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النتائج 1301 - 1310 من 4,926
New Miscanthus hybrids cultivated at a Polish metal-contaminated site demonstrate high stomatal regulation and reduced shoot Pb and Cd concentrations
Rusinowski, Szymon | Krzyżak, Jacek | Clifton-Brown, John | Kane, Elaine | Mos, Michal | Webster, Richard | Sitko, Krzysztof | Pogrzeba, Marta
The increased bioeconomy targets for the biomass share of renewable energy production across Europe should be met using land unsuitable for food production. Miscanthus breeding programs targeted the production of plants with a diverse range of traits allowing a wider utilization of land resources for biofuel production without competing with arable crops. These traits include increasing tolerances to drought, chilling, and to metal(loid)s excess. Two novel Miscanthus hybrids, GNT41 and GNT34, were compared against Miscanthus x giganteus (Mxg) on metal-contaminated arable land in Poland. This study aimed at evaluating their yield, biomass quality and quantifying seasonal differences in photosynthetic and transpiration parameters. A secondary objective was to identify key physiological mechanisms underlying differences in metal accumulation between the investigated plants. The new hybrids produced a similar yield to Mxg (13–15 t ha−1 yr−1), had shorter shoots, higher Leaf Area Index and stem number. Based on gas exchange measurements, GNT34 exhibited isohydric (water-conserving) behavior. The stomatal response to light of the new hybrids was at least twice as fast as that of Mxg, a trait that is often associated with increased seasonal water use efficiency. This contributed to the almost 40% reduction in shoot Pb and Cd concentrations for the new hybrids as compared to Mxg. This suggested that promoting stomatal regulation in conjunction with improved water conservation may be a target for improving plants for wider use on metals contaminated land.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Synergistic interaction between effects of phenanthrene and dynamic heat stress cycles in a soil arthropod
Dai, Wencai | Slotsbo, Stine | Damgaard, Christian | Ke, Xin | Wu, Longhua | Holmstrup, Martin
Climatic stressors and chemicals should not be treated as isolated problems since they often occur simultaneously, and their combined effects must be evaluated including their possible interactive effects. In the present study we subjected springtails (Folsomia candida) to combined exposure to phenanthrene and dynamic heat cycles in a full factorial experiment. In a microcosm experiment, we studied the population growth of springtails subjected to a range of sub-lethal concentrations of phenanthrene. During the 28-day experiment we further subjected microcosms to varying numbers of repeated dynamic heat cycles (0–5 cycles) simulating repeated heat waves. We found a synergistic interaction between the effects of phenanthrene and the number of heat waves on both body mass of adults and juvenile production of F. candida showing that the negative effects of phenanthrene were intensified when animals were heat stressed, and/or vice versa. This interaction was not related to internal concentrations of phenanthrene in adult springtails, nor was it due to altered degradation of phenanthrene in soil. We argue that both phenanthrene (by its partitioning into membrane bilayers) and heat have detrimental effects on the physical conditions of cellular membranes in a dose-dependent manner, which, under extreme circumstances, can increase membrane fluidity to a level which is sub-optimal for normal membrane functioning. We discuss the possibility that the synergistic interactions subsequently reduce life-history parameters such as growth and reproduction.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Increase of apoplastic ascorbate induced by ozone is insufficient to remove the negative effects in tobacco, soybean and poplar
Dai, Lulu | Feng, Zhaozhong | Pan, Xiaodong | Xu, Yansen | Li, Pin | Lefohn, Allen S. | Harmens, Harry | Kobayashi, Kazuhiko
Apoplastic ascorbate (ASCapo) is an important contributor to the detoxification of ozone (O3). The objective of the study is to explore whether ASCapo is stimulated by elevated O3 concentrations. The detoxification of O3 by ASCapo was quantified in tobacco (Nicotiana L), soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) and poplar (Populus L), which were exposed to charcoal-filtered air (CF) and elevated O3 treatments (E-O3). ASCapo in the three species were significantly increased by E-O3 compared with the values in the filtered treatment. For all three species, E-O3 significantly increased the malondialdehyde (MDA) content and decreased light-saturated rate of photosynthesis (Asat), suggesting that high O3 has induced injury/damage to plants. E-O3 significantly increased redox state in the apoplast (redox stateapo) for all species, whereas no effect on the apoplastic dehydroascorbate (DHAapo) was observed. In leaf tissues, E-O3 significantly enhanced reduced-ascorbate (ASC) and total ascorbate (ASC+DHA) in soybean and poplar, but significantly reduced these in tobacco, indicating different antioxidative capacity to the high O3 levels among the three species. Total antioxidant capacity in the apoplast (TACapo) was significantly increased by E-O3 in tobacco and poplar, but leaf tissue TAC was significantly enhanced only in tobacco. Leaf tissue superoxide anion (O2•-) in poplar and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in tobacco and soybean were significantly increased by E-O3. The diurnal variation of ASCapo, with maximum values occurring in the late morning and lower values experienced in the afternoon, appeared to play an important role in the harmful effects of O3 on tobacco, soybean and poplar.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Bacterial shifts during in-situ mineralization bio-treatment to non-ferrous metal(loid) tailings
Liu, Jian-li | Yao, Jun | Duran, Robert | Mihucz, Victor G. | Hudson-Edwards, K. A. (Karen A.)
