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النتائج 1 - 10 من 159
Fluoride in weathered rock aquifers of southern India: managed aquifer recharge for mitigation
Brindha, Karthikeyan | Jagadeshan, G. | Kalpana, L. | Elango, L.
Climatic condition, geology, and geochemical processes in an area play a major role on groundwater quality. Impact of these on the fluoride content of groundwater was studied in three regions-part of Nalgonda district in Telangana, Pambar River basin, and Vaniyar River basin in Tamil Nadu, southern India, which experience semi-arid climate and are predominantly made of Precambrian rocks. High concentration of fluoride in groundwater above 4 mg/l was recorded. Human exposure dose for fluoride through groundwater was higher in Nalgonda than the other areas. With evaporation and rainfall being one of the major contributors for high fluoride apart from the weathering of fluoride rich minerals from rocks, the effect of increase in groundwater level on fluoride concentration was studied. This study reveals that groundwater in shallow environment of all three regions shows dilution effect due to rainfall recharge. Suitable managed aquifer recharge (MAR) methods can be adopted to dilute the fluoride rich groundwater in such regions which is explained with two case studies. However, in deep groundwater, increase in fluoride concentration with increase in groundwater level due to leaching of fluoride rich salts from the unsaturated zone was observed. Occurrence of fluoride above 1.5 mg/l was more in areas with deeper groundwater environment. Hence, practicing MAR in these regions will increase the fluoride content in groundwater and so physica or chemical treatment has to be adopted. This study brought out the fact that MAR cannot be practiced in all regions for dilution of ions in groundwater and that it is essential to analyze the fluctuation in groundwater level and the fluoride content before suggesting it as a suitable solution. Also, this study emphasizes that long-term monitoring of these factors is an important criterion for choosing the recharge areas.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Arsenic enrichment in groundwater and associated health risk in Bari doab region of Indus basin, Punjab, India
Kumar, Anand | Singh, Chander Kumar
Contaminated groundwater is considered as one of the most important pathways of human exposure to the geogenic contaminants. Present study has been conducted in a part of Indus basin to investigate the presence and spatial distribution of arsenic (As) and other trace metals in groundwater. The As concentration varies from bdl-255.6 μg/L and 24.6% of the 73 collected groundwater samples have As above world health organization (WHO) guideline of 10 μg/L. High concentration of As is found along the newer alluvium of Ravi River. As is found with high bicarbonate (HCO3−) and Iron (Fe) and low nitrate (NO3−) indicating reductive dissolution of Fe bearing minerals. However, silicate weathering along with high sulphate (SO42) and positive oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) indicates mixed redox conditions. Weathering of minerals along with other major hydrogeochemical process are responsible for composition of groundwater. With 31.5% of the samples, sodium bicarbonate (Na–HCO3) is the major water facies followed by magnesium bicarbonate (Mg–HCO3) in 30% of samples. As, Fe and other trace metals including copper (Cu), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), zinc (Zn) were used to calculate the health risk for children and adults in the region. Out of 73 samples, 58% has high Fe, 32.8% has high Zn, and 4.1% has high Cd which are above the prescribed limits of WHO guidelines. Health risk of the population has been assessed using chronic dose index (CDI), hazardous quotients (HQ) and hazardous index (HI) for children and adults. The mean CDI values follows the order as Fe > Zn > Cu > As > Cr > Cd, while the HQ values indicates high As hazards for both children and adults. 43.8% of the groundwater samples have high HI for adults, however, 49.3% has high HI for children indicating higher risk for children compared to adults. A large-scale testing should be prioritized to test the wells for As and other trace metals in the study region to reduce health risks.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Hydrogeochemical controls on arsenic mobility in an arid inland basin, Southeast of Iran: The role of alkaline conditions and salt water intrusion
Dehbandi, Reza | Abbasnejad, Ahmad | Karimi, Zohreh | Herath, Indika | Bundschuh, Jochen
Elevated inorganic arsenic concentrations in groundwater has become a major public and environmental health concern in different parts of the world. Currently, As-contaminated groundwater issue in many countries and regions is a major topic for publications at global level. However, there are many regions worldwide where the problem has still not been resolved or fully understood due to inadequate hydrogeochemical investigations. Hence, this study evaluates for the first time the hydrogeochemical behavior of the arid and previously unexplored inland basin of Sirjan Plain, south east (SE) Iran, in order to assess the controlling factors which influence arsenic (As) mobility and its distribution through groundwater resources. Total inorganic arsenic concentration was measured using inductive-coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). Arsenic content in groundwater of this region ranged between 2.4 and 545.8 μg/L (mean value: 86.6 μg/L) and 50% of the