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النتائج 101 - 110 من 748
A rapid bioassay for detecting saxitoxins using a Daphnia acute toxicity test
Ferrão-Filho, Aloysio Da S. | Soares, Maria Carolina S. | Magalhães, Valéria Freitas de | Azevedo, Sandra M.F.O.
Bioassays using Daphnia pulex and Moina micrura were designed to detect cyanobacterial neurotoxins in raw water samples. Phytoplankton and cyanotoxins from seston were analyzed during 15 months in a eutrophic reservoir. Effective time to immobilize 50% of the exposed individuals (ET50) was adopted as the endpoint. Paralysis of swimming movements was observed between ∼0.5-3 h of exposure to lake water containing toxic cyanobacteria, followed by an almost complete recovery of the swimming activity within 24 h after being placed in control water. The same effects were observed in bioassays with a saxitoxin-producer strain of Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii isolated from the reservoir. Regression analysis showed significant relationships between ET50vs. cell density, biomass and saxitoxins content, suggesting that the paralysis of Daphnia in lake water samples was caused by saxitoxins found in C. raciborskii. Daphnia bioassay was found to be a sensitive method for detecting fast-acting neurotoxins in natural samples, with important advantages over mouse bioassays.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Integrative assessment of enantioselectivity in endocrine disruption and immunotoxicity of synthetic pyrethroids
Zhao, Meirong | Chen, Fang | Wang, Cui | Zhang, Quan | Gan, Jianying | Liu, Weiping
The increasing release of chiral chemicals into the environment dictates attention to a better understanding of enantioselectivity in their human and ecotoxicological effects. Although enantioselectivity has been considered in many recent studies, there is little effort for discerning the connection between different processes, and as such, our current knowledge about chiral contaminants is rather scattered and incoherent. In this study, we simultaneously evaluated enantioselectivity of two chiral pesticides, lambda-cyhalothrin (LCT) and (Z)-cis-bifenthrin (cis-BF), in immunotoxicity to macrophage cells (RAW264.7), and endocrine disruption activity in human breast carcinoma cell line MCF-7. Analysis of cell proliferation, cell viability, apoptosis, and receptor gene expression showed significant differences between the enantiomers of LCT or cis-BF in estrogenic potential and immunocytotoxicity. The selectivity in these effects consistently followed the same direction, with (−)-LCT or 1S-cis-BF displaying a greater activity than its counterpart. The consistency was attributed to interplaying mechanisms in the closely interacting immune and endocrine systems. The underlying interplays suggest that other chiral xenobiotics may also show a directional enantioselectivity in immunotoxicity and endocrine toxicity. Given that many biological processes are inter-related, enantioselectivity may follow specific patterns that can be revealed via integrative assessments as demonstrated in this study.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Fresh organic matter of municipal solid waste enhances phytoextraction of heavy metals from contaminated soil
Salati, S. | Quadri, G. | Tambone, F. | Adani, F.
In this study, the ability of the organic fraction of municipal solid wastes (OFMSW) to enhance heavy metal uptake of maize shoots compared with ethylenediamine disuccinic acid (EDDS) was tested on soil contaminated with heavy metals. Soils treated with OFMSW and EDDS significantly increased the concentration of heavy metals in maize shoots (increments of 302%, 66%, 184%, 169%, and 23% for Cr, Cu, Ni, Zn, and Pb with respect to the control and increments of 933%, 482%, 928%, 428%, and 5551% for soils treated with OFMSW and EDDS, respectively). In soil treated with OFMSW, metal uptake was favored because of the high presence of dissolved organic matter (DOM) (41.6× than soil control) that exhibited ligand properties because of the high presence of carboxylic acids. Because of the toxic effect of EDDS on maize plants, soil treated with OFMSW achieved the highest extraction of total heavy metals.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Rates of particulate pollution deposition onto leaf surfaces: Temporal and inter-species magnetic analyses
Mitchell, R. | Maher, B.A. | Kinnersley, R.
