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Forests under climate change and air pollution: Gaps in understanding and future directions for research
Matyssek, R. | Wieser, G. | Calfapietra, C. | de Vries, W. | Dizengremel, Pierre | Ernst, D. | Jolivet, Yves | Mikkelsen, T. N. | Mohren, G. M. J. | Le Thiec, Didier | Tuovinen, J. -P. | Weatherall, A. | Paoletti, E. | Technische Universität Munchen - Technical University Munich - Université Technique de Munich (TUM) | Dept Alpine Timberline Ecophysiol ; Federal Office and Research Centre for Forests | Natl Res Council ; Inst Agroenvironm & Forest Biol | Environm Syst Anal Grp ; Wageningen University and Research [Wageningen] (WUR) | Ecologie et Ecophysiologie Forestières [devient SILVA en 2018] (EEF) ; Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)-Université de Lorraine (UL) | Inst Biochem Plant Pathol ; Helmholtz Zentrum München = German Research Center for Environmental Health (HMGU) | Biosystems Division [Roskilde] ; Risø National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy (Risø DTU) ; Danmarks Tekniske Universitet = Technical University of Denmark (DTU)-Danmarks Tekniske Universitet = Technical University of Denmark (DTU) | Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group [Wageningen] ; Centre for Ecosystem Studies [Wageningen] ; Wageningen University and Research [Wageningen] (WUR)-Wageningen University and Research [Wageningen] (WUR) | Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI) | Natl Sch Forestry ; Univ Cumbria | National Research Council of Italy | Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) | EU Commission
Forests in Europe face significant changes in climate, which in interaction with air quality changes, may significantly affect forest productivity, stand composition and carbon sequestration in both vegetation and soils. Identified knowledge gaps and research needs include: (i) interaction between changes in air quality (trace gas concentrations), climate and other site factors on forest ecosystem response, (ii) significance of biotic processes in system response, (iii) tools for mechanistic and diagnostic understanding and upscaling, and (iv) the need for unifying modelling and empirical research for synthesis. This position paper highlights the above focuses, including the global dimension of air pollution as part of climate change and the need for knowledge transfer to enable reliable risk assessment. A new type of research site in forest ecosystems ("supersites") will be conducive to addressing these gaps by enabling integration of experimentation and modelling within the soil-plant-atmosphere interface, as well as further model development. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Understanding context dependency in the response of forest understorey plant communities to nitrogen deposition
Perring, Michael P. | Diekmann, Martin | Midolo, Gabriele | Schellenberger Costa, David | Bernhardt-Römermann, Markus | Otto, Johanna C.J. | Gilliam, Frank S. | Hedwall, Per-Ola | Nordin, Annika | Dirnböck, Thomas | Simkin, Samuel M. | Máliš, František | Blondeel, Haben | Brunet, Jörg | Chudomelová, Markéta | Durak, Tomasz | De Frenne, Pieter | Hédl, Radim | Kopecký, Martin | Landuyt, Dries | Li, Daijiang | Manning, Peter | Petřík, Petr | Reczyńska, Kamila | Schmidt, Wolfgang | Standovár, Tibor | Świerkosz, Krzysztof | Vild, Ondřej | Waller, Donald M. | Verheyen, Kris
Understorey communities can dominate forest plant diversity and strongly affect forest ecosystem structure and function. Understoreys often respond sensitively but inconsistently to drivers of ecological change, including nitrogen (N) deposition. Nitrogen deposition effects, reflected in the concept of critical loads, vary greatly not only among species and guilds, but also among forest types. Here, we characterize such context dependency as driven by differences in the amounts and forms of deposited N, cumulative deposition, the filtering of N by overstoreys, and available plant species pools. Nitrogen effects on understorey trajectories can also vary due to differences in surrounding landscape conditions; ambient browsing pressure; soils and geology; other environmental factors controlling plant growth; and, historical and current disturbance/management regimes. The number of these factors and their potentially complex interactions complicate our efforts to make simple predictions about how N deposition affects forest understoreys. We review the literature to examine evidence for context dependency in N deposition effects on forest understoreys. We also use data from 1814 European temperate forest plots to test the ability of multi-level models to characterize context-dependent understorey responses across sites that differ in levels of N deposition, community composition, local conditions and management history. This analysis demonstrated that historical management, and plot location on light and pH-fertility gradients, significantly affect how understorey communities respond to N deposition. We conclude that species' and communities' responses to N deposition, and thus the determination of critical loads, vary greatly depending on environmental contexts. This complicates our efforts to predict how N deposition will affect forest understoreys and thus how best to conserve and restore understorey biodiversity. To reduce uncertainty and incorporate context dependency in critical load setting, we should assemble data on underlying environmental conditions, conduct globally distributed field experiments, and analyse a wider range of habitat types.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Threshold and multiple indicators for nitrogen saturation in subtropical forests
