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النتائج 1261 - 1270 من 7,989
Coupled with EDDS and approaching anode technique enhanced electrokinetic remediation removal heavy metal from sludge
Tang, Jian | Qiu, Zhongping | Tang, Hengjun | Wang, Haiyue | Sima, Weiping | Liang, Chao | LIao, Yi | Li, Zhihua | Wan, Shan | Dong, Jianwei
In this work, the novel technology was used to remove heavy metal from sludge. The coupled with biodegradable ethylenediamine disuccinic acid (EDDS) and approaching anode electrokinetic (AA-EK) technique was used to enhance heavy metal removing from sludge. Electric current, sludge and electrolyte characteristics, heavy metal removal efficiency and residual content distribution, and heavy metal fractions percentage of variation were evaluated during the electrokinetic remediation process. Results demonstrated that the coupled with EDDS and AA-EK technique obtain a predominant heavy metal removal efficiency, and promote electric current increasing during the enhanced electrokinetic remediation process. The catholyte electrical conductivity was higher than the anolyte, and electrical conductivity of near the cathode sludge achieved a higher value than anode sludge during the coupled with EDDS and AA-EK remediation process. AA-EK technique can produce a great number of H⁺, which caused the sludge acidification and pH decrease. Cu, Zn, Cr, Pb, Ni and Mn obtain the highest extraction efficiency after the coupled with EDDS and AA-EK remediation, which were 52.2 ± 2.57%, 56.8 ± 3.62%, 60.4 ± 3.62%, 47.2 ± 2.35%, 53.0 ± 3.48%, 54.2 ± 3.43%, respectively. Also, heavy metal fractions analysis demonstrated that the oxidizable fraction percentage decreased slowly after the coupled with EDDS and AA-EK remediation.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Does silica addition affect translocation and leaching of cadmium and copper in soil?
Stein, Mathias | Georgiadis, Anna | Ingwersen, Joachim | Rennert, Thilo
Soil and groundwater contamination with potentially toxic elements (PTEs) including cadmium (Cd) and copper (Cu) has become a serious problem for ecosystem functioning. Silicon (Si) may precipitate these metals as silicates, and may also form, at undersaturation of silicates, ‘Si-contaminant compounds’, i.e. particles of polymerized silica with PTEs incorporated or adsorbed by inner-sphere complexes. While the formation of these compounds in aqueous solution has been proven, their formation in soil remains unclear yet. Therefore, we conducted column experiments with a topsoil horizon artificially contaminated with Cd or Cu solutions (10 mM) in the presence (10 mM) and absence of monomeric Si, and monitored the elemental composition of the eluates during 12 irrigation steps with artificial rainwater by microwave-plasma atomic emission spectrometry, the size and charge of the particles eluted by dynamic light scattering and phase analysis light scattering, and determined the spatial distribution of total and exchangeable Cd and Cu in soil after the experiments. When Si was previously applied to soil, significantly larger particles (up to > 200 nm) in the eluates indicated Si polymerization and formation of Si-contaminant compounds. However, Cd and Cu concentrations were very low (<0.4 μM), pointing to efficient retardation in soil. In any variant, the particles formed were slightly negatively charged (−11 mV). The molar metal:Si ratios in the eluates and significant correlations between the amounts of Si and metals in soil extracted by NH₄NO₃ pointed to the formation of Si-contaminant compounds, too. More Cu than Cd was retained in soil, and significantly more in the presence of Si, but less Cu than Cd was in exchangeable form. While particularly Cu formed Si-contaminant compounds, which reduced the concentration of Cu ions, the Si-contaminant-compound particles in the eluates remained very small, thus potentially susceptible to particulate export from soil into the groundwater.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Particulate matter exposure at a densely populated urban traffic intersection and crosswalk
He, Hong-di | Gao, H Oliver