samples exceeded the World Health Organization (WHO) guideline value of 10 μg/L in drinking water. Groundwater was mainly of Na-Cl type and alkaline due to silicate weathering, ion exchange and evaporation in arid conditions. Elevated As concentrations were generally observed under weakly alkaline to alkaline conditions (pH > 7.4). Multivariate statistical analysis including cluster analysis and bi-plot grouped As with pH and HCO3 and demonstrated that the secondary minerals including oxyhydroxides of Fe are the main source of As in groundwater in this region. The desorption of As from these mineral phases occurs under alkaline conditions in oxidizing arid environments thereby leading to high levels of As in groundwater. Moreover, evaporation, ion exchange and saltwater intrusion were the secondary processes accelerating As release and its mobility in groundwater. Based on the results of this study, desorption of As from metal oxy-hydroxides surfaces under alkaline conditions, evaporation and intrusion of As-rich saline water are considered to be the major factors causing As enrichment in arid inland basins such as those in southeast Iran. This study proposes the regular monitoring and proper groundwater management practices to mitigate high levels of arsenic in groundwater and related drinking water wells of Sirjan Plain.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Bacteriological and geochemical features of the groundwater resources: Kettara abandoned mine (Morocco)
Zouhri, Lahcen | El Amari, Khalid | Marier, David | Benkaddour, Abdelfattah | Hibti, Mohamed
Waste water of the Kettara village, as well as the abandoned tailings, constitute a potential environmental issue with direct consequences on air, soil, water resources qualities and, on human health. In this paper, experimental investigations examine the environmental impact which is induced by the wastewater, mine tailings and the lithological factors of rocks. This multidisciplinary research allows to i) understand the transfer of the Metallic Trace Elements (selenium, arsenic, nickel and zinc) and sulfate ions in the fractured shales media, ii) to assess the water potability by using the microbiological analysis. The microbiological results reveal the domestic impact by the presence of several kinds of bacteria in the groundwater resources: E. coli, Fecal coliforms, Total coliforms, Enterococci, Mesophilic Aerobic Flora, Sulphite-reducing bacteria and Salmonella.Selenium, arsenic and the bacteriological contamination of the groundwater could be explained by five kinds of factors: i) the geological formations and the nature of the hydrogeological system (unconfined layer), ii) the groundwater flow, the hydraulic relation between the hydrogeological wells and, the fractures network in the shale aquifer. The piezometric map allows to highlight the groundwater flow from the North-East to North-West and to the South-West, the drainage axis towards the P21 well and the presence of the dividing axis in the contaminated zone by the arsenic, iii) the absence of the unhealthy habitats with permeable traditional septic tanks in the village; iv) the transfer of the spreading animal excrements from the soil to groundwater and, v) the migration of the wastewater towards downstream of the groundwater flow. The presence of the reed beds could explain the reduction of bacteria in the hydrogeological wells of the study area.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Causes and risk evaluation of oil and brine contamination in the Lower Cretaceous Continental Intercalaire aquifer in the Kebili region of southern Tunisia using chemical fingerprinting techniques
Besser, Houda | Hamed, Younes
In the Kebili region of southern Tunisia, there is increasing demand of water from the Lower Cretaceous Continental Intercalaire (CI) aquifer and the Upper Cretaceous-Miocene Complex Terminal (CT) aquifer. The CI aquifer, given limited low recharge of water and increasing amounts of water extraction, has suffered intense overexploitation since the year 2000. Currently, the sustainability of CI resources is threatened by oil and brine contamination detected at a number of water wells in the Kebili region.Hydrocarbon pollution of the aquifers seems to be ubiquitous because the groundwaters sampled in El Fedjej and Nefzaoua basins exhibit bad water quality according to a number of toxicity indices. Geochemical data indicate that, on a regional scale, groundwater quality, salinity, and dissolved element concentrations are best correlated to petroleum contamination-extraction and to aquifer vulnerability to human perturbations rather than to multiple interactions within the hydrogeological system of the region.The analyses of petroleum compounds in sampled waters indicate that these waters are most consistent with increasing concentrations of organic pollutants; the organic matter is crude and unaltered, testifying to continuous flows of contaminants. The brine contamination, however, is limited to the Djemna water well where the water exhibits a salinity of 20 g L⁻¹. Combined, these findings suggest that groundwater composition in CI water wells in Kebili field is influenced by the migration of hydrocarbons and brine-enriched waters through fractures, and (or) by aquifer decompression.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Environmental and individual PAH exposures near rural natural gas extraction
Paulik, L Blair | Hobbie, Kevin A. | Rohlman, Diana | Smith, Brian W. | Scott, Richard P. | Kincl, Laurel | Haynes, Erin N. | Anderson, Kim A.