Yu, Qian | Duan, Lei | Yu, Longfei | Chen, Xiao | Si, Gaoyue | Ke, Piaopiao | Ye, Zhixiang | Mulder, Jan
The influence of nitrogen (N) deposition on forest ecosystems largely depend on the N status. Developing threshold and practical indicators for N saturation in subtropical forests, with extremely high N deposition, would both enhance forest management and the assessments of global N balance and carbon (C) sequestration. Here, we quantified the N mass balance and assessed current N status at a number of subtropical forest sites in South China, using both N content, C/N ratio, and 15N natural abundance (δ15N) as potential indicators of N saturation. Among the studied sites, N deposition ranged from 13.8 to 113 kg N ha−1 yr−1 in throughfall, and was dominated by ammonium (NH4+). The threshold for N leaching in subtropical forest was first found to be 26–36 kg N ha−1 yr−1, which was 160% higher than in temperate forest (based on prescribed minimum). This indicates that critical parameter inputs in global models of the impact of N deposition are in need of revision, based on specific ecosystem characteristics. We found a critical C/N ratio of 20 for the O/A horizon as indicator of N saturation. Foliar N content and δ15N were positively correlated with N deposition and were well suited to indicate regional N status. The δ15N enrichment factor (Ɛfoli/So2, δ15Nfoliage - δ15NSoil2) was between −10‰ and −1‰, and had similar trend to those obtained from other regions with increasing N deposition. These suggest that the enrichment factor could be used to investigate the influence of N deposition in forest ecosystems, regardless of spatial heterogeneity in δ15N of N input, soil N availability and geomorphology.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]An increase in precipitation exacerbates negative effects of nitrogen deposition on soil cations and soil microbial communities in a temperate forest
Shi, Leilei | Zhang, Hongzhi | Liu, Tao | Mao, Peng | Zhang, Weixin | Shao, Yuanhu | Fu, Shenglei
World soils are subjected to a number of anthropogenic global change factors. Although many previous studies contributed to understand how single global change factors affect soil properties, there have been few studies aimed at understanding how two naturally co-occurring global change drivers, nitrogen (N) deposition and increased precipitation, affect critical soil properties. In addition, most atmospheric N deposition and precipitation increase studies have been simulated by directly adding N solution or water to the forest floor, and thus largely neglect some key canopy processes in natural conditions. These previous studies, therefore, may not realistically simulate natural atmospheric N deposition and precipitation increase in forest ecosystems. In a field experiment, we used novel canopy applications to investigate the effects of N deposition, increased precipitation, and their combination on soil chemical properties and the microbial community in a temperate deciduous forest. We found that both soil chemistry and microorganisms were sensitive to these global change factors, especially when they were simultaneously applied. These effects were evident within 2 years of treatment initiation. Canopy N deposition immediately accelerated soil acidification, base cation depletion, and toxic metal accumulation. Although increased precipitation only promoted base cation leaching, this exacerbated the effects of N deposition. Increased precipitation decreased soil fungal biomass, possible due to wetting/re-drying stress or to the depletion of Na. When N deposition and increased precipitation occurred together, soil gram-negative bacteria decreased significantly, and the community structure of soil bacteria was altered. The reduction of gram-negative bacterial biomass was closely linked to the accumulation of the toxic metals Al and Fe. These results suggested that short-term responses in soil cations following N deposition and increased precipitation could change microbial biomass and community structure.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Epiphytic lichen diversity in central European oak forests: Assessment of the effects of natural environmental factors and human influences
Svoboda, David | Peksa, Ondřej | Veselá, Jana