Nonferrous mine tailings have caused serious problems of co-contamination with metal(loid)s. It is still a global challenge to cost-effectively manage and mitigate the effect of the mining wastes. We conducted an in-situ bio-treatment of non-ferrous metal(loid) tailings using a microbial consortium of sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB). During the bio-treatment, the transformation of metal(loid)s (such as Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb, Sb, and Zn) into oxidizable and residual fractions in the subsurface tended to be higher than that observed in the surface. As well the mineral compositions changed becoming more complex, indicating that the sulfur reducing process of bio-treatment shaped the bio-transformation of metal(loid)s. The added SRB genera, especially Desulfotomaculum genus, colonized the tailings suggesting the coalescence of SRB consortia with indigenous communities of tailings. Such observation provides new insights for understanding the functional microbial community coalescence applied to bio-treatment. PICRUSt analysis revealed presence of genes involved in sulfate reduction, both assimilatory and dissimilatory. The potential for the utilization of both inorganic and organic sulfur compounds as S source, as well as the presence of sulfite oxidation genes indicated that SRB play an important role in the transformation of metal(loid)s. We advocate that the management of microorganisms involved in S-cycle is of paramount importance for the in situ bio-treatment of tailings, which provide new insights for the implementation of bio-treatments for mitigating the effect of tailings.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Molecular modeling and MD-simulation studies: Fast and reliable tool to study the role of low-redox bacterial laccases in the decolorization of various commercial dyes
Ahlawat, Shruti | Singh, Deepti | Virdi, Jugsharan Singh | Sharma, Krishna Kant
Synthetic dyes are toxic and carcinogenic in nature, which also causes environmental pollution. The present study was aimed to decolorize various commercial dyes using purified recombinant bacterial laccases. Laccase gene from Yersinia enterocolitica strain 8081 (yacK), Y. enterocolitica strain 7 (yacK) and Bacillus pumilus DSKK1 was cloned in vector pET28a and overproduced in host Escherichia coli BL21. The high yield of recombinant laccase protein resulted in the formation of inclusion bodies, which were further solubilized, refolded, and purified. The purified recombinant laccases were alkali-tolerant and thermostable, with pH optima at 7–8, temperature optima at 60–70 °C and low redox potential. For in silico studies, laccase protein models of B. pumilus DSKK1, Y. enterocolitica strain 7 and Y. enterocolitica strain 8081 were docked with commercial dyes. This is the first and foremost study where the stability of docked complexes of pathogenic and non-pathogenic microorganism has been explored via molecular dynamics (MD) simulations using Gromacs version 4.5.5 with the gromos96 43a force field. Finally, the in silico results were validated experimentally and it was found that purified laccases from B. pumilus DSKK1 and Y. enterocolitica strain 7 efficiently decolorized rose bengal (90.4%), malachite green (77.7%), and congo red (74.5%) dyes.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Marine vs freshwater microalgae exopolymers as biosolutions to microplastics pollution
Cunha, César | Faria, Marisa | Nogueira, Natacha | Ferreira, Artur | Cordeiro, Nereida
Microalgