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النتائج 1 - 10 من 1,089
Urban Air Quality Nexus: PM2.5 Bound-Heavy Metals and their Alarming Implication for Incremental Lifetime Cancer Risk
Attiq, Abu Bakar | Nawaz, Rab | Irshad, Muhammad | Nasim, Iqra | Nasim, Marriyam | Latif, Maria | Shah, Syed Imran | Fatima, Aiman
Fine particulate matter (PM2.5) have not only detrimental impacts on air quality but also acts as a source for a range of heavy metals that worsen the potential risks to public health. Notably, previous studies on PM2.5-bound heavy metals in Pakistan have primarily focused on individual cities. This study offers a comprehensive analysis of pollution characteristics related to PM2.5-bound heavy metals, including lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), zinc (Zn), and nickel (Ni), in ten cities of Pakistan. Data was collected from a wide range of reliable sources spanning from 2013 to 2023. Additionally, the human health risk assessment methodology endorsed by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) was employed to evaluate both carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic risks for adults (males and females) and children. Findings of the present study revealed that children faced a greater risk associated with PM2.5-bound heavy metals as compared to adults. Cadmium, zinc, and nickel were found as the top three contributors to the average non-carcinogenic risk, while lead, cadmium, and nickel showed the highest carcinogenic risks. Based on these findings, this study strongly recommend that the government should strengthen the management of industrial and vehicular emissions. Furthermore, there is an imperative need to establish a real-time monitoring system capable of tracking toxic heavy metal pollutants transported through the atmosphere. Additionally, policymakers should seriously contemplate regional collaborations with the goal of creating metropolitan initiatives for pollution control, thereby effectively addressing these paramount environmental and public health concerns.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]The Effect of Land Use Changes on Water Quality (Case Study: Zayandeh-Rud Basin, Isfahan, Iran)
Saedpanah, Mahin | Reisi, Marzieh | Ahmadi Nadoushan, Mozhgan
The present study aims at investigating land use changes (as one of the effective human factors on water systems) as well as its relation with water quality at spatial scales of the entire basin, sub-basin and defined buffers (10 and 15 km) in Zayandeh-Rud Basin, Isfahan, Iran. By means of supervised classification method along with maximum likelihood algorithm, it classifies the land use map into five categories, including agriculture, bare lands, urban areas, vegetation, and water. The research collects data for 11 water quality parameters in seven sampling stations of Zayandeh-Rud Basin in 2002, 2009, and 2015 from Isfahan Water and Sewerage Organization. Correlation analysis is then conducted to investigate the effect of land use changes on water quality at different spatial scales. Land use analysis in the entire basin shows that despite an increase in urban and agricultural lands from 2002 to 2015, bare lands, vegetation, and water covers have had a decreasing trend. Moreover, various land uses at different scales show some correlation with water quality parameters. The strongest correlations in this study belong to sub-basin scale. Therefore, it is recommended to use this spatial scale to investigate the relation between land use and water quality parameters
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Using Benthic Diatoms as a Bioindicator to Assess Rural-urban River Conditions in Tropical Area: A Case Study in the Sai Gon River, Vietnam
Pham, T. L.
The changes in diatom assemblages along an urban-to-rural gradient were characterized to assess the ecological status of the Sai Gon River, Vietnam. Diatoms and physico-chemical variables were measured at 10 stations during dry and rainy season. One-way ANOVA showed that diatom metrics and physicochemical variables were significantly different (p < 0.05) between the upper course sites and both the middle- and the lower sites. However, no significant differences were observed between the middle course sites and the lower course sites. Achnanthidium minutissimum and A. exigua were potential indicators of low nutrient in the upper course sites; Melosira granulata and Navicula viridula were preferred moderately eutrophic water in the middle course sites; while Navicula cryptocephala and Nitzschia palea were tolerant to very heavy pollution and dominant in the lower course sites. Canonical correlation analysis (CCA) results showed that concentration of TSS, TN, TP, BOD5 and COD were the most important factors in structuring benthic diatom communities in the Sai Gon River. The results of this study indicated that diatom community was sensitive to changes in urban condition and could be used as an indicator of urbanization.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Algal Indices as a Biomonitoring Tool to Assess Eutrophication in the Urban Ponds: a Case Study
Vishal, R. | Meeta, B.
