أجريس - النظام الدولي للعلوم الزراعية والتكنولوجيا

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الكلمات المفتاحية الخاصة بالمكنز الزراعي (أجروفوك)

خيارات البحث

النتائج 1 - 10 من 159

Fluoride in weathered rock aquifers of southern India: managed aquifer recharge for mitigation


Brindha, Karthikeyan | Jagadeshan, G. | Kalpana, L. | Elango, L.

International Livestock Research Institute - Kenya

Arsenic enrichment in groundwater and associated health risk in Bari doab region of Indus basin, Punjab, India


Kumar, Anand | Singh, Chander Kumar

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Hydrogeochemical controls on arsenic mobility in an arid inland basin, Southeast of Iran: The role of alkaline conditions and salt water intrusion


Dehbandi, Reza | Abbasnejad, Ahmad | Karimi, Zohreh | Herath, Indika | Bundschuh, Jochen

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Bacteriological and geochemical features of the groundwater resources: Kettara abandoned mine (Morocco)


Zouhri, Lahcen | El Amari, Khalid | Marier, David | Benkaddour, Abdelfattah | Hibti, Mohamed

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Causes and risk evaluation of oil and brine contamination in the Lower Cretaceous Continental Intercalaire aquifer in the Kebili region of southern Tunisia using chemical fingerprinting techniques


Besser, Houda | Hamed, Younes

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Environmental and individual PAH exposures near rural natural gas extraction


Paulik, L Blair | Hobbie, Kevin A. | Rohlman, Diana | Smith, Brian W. | Scott, Richard P. | Kincl, Laurel | Haynes, Erin N. | Anderson, Kim A.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

A meta-analysis of the distribution, sources and health risks of arsenic-contaminated groundwater in Pakistan


Shāhid, Muḥammad | Niazi, Nabeel Khan | Dumat, Camille | Naidu, R. | Khalid, Sana | Rahman, Mohammad Mahmudur | Bibi, Irshad

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Uranium in agricultural soils and drinking water wells on the Swiss Plateau


Bigalke, Moritz | Schwab, Lorenz | Rehmus, Agnes | Tondo, Patrick | Flisch, Markus

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Nitrogen source track and associated isotopic dynamic characteristic in a complex ecosystem: A case study of a subtropical watershed, China


Hao, Zhuo | Zhang, Xinyu | Gao, Yang | Xu, Zhiwei | Yang, Fengting | Wen, Xuefa | Wang, Yueming

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Modeling potential occupational inhalation exposures and associated risks of toxic organics from chemical storage tanks used in hydraulic fracturing using AERMOD


Chen, Huan | Carter, Kimberly E.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America