We investigated lichen diversity in temperate oak forests using standardized protocols. Forty-eight sites were sampled in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary. The effects of natural environmental predictors and human influences on lichen diversity (lichen diversity value, species richness) were analysed by means of correlation tests. We found that lichen diversity responded differently to environmental predictors between two regions with different human impact. In the industrial region, air pollution was the strongest factor. In the agricultural to highly forested regions, lichen diversity was strongly influenced by forest age and forest fragmentation. We found that several natural factors can in some cases obscure the effect of human influences. Thus, factors of naturality gradient must be considered (both statistically and interpretively) when studying human impact on lichen diversity. We detected the different responses of lichens to ecological predictors in polluted and unpolluted areas.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Throughfall reduction diminished the enhancing effect of N addition on soil N leaching loss in an old, temperate forest
Geng, Shicong | Chen, Zhijie | Ma, Shanshan | Feng, Yue | Zhang, Lei | Zhang, Junhui | Han, Shijie
Soil nitrogen (N) leaching is recognized to have negative effects on the environment. There is a lack of studies on different simultaneously occurring drivers of environmental change, including changing rainfall and N deposition, on soil N leaching. In this study, a two factorial field experiment was conducted in a Korean pine forest with the following four treatments: 30% of throughfall reduction (TR), 50 kg N ha⁻¹ yr⁻¹ of N addition (N+), throughfall reduction plus N addition (TRN+) and natural forest (CK). The zero-tension pan lysimeter method was used to assess the response of soil N leaching loss to manipulated N addition and throughfall reduction. The results showed that the soil N leaching loss in natural forest was 5.0 ± 0.4 kg N ha⁻¹yr⁻¹, of which dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) accounted for 48%. Compared to natural forest, six years of N addition (NH₄NO₃, 50 kg N ha⁻¹ year⁻¹) significantly (P < 0.05) increased soil N leaching losses by 122%, especially in the form of NO₃⁻; a 30% reduction in throughfall slightly decreased N leaching losses by 23%; in combination, N addition and throughfall reduction increased N leaching losses by 48%. There was a strong interaction between N addition and throughfall reduction, which decreased N leaching loss by approximately 2.5 kg N ha⁻¹ yr⁻¹. Our results indicated that drought would diminish the enhancing effect of N deposition on soil N leaching. These findings highlight the importance of incorporating both N deposition and precipitation and their impacts on soil N leaching into future N budget assessments of forest ecosystems under global environmental change.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Nitrogen-induced new net primary production and carbon sequestration in global forests
Du, Enzai | de Vries, Wim
Nitrogen (N) deposition and biological N fixation (BNF) are main external N inputs into terrestrial ecosystems. However, few studies have simultaneously quantified the contribution of these two external N inputs to global NPP and consequent C sequestration. Based on literature analysis, we estimated new net primary production (NPP) due to external N inputs from BNF and N deposition and the consequent C sinks in global boreal, temperate and tropical forest biomes via a stoichiometric scaling approach. Nitrogen-induced new NPP is estimated to be 3.48 Pg C yr⁻¹ in global established forests and contributes to a C sink of 1.83 Pg C yr⁻¹. More specifically, the aboveground and belowground new NPP are estimated to be 2.36 and 1.12 Pg C yr⁻¹, while the external N-induced C sinks in wood and soil are estimated to be 1.51 and 0.32 Pg C yr⁻¹, respectively. BNF contributes to a major proportion of N-induced new NPP (3.07 Pg C yr⁻¹) in global forest, and accounts for a C sink of 1.58 Pg C yr⁻¹. Compared with BNF, N deposition only makes a minor contribution to new NPP (0.41 Pg C yr⁻¹) and C sinks (0.25 Pg C yr⁻¹) in global forests. At the biome scale, rates of N-induced new NPP and C sink show an increase from boreal forest towards tropical forest, as mainly driven by an increase of BNF. In contrast, N deposition leads to a larger C sink in temperate forest (0.11 Pg C yr⁻¹) than boreal (0.06 Pg C yr⁻¹) and tropical forest (0.08 Pg C yr⁻¹). Our estimate of total C sink due to N-induced new NPP approximately matches an independent assessment of total C sink in global established forests, suggesting that external N inputs by BNF and atmospheric deposition are key drivers of C sinks in global forests.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Effects of decadal exposure to interacting elevated CO2 and/or O3 on paper birch (Betula papyrifera) reproduction
Darbah, Joseph N.T. | Kubiske, Mark E. | Nelson, Neil | Oksanen, Elina | Vapaavuori, Elina | Karnosky, David F.
