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النتائج 1181 - 1190 من 5,138
Zinc oxide nanoparticles alter the wheat physiological response and reduce the cadmium uptake by plants
Hussain, Afzal | Ali, Shafaqat | Rizwan, Muhammad | Zia ur Rehman, Muhammad | Javed, Muhammad Rizwan | Imran, Muhammad | Chatha, Shahzad Ali Shahid | Nazir, Rashid
An experiment was performed to explore the interactive impacts of zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) and cadmium (Cd) on growth, yield, antioxidant enzymes, Cd and zinc (Zn) concentrations in wheat (Triticum aestivum). The ZnO NPs were applied both in Cd-contaminated soil and foliar spray (in separate studies) on wheat at different intervals and plants were harvested after physiological maturity. Results depicted that ZnO NPs enhanced the growth, photosynthesis, and grain yield, whereas Cd and Zn concentrations decreased and increased respectively in wheat shoots, roots and grains. The Cd concentrations in the grains were decreased by 30–77%, and 16–78% with foliar and soil application of NPs as compared to the control, respectively. The ZnO NPs reduced the electrolyte leakage while increased SOD and POD activities in leaves of wheat. It can be concluded that ZnO NPs (levels used in the study) could effectively reduce the toxicity and concentration of Cd in wheat whereas increase the Zn concentration in wheat. Thus, ZnO NPs might be helpful in decreasing Cd and increasing Zn biofortification in cereals which might be effective to reduce the hidden hunger in humans owing the deficiency of Zn in cereals.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Investigating the metal contamination of sediment transported by the 2016 Seine River flood (Paris, France)
Le Gall, Marion | Ayrault, Sophie | Evrard, Olivier | Laceby, J Patrick | Gateuille, David | Lefèvre, Irène | Mouchel, J.-M. (Jean-Marie) | Meybeck, M. (Michel)
Fine sediment transport in rivers is exacerbated during flood events. These particles may convey various contaminants (i.e. metals, pathogens, industrial chemicals, etc.), and significantly impact water quality. The exceptional June 2016 flood of the Seine River (catchment area: 65 000 km2, France), potentially mobilized and deposited contaminated materials throughout the Paris region. Flood sediment deposits (n = 29) were collected along the Seine River and its main tributaries upstream (Yonne, Loing and Marne Rivers) and downstream of Paris (Oise and Eure Rivers). Fallout radionuclides (137Cs, 7Be) were measured to characterize the sources of the material transiting the river, while trace elements (e.g. Cr, Ni, Zn, Cu, As, Cd, Sb, Pb, Tl, Ag) and stable lead isotopes (206Pb/207Pb) were analyzed to quantify the contamination of sediment transported during the flood. In upper sections of the Seine River, sediment mainly originated from the remobilization of particles with a well-balanced contribution of surface and subsurface sources. In the upstream tributaries, sediment almost exclusively originated from the remobilization of subsurface particles. In Paris and downstream of Paris, recently eroded particles and surface sources dominated, suggesting particles were mainly supplied by urban runoff and the erosion of agricultural soils. The highest metal concentrations and Enrichment Factors (EF) were found in the sediment collected in the Loing, Orge and Yvette upstream tributaries. Although these inputs were diluted in the Seine River, an increase in elemental concentrations was observed, progressing downstream through Paris. However, EFs in sediment collected along the Seine River were lower or in the same range of values sampled over the last several decades, reflecting the progressive decontamination of the urbanized Seine River basin.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Effect of mercury on the polyphosphate level of alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
Samadani, Mahshid | Dewez, David