Evaluation of health impacts arising from inhalation of pollutant particles <10 μm (PM10) is an active research area. However, lack of exposure data at high spatial resolution impedes identification of causal associations between exposure and illness. Biomagnetic monitoring of PM10 deposited on tree leaves may provide a means of obtaining exposure data at high spatial resolution. To calculate ambient PM10 concentrations from leaf magnetic values, the relationship between the magnetic signal and total PM10 mass must be quantified, and the exposure time (via magnetic deposition velocity (MVd) calculations) known. Birches display higher MVd (∼5 cm−1) than lime trees (∼2 cm−1). Leaf saturation remanence values reached ‘equilibrium’ with ambient PM10 concentrations after ∼6 ‘dry’ days (<3 mm/day rainfall). Other co-located species displayed within-species consistency in MVd; robust inter-calibration can thus be achieved, enabling magnetic PM10 biomonitoring at unprecedented spatial resolution.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Systems-level modeling the effects of arsenic exposure with sequential pulsed and fluctuating patterns for tilapia and freshwater clam
Chen, Wei-Yu | Tsai, Jeng-Wei | Ju, Yun-Ru | Liao, Chung-Min
The purpose of this paper was to use quantitative systems-level approach employing biotic ligand model based threshold damage model to examine physiological responses of tilapia and freshwater clam to sequential pulsed and fluctuating arsenic concentrations. We tested present model and triggering mechanisms by carrying out a series of modeling experiments where we used periodic pulses and sine-wave as featured exposures. Our results indicate that changes in the dominant frequencies and pulse timing can shift the safe rate distributions for tilapia, but not for that of freshwater clam. We found that tilapia increase bioenergetic costs to maintain the acclimation during pulsed and sine-wave exposures. Our ability to predict the consequences of physiological variation under time-varying exposure patterns has also implications for optimizing species growing, cultivation strategies, and risk assessment in realistic situations.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Dissipation and metabolism of 14C-spiroxamine in soil under laboratory condition
Sukul, Premasis | Zühlke, Sebastian | Lamshöft, Marc | Rosales-Conrado, Noelia | Spiteller, M (Michael)
Spiroxamine [SPX] belongs to a spiroketalamine group of substances. The biodegradation of [1,3-dioxolane-4-14C]-SPX has been examined in 2 soils of different physicochemical properties. The total recovery of radioactivity from soils was 98.6-103.5% of that applied. The total amount of extractable radioactivity declined with a simultaneous increase in non-extractable radioactivity. Volatile organics were detected at lower levels; however, mineralization played a marked effect on the route of SPX dissipation. The half-life ranges between 37 and 44 d. SPX does not undergo any enantioselective degradation. 4 metabolites: despropyl-SPX, desethyl-SPX, SPX N-oxide and SPX acid were identified, applying mass spectrometric technique. Sorption-desorption data fitted well with a Freundlich model in log form (r2, 0.99). KDsorp ranged between 44 and 230, suggesting SPX ought to be considered as a substance with low leaching potential [groundwater ubiquity score (GUS), <1.8]. Furthermore, an overall low desorption of 1–11% indicates firm retention of SPX by the soils.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin as non-exhaustive extractant for organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls in muck soil
Wong, Fiona | Bidleman, Terry F.
Hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin (HPCD) was used as a non-exhaustive extractant for organochlorine pesticides (OCs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in muck soil. An optimized extraction method was developed which involved using a HPCD to soil mass ratio of 5.8 with a single extraction period of 20 h. An aging experiment was performed by spiking a muck soil with 13C-labeled OCs and non-labeled PCBs. The soil was extracted with the optimized HPCD method and Soxhlet apparatus with dichloromethane over 550 d periodically. The HPCD extractability of the spiked OCs was greater than of the native OCs. A decreased in HPCD extractability was observed for the spiked OCs after 550 d of aging and their extractability approached those of the natives. The partition coefficient between HPCD and soil (log KCD-Soil) was negatively correlated with the octanol-water partition coefficient (log KOW) with r2 = 0.67 and p < 0.05.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Agricultural ammonia emissions inventory and spatial distribution in the North China Plain
Zhang, Y. | Dore, A.J. | Ma, L. | Liu, X.J. | Ma, W.Q. | Cape, J.N. | Zhang, F.S.