Exposure to elevated particulate matter (PM) pollution is of great concern to both the general public and air quality management agencies. At urban traffic intersections, for example, pedestrians are often at a higher risk of exposure to near-source PM pollution from traffic while waiting on the roadside or while walking in the crosswalk. This study offers an in-depth investigation of pedestrian exposure to PM pollution at an urban traffic intersection. Fixed-site measurements near an urban intersection were conducted to examine the variations in particles of various sizes through traffic signal cycles. This process aids in the identification of major PM dispersion patterns on the roadside. In addition, mobile measurements of pedestrian exposure to PM were conducted across six time intervals that correspond to different segments of a pedestrian’s journey when passing through the intersection. Measurement results are used to estimate and compare the cumulative deposited doses of PM by size categories and journey segments for pedestrians at an intersection. Furthermore, comparisons of pedestrian exposure to PM on a sunny day and a cloudy day were analyzed. The results indicate the importance of reducing PM pollution at intersections and provide policymakers with a foundation for possible measures to reduce pedestrian PM exposure at urban traffic intersections.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]The cotreatment of old landfill leachate and domestic sewage in rural areas by deep subsurface wastewater infiltration system (SWIS): Performance and bacterial community☆
Chen, Fengming | Li, Guowen | Li, Xiaoguang | Wang, Hongqiang | Wu, Huabin | Li, Jiaxi | Li, Caole | Li, Wei | Zhang, Lieyu | Xi, Beidou
In this work, two deep subsurface wastewater infiltration systems (SWISs) were constructed and fed with domestic sewage (control system, S1) and mixed wastewater consisting of old landfill leachate and domestic sewage (experimental system, S2). S1 and S2 exhibited favorable removal efficiencies, with TP (98.8%, 98.7%), COD (87.6%, 86.9%), NH₄⁺-N (99.8%, 99.9%) and TN (99.2%, 98.9%). Even when increasing the pollutant load in S2 by adding old landfill leachate, the almost complete removal performance could be maintained in terms of low effluent concentrations and even increased in terms of load removal capabilities, which included COD (19.4, 25.9 g∙m⁻²·d⁻¹), NH₄⁺-N (8.2, 19.9 g∙m⁻²·d⁻¹), TN (8.9, 20.6 g∙m⁻²·d⁻¹). To investigate the transformation of dissolved organic matter along depth, Three-Dimensional Excitation Emission Matrix fluorescence spectroscopy combined with Fluorescence Regional Integration analysis was applied. The results showed that PⅠ,ₙ and PⅡ,ₙ (the proportions of biodegradable fractions) increased gradually from 6.59% to 21.8% at S2_20 to 10.8% and 27.7% at S2_110, but PⅢ,ₙ and PⅤ,ₙ (the proportions of refractory organics) declined from 23.1% to 27.8% at S2_20 to 21.1% and 16.4% at S2_110, respectively. In addition, high-throughput sequencing technology was employed to observe the bacterial community at different depths, and the predicted functional potential of the bacterial community was analyzed by PICRUSt. The results showed that the genera Flavobacterium, Pseudomonas, Vogesella, Acinetobacter and Aquabacterium might be responsible for refractory organic degradation and that their products might serve as the carbon source for denitrifiers to achieve simultaneous nitrate and refractory organic removal. PICRUSt further demonstrated that there was a mutual response between refractory organic degradation and denitrification. Overall, the combined treatment of domestic sewage and old leachate in rural areas by SWIS is a promising approach to achieve comprehensive treatment.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]River ecosystem resilience risk index: A tool to quantitatively characterize resilience and critical transitions in human-impacted large rivers
Jaiswal, Deepa | Pandey, Jitendra
