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النتائج 1 - 10 من 21
Dissolved organic matter reduces CuO nanoparticle toxicity to duckweed in simulated natural systems
Rippner, Devin A. | Green, Peter G. | Young, Thomas M. | Parikh, Sanjai J.
With increasing demand for recycled wastewater for irrigation purposes, there is a need to evaluate the potential for manufactured nanomaterials in waste water to impact crop production and agroecosystems. Copper oxide nanoparticles (CuO NPs) have previously been shown to negatively impact the growth of duckweed (Landoltia punctata) a model aquatic plant consumed by water fowl and widely found in agricultural runoff ditches in temperate climates. However, prior studies involving CuO NP toxicity to duckweed have focused on systems without the presence of dissolved organic matter (DOM). In the current study, duckweed growth inhibition was shown to be a function of aqueous Cu²⁺ concentration. Growth inhibition was greatest from aqueous CuCl₂ and, for particles, increased with decreasing CuO particle size. The dissolution of CuO NPs in ½ Hoagland's solution was measured to increase with decreasing particle size and in the presence of Suwannee river humic and fulvic acids (HA; FA). However, the current results suggest that HA, and to a lesser extent, FA, decrease the toxicity of both CuO NPs and free ionized Cu to duckweed, likely by inhibiting Cu availability through Cu-DOM complex formation. Such results are consistent with changes to Cu speciation as predicted by speciation modeling software and suggest that DOM changes Cu speciation and therefore toxicity in natural systems.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Anatomy of an urban waterbody: A case study of Boston’s Muddy River
Mathew, Miriam | Yao, Yifu | Cao, Yixing | Shodhan, Khyati | Ghosh, Indrani | Bucci, Vanni | Leitao, Christopher | Njoka, Danson | Wei, Irvine | Hellweger, Ferdi L.
The objective of this study was to characterize and understand the water quality of Boston’s Muddy River prior to restoration, to help guide those activities and evaluate their success. We use a combination of monitoring, data analysis and mathematical modeling. The seasonal pattern of temperature, pollutant signatures (identified using a principal component analysis), correlations with precipitation and spatial patterns all point to a significant wastewater input at one of the outfalls and suggest significant receiving water impact. However, a quantitative analysis using a mathematical model (QUAL2K) suggests this source is not significant. Rather, internal loading from algae, sediment bed and waterfowl dominate the spatial pattern of water quality. These results suggest significant improvement can be expected from planned sediment dredging. The paper provides a case study of water quality assessment in the context of urban river restoration, and it illustrates the utility of combining monitoring and data analysis with modeling.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Behavior and toxic effects of Pb in a waterfowl model with oral exposure to Pb shots: Investigating Pb exposure in wild birds
Sato, Hiroshi | Ishii, Chihiro | Nakayama, Shouta M.M. | Ichise, Takahiro | Saitō, Keisuke | Watanabe, Yukiko | Ogasawara, Kohei | Torimoto, Ryota | Kobayashi, Atsushi | Kimura, Kei | Johnson, Yuki N. (Yuki Nakamura) | Yamagishi, Junya | Ikenaka, Yoshinori | Ishizuka, Mayumi
Among wild birds, lead (Pb) exposure caused by ingestion of ammunition is a worldwide problem. We aimed to reveal the behavior and toxic effect of Pb caused by ingesting Pb shots in waterfowl. Four male, eight-week old Muscovy ducks (Cairina moschata) were given three Pb shots (approximately 240 mg in total) orally and then fed for 29 days after exposure, simulating a low-dose Pb exposure in wild waterfowl. During the breeding period, blood samples were collected 10 times, and fecal samples every day. Additionally, 22 fresh tissue and 6 bone samples were obtained from each duck through the dissection. Although there were no gross abnormalities, the maximum blood Pb concentration of each duck ranged from 0.6 to 3.7 mg/L, reaching a threshold concentration indicative of clinical symptoms (>0.5 mg/L). δ-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase declined one day after exposure and remained low throughout the feeding period. Hematocrit also tended to decrease, indicating signs of anemia. The highest Pb accumulation was observed in the bones, followed by the kidneys, intestinal tracts, and liver. High Pb accumulation in the bones, which are known to have a long Pb half-life, suggested that Pb would remain in the body and possibly affect bird health beyond 28 days after exposure. Gene expression analysis showed a significant increase in the expression of the toll-like receptor-3 gene, which is involved in virus discrimination in the liver, suggesting a disruption of the immune system. Microbiota analyses showed a correlation between the blood Pb concentration and the abundances of Lachnospiraceae and Ruminococcaceae, suggesting that Pb affects lipid metabolism. These results provide fundamental data on Pb exposure in wild birds and a new perspective on the damage such exposure causes.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Analysis of lead distribution in avian organs by LA-ICP-MS: Study of experimentally lead-exposed ducks and kites
Torimoto, Ryouta | Ishii, Chihiro | Sato, Hiroshi | Saitō, Keisuke | Watanabe, Yukiko | Ogasawara, Kohei | Kubota, Ayano | Matsukawa, Takehisa | Yokoyama, Kazuhito | Kobayashi, Atsushi | Kimura, Kei | Nakayama, Shouta M.M. | Ikenaka, Yoshinori | Ishizuka, Mayumi
Lead poisoning of wild birds by ingestion of lead ammunition occurs worldwide. Histopathological changes in organs of lead-intoxicated birds are widely known, and lead concentration of each organ is measurable using mass spectrometry. However, detailed lead localization at the suborgan level has remained elusive in lead-exposed birds. Here we investigated the detailed lead localization in organs of experimentally lead-exposed ducks and kites by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). In both the ducks and kites, lead accumulated diffusely in the liver, renal cortex, and brain. Lead accumulation was restricted to the red pulp in the spleen. With regard to species differences in lead distribution patterns, it is noteworthy that intensive lead accumulation was observed in the arterial walls only in the kites. In addition, the distribution of copper in the brain was altered in the lead-exposed ducks. Thus, the present study shows suborgan lead distribution in lead-exposed birds and its differences between avian species for the first time. These findings will provide fundamental information to understand the cellular processes of lead poisoning and the mechanisms of species differences in susceptibility to lead exposure.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Effects of a century of mining and industrial production on metal contamination of a model saline ecosystem, Great Salt Lake, Utah
Wurtsbaugh, Wayne A. | Leavitt, Peter R. | Moser, Katrina A.