An agricultural ammonia (NH3) emission inventory in the North China Plain (NCP) on a prefecture level for the year 2004, and a 5 × 5 km2 resolution spatial distribution map, has been calculated for the first time. The census database from China's statistics datasets, and emission factors re-calculated by the RAINS model supported total emissions of 3071 kt NH3–N yr−1 for the NCP, accounting for 27% of the total emissions in China. NH3 emission from mineral fertilizer application contributed 1620 kt NH3–N yr−1, 54% of the total emission, while livestock emissions accounted for the remaining 46% of the total emissions, including 7%, 27%, 7% and 5% from cattle, pigs, sheep and goats, and poultry, respectively. A high-resolution spatial NH3 emissions map was developed based on 1 × 1 km land use database and aggregated to a 5 × 5 km grid resolution. The highest emission density value was 198 kg N ha−1 yr−1. The first high-resolution spatial distribution of ammonia emissions for the North China Plain showed rates up to 200 kg NH3–N ha−1 yr−1.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Copper mobilization affected by weather conditions in a stormwater detention system receiving runoff waters from vineyard soils (Champagne, France)
Banas, D. | Marin, B. | Skraber, S. | Chopin, E.I.B. | Zanella, A.
Copper, a priority substance on the EU-Water Framework Directive list, is widely used to protect grapevines against fungus diseases. Many vineyards being located on steep slopes, large amounts of Cu could be discharged in downstream systems by runoff water. The efficiency of stormwater detention basins to retain copper in a vineyard catchment was estimated. Suspended solids, dissolved (Cudiss) and total Cu (Cutot) concentrations were monitored in runoff water, upstream, into and downstream from a detention pond. Mean Cutot concentrations in entering water was 53.6 μg/L whereas it never exceeded 2.4 μg/L in seepage. Cutot concentrations in basin water (>100 μg/L in 24% of the samples) exceeded LC50 values for several aquatic animals. Copper was principally sequestered by reduced compounds in the basin sediments (2/3 of Cutot). Metal sequestration was reversible since sediment resuspension resulted in Cu remobilization. Wind velocity controlled resuspension, explained 70% of Cudiss variability and could help predicting Cu mobilization. Copper in stormwater basin is efficiently retained but can be released during windy events or after dredging.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Coal-tar based pavement sealant toxicity to freshwater macroinvertebrates
Bryer, Pamela J. | Scoggins, Mateo | McClintock, Nancy L.
Non-point-source pollution is a major source of ecological impairment in urban stream systems. Recent work suggests that coal-tar pavement sealants, used extensively to protect parking areas, may be contributing a large portion of the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) loading seen in urban stream sediments. The hypothesis that dried coal-tar pavement sealant flake could alter the macroinvertebrate communities native to streams in Austin, TX was tested using a controlled outdoor laboratory type approach. The treatment groups were: control, low, medium, and high with total PAH concentrations (TPAH = sum of 16 EPA priority pollutant PAHs) of 0.1, 7.5, 18.4, & 300 mg/kg respectively. The low, medium, and high treatments were created via the addition of dried coal-tar pavement sealant to a sterile soil. At the start of the 24-day exposure, sediment from a minimally impacted local reference site containing a community of live sediment-dwelling benthic macroinvertebrates was added to each replicate. An exposure-dependent response was found for several stream health measures and for several individual taxa. There were community differences in abundance (P = 0.0004) and richness (P < 0.0001) between treatments in addition to specific taxa responses, displaying a clear negative relationship with the amount of coal-tar sealant flake. These results support the hypothesis that coal-tar pavement sealants contain bioavailable PAHs that may harm aquatic environments.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]