Natural gas extraction (NGE) has expanded rapidly in the United States in recent years. Despite concerns, there is little information about the effects of NGE on air quality or personal exposures of people living or working nearby. Recent research suggests NGE emits polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) into air. This study used low-density polyethylene passive samplers to measure concentrations of PAHs in air near active (n = 3) and proposed (n = 2) NGE sites. At each site, two concentric rings of air samplers were placed around the active or proposed well pad location. Silicone wristbands were used to assess personal PAH exposures of participants (n = 19) living or working near the sampling sites. All samples were analyzed for 62 PAHs using GC-MS/MS, and point sources were estimated using the fluoranthene/pyrene isomer ratio. ∑PAH was significantly higher in air at active NGE sites (Wilcoxon rank sum test, p < 0.01). PAHs in air were also more petrogenic (petroleum-derived) at active NGE sites. This suggests that PAH mixtures at active NGE sites may have been affected by direct emissions from petroleum sources at these sites. ∑PAH was also significantly higher in wristbands from participants who had active NGE wells on their properties than from participants who did not (Wilcoxon rank sum test, p < 0.005). There was a significant positive correlation between ∑PAH in participants' wristbands and ∑PAH in air measured closest to participants’ homes or workplaces (simple linear regression, p < 0.0001). These findings suggest that living or working near an active NGE well may increase personal PAH exposure. This work also supports the utility of the silicone wristband to assess personal PAH exposure.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]A meta-analysis of the distribution, sources and health risks of arsenic-contaminated groundwater in Pakistan
Shāhid, Muḥammad | Niazi, Nabeel Khan | Dumat, Camille | Naidu, R. | Khalid, Sana | Rahman, Mohammad Mahmudur | Bibi, Irshad
Globally, millions of people who rely on groundwater for potable purposes and agriculture have been inadvertently exposed to toxic arsenic (As) because of its natural occurrence in groundwater in several countries of Asia, Europe and America. While the presence of As in groundwater and its impacts on human health have been documented in many countries, there is little information on As contamination in Pakistan. This review highlights, for the first time, the extent and severity of As-induced problems in Pakistan based on relevant published papers; discusses possible sources of As contamination of aquifers; and estimates As-induced potential health hazards in the country in relation to global data. Data from 43 studies (>9882 groundwater samples) were used to describe As variability in groundwater of Pakistan and for comparison with global data. The mean groundwater As content reported in these studies was 120 μg/L (range: 0.1–2090 μg/L; SD: ±307). About 73% of the values for mean As contents in the 43 studies were higher than the World Health Organization (WHO) permissible limit (10 μg/L) for drinking water, while 41% were higher than the permissible limit of As in Pakistan (50 μg/L). It was observed that groundwater samples in some areas of Punjab and Sindh provinces contained high As concentrations which were almost equal to concentrations reported in the most contaminated areas of the world. We predicted that the mean values of ADD, HQ and CR were 4.4 μg kg⁻¹day⁻¹ (range: 0–77 μg kg⁻¹day⁻¹), 14.7 (range: 0–256) and 0.0029 (range: 0–0.0512), respectively, based on mean As concentrations reported in Pakistan. In addition, this article proposes some integrated sustainable solutions and future perspectives keeping in view the regional and global context, as well as the on-ground reality of the population drinking As-contaminated water, planning issues, awareness among civil society and role of the government bodies. Based on available data, it is predicted that almost 47 million people in Pakistan are residing in areas where more than 50% of groundwater wells contain As concentrations above the WHO recommended limit of As in drinking water.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Uranium in agricultural soils and drinking water wells on the Swiss Plateau
Bigalke, Moritz | Schwab, Lorenz | Rehmus, Agnes | Tondo, Patrick | Flisch, Markus
Mineral phosphorus fertilizers are regularly applied to agricultural sites, but their uranium (U) content is potentially hazardous to humans and the environment. Fertilizer-derived U can accumulate in the soil, but might also leach to ground-, spring and surface waters. We sampled 19 mineral fertilizers from the canton of Bern and soils of three arable and one forest reference sites at each of four locations with elevated U concentrations (7–28 μg L⁻¹) in nearby drinking water wells. The total U concentrations of the fertilizers were measured. The soils were analysed at three depth intervals down to 1 m for general soil parameters, total Cd, P, U and NaHCO₃-extractable U concentrations, and ²³⁴/²³⁸U activity ratios (AR). The U concentrations and AR values of the drinking water samples were also measured. A theoretical assessment showed that fertilizer-derived U may cause high U concentrations in leaching waters (up to approx. 