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النتائج 1041 - 1050 من 2,498
Biofilm Responses to Toxic Shocks in Closed Pipes: Using Nitrous Oxide Emissions as an Early Warning of Toxicity Ahead of a Wastewater Treatment Works
Black, G. | Jones, M. | Vale, P. | Johnson, N. | Nocker, A. | Cartmell, E. | Dotro, G.
Wastewater treatment works can receive toxic substances that can kill microorganisms responsible for waste degradation. Implementation of toxicity monitors in-sewer, as part of an early warning system to help prevent toxic substances entering treatment works, is, however, very rare. This work presents results from a pilot-scale study using an in-sewer early warning system based on detection of nitrous oxide (N₂O) gas emitted by nitrifying bacteria naturally present in sewer biofilm. Nitrous oxide has potential to be an indicator of nitrification inhibition as it is typically emitted when nitrifiers are under stress. The biofilm was allowed to develop over 14 days under fixed wastewater flow and level. Presence of nitrifying bacteria was verified on day 13 followed by a 90 min toxic shock on day 14 by four different known nitrification inhibitors. Pre-shock nitrification rates averaged 0.78 mg-NH₄⁺-N mg-VS⁻¹ d⁻¹and were significantly reduced post shock to <0.2 mg-NH₄⁺-N mg-VS⁻¹ d⁻¹. Nitrous oxide emissions were found to vary with influent wastewater quality, suggesting a more complex data processing algorithm is needed instead of a simple threshold emission value. The extent of nitrification inhibition differed from the recorded response for suspended growth biomass with allylthiourea resulting in a 77 and 81 % nitrification inhibition for literature suspended growth EC₅₀and EC₇₅concentrations, respectively. Results from this study suggest nitrifying biofilms in closed pipes can be used as part of an early warning system but will likely require amplification of the response to be of practical use. Further research is required to better understand the biofilm response and calibrate the early warning system for differentiating its unique baseline from true toxicity events.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Metals in Waste Foundry Sands and an Evaluation of Their Leaching and Transport to Groundwater
Alves, Barbara S. Q. | Dungan, Robert S. | Carnin, Raquel L. P. | Galvez, Rosa | de Carvalho Pinto, Catia R. S.
While most waste foundry sands (WFSs) are not hazardous, regulatory agencies are often reluctant to permit their beneficial use in agricultural and geotechnical applications due to concerns over metal leaching. The objective of this study was to quantify total and Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) metals in 16 waste sands from Brazilian ferrous foundries then assess their potential to leach to groundwater using a probabilistic model. Total and TCLP metal concentrations in the non-hazardous sands fell within ranges as reported in the literature, although some of the leachate concentrations were found to exceed drinking water and groundwater maximum contaminant levels (MCLs). Leachate values above the MCLs were then used in the model to estimate groundwater concentrations at hypothetical wells up to 400m downgradient from a land application unit. A conservative scenario of 1 ha of land applied WFS, and high annual rainfall totals (low evaporation) suggested that groundwater concentrations of Ba, Hg, Mn, Ni, and Pb could potentially exceed health-based MCLs at most wells. While a wet climate can exacerbate the transport of metals, land application of WFSs in areas with moderate rainfall totals or high rainfall, high evaporation was predicted to be protective of groundwater quality and human health.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Predominance of Dehalococcoides in the presence of different sulfate concentrations
Panagiotakis, Iraklis | Mamais, Daniel | Pantazidou, Marina | Rossetti, Simona | Aulenta, Federico | Tandoi, Valter
This is the first study that investigates in detail the effect of different sulfate concentrations on trichloroethene-dechlorinating microbial communities, both in terms of dechlorinating performance and microbial composition. The study used a series of Dehalococcoides-containing trichloroethene-dechlorinating microbial communities, which operated for more than 800 days in the presence of different sulfate concentrations and limiting-electron donor conditions. This study proves the ability of Dehalococcoides spp., the only genus able to completely dechlorinate trichloroethene, to predominate in mixed anaerobic microbial communities regardless of the magnitude of sulfate concentration, even under limiting-electron donor conditions. Although other microorganisms, such as the Sulfurospirillum spp. bacteria and members of the sulfate-reducing bacteria group were able to thrive, they were not able to predominate in such a competitive environment. However, this picture was not reflected in reductive dechlorination, which demonstrated a much better performance under methanogenic conditions or in the presence of low sulfate concentration (30 mg/l) than in the presence of higher sulfate concentrations (>400 mg/l). Therefore, different species of Dehalococcoides or other dechlorinating bacteria, which are not able to thrive in the presence of high sulfate concentrations (>400 mg/l), are possibly responsible for the higher dechlorination efficiency that was observed under methanogenic conditions.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Effects of aluminium and bacterial lipopolysaccharide on oxidative stress and immune parameters in roach, Rutilus rutilus L
Jolly, S. | Jaffal, A. | Delahaut, L. | Palluel, O. | Porcher, J.-M. | Geffard, A. | Sanchez, W. | Betoulle, S.
