[ نُشرت في: Pollution ]
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النتائج 11 - 20 من 197
Politique generale de protection de l' environnement en France en matiere de pollution atmospherique [actions du Ministere de l' Environnement, de l' Agence pour la Qualite de l' Air et du Ministere de la Sante].
Legrand H. | Biren J.M. | Jouan M.
Wolters Kluwer - United States of America
Strategie et buts de la politique de prevention de la pollution atmospherique en Republique Federale d' Allemagne [TA Luft, Instruction Technique Air, 1986].
Feldhaus G. | Ludwig H.
Wolters Kluwer - United States of America
Chronic toxicity of an environmental contaminant mixture to young (or larval) striped bass.
Mehrle P.M. | Cleveland L. | Buckler D.R.
Wolters Kluwer - United States of America
Assessment of the interactions of metals and nitrilotriacetic acid in soil/sludge mixtures.
Garnett K. | Kirk P.W.W. | Lester J.N. | Perry R.
Wolters Kluwer - United States of America
Incorporation of wind roses in a statistical long-range pollution transport model.
Shipley K.B. | McBean E.A. | Farquhar G.J. | Byrne J.M.
Wolters Kluwer - United States of America
Effect of oils and oil-products on crustaceans.
Kasymov A.G. | Gasanov V.M.
Wolters Kluwer - United States of America
Metal plant and soil pollution indexes.
Romero F. | Elejalde C. | Azpiazu M.N.
Wolters Kluwer - United States of America
Heavy metal uptake by wheat seedlings grown in fly ash-amended soils.
Petruzzelli G. | Lubrano L. | Cervelli S.
Wolters Kluwer - United States of America
Fate of spilled xylene as influenced by soil moisture content.
Aurelius M.W. | Brown K.W.
Wolters Kluwer - United States of America
Conversion of municipal sludge to oil.
Lee K.M. | Griffith P. | Farrell J.B. | Eralp A.E.
Wolters Kluwer - United States of America