We studied the effects of long-term exposure (nine years) of birch (Betula papyrifera) trees to elevated CO(2) and/or O(3) on reproduction and seedling development at the Aspen FACE (Free-Air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment) site in Rhinelander, WI. We found that elevated CO(2) increased both the number of trees that flowered and the quantity of flowers (260% increase in male flower production), increased seed weight, germination rate, and seedling vigor. Elevated O(3) also increased flowering but decreased seed weight and germination rate. In the combination treatment (elevated CO(2)+O(3)) seed weight is decreased (20% reduction) while germination rate was unaffected. The evidence from this study indicates that elevated CO(2) may have a largely positive impact on forest tree reproduction and regeneration while elevated O(3) will likely have a negative impact.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Dry deposition of O3 and SO2 estimated from gradient measurements above a temperate mixed forest
Wu, Zhiyong | Staebler, Ralf | Vet, Robert | Zhang, Leiming
Vertical profiles of O3 and SO2 concentrations were monitored at the Borden Forest site in southern Ontario, Canada from May 2008 to April 2013. A modified gradient method (MGM) was applied to estimate O3 and SO2 dry deposition fluxes using concentration gradients between a level above and a level below the canopy top. The calculated five-year mean (median) dry deposition velocity (Vd) were 0.35 (0.27) and 0.59 (0.54) cm s−1, respectively, for O3 and SO2. Vd(O3) exhibited large seasonal variations with the highest monthly mean of 0.68 cm s−1 in August and the lowest of 0.09 cm s−1 in February. In contrast, seasonal variations of Vd(SO2) were smaller with monthly means ranging from 0.48 (May) to 0.81 cm s−1 (December). The different seasonal variations between O3 and SO2 were caused by the enhanced SO2 uptake by snow surfaces in winter. Diurnal variations showed a peak value of Vd in early morning in summer months for both O3 and SO2. Canopy wetness increased the non-stomatal uptake of O3 while decreasing the stomatal uptake. This also applied to SO2, but additional factors such as surface acidity also played an important role on the overall uptake.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Contribution of ambient ozone to Scots pine defoliation and reduced growth in the Central European forests: A Lithuanian case study
Augustaitis, Algirdas | Bytnerowicz, Andrzej
The study aimed to explore if changes in crown defoliation and stem growth of Scots pines (Pinus sylvestris L.) could be related to changes in ambient ozone (O(3)) concentration in central Europe. To meet this objective the study was performed in 3 Lithuanian national parks, close to the ICP integrated monitoring stations from which data on meteorology and pollution were provided. Contribution of peak O(3) concentrations to the integrated impact of acidifying compounds and meteorological parameters on pine stem growth was found to be more significant than its contribution to the integrated impact of acidifying compounds and meteorological parameters on pine defoliation. Findings of the study provide statistical evidence that peak concentrations of ambient O(3) can have a negative impact on pine tree crown defoliation and stem growth reduction under field conditions in central and northeastern Europe where the AOT40 values for forests are commonly below their phytotoxic levels.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]