Eutrophication of the urban water bodies is one the biggest challenge causing severe ecological and economic loss. Urban ponds are more prone to eutrophication due to their small size and polluted catchment areas. Biomonitoring using phytoplankton provides cost-effective estimation of the level of eutrophication. Ten urban ponds in different areas of the Mumbai city were chosen to investigate the phytoplankton community structure, and level of eutrophication. We assessed the 3 algal indices viz. Shannon-Wiener indices, Palmer and Nygard's (Myxophycean and diatom) indices. Linear relationship of these indices was tested against Carlson trophic state indices in order to assess the effectiveness of these indices to measure the degree of eutrophication in urban lakes. All ten lakes were found to be eutrophic, of which two were very low eutrophic (TSI – 53.74-53.95), four were low-mid eutrophic (TSI – 55.18 – 57.5), and four lakes were mid eutrophic (TSI 61.4 – 62.2). Shannon-Wiener indices (r= -0.73) and Myxophycean indices (r= 0.77) showed strong correlation with TSI whereas Diatom indices (r= -0.12) and Palmer’s Algal Pollution Indices (r= - 0.47) showed weak correlation with TSI. Thus study found that Shannon-Wiener indices and Myxophycean indices are reliable and cost effective means to assess the eutrophication of urban ponds in Mumbai.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Microplastics in surface sediments of a highly urbanized wetland
Birami, Farideh Amini | Keshavarzi, Behnam | Moore, Farid | Busquets, Rosa | Zafarani, Seyed Ghasem Ghorbanzadeh | Golshani, Reza | Cheshmvahm, Hamidreza
This study investigates the incidence of MPs in surface sediment samples, collected from the Anzali Wetland, Gillan province, North of Iran. This natural habitat receives municipal wastewater effluents and hosts industries and recreational activities that could release plastic to the wetland. There is need for studies to understand MPs pollution in wetlands. A total of 40 superficial sediment samples were taken covering potential pollution hotspots in the wetland. The average level of MPs was 362 ± 327.6 MP/kg: the highest MPs levels were near the outlet of a highly urbanized river (Pirbazar River) (1380 MP/kg), which runs through Rasht city. This was followed by 1255 MP/kg where there was intense fishing, boating and tourism activities in the vicinity of Bandar-e Anzali city. Fibers were the most common type of MPs (80% of the total MPs detected). The MPs polluting the wetland were predominantly white/transparent (42%), and about 40% of them were >1000 μm. Polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) prevailed in MPs found. MPs were characterized with polarized light microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy coupled with Energy-Dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. Microplastics levels were found to correlate significantly (p > 0.7) with electrical conductivity (EC) and sand-size fraction of the sediments. Coarse-grained sediments presented large capacity to lodge the MPs. This study can be used to establish protection policies in wetlands and newly highlights the opportunity of intercepting MPs in the Anzali Wetland, which are generally >250 μm, before they fragment further.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Characterization of anthropogenic marine macro-debris affecting coral habitat in the highly urbanized seascape of Mumbai megacity
De, Kalyan | Sautya, Sabyasachi | Gaikwad, Santosh | Mitra, Aditi | Nanajkar, Mandar
Marine debris has become a major form of pollution and a serious ecosystem health concern. The present study evaluates the accumulation, origin, and fate of debris in intertidal coral habitats of Mumbai-one of the world's highly populated coastal cities on the west coast of India. Predominantly, seven hermatypic coral species belonging to seven genera and five families were identified and mainly represented by Pseudosidastrea, Porites, and Bernardpora. In terms of number, the mean density of marine debris was 1.60 ± 0.13 SE items/m², which is higher than the global average. The mean density of plastic debris was 1.46 ± 0.14 SE items/m². Approximately 9% of total coral colonies were in physical contact with debris, and 22% of these colonies showed visible signs of partial bleaching. Single use plastic bags and wrappers were dominant plastic debris. The study area was characterized as ‘very poor cleanliness’ according to the Beach Quality Indexes, which include the Clean Coast Index, General Index, and Hazardous Items Index. The numerical model indicates the influence of river discharge and probable areas of plastic accumulation with high tidal currents in this region, maneuvering the spatial advection of litter in the nearshore areas. Combined analysis of ground-truthing and model simulation implies that the possible contributing sources of litter were representatives of land-based and sea-originated. The overall results point to increasing anthropogenic stressors threatening coastal coral communities, including marine debris pollution. It is advocated to adopt an integrated coastal zone management approach supported by coordinated policy frameworks could guide the mitigation of the debris footprint in coastal environments.