soil N₂O, but decreased the bacterial counterpart. We also observed that fungal community and functional composition differed distinctly between tea plantations and forest. Additionally, most of the fungal groups in high N₂O emission soils (T36 and T105) were identified as the genus Fusarium, which were positively correlated with soil N₂O emissions. The variation in N₂O emission response could be well explained by NO₃⁻-N, soil organic carbon (SOC), C/N, and Fusarium, which contributed to up to 97% of the observed variance. Altogether, these findings provide significant direct evidence that the increase of soil N₂O emissions and fungal communities be attributed to the conversion of natural forest to tea plantations.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Determination of six groups of mycotoxins in Chinese dark tea and the associated risk assessment
Chinese dark tea is widely enjoyed for its multiple health-promoting effects and pleasant taste. However, its production involves fermentation by microbiota in raw tea, some of which are filamentous fungi and thus potential mycotoxin producers. Accordingly, whether mycotoxins pose health risk on dark tea consumption has become a public concern. In this study, a cleaning method of multi-functional column (MFC) and immunoaffinity column (IAC) in tandem combined to HPLC detection was developed and validated for determining ten mycotoxins of six groups (i.e., aflatoxins of B₁, B₂, G₁ and G₂, ochratoxin A, zearalenone, deoxynivalenol, fumonisins of B₁, B₂, and T-2) in dark teas. The interferences from secondary metabolites were effectively reduced, and the sensitivities and recoveries of the method were qualified for tea matrices. Six groups mycotoxins were determined in 108 samples representing the major Chinese dark teas by using the new method. Subsequently, the dietary exposure and health risks were evaluated for different age and gender groups in Kunming and Pu’er in China and Ulan Bator in Mongolia. The occurrence of zearalenone was 4.63% and that of ochratoxin A was 1.85%, with the other four groups mycotoxins were below the limits of quantification. The hazard index values for the five groups’ non-carcinogenic mycotoxins were far below 1.0. The deterministic risk assessment indicated no non-carcinogenic risks for dark tea consumption in the three areas. Probabilistic estimation showed that the maximum value of 95th percentile carcinogenic risk value for the aflatoxins was 2.12 × 10⁻⁸, which is far below the acceptable carcinogenic risk level (10⁻⁶). Hereby, six groups mycotoxins in Chinese dark tea showed no observed risk concern to consumers.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Selenium treatment modulates fluoride distribution and mitigates fluoride stress in tea plant (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze)
Niu, Huiliang | Zhan, Kui | Xu, Wei | Peng, Chuanyi | Hou, Chaoyuan | Li, Yeyun | Hou, Ruyan | Wan, Xiaochun | Cai, Huimei
Tea plants (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze) can hyperaccumulate fluoride (F). The accumulation of F in tea leaves may induce serious health problems in tea consumers. It has been reported that selenium (Se) could reduce the accumulation of heavy metals in plants. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate whether exogenous Se could reduce F accumulation in tea plant. The results showed that Se treatment could decrease F content in tea leaves, increase F accumulation in roots, decrease the proportion of water-soluble F in tea leaves and increase the Se content. Low F levels promoted the accumulation of Se in tea plants. Se treatment could modulate F-induced oxidative injury by decreasing malondialdehyde level and increasing the activities of superoxide dismutase, peroxidase and catalase. Moreover, Se inhibited F-induced increase in leaf iron, calcium, aluminum, leaf and root magnesium and lead contents. These results showed that Se application could decrease F content and increase Se content in tea leaves, which may be served as a novel strategy for production of healthy tea.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Natural and anthropogenic radioactivity in the environment of Kopaonik mountain, Serbia
Mitrović, Branislava | Ajtić, Jelena | Lazić, Marko | Andrić, Velibor | Krstič, Nikola | Vranješ, Borjana | Vićentijević, Mihajlo
To evaluate the state of the environment in Kopaonik, a mountain in Serbia, the activity concentrations of 4 K, 226Ra, 232Th and 137Cs in five different types of environmental samples are determined by gamma ray spectrometry, and radiological hazard due to terrestrial radionuclides is calculated. The mean activity concentrations of natural radionuclides in the soil are higher than the global average. However, with an exception of two sampling locations, the external radiation hazard index is below one, implying an insignificant radiation hazard. Apart from 40K, content of the natural radionuclides is predominantly below minimum detectable activities in grass and cow milk, but not in mosses. Although 137Cs is present in the soil, grass, mosses and herbal plants, its specific activity in cow milk is below minimum detectable activity. Amongst the investigated herbal plants, Vaccinium myrtillus L. shows accumulating properties, as a high content of 137Cs is detected therein. Therefore, moderation is advised in consuming Vaccinium myrtillus L. tea.
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