خيارات البحث
النتائج 1 - 6 من 6
Pluies acides, production de nitrate dans les sols forestiers et annees de secheresse estivale: cofacteurs de risque de deperissement des forets. Reflexions sur la synergie.
Bardy J.A.
Atmospheric conditions and photooxidising pollution in North Western Europe: 1989 summer example
Bavay, R. (Universite de Lille 1 (France). Laboratoire de Climatologie) | Roussel, I.
Acid rains, nitrification in forest sols and summer drought years: cofactors of forest decline. Thinking about synergy [bibliography of the article published in the number 124]
Bardy, J.A. (Association pour la Prevention de la Pollution Atmospherique, Bordeaux (France). Comite Bordeaux Aquitaine, Laboratoire Municipal)
Nitrogen in Dutch freshwater lakes: trends and targets
Molen, D.T. van der | Portielje, R. | Nobel, W.T. de | Boers, P.C.M. (Institute for Inland Water Management and Waste Water Treatment, Lelystad (Netherlands))
Mapping of exceedances of ozone critical levels for crops and forest trees in the Netherlands: preliminary results
Leeuw, F.A.A.M. de | Zantvoort, E.D.G. van (National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), PO Box 1, 3720-BA Bilthoven (Netherlands))
A comparison of summer and winter measurements of atmospheric nitrogen and sulphur compounds
Anlauf, K.G. (Atmospheric Environment Service, Downsview, Ont. (Canada)) | Bottenheim, J.W. | Brice, K.A. | Wiebe, H.A.