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Metal(loid) pollution, not urbanisation nor parasites predicts low body condition in a wetland bioindicator snake
Lettoof, Damian C. | Cornelis, Jari | Jolly, Christopher J. | Aubret, Fabien | Gagnon, Marthe Monique | Hyndman, Timothy H. | Barton, Diane P. | Bateman, Philip W.
Urban ecosystems and remnant habitat 'islands' therein, provide important strongholds for many wildlife species including those of conservation significance. However, the persistence of these habitats can be undermined if their structure and function are too severely disrupted. Urban wetlands, specifically, are usually degraded by a monoculture of invasive vegetation, disrupted hydrology, and chronic-contamination from a suite of anthropogenic pollutants. Top predators—as bioindicators—can be used to assess and monitor the health of these ecosystems. We measured eight health parameters (e.g., parasites, wounds and scars, tail loss and body condition) in a wetland top predator, the western tiger snake, Notechis scutatus occidentalis. For three years, snakes were sampled across four wetlands along an urban gradient. For each site, we used GIS software to measure the area of different landscapes and calculate an urbanisation–landscape score. Previously published research on snake contamination informed our calculations of a metal-pollution index for each site. We used generalised linear mixed models to assess the relationship between all health parameters and site variables. We found the metal-pollution index to have the most significant association with poor body condition. Although parasitism, tail loss and wounds differed among sites, none of these parameters influenced body condition. Additionally, the suite of health parameters suggested differing health status among sites; however, our measure of contemporary landscape urbanisation was never a significant predictor variable. Our results suggest that the health of wetland predators surrounding a rapidly growing city may be offset by higher levels of environmental pollution.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Adaptive resilience of roadside trees to vehicular emissions via leaf enzymatic, physiological, and anatomical trait modulations
Unplanned urbanization and heavy automobile use by the rapidly growing population contribute to a variety of environmental issues. Roadside plants can mitigate air pollution by modifying their enzymatic activity, physiological and anatomical traits. Plant enzymes, physiological and anatomical traits play an important role in adaptation and mitigation mechanisms against vehicular emissions. There is a significant gap in understanding of how plant enzymes and anatomical traits respond or how they participate in modulating the effect of vehicular emissions/air pollution. Modulation of leaf anatomical traits is also useful in regulating plant physiological behavior. Hence, the present study was conducted to evaluate the effects of vehicular pollution on the enzymatic activity, physiological, and anatomical traits of plant species that grow in forests (S1) and alongside roads (S2-1 km away from the S1 site) during different seasons. The present study examines four commonly found roadside tree species i.e. Grevillea robusta, Cassia fistula, Quercus leucotrichophora and Cornus oblonga. The study found that the activities of catalase and phenylalanine ammonium enzymes were higher in G. robusta species of roadside than control site (S1). Non-enzymatic antioxidants such as flavonoid and phenol were also found in higher concentrations in roadside tree species during the summer season. However, the measured values of physiological traits were higher in Q. leucotrichophora tree species of S1 during the summer season. When compared to the other species along the roadside, Q. leucotrichophora had the highest number of stomata and epidermal cells during the summer season. Hence, we found that tree species grown along the roadside adapted towards vehicular emissions by modulating their enzymatic, physiological, and anatomical traits to mitigate the effect of air pollution.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Effect of hydrogeochemical behavior on groundwater resources in Holocene aquifers of moribund Ganges Delta, India: Infusing data-driven algorithms
