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النتائج 1031 - 1040 من 4,926
Metal pollution in surface sediments from Rodrigo de Freitas Lagoon (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil): Toxic effects on marine organisms
Vezzone, Mariana | Cesar, Ricardo | Moledo de Souza Abessa, Denis | Serrano, Aline | Lourenço, Rodrigo | Castilhos, Zuleica | Rodrigues, Ana Paula | Perina, Fernando Cesar | Polivanov, Helena
The Rodrigo de Freitas Lagoon (RFL - Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil) is a highly polluted and eutrophic lacustrine system, which has been often used for the practice of aquatic sports, including during the 2016 Summer Olympic Games. This study proposes the evaluation of metal concentrations in surface sediments from the RFL before and after urban interventions performed for the 2016 Olympics, as well as their toxicity to the benthic amphipod Tiburonella viscana and embryos of the sea-urchin Echinometra lucunter. Metal concentrations determined in 2017 were significantly higher than those obtained in 2015 (especially Cu, Cd and Ni), suggesting that the interventions performed to fulfill the requirements of the Olympics increased metal contents in sediments. The sediments from the northern sector of the RFL were muddier, more organically enriched, exhibited higher metal concentrations and were more toxic to T. viscana when compared to the sediments collected in the southern sector. This fact is particularly important since the practice of sports, including during the 2016 Olympics, has been preferably performed in the northern sector. Metal distribution was strongly correlated with organic matter and mud contents. The toxicity to E. lucunter embryos was high for both northern and southern sediments; most of the samples led to 100% lack or abnormal embryonic development. The integration of physical, chemical and ecotoxicological data indicates that the mortality to T. viscana was correlated with metal contents, whereas the toxicity to E. lucunter was apparently related to the release of ammonia from the sediment to water column. Finally, high metal concentrations and the toxicity to aquatic organisms evidence the ecological risks to the biota from RFL.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]The role of turbulence in internal phosphorus release: Turbulence intensity matters
Li, Hong | Yang, Guofeng | Ma, Jianrong | Wei, Yanyan | Kang, Li | He, Yixin | He, Qiang
Hydrodynamic fluctuations can trigger sediment suspension concomitantly with internal phosphorus release, while the interactive effect of turbulence mixing and sediment suspension on the regulation of phosphorus dynamics is in need of deep understanding. This study addressed the changes in total phosphorus (TP), phosphate (PO₄³⁻-P) and suspended sediment (SS) in the overlying water, and measured the profile of dissolved oxygen (DO), Fe(II) and soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) across the sediment-water interface in the simulated environmental turbulence scenario, For a turbulence intensity (ε) of 3.6 × 10⁻³ m²/s³, the SRP flux increased hence PO₄³⁻-P showed a 36.36% increase relative to its initial level. Although ε of 1.3 × 10⁻² m²/s³ benefited the delivery of oxygen from the bulk aqueous phase to the upper sediment which can trigger the formation of Fe oxides and hydroxides, the turbulence-induced phosphorus diffusion from the sediment exceeded its inactivation and resulted in a large SRP flux. However, a protion of the released PO₄³⁻-P can be immobilized through SS adsorption and biotic (likely cyanobacteria) assimilation. Higher turbulence intensities (ε of 3.3 × 10⁻² and 7.4 × 10⁻² m²/s³) led to an approximately 40-fold increase in TP concentration and a significant increase in sediment suspension, which contributed to the immobilization of a majority of the phosphate through adsorption; thus, the PO₄³⁻-P concentrations in the overlying water displayed 47.75% and 41.67% decline, respectively. This study also confirmed the sequential phosphorus buffer mechanisms associated with increasing turbulence intensities. With an ε of 3.6 × 10⁻³ m²/s³, bounding to Fe ion had a significant impact on phosphorus inactivation but with an ε of 7.4 × 10⁻² m²/s³, the main immobilization mechanism is switched to phosphorus adsorption from the large quantity of suspended sediment.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Anticipating the impact of pitfalls in kinetic biodegradation parameter estimation from substrate depletion curves of organic pollutants