25 μg L⁻¹), but normally contributes only a small amount (approx. 0–3 μg L⁻¹). The arable soils investigated showed no significant U accumulation compared to the forest sites. The close positive correlation of AR with NaHCO₃-extractable U (R = 0.7, p < 0.001) indicates that application of fertilizer can increase the extractable U pool. The lack of depth gradients in the soil U concentrations (1.5–2.7 mg kg⁻¹) and AR (0.90–1.06) ratios are inconsistent with the accumulation of U in the surface soil, and might indicate some leaching of fertilizer-derived U. The AR values in the water samples were close to 1, possibly suggesting an influence of fertilizer-derived U. However, based on findings from the literature and considering the heterogeneity of the catchment area, the agricultural practices, and the comparatively long distance to the groundwater, we conclude that fertilizer-derived U makes only a minor contribution to the elevated U concentrations in the water samples.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Nitrogen source track and associated isotopic dynamic characteristic in a complex ecosystem: A case study of a subtropical watershed, China
Hao, Zhuo | Zhang, Xinyu | Gao, Yang | Xu, Zhiwei | Yang, Fengting | Wen, Xuefa | Wang, Yueming
By identifying the main sources of nitrate (NO3−) can obtain useful information to support the management of NO3− pollution, particularly in subtropical catchments with shallow drinking water wells. This study used water chemistry and dual stable isotopes δ15N and δ18O methods to assess seasonal and spatial variations of NO3− in precipitation, surface water, and groundwater in an agricultural and forest subtropical catchment in Jiangxi Province, China. The maximum concentrations of nitrate-nitrogen (NO3−-N) and ammonium-nitrogen (NH4+-N) were 10.4 and 10.8 mg L−1in samples collected from 221 rainfall events from 2011 to 2013. About 4.4% and 12.3% NH4+-N concentrations of surface water and groundwater exceeded the thresholds of 1.0 and 0.2 mg L−1. The NO3−-N concentrations in surface water were closely correlated with NH4+-N concentrations in surface water and groundwater (r = −0.71 and r = −0.71, P < 0.05). The concentrations of NH4+-N and NO3−-N were significantly higher in a fishery pond and nearby drinking wells than in other monitoring points. Annual exports of NO3−-N and NH4+-N were 4.06 × 104 and 8.14 × 103 kg yr−1, respectively and NO3−-N is the main form of N loss. The δ15N values ranged from 0‰ to 20‰ in surface water and groundwater, and the δ18O values ranged from 0‰ to 15‰ and 1‰–13‰, respectively. Dual stable isotope natural abundance distribution and water chemistry [NO3−]/[Cl−] molar ratio information suggested that manure and sewage and soil N were the main sources of NO3− in surface water and manure and sewage in groundwater in summer and winter. In spring, water occurred denitrification and ammonium fertilizer, manure and sewage were the main sources of NO3− in surface water and groundwater which sampling points were closer residential area and fish ponds than paddy field and local farmers used more Manure. Manure applications should be reasonable around drinking water wells to protect the drinking water quality.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Modeling potential occupational inhalation exposures and associated risks of toxic organics from chemical storage tanks used in hydraulic fracturing using AERMOD
Chen, Huan | Carter, Kimberly E.
Various toxic chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing fluids may influence the inherent health risks associated with these operations. This study investigated the possible occupational inhalation exposures and potential risks related to the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from chemical storage tanks and flowback pits used in hydraulic fracturing. Potential risks were evaluated based on radial distances between 5 m and 180 m from the wells for 23 contaminants with known inhalation reference concentration (RfC) or inhalation unit risks (IUR). Results show that chemicals used in 12.4% of the wells posed a potential acute non-cancer risks for exposure and 0.11% of the wells with may provide chronic non-cancer risks for exposure. Chemicals used in 7.5% of the wells were associated with potential acute cancer risks for exposure. Those chemicals used in 5.8% of the wells may be linked to chronic cancer risks for exposure. While eight organic compounds were associated with acute non-cancer risks for exposure (>1), methanol the major compound in the chemical storage tanks (1.00–45.49) in 7,282 hydraulic fracturing wells. Wells with chemicals additives containing formaldehyde exhibited both acute and chronic cancer risks for exposure with IUR greater than 10⁻⁶, suggesting formaldehyde was the dominant contributor to both types of risks for exposure in hydraulic fracturing. This study also found that due to other existing on-site emission sources of VOCs and the geographically compounded air concentrations from other surrounding wells, chemical emissions data from storage tanks and flowback pits used in this study were lower than reported concentrations from field measurements where higher occupational inhalation risks for exposure may be expected.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]