Aluminium is used in diverse anthropogenic processes at the origin of pollution events in aquatic ecosystems. In the Champagne region (France), high concentrations of aluminium (Al) are detected due to vine-growing practices. In fish, little is known about the possible immune-related effects at relevant environmental concentrations. The present study analyzes the simultaneous effects of aluminium and bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS), alone and in combination, on toxicological biomarkers in the freshwater fish species Rutilus rutilus. For this purpose, roach treated or not with LPS were exposed to environmental concentrations of aluminium (100 μg/L) under laboratory-controlled conditions for 2, 7, 14 and 21 days. After each exposure time, we assessed hepatic lipoperoxidation, catalase activity, glutathione reductase activity and total glutathione content. We also analyzed cellular components related to the LPS-induced inflammatory response in possible target tissues, i.e. head kidney and spleen. Our results revealed a significant prooxidant effect in the liver cells and head kidney leukocytes of roach exposed to 100 μg of Al/L for 2 days. In liver, we observed more lipoperoxidation products and lower endogenous antioxidant activity levels such as glutathione reductase activity and total glutathione content. These prooxidant effects were associated with a higher oxidative burst in head kidney leukocytes, and they were all the more important in fish stimulated by LPS injection. These findings demonstrate that environmental concentrations of Al induce oxidative and immunotoxic effects in fish and are associated to an immunomodulatory process related to the inflammatory response.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Accumulation of Heavy Metals in Flowers of Fruit Species
Milošević, Tomo | Đurić, Milena | Milošević, Nebojša
The main objective of the present study is to measure the levels of heavy metals in important fruit species such as apple, apricot, and nectarine and their nine, five, and six cultivars, respectively. This work investigates the accumulation of Fe, Cu, Zn, Ni, Cd, Pb, and Cr in flowers of above species, to measure the levels of heavy metal contamination. The obtained results revealed that amounts of heavy metals significantly varied among cultivars at the same species and were within the permissible amounts in general. The Cd was not detected in apricot, nectarine, and the most of apple cultivars. Results for floral Fe, and also for Cu and Zn, which are the most important micronutrients for fruit production, suggest that levels of these elements might be used for assessing the storage of these elements during the previous season. We assume that the production of apple, apricot, and nectarine is safe, and there is no risk of contamination with heavy metals.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Effects of Emissions from an Aluminium Smelter in a Tree Tropical Species Sensitive to Fluoride
Sant’Anna-Santos, Bruno Francisco | Azevedo, Aristéa Alves | Alves, Thiago Gonçalves | Campos, Naiara Viana | Oliva, Marco Antônio | Valente, Vânia Maria Moreira
Fluoride is among the most phytotoxic atmospheric pollutants, commonly linked to the appearance of lesions in susceptible plants around emitting sources. In order to assess the effects of fluoride on leaves of Spondias dulcis Parkinson (Anacardiaceae), plants were examined 78 km (non-polluted area) and 0.78 km (polluted area) from an aluminium smelter. The level of fluoride increased with the exposure time of the plants in the polluted area. On the third day of exposure in the polluted area, necroses with typical colouration were observed. Micromorphological damage began at the abaxial epidermis, mainly associated with the stomata. Starch grain accumulation was more pronounced in the midrib. The cell membranes and chloroplasts were greatly affected by the pollutant. We observed accumulation of phenolic compounds and electron-dense material at the boundaries of the ending veinlets. The microscopic events described precede the appearance of symptoms and are therefore of prognostic value in predicting injury by fluoride and will be useful as biomarkers. The high sensitivity of S. dulcis to fluoride and the specificity of the symptoms confirm, for the first time, in an experiment of active biomonitoring, the potential of this species as a bioindicator.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Citric Acid-Assisted Phytoextraction of Lead in the Field: The Use of Soil Amendments
Freitas, Eriberto Vagner | Nascimento, Clístenes Williams | Silva, Wildson Morais
The increased industrial and economic developments that have occurred in recent decades, particularly in mining, agricultural and metal recycling activities have decisively contributed to the increased concentration of heavy metals in soil. This study was carried out to evaluate the performance of Sorghum bicolor and Chrysopogon zizanioides in the citric acid-assisted phytoextraction of Pb in a field experiment setup in an area contaminated by automotive battery waste. Two soils amendments were used and they were dolomitic limestone and silicate slag at doses of 4.74 and 12.80 t ha⁻¹, respectively. Commercial citric acid was applied in each experimental parcel on the 63rd day of the cultivation in order to enhance Pb solubilisation and plant availability. Citric acid, which was applied at a dose of 40 mmol kg⁻¹of soil, was efficient in the solubilisation of Pb in soil and in the induction assisting of the removal of Pb from soil by the both species tested. Commercial citric acid is indicated for use in the area, due to its low cost and high biodegradability. Due to the low natural solubility of Pb and the large amount of time required, i.e. more than 900 years, phytoextraction without the application of chelating agents is not viable for remediation of the study area. Sorghum grown in soil amended with silicate slag combined with the application of the chelating agent commercial citric acid is the recommended phytoextraction programme for the remediation of an area with moderate Pb contamination.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Assessment of the Removal Capacity, Tolerance, and Anatomical Adaptation of Different Plant Species to Benzene Contamination
Campos, V. | Souto, L. S. | Medeiros, T. A. M. | Toledo, S. P. | Sayeg, I. J. | Ramos, R. L. | Shinzato, M. C.