In this study, the accumulation and toxicity effect of 1–7 μM of Hg was determined during 24–72 h on two strains of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, CC-125 and CC-503 as a cell wall-deficient mutant, by monitoring the growth rate and the maximum quantum yield of Photosystem II. In addition, the level of extracytoplasmic polyphosphates (polyP related to the cell wall) was determined to understand the polyP physiological role in Hg-treated algal cells. The results showed that the polyP level was higher in the strain CC-125 compared to CC-503. When algal cells were exposed to 1 and 3 μM of Hg, the accumulation of Hg was correlated with the degradation of polyP for both strains. These results suggested that the degradation of polyP participated in the sequestration of Hg. In fact, this mechanism might explain at 72 h the recovery of the polyP level, the efficiency of maximum PSII quantum yield, the low inhibition of growth rate, and the low accumulated Hg in algal biomass. Under the effect of 5 and 7 μM of Hg, the degradation of polyP was complete and could not be recovered, which was caused by a high accumulation and toxicity of Hg already at 24 h. Our results demonstrated that the change of polyP level was correlated with the accumulation and effect of Hg on algal cells during 24–72 h, which can be used as a biomarker of Hg toxicity. Therefore, this study suggested that extracytoplasmic polyP in C. reinhardtii contributed to the cellular tolerance for Hg.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Pristine graphene induces cardiovascular defects in zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryogenesis
Manjunatha, Bangeppagari | Pak, Sŏng-ho | Kim, Kiwoong | Kundapur, Rajesh R. | Lee, Sang Joon
The multiple effect of pristine graphene (pG) toxicity on cardiovascular developmental defects was assessed using zebrafish as a model. Recently, the nanotoxicity is emerging as a critical issue, and it is more significant in embryogenesis. Especially, graphene and its derivatives have attracted a lot of interest in biomedical applications. However, very little is known about the toxic effects of pG which has been widely used carbon nanomaterial according to concentration and its effects on biological and cardiovascular development. In the present study, we examined the development of zebrafish embryos by exposing to pG (5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 μg/L) under different developmental toxicity end-points such as cardiotoxicity, cardiovascular defect, retardation of cardiac looping, apoptosis and globin expression analysis. For this, the developmental cardiotoxicity of pG at different concentrations and the specific cardiovascular defects thereof were elucidated for the first time. As a result, the exposure to pG was found to be a potential risk factor to cardiovascular system of zebrafish embryos. However, a further study on the variations of physical, molecular properties and mechanisms of nanotoxicity which vary depending on production method and surface functionalization is required. In addition, the potential risks of pG flakes to aquatic organisms and human health should be considered or checked before releasing them to the environment.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Anaerobic digestion as an alternative disposal for phytoremediated biomass from heavy metal contaminated sites
Lee, Jongkeun | Park, Ki Young | Cho, Jinwoo | Kwon, Eilhann E. | Kim, Chae-yŏng
It is desirable to establish an environmentally benign platform for disposing biomass from the phytoremediation process while recovering energy is of importance. To this end, the biochemical methane potential (BMP) tests were conducted using four different biomass samples (i.e., sunflower: Helianthus annuus) that were obtained from the different remediation sites. In particular, this study laid great emphasis on evaluating the inhibition for the anaerobic digestion (AD) process induced by endogenous heavy metal (Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn) content in biomass. Despite the high levels of heavy metal contents (Cd: 58.4, Cu: 23.0, Ni: 2.01, Pb: 9.88, and Zn: 146 mg kg⁻¹) in the substrate for the AD process, the overall performance was comparable relative to the case of the references. Therefore, this study signified that the inhibition derived from heavy metals was nearly negligible, which suggested that biomass from the phytoremediation site could be used as a substrate for the AD process.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Multi-temporal surveys for microplastic particles enabled by a novel and fast application of SWIR imaging spectroscopy – Study of an urban watercourse traversing the city of Berlin, Germany
Schmidt, L Katharina | Bochow, Mathias | Imhof, Hannes K. | Oswald, Sascha E.