Escuder-Gilabert, Laura | Martín-Biosca, Yolanda | Sagrado, Salvador | Medina-Hernández, María José
Accurate and reliable estimation of kinetic parameters of pollutant biodegradation processes is essential for environmental and health risk assessment. Common biodegradation models proposed in the literature, such as the nonlinear Monod equation and its simplified versions (e.g. Michaelis-Menten-like and first-order equations), are problematic in terms of accuracy of kinetic parameters due to the parameter correlation. However, a comparison between these models in terms of accuracy and reliability, related to data imprecision, has not been performed in the literature. This task is necessary, mainly because the model selection cannot be straightforward, as shown in this work. To facilitate the comparison, novel statistics summarising the accuracy and reliability of estimations are introduced. The main objective is to establish relationships between these statistics (trough new diagnostic indicators) to limit the probability of pitfalls or to avoid the negative impact of an improper model selection. Such anticipation is an imperative need in the biodegradation modelling framework and, to the best of our knowledge, it has never been performed. In order to account for accuracy, simulated data in realistic conditions are used to highlight the magnitude of pitfalls related to the model selection for estimation of the main kinetic parameters (Kₛ, μₘ and/or Vₘ). Four scenarios related to model selection are compared for the first time and, diagnostic indicators able to anticipate relevant aspects related to accuracy and reliability are introduced. Moreover, first evidences of the impact of measurement errors in other intrinsic Monod parameters (the initial biomass concentration and the microbial yield coefficient, Y), as well as the impact of the simultaneous μₘ, Kₛ and Y estimation, on the accuracy and reliability of the estimations are reported. Despite the pitfalls shown, specific applicability of even unreliable models is highlighted, and suggestions for environmental and health risk modellers are provided accordingly.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Exposure to ultrafine particulate matter induces NF-κβ mediated epigenetic modifications
Bhargava, Arpit | Shukla, Anushi | Bunkar, Neha | Shandilya, Ruchita | Lodhi, Lalit | Kumari, Roshani | Gupta, Pushpendra Kumar | Rahman, Akhlaqur | Chaudhury, Koel | Tiwari, Rajnarayan | Goryacheva, Irina Yu. | Mishra, Pradyumna Kumar
Exposure to ultrafine particulate matter (PM0.1) is positively associated with the etiology of different acute and chronic disorders; however, the in-depth biological imprints that link these submicron particles with the disturbances in the epigenomic machinery are not well defined. Earlier, we showed that exposure to these particles causes significant disturbances in the mitochondrial machinery and triggers PI-3-kinase mediated DNA damage responses. In the present study, we aimed to further understand the epigenomic insights of the ultrafine PM exposure. The higher levels of intracellular reactive oxygen species and depleted Nrf-2 in ultrafine PM exposed cells reconfirmed its potential to induce oxidative stress. Importantly, the observed increase in the levels of NF-κβ and associated cytokines among exposed cells suggested the activation of NF-κβ mediated inflammatory loop which potentially serves as a platform for initiating epigenetic insinuations. This fact was strongly supported by the altered miRNA expression profile of the ultrafine PM exposed cells. These NF-κβ induced miRNA alterations were also found to be associated with other epigenetic targets as the exposed cells showed higher expression levels of DNA methyltransferases which positively corresponded with the global changes in DNA methylation levels. Upon further analysis, significant alterations in histone code were also reported in ultrafine PM exposed cells. Conclusively our results suggested that NF-κβ acts as an inflammatory switch that possesses the potential to induce genome-wide epigenetic modification upon ultrafine PM exposure.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Spatial variability in air pollution exposure in relation to socioeconomic indicators in nine European metropolitan areas: A study on environmental inequality
Samoli, E. | Stergiopoulou, A. | Santana, P. | Rodopoulou, S. | Mitsakou, C. | Dimitroulopoulou, C. | Bauwelinck, M. | de Hoogh, K. | Costa, C. | Marí-Dell'Olmo, M. | Corman, D. | Vardoulakis, S. | Katsouyanni, K.