Saha, Asish | Pal, Subodh Chandra | Chowdhuri, Indrajit | Roy, Paramita | Chakrabortty, Rabin
One of the fundamental sustainable development goals has been recognized as having access to clean water for drinking purposes. In the Anthropocene era, rapid urbanization put further stress on water resources, and associated groundwater contamination expanded into a significant global environmental issue. Natural arsenic and related water pollution have already caused a burden issue on groundwater vulnerability and corresponding health hazard in and around the Ganges delta. A field based hydrogeochemical analysis has been carried out in the elevated arsenic prone areas of moribund Ganges delta, West Bengal, a part of western Ganga- Brahmaputra delta (GBD). New data driven heuristic algorithms are rarely used in groundwater vulnerability studies, specifically not yet used in the elevated arsenic prone areas of Ganges delta, India. Therefore, in the current study, emphasis has been given on integration of heuristic algorithms and random forest (RF) i.e., “RF-particle swarm optimization (PSO)”, “RF-grey wolf optimizer (GWO)” and “RF-grasshopper optimization algorithm (GOA)”, to identify groundwater vulnerable zones on the basis of field based hydrogeochemical parameters. In addition, correspondence health hazard of this area was assessed through human health hazard index. The spatial distribution of groundwater vulnerability revealed that middle-eastern and north-western part of the study area covered by very high and high, whereas central, western and south-western part are covered by very low and low vulnerability zones in outcomes of all the applied models. The evaluation result indicates that RF-GOA (AUC = 0.911) model performed the best considering testing dataset, and thereafter RF-GWO, RF-PSO and RF with AUC value is 0.901, 0.892 and 0.812 respectively. Findings also revealed the groundwater in this study region is quite unfavorable for drinking and irrigation purposes. The suggested models demonstrate their usefulness in foretelling sustainable groundwater resource management in various deltaic regions of the world through taking appropriate measures by policy-makers.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Evaluating the potential of urban areas for bat conservation with citizen science data
Lewanzik, Daniel | Straka, Tanja M. | Lorenz, Julia | Marggraf, Lara | Voigt-Heucke, Silke | Schumann, Anke | Brandt, Miriam | Voigt, Christian C.
Global change, including urbanisation, threatens many of the >1400 bat species. Nevertheless, certain areas within highly urbanised cities may be suitable to harbour bat populations. Thus, managing urban habitats could contribute to bat conservation. Here, we wanted to establish evidence-based recommendations on how to improve urban spaces for the protection of bats. In a team effort with >200 citizen scientists, we recorded bat vocalisations up to six times over the course of 2 years at each of 600 predefined sites in the Berlin metropolitan area. For each species we identified the preferred and non-preferred landscape features. Our results show that artificial light at night (ALAN) had a negative impact on all species. For soprano pipistrelles and mouse-eared bats ALAN had the largest effect sizes among all environmental predictors. Canopy cover and open water were especially important for bat species that forage along vegetation edges and for trawling bats, respectively. Occurrence probability of species foraging in open space decreased with increasing distance to water bodies. On a larger scale, impervious surfaces tended to have positive effects on some species that are specialised on foraging along edge structures. Our study constitutes an important contribution to the growing body of literature showing that despite the many negative impacts of urbanisation on wildlife, urban environments can harbour bat populations if certain conditions are met, such as access to vegetation and water bodies and low levels of ALAN. Our findings are of high relevance for urban planners and conservationists, as they allow inferences on how to manage urban spaces in a bat-friendly way. We recommend limiting ALAN to the minimum necessary and maintaining and creating uninterrupted vegetated corridors between areas with high levels of canopy cover and water bodies, in which ALAN should be entirely avoided.
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