Riverine ecosystems can have tipping points at which the system shifts abruptly to alternate states, although quantitative characterization is extremely difficult. Here we show, through critical analysis of two different reach scale (25 m and 50 m) studies conducted downstream of two point sources, two tributaries (main stem and confluences) and a 630 km segment of the Ganga River, that human-driven benthic hypoxia/anoxia generates positive feedbacks that propels the system towards a contrasting state. Considering three positive feedbacks-denitrification, sediment-P- and metal-release as level determinants and extracellular enzymes (β-D-glucosidase, protease, alkaline phosphatase and FDAase) as response determinants, we constructed a ‘river ecosystem resilience risk index (RERRI)’ to quantitatively characterize tipping points in large rivers. The dynamic fit intersect models indicated that the RERRI<4 represents a normal state, 4–18 a transition where recovery is possible, and >18 an overstepped condition where recovery is not possible. The resilience risk index, developed for the first time for a lotic ecosystem, can be a useful tool for understanding the tipping points and for adaptive and transformative management of large rivers.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]LPG stove and fuel intervention among pregnant women reduce fine particle air pollution exposures in three countries: Pilot results from the HAPIN trial
Liao, Jiawen | Kirby, Miles A. | Pillarisetti, Ajay | Piedrahita, Ricardo | Balakrishnan, Kalpana | Sambandam, Sankar | Mukhopadhyay, Krishnendu | Ye, Wenlu | Rosa, Ghislaine | Majorin, Fiona | Dusabimana, Ephrem | Ndagijimana, Florien | McCracken, John P. | Mollinedo, Erick | de Leon, Oscar | Díaz-Artiga, Anaité | Thompson, Lisa M. | Kearns, Katherine A. | Naeher, Luke | Rosenthal, Joshua | Clark, Maggie L. | Steenland, Kyle | Waller, Lance A. | Checkley, William | Peel, Jennifer L. | Clasen, Thomas | Johnson, Michael | Aravindalochanan, Vigneswari | Bankundiye, Gloriose | Barr, Dana Boyd | Bussalleu, Alejandra | Canuz, Eduardo | Castañaza, Adly | Chen, Yunyun | Chiang, Marilú | Craik, Rachel | Davila-Roman, Victor G. | de las Fuentes, Lisa | Elon, Lisa | Espinoza, Juan Gabriel | Garg, Sarada | Hamid, Sarah | Hartinger, Stella | Harvey, Steven A. | Hengstermann, Mayari | Hennessee, Ian | Herrera, Phabiola M. | Hossen, Shakir | Howards, Penelope P. | Jaacks, Lindsay | Jabbarzadeh, Shirin | Lenzen, Pattie | Lovvorn, Amy E. | Mbabazi, Jane | McCollum, Eric | Meyers, Rachel | Moulton, Lawrence | Mukeshimana, Alexie | Mutariyani, Bernard | Natesan, Durairaj | Nizam, Azhar | Ntivuguruzwa, Jean de Dieu | Papageorghiou, Aris | Puttaswamy, Naveen | Puzzolo, Elisa | Quinn, Ashlinn | Rajamani, Karthikeyan Dharmapuri | Ramakrishnan, Usha | Ramasami, Rengaraj | Ramirez, Alexander | Ryan, P Barry | Saidam, Sudhakar | Sarnat, Jeremy A. | Simkovich, Suzanne | Sinharoy, Sheela S. | Smith, Kirk R. | Swearing, Damien | Thangavel, Gurusamy | Toenjes, Ashley | Valdes, Viviane | Williams, Kendra N. | Ye, Wenlu | Young, Bonnie N.
The Household Air Pollution Intervention Network trial is a multi-country study on the effects of a liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) stove and fuel distribution intervention on women's and children's health. There is limited data on exposure reductions achieved by switching from solid to clean cooking fuels in rural settings across multiple countries. As formative research in 2017, we recruited pregnant women and characterized the impact of the intervention on personal exposures and kitchen levels of fine particulate matter (PM₂.₅) in Guatemala, India, and Rwanda. Forty pregnant women were enrolled in each site. We measured cooking area concentrations of and personal exposures to PM₂.₅ for 24 or 48 h using gravimetric-based PM₂.₅ samplers at baseline and two follow-ups over two months after delivery of an LPG cookstove and free fuel supply. Mixed models were used to estimate PM₂.₅ reductions. Median kitchen PM₂.₅ concentrations were 296 μg/m³ at baseline (interquartile range, IQR: 158–507), 24 μg/m³ at first follow-up (IQR: 18–37), and 23 μg/m³ at second follow-up (IQR: 14–37). Median personal exposures to PM₂.₅ were 134 μg/m³ at baseline (IQR: 71–224), 35 μg/m³ at first follow-up (IQR: 23–51), and 32 μg/m³ at second follow-up (IQR: 23–47). Overall, the LPG intervention was associated with a 92% (95% confidence interval (CI): 90–94%) reduction in kitchen PM₂.₅ concentrations and a 74% (95% CI: 70–79%) reduction in personal PM₂.₅ exposures. Results were similar for each site. The intervention was associated with substantial reductions in kitchen and personal PM₂.₅ overall and in all sites. Results suggest LPG interventions in these rural settings may lower exposures to the WHO annual interim target-1 of 35 μg/m³. The range of exposure contrasts falls on steep sections of estimated exposure-response curves for birthweight, blood pressure, and acute lower respiratory infections, implying potentially important health benefits when transitioning from solid fuels to LPG.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Long-term trends in nitrogen oxides concentrations and on-road vehicle emission factors in Copenhagen, London and Stockholm
Krecl, Patricia | Harrison, Roy M. | Johansson, Christer | Targino, Admir Créso | Beddows, David C. | Ellermann, Thomas | Lara, Camila | Ketzel, Matthias
Road transport is the main anthropogenic source of NOx in Europe, affecting human health and ecosystems. Thus, mitigation policies have been implemented to reduce on-road vehicle emissions, particularly through the Euro standard limits. To evaluate the effectiveness of these policies, we calculated NO₂ and NOx concentration trends using air quality and meteorological measurements conducted in three European cities over 26 years. These data were also employed to estimate the trends in NOx emission factors (EFNOₓ, based on inverse dispersion modeling) and NO₂:NOx emission ratios for the vehicle fleets under real-world driving conditions. In the period 1998–2017, Copenhagen and Stockholm showed large reductions in both the urban background NOx concentrations (−2.1 and −2.6% yr⁻¹, respectively) and EFNOₓ at curbside sites (68 and 43%, respectively), proving the success of the Euro standards in diminishing NOx emissions. London presented a modest decrease in urban background NOx concentrations (−1.3% yr⁻¹), while EFNOₓ remained rather constant at the curbside site (Marylebone Road) due to the increase in public bus traffic. NO₂ primary emissions —that are not regulated— increased until 2008–2010, which also reflected in the ambient concentrations. This increase was associated with a strong dieselization process and the introduction of new after-treatment technologies that targeted the emission reduction of other species (e.g., greenhouse gases or particulate matter). Thus, while regulations on ambient concentrations of specific species have positive effects on human health, the overall outcomes should be considered before widely adopting them. Emission inventories for the on-road transportation sector should include EFNOₓ derived from real-world measurements, particularly in urban settings.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Arsenic removal by iron-oxidizing bacteria in a fixed-bed coconut husk column: Experimental study and numerical modeling
Abdur Razzak, | Shafiquzzaman, Md | Haider, Husnain | Alresheedi, Mohammad
Groundwater in several parts of the world, particularly in developing countries, has been contaminated with Arsenic (As). In search of low-cost As removal methods, the biological oxidation of As(III) and Fe(II) followed by co-precipitation requires detailed investigation for the practical implementation of this technology. The present study investigated the biological oxidation of As(III) and Fe(II) through a combination of laboratory experiments and reactive transport modeling. Batch experiments were conducted to evaluate the As(III) oxidation by Fe-oxidizing bacteria, mainly Leptothrix spp. A fixed-bed down-flow biological column containing inexpensive and readily available coconut husk support media was used to evaluate the combined removal of As(III) and Fe(II) from synthetic groundwater. Oxidation and co-precipitation processes effectively reduced the concentration of As(III) from 500 μg/L to < 10 μg/L with a hydraulic retention time of 120 min. A one-dimensional reactive transport model was developed based on the microbially mediated biochemical reactions of As(III) and Fe(II). The model successfully reproduced the observed As(III) and Fe(II) removal trends in the column experiments. The modeling results showed that the top 20 cm aerobic layer of the column played a primary role in the microbial oxidation of Fe(II) and As(III). The model calibration identified the hydraulic residence time as the most significant process parameter for the removal of Fe and As in the column. The developed model can effectively predict As concentrations in the effluent and provide design guidelines for the biological treatment of As. The model would also be useful for understanding the biogeochemical behavior of Fe and As under aerobic conditions.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Phthalates and organophosphate esters in surface water, sediments and zooplankton of the NW Mediterranean Sea: Exploring links with microplastic abundance and accumulation in the marine food web