A limited number of studies have addressed environmental inequality, using various study designs and methodologies and often reaching contradictory results. Following a standardized multi-city data collection process within the European project EURO-HEALTHY, we conducted an ecological study to investigate the spatial association between nitrogen dioxide (NO2), as a surrogate for traffic related air pollution, and ten socioeconomic indicators at local administrative unit level in nine European Metropolitan Areas. We applied mixed models for the associations under investigation with random intercepts per Metropolitan Area, also accounting for the spatial correlation. The stronger associations were observed between NO2 levels and population density, population born outside the European Union (EU28), total crimes per 100,000 inhabitants and unemployment rate that displayed a highly statistically significant trend of increasing concentrations with increasing levels of the indicators. Specifically, the highest vs the lowest quartile of each indicator above was associated with 48.7% (95% confidence interval (CI): 42.9%, 54.8%), 30.9% (95%CI: 22.1%, 40.2%), 19.8% (95%CI: 13.4%, 26.6%) and 15.8% (95%CI: 9.9%, 22.1%) increase in NO2 respectively.The association with population density most probably reflects the higher volume in vehicular traffic, which is the main source of NO2 in urban areas. Higher pollution levels in areas with higher percentages of people born outside EU28, crime or unemployment rates indicate that worse air quality is typically encountered in deprived European urban areas. Policy makers should consider spatial environmental inequalities to better inform actions aiming to lower urban air pollution levels that will subsequently lead to improved quality of life, public health and health equity across the population.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Essential and non-essential trace elements in fish consumed by indigenous peoples of the European Russian Arctic
Sobolev, Nikita | Aksenov, Andrey | Sorokina, Tatiana | Chashchin, Valery | Ellingsen, Dag G. | Nieboer, Evert | Varakina, Yulia | Veselkina, Elena | Kotsur, Dmitry | Thomassen, Yngvar
In present study, the analyses of essential [copper (Cu), cobalt (Co), selenium (Se) and zinc (Zn)] and non-essential elements [mercury (Hg), lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd) and arsenic (As)] in 7 fish species consumed by the indigenous people of the European Russia Arctic were conducted. The Nenets Autonomous Region, which is located in the north-eastern part of European Russia, was chosen as a Region of interest. Within it, the Nenets indigenous group (n = 6000) constitutes approximately 10% of the total population. Nearly all of the Nenets live a traditional life with fish caught in the local waters as a subsistence resource.We found that northern pike contained twice the amount of Hg compared with roach, and 3–4 times more than other fish species commonly consumed in the Russian Arctic (namely, Arctic char, pink salmon, navaga, humpback whitefish and inconnu). Fish Hg concentrations were relatively low, but comparable to those reported in other investigations that illustrate a decreasing south-to-north trend in fish Hg concentrations. In the current study, northern pike is the only species for which Hg bioaccumulated significantly. In all fish species, both Cd and Pb were present in considerably lower concentrations than Hg. The total As concentrations observed are similar to those previously published, and it is assumed to be present primarily in non-toxic organic forms. All fish tissues were rich in the essential elements Se, Cu and Zn and, dependent on the amount fish consumed, may contribute significantly to the nutritional intake by indigenous Arctic peoples. We observed large significant differences in the molar Se/Hg ratios, which ranged from 2.3 for northern pike to 71.1 for pink salmon. Values of the latter <1 may increase the toxic potential of Hg, while those >1 appear to enhance the protection against Hg toxicity.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]The adverse effect of biochar to aquatic algae- the role of free radicals
Zhang, Ying | Yang, Ruixin | Si, Xiaohui | Duan, Xingwei | Quan, Xie
The application of biochar in remediation and recovery of heavy metals and/or organic contaminants in water and soil is increasing. However, the adverse effect of biochar to aquatic organisms has not received enough attention. In this study, we conducted a study on the biotoxicity of biochar pyrolyzed from pine needle under oxygen-limited conditions. The toxicity of biochar was expressed with the following endpoints: cell growth, chlorophyll-a (Chl-a), reactive oxygen species (ROS), superoxide dismutase (SOD) content of Scenedesmus obliquus (S. obliquus) and the luminescence of Photobacterium phosphoreum (P. phosphoreum). Here, the effect of free radicals (FRs) contained in biochar was stressed. Our results show that the toxicity of biochar is significantly correlated with the concentration of FRs in biochar particles. Meanwhile, we found the FRs-containing biochar could induce the production of acellular ROS (such as ·OH) in water, which would also induce the production of interior cellular ROS in aquatic organisms. Our findings provide a new insight into the mechanism of toxicity aroused by biochar applications and aid in understanding its potential ecological risk.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Emission inventory of carbonyl sulfide (COS) from primary anthropogenic sources in China
Yan, Yulong | Li, Rumei | Peng, Lin | Yang, Chao | Liu, Chenglong | Cao, Jingyuan | Yang, Fan | Li, Yinghui | Wu, Jing
An emission inventory of carbonyl sulfide (COS) from primary anthropogenic sources in China was compiled from 2010 to 2015. The national total emission was estimated at 174 Gg S yr⁻¹ in 2015, with an annually average sustainable growth rate of 7.2% from 2010 to 2015. Industrial sources, biomass burning, coal combustion, agricultural sources and vehicle exhaust contributed 68.2%, 22.0%, 6.1%, 2.2%, and 1.5%, respectively, of total COS emissions in 2015. Aluminum production, carbon black production, titania production, coke production, pulp and paper industry, were the main industrial sources of COS, with the emission about 118 Gg S yr⁻¹ COS in 2015, accounting for 98.5% of total direct emissions from the Chinese industry. The distribution of COS emissions in China showed significant differences at the provincial level. In Shandong and Xinjiang province, they were much bigger than other provinces, with total emissions of 31 and 15 Gg S yr⁻¹, respectively. Uncertainty analysis of COS emission inventories showed that the emission range was 70–267 Gg S yr⁻¹ at a 95% confidence interval. In this study, COS emissions in China were much higher than prior underestimated estimations, even for Asian and global emissions, which could be resolved part of missing sources in the global COS budget.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]National air pollution distribution in China and related geographic, gaseous pollutant, and socio-economic factors
Liang, Dan | Wang, Yun-qi | Wang, Yu-jie | Ma, Chao
Regional specification of PM2.5 pollution characteristics is crucial for pollution control and policymaking. Spatiotemporal variations of six criteria air pollutants and influencing factors in China were studied using hourly concentrations of PM2.5, PM10, SO2, NO2, CO, and O3 from 2015 to 2016. China was categorized into eight regions: north-east, northern coastland, eastern coastland, southern coastland, Yellow River middle reaches, Yangtze River middle reaches, south-west, and north-west. The 29 exemplary cities in China were also researched. It was found that the PM2.5 concentration in the northern coastland (Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei–Shandong) was the highest (72.28 μg.m−3) among the eight regions, particularly in the city of Baoding, Hebei, which had an annual average PM2.5 concentration of 98.53 μg.m−3. Average PM2.5 concentrations in 2015 and 2016 of China were 50.16 μg.m−3 and 46.61 μg.m−3, respectively. Compared with 2015, the PM2.5 concentration decreased by 8.41% in 2016, the decline of PM2.5 in summer was the largest, followed by autumn, spring and winter. The average mean PM2.5 concentrations of the 29 exemplary cities in 2015 and 2016 were 54.66 μg.m−3 and 48.37 μg.m−3, respectively, exceeding the limit for grade 2 of the national standards (35 μg.m−3). National air pollution distribution has exploded geographically with influence of regional economic factors. Gaseous pollutant as well as geographical and socio-economic conditions influenced PM2.5 emissions. Effects of these factors on PM2.5 emissions varied across regions and decreased continuously from the northern region to the south-west and eastern coastland regions. This paper clearly identifies the regional characteristics and distribution of PM2.5, focusing on the effects of gaseous pollutant, geography and socio-economic development. Secondary transformation and vehicle exhaust across regions should be further studied.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Hormetic dose responses induced by lanthanum in plants
Agathokleous, Evgenios | Kitao, Mitsutoshi | Calabrese, Edward J.
Rare earth elements (REEs) have recently received particular attention due to their accumulation in the environment. Such heightened recognition prompted our evaluation of the possible occurrence of La-induced plant hormesis in the peer-reviewed literature. This study revealed 703 La-induced hormetic concentration/dose responses in plants, which were quantitatively and qualitatively assessed. The maximum (MAX) biological response to low La concentrations/doses is commonly below 150% of control response, with a geometric mean of 142% at 56 μM (geometric mean). The geometric mean concentration of the no-observed-adverse-effect-level (NOAEL) was 249 μM. The MAX:NOAEL distance was commonly below 5-fold, with a geometric mean of 4.5-fold. Hormetic concentration/dose responses varied as per the growth substrate pH, number of concentrations/doses below the NOAEL, and time window. These results provide a unique insight into the effects of low doses of La on plant growth, as well as offer means for improving experimental designs to assess low dose effects.
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