The medium most directly affected by anthropic contamination is soil and, hence, groundwater (saturated and unsaturated zones). In the phytoremediation process, the direct absorption of soil contaminants through the roots is a surprising pollutant removal mechanism. Plants can act as a natural filter of shallow groundwater contamination, controlling and reducing the vertical percolation of contaminants into the soil, and after reaching the level of the water table, the roots can absorb contaminants dissolved in the water, thus reducing the size of the plume and protecting receptor sites (water supply wells, rivers, lakes) from possible contamination. In the first phase of the research, assays were performed to evaluate the tolerance of plant species to the direct injection of a benzene solution into the roots. Subsequent experiments involved direct absorption and spraying. The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential for tolerance and reaction to high levels of benzene. Three plant species were used, an herbaceous ornamental plant (Impatiens walleriana), a fern (Pteris vittata), and forage grass (Brachiaria brizantha). At the end of the study, the surface changes caused by VOCs (aerial structures) of benzene were evaluated, using an environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM) to identify possible mechanisms of resistance of the plant to air pollution, i.e., hydrocarbon pollution. The plant material used here was young plant species selected for study. For the analysis by gas chromatography (GC), the plant material was separated into aerial (stem, leaves, and flowers) and underground parts (roots). A comparison of the benzene content in different parts of the plant indicated a higher concentration in the stem + leaves, followed by the roots, which is justified by its translocation inside the plant. P. vittata showed low uptake (5.88 %) mainly in the root and (<2 %) in the leaves, which was also observed in the tolerance experiment, in which visual symptoms of toxicity were not observed. I. walleriana showed benzene removal rates of approximately 18.7 % (injection into the soil) as a result of direct absorption through the roots. After the treatment was suspended, I. walleriana gradually reacted to the detoxification process by recovering its stem stiffness and normal color. B. brizantha showed intermediate behavior and did not react to the detoxification process.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Dominant Indigenous Bacteria in Gasoline-Treated Marshes Around Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana
Gupta, Astha | Yu, Kewei | Park, Joong-Wook
Considerable amount of gasoline from natural and anthropogenic sources, such as urban runoff during hurricanes and oil discharges from pleasure crafts, has been released into Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana, which poses a threat to the lake marsh ecosystems. In this research, we evaluated the impact of gasoline on indigenous bacterial communities in three types of marsh sediments collected from the Lake Pontchartrain. Our data show that several bacterial species are significantly enriched in gasoline-treated sediments. DNA sequencing data indicate that the enriched bacteria in response to the gasoline treatment are Acidocella and Burkholderia spp. in freshwater marsh; Mariprofundus, Nitrosospira, and Ferrimicrobium spp. in brackish marsh; and three Pseudomonas spp. in salt marsh. Our research will help to understand a gasoline bioremediation by indigenous bacteria and to develop site-specific bioremediation strategies for the Lake Pontchartrain.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Effect of Manure Treatment on Ammonia and Greenhouse Gases Emissions Following Surface Application
Sun, F. | Harrison, J. H. | Ndegwa, P. M. | Johnson, K.
A 3-year study was conducted to determine the effects of anaerobic digestion (AD), large particle solids, and manure additive (More Than Manure, MTM™) on ammonia (NH₃) and greenhouse gas (GHG; carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and methane) emissions when raw and treated manure were surface-applied. The presence of large particle solids resulted in greater NH₃ emissions, probably, due to reduced infiltration of liquid manure into soil (P < 0.05). Anaerobic digestion did not have a consistent effect on NH₃ emission. Manure with greater ammoniacal nitrogen (AN) concentrations had significantly greater NH₃ loss after manure application (P < 0.05). Anaerobic digestion of manure also did not have a significant effect on GHG flux (P > 0.05). Raw manure with large particle solids had significantly greater CO₂ flux than the other raw manure treatments on the day of manure application (P < 0.05). There was no significant manure treatment effects (P > 0.2) on methane flux over the 3-day period after manure application. The manure additive MTM™ did not have significant effects (P > 0.05) on NH₃ and GHG fluxes. The results of this study suggest that solids and AN concentrations in manure are the most important factors affecting NH₃ emissions after surface application.
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