Following the widespread assumption that a majority of ubiquitous marine microplastic particles originate from land-based sources, recent studies identify rivers as important pathways for microplastic particles (MPP) to the oceans. Yet a detailed understanding of the underlying processes and dominant sources is difficult to obtain with the existing accurate but extremely time-consuming methods available for the identification of MPP.Thus in the presented study, a novel approach applying short-wave infrared imaging spectroscopy for the quick and semi-automated identification of MPP is applied in combination with a multitemporal survey concept. Volume-reduced surface water samples were taken from transects at ten points along a major watercourse running through the South of Berlin, Germany, on six dates. After laboratory treatment, the samples were filtered onto glass fiber filters, scanned with an imaging spectrometer and analyzed by image processing.The presented method allows to count MPP, classify the plastic types and determine particle sizes. At the present stage of development particles larger than 450 μm in diameter can be identified and a visual validation showed that the results are reliable after a subsequent visual final check of certain typical error types. Therefore, the method has the potential to accelerate microplastic identification by complementing FTIR and Raman microspectroscopy. Technical advancements (e.g. new lens) will allow lower detection limits and a higher grade of automatization in the near future.The resulting microplastic concentrations in the water samples are discussed in a spatio-temporal context with respect to the influence (i) of urban areas, (ii) of effluents of three major Berlin wastewater treatment plants discharging into the canal and (iii) of precipitation events. Microplastic concentrations were higher downstream of the urban area and after precipitation. An increase in microplastic concentrations was discernible for the wastewater treatment plant located furthest upstream though not for the other two.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Vulnerability to the impact of temperature variability on mortality in 31 major Chinese cities
Yang, Jun | Zhou, Maigeng | Li, Mengmeng | Liu, Xiaobo | Yin, Peng | Sun, Qinghua | Wang, Jun | Wu, Haixia | Wang, Boguang | Liu, Qiyong
Few studies have analyzed the health effects of temperature variability (TV) accounting for both interday and intraday variations in ambient temperature. In this study, TV was defined as the standard deviations of the daily minimum and maximum temperature during different exposure days. Distributed lag non-linear Poisson regression model was used to examine the city-specific effect of TV on mortality in 31 Chinese municipalities and provincial capital cities. The national estimate was pooled through a meta-analysis based on the restricted maximum likelihood estimation. To assess effect modification on TV-mortality association by individual characteristics, stratified analyses were further fitted. Potential effect modification by city characteristics was performed through a meta-regression analysis. In total, 259 million permanent residents and 4,481,090 non-accidental deaths were covered in this study. The effect estimates of TV on mortality were generally increased by longer exposure days. A 1 °C increase in TV at 0–7 days' exposure was associated with a 0.60% (95% CI: 0.25–0.94%), 0.65% (0.24–1.05%), 0.82% (0.29–1.36%), 0.86% (0.42–1.31%), 0.98% (0.57–1.39%) and 0.54% (−0.11-1.20%) increase in non-accidental, cardiovascular, IHD, stroke, respiratory and COPD mortalities, respectively. Those with lower levels of educational attainment were significantly susceptible to TV. Cities with dense population, higher mean temperatures, and relative humidity and lower diurnal temperature ranges also had higher mortality risks caused by TV. This study demonstrated that TV had considerable health effects. An early warning system to alert residents about large temperature variations is recommended, which may have a significant impact on the community awareness and public health.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Factors influencing the fate of antibiotic resistance genes during thermochemical pretreatment and anaerobic digestion of pharmaceutical waste sludge
Tong, Juan | Lu, Xueting | Zhang, Junya | Angelidaki, I. | Wei, Yuansong