Schmidt, Natascha | Castro-Jiménez, Javier | Oursel, Benjamin | Sempéré, Richard
In this study, surface seawater, sediment and zooplankton samples were collected from three different sampling stations in Marseille Bay (NW Mediterranean Sea) and were analyzed for both microplastics and organic plastic additives including seven phthalates (PAEs) and nine organophosphate esters (OPEs). PAE concentrations ranged from 100 to 527 ng L⁻¹ (mean 191 ± 123 ng L⁻¹) in seawater, 12–610 ng g⁻¹ dw (mean 194 ± 193 ng g⁻¹ dw) in sediment and 0.9–47 μg g⁻¹ dw (mean 7.2 ± 10 μg g⁻¹ dw) in zooplankton, whereas OPE concentrations varied between 9 and 1013 ng L⁻¹ (mean 243 ± 327 ng L⁻¹) in seawater, 13–49 ng g⁻¹ dw (mean 25 ± 11 ng g⁻¹ dw) in sediment and 0.4–4.6 μg g⁻¹ dw (mean 1.6 ± 1.0 μg g⁻¹ dw) in zooplankton. Microplastic counts in seawater ranged from 0 to 0.3 items m⁻³ (mean 0.05 ± 0.05 items m⁻³). We observed high fluctuations in contaminant concentrations in zooplankton between different sampling events. However, the smallest zooplankton size class generally exhibited the highest PAE and OPE concentrations. Field-derived bioconcentration factors (BCFs) showed that certain compounds are prone to bioaccumulate in zooplankton, including some of the most widely used chlorinated OPEs, but with different intensity depending on the zooplankton size-class. The concentration of plastic additives in surface waters and the abundance of microplastic particles were not correlated, implying that they are not necessarily good indicators for each other in this compartment. This is the first comprehensive study on the occurrence and temporal variability of PAEs and OPEs in the coastal Mediterranean based on the parallel collection of water, sediment and differently sized zooplankton samples.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]DNA phosphorothioate modification facilitates the dissemination of mcr-1 and blaNDM-1 in drinking water supply systems
Khan, Hira | Liu, Mingkun | Kayani, Masood ur Rehman | Ahmad, Shakeel | Liang, Jingdan | Bai, Xiaohui
The mechanism driving the dissemination of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in drinking water supply systems (DWSSs) with multiple barriers remains poorly understood despite several recent efforts. Phosphorothioate (PT) modifications, governed by dndABCDE genes, occur naturally in various bacteria and involve the incorporation of sulfur into the DNA backbone. PT is regarded as a mild antioxidant in vivo and is known to provide protection against bacterial genomes. We combined quantitative polymerase chain reaction, metagenomic, and network analyses for the water treatment process and laboratory-scale experiments for chlorine treatment using model strains to determine if DNA PT modification occurred in DWSS and facilitated the dissemination of mobilized colistin resistance-1 (mcr-1) and New Delhi metallo-β-lactamase-1 (blaNDM₋₁) in DWSS. Our results indicated that the relative abundance of dndB increased in the effluent, compared with the influent, in the water treatment plants. Presence of dndB copies had a positive correlation with the concentration of chloramine disinfectant. Network analysis revealed Bdellovibrio as a potential host for MCR genes, NDM genes, and dndB in the DWSS. E. coli DH10B (Wild-type with the dndABCDE gene cluster and ΔdndB) model strains were used to investigate resistance to chlorine treatment at the concentration range of 0.5–3 mg/L. The resistance of the wild-type strain increased with increasing concentration of chlorine. DNA PT modification protected MCR- and NDM-carrying bacteria from chloramine disinfection during the water treatment process. The higher relative abundance of ARGs in the effluent of the water treatment plants may be due to the resistance of DNA PT modification to chloramine disinfection, thereby causing the enrichment of genera carrying MCR, NDM, and dndB. This study provides a new understanding on the mechanism of ARG dissemination in DWSS, which will help to improve the performance of drinking water treatment to control the risk associated with antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]