Effects of mining and metals production have been reported in freshwater lake sediments from around the world but are rarely quantified in saline lake sediments, despite the importance of these lake ecosystems. Here we used dated sediment cores from Great Salt Lake, Utah, USA, a large saline lake adjacent to one of the world’s largest copper mines, to measure historical changes in the deposition of 22 metals. Metal concentrations were low prior to the onset of mining in the catchment in 1860 CE. Concentrations of copper, lead, zinc, cadmium, mercury, and other metals began increasing in the late 1800s, with peaks in the 1950s, concomitant with enhanced mining and smelting activities. Sedimentary metal concentrations in the 1950s were 20-40-fold above background levels for copper, lead, silver, and molybdenum. Concentrations of most metals in surficial sediments have decreased 2-5-fold, reflecting: 1) storage and mineralization of sedimenting materials in a deep brine layer, thereby reducing metal transport to the sediments; 2) improved pollution control technologies, and; 3) reduction in mining activity beginning in the 1970s and 1980s. Despite reductions, concentrations of many metals in surficial sediments remain above acceptable contamination thresholds for aquatic ecosystems with migratory birds, and consumption advisories for mercury have been placed on three waterfowl species. The research also highlights that metal deposition in saline lakes is complicated by effects of hypersaline brines and deep-water anoxia in regulating sediment redox and release of metals to surface waters. Given the importance of saline lakes to migratory birds, metals contamination from mining and metals production should be a focus of saline lake remediation.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Effects of brine contamination from energy development on wetland macroinvertebrate community structure in the Prairie Pothole Region
Preston, Todd M. | Borgreen, Michael J. | Ray, Andrew M.
Wetlands in the Prairie Pothole Region (PPR) of North America support macroinvertebrate communities that are integral to local food webs and important to breeding waterfowl. Macroinvertebrates in PPR wetlands are primarily generalists and well adapted to within and among year changes in water permanence and salinity. The Williston Basin, a major source of U.S. energy production, underlies the southwest portion of the PPR. Development of oil and gas results in the coproduction of large volumes of highly saline, sodium chloride dominated water (brine) and the introduction of brine can alter wetland salinity. To assess potential effects of brine contamination on macroinvertebrate communities, 155 PPR wetlands spanning a range of hydroperiods and salinities were sampled between 2014 and 2016. Brine contamination was documented in 34 wetlands with contaminated wetlands having significantly higher chloride concentrations, specific conductance and percent dominant taxa, and significantly lower taxonomic richness, Shannon diversity, and Pielou evenness scores compared to uncontaminated wetlands. Non-metric multidimensional scaling found significant correlations between several water quality parameters and macroinvertebrate communities. Chloride concentration and specific conductance, which can be elevated in naturally saline wetlands, but are also associated with brine contamination, had the strongest correlations. Five wetland groups were identified from cluster analysis with many of the highly contaminated wetlands located in a single cluster. Low or moderately contaminated wetlands were distributed among the remaining clusters and had macroinvertebrate communities similar to uncontaminated wetlands. While aggregate changes in macroinvertebrate community structure were observed with brine contamination, systematic changes were not evident, likely due to the strong and potentially confounding influence of hydroperiod and natural salinity. Therefore, despite the observed negative response of macroinvertebrate communities to brine contamination, macroinvertebrate community structure alone is likely not the most sensitive indicator of brine contamination in PPR wetlands.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in adult and juvenile mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) from the Hudson River, New York, USA
Madden, Sean S. | Skinner, Lawrence C.