The prevalence of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in waste sludge, especially for the pharmaceutical waste sludge, presents great potential risks to human health. Although ARGs and factors affecting their spreading are of major importance for human health, the factors influencing the fate of ARGs during sludge treatment, especially for pharmaceutical sludge treatment are not yet well understood. In order to be able to minimize ARGs spreading, it is important to find what is influencing their spreading. Therefore, certain factors, such as the sludge characteristics, bacterial diversity and community composition, and mobile genetic elements (MGEs) during the advanced AD of pharmaceutical sludge with different pretreatments were studied, and their affinity with ARGs was elucidated by Spearman correlation analysis. Furthermore, multiple linear regression was introduced to evaluate the importance of the various factors. Results showed that 59.7%–88.3% of the variations in individual ARGs and total ARGs can be explained by the corresponding factors. Bacterial diversity rather than specific bacterial community composition affected the fate of ARGs, whereas alkalinity was the most important factor on ARGs among all sludge characteristics investigated in this study. Besides, 66.4% of variation of total ARGs was driven by the changes of MGEs. Multiple linear regression models also reveal the collective effect of these factors on ARGs, and the contributions of each factor impact on ARGs. This study provides more comprehension about the factors impact on the fate of ARGs during pharmaceutical sludge treatment, and offers an approach to evaluate the importance of each factor, which method could be introduced for evaluation of factors influencing ARGs during other types of sludge or wastewater treatment.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Environmental concentrations of antibiotics impair zebrafish gut health
Zhou, Li | Limbu, Samwel Mchele | Shen, Meilin | Zhai, Wanying | Qiao, Fang | He, Anyuan | Du, Zhen-Yu | Zhang, Meiling
Antibiotics have been widely used in human and veterinary medicine to both treat and prevent disease. Due to their high water solubility and low bioavailability, many antibiotic residues have been found in aquatic environments. Fish are an indispensable link between the environmental pollution and human health. However, the chronic effects of environmental concentrations of antibiotics in fish have not been thoroughly investigated. Sulfamethoxazole (SMX) and oxytetracycline (OTC) are frequently detected in aquatic environments. In this study, zebrafish were exposed to SMX (260 ng/L) and OTC (420 ng/L) for a six-week period. Results indicated that exposure to antibiotics did not influence weight gain of fish but increased the metabolic rate and caused higher mortality when treated fish were challenged with Aeromonas hydrophila. Furthermore, exposure to antibiotics in water resulted in a significant decrease in intestinal goblet cell numbers, alkaline phosphatase (AKP), acid phosphatase (ACP) activities, and the anti-oxidant response while there was a significant increase in expression of inflammatory factors. Antibiotic exposure also disturbed the intestinal microbiota in the OTC-exposed group. Our results indicated that environmental antibiotic concentrations can impair the gut health of zebrafish. The potential health risk of antibiotic residues in water should be evaluated in the future.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Photodegradation of fluorotelomer carboxylic 5:3 acid and perfluorooctanoic acid using zinc oxide
Abada, Bilal | Alivio, Theodore E.G. | Shao, Yiru | O'Loughlin, Thomas E. | Klemashevich, Cory | Banerjee, Sarbajit | Jayaraman, Arul | Chu, Kung-Hui
Occurrence of per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in the environment and biota has raised a great concern to public health because these compounds are persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic. Biodegradation of polyfluoroalkyl substances, particularly long-chain fluorotelomer-based products, can lead to production of various short-chain PFASs, with 5:3 fluorotelomer carboxylic acid (referred as 5:3 FTCA hereafter) as a dominant polyfluoroalkyl metabolite. Perfluoroalkyl acids, particularly perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), are toxic and current removal methods are not cost-effective. This study reports the photodegradation of 5:3 FTCA and PFOA using ZnO as a photocatalyst under neutral pH and room temperature conditions. Under long UV wavelength (365 nm), both tetrapod and commercial ZnO can photodegrade 5:3 FTCA. Five removal products—perfluorohexanoic acid, perfluoropentanoic acid, perfluorobutyric acid, 5:2 fluorotelomer carboxylic acid (5:2 FTCA), and inorganic fluoride—were identified, with PFBA and F⁻ as dominant end products. SEM and XPS high-resolution scans on the surface of the utilized ZnO showed less units of CF₂ than that in 5:3 FTCA, supporting occurrence of photodegradation of 5:3 FTCA by ZnO. Defluorination of PFOA was not observed with ZnO only, but at pH 5 and in the co-presence of Fe-citrate. PFOA defluorination increased from 0.93% after 3 days of UV light exposure to 3.9% after additional 135 h under direct sunlight exposure. To the authors’ best knowledge, this is the first report studying ZnO-catalyzed photodegradation of 5:3 FTCA, and examining the Fe co-addition for PFOA defluorination.
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