The Hudson River, NY, USA is contaminated for over 300 km with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) released from two General Electric (GE) capacitor plants. We collected adult and juvenile mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) from four different areas of the river; an area upstream of the GE plants (n = 38), two areas directly downstream of the GE plants (n = 41, n = 38), and an area more than 100 km downstream in the freshwater tidal river (n = 20). Collections occurred during July and August (2008) when ducks were flightless to ensure ducks were “resident” and exposures were local. Fat and muscle tissue were analyzed for PCBs. PCBs were detected in all samples, and mallards below the GE plant sites on the Hudson River had orders of magnitude higher concentrations of PCBs than those above the plants. Juvenile mallards from areas directly downstream of the GE plant sites tended to have higher PCB concentrations in fat than adults. The patterns of PCB congeners and homolog groups varied across the study areas, with areas directly downstream of the GE plants dominated by tetra-chloro biphenyls whereas samples from upstream and the freshwater tidal river tended towards higher chlorinated congeners. Congener patterns between male and female and juvenile and adult mallards were generally similar within study areas, with the exception of one area downstream of the GE plants where adult birds exhibited different patterns than juveniles. Evidence of PCBs from the GE plant sites was detected in the tidal Hudson River, more than 100 km downstream of the plant sites. More than 90% of the ducks collected in areas downstream of the GE plants but above the tidally influenced river exceed the USFDA tolerance level for PCBs in poultry, which should be a concern for consumers of waterfowl taken in proximity to the upper Hudson River.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Altered immune response in mallard ducklings exposed to lead through maternal transfer in the wild
Vallverdú-Coll, Núria | López-Antia, Ana | Martinez-Haro, Monica | Ortiz-Santaliestra, Manuel E. | Mateo, Rafael
Lead (Pb) poisoning has caused significant mortality in waterfowl populations worldwide. In spite of having been banned since 2003, prevalence of Pb shot ingestion in mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) from the Ebro delta was still 15.5% in 2011–12. We collected mallard eggs from this area to study the effects of maternally transferred Pb on eggshell properties and on immune response and oxidative balance of ducklings. Eggshell Pb levels were positively correlated with Pb levels in the blood of ducklings. Ducklings with blood Pb levels above 180 ng mL−1 showed reduced body mass and died during the first week post hatching. Blood Pb levels positively correlated with humoral immune response, endogenous antioxidants and oxidative stress biomarkers, and negatively correlated with cellular immune response. Pb shot ingestion in birds can result in maternal transfer to the offspring that can affect their developing immune system and reduce their survival in early life stages.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Trace element exposure of whooper swans (Cygnus cygnus) wintering in a marine lagoon (Swan Lake), northern China
Wang, Feng | Xu, Shaochun | Zhou, Yi | Wang, Pengmei | Zhang, Xiaomei
Trace element poisoning remains a great threat to various waterfowl and waterbirds throughout the world. In this study, we determined the trace element exposure of herbivorous whooper swans (Cygnus cygnus) wintering in Swan Lake (Rongcheng), an important swan protection area in northern China. A total of 70 samples including abiotic factors (seawater, sediments), food sources (seagrass, macroalgae), feathers and feces of whooper swans were collected from the marine lagoon during the winters of 2014/2015 and 2015/2016. Concentrations of Cu, Zn, Pb, Cr, Cd, Hg and As were determined to investigate the trace element exposure of whooper swans wintering in the area. Results showed that there was an increasing trend in sediment trace element concentrations, compared with historical data. The trace element concentrations in swan feces most closely resembled those of Zostera marina leaves, especially for Cd and Cr. The Zn and Hg concentrations in the swan feces (49.57 and 0.01mg/kg, respectively) were lower than the minimum values reported in the literature for other waterfowls, waterbirds and terrestrial birds. However, the concentrations of the other five trace elements fell within the lower and mediate range of values reported for birds across the world. These results suggest that the whooper swans wintering in Swan Lake, Rongcheng are not suffering severe trace element exposure; however, with the increasing input of trace elements to the lagoon, severe adverse impacts may occur in the future, and we therefore suggest that the input of trace elements to this area should be curbed.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Plastic and metal ingestion in three species of coastal waterfowl wintering in Atlantic Canada
English, Matthew D. | Robertson, Gregory J. | Avery-Gomm, Stephanie | Pirie-Hay, Donald | Roul, Sheena | Ryan, Pierre C. | Wilhelm, Sabina I. | Mallory, Mark L.
Relatively little attention has been paid to the occurrence of anthropogenic debris found in coastal species, especially waterfowl. We examined the incidence of ingested plastic and metal in three waterfowl species wintering in Atlantic Canada: American black ducks (Anas rubripes) and mallards (A. platyrhynchos), two species that use marine and freshwater coastal habitats for foraging in the winter, and common eider (Somateria mollissima), a coastal marine species that feeds on intertidal and subtidal benthic organisms. Plastic was found in the stomachs of 46.1% (6/13) of mallards and 6.9% (6/87) of black ducks, the first report of ingested anthropogenic debris in these species, while 2.1% (1/48) of eider stomachs contained plastic. Metal was found in the stomachs of 30.8% (4/13) of mallards, 2.3% (2/87) of black ducks, and in 2.1% (1/48) of eiders. Our results indicate that species using coastal marine and freshwater environments are exposed to and ingest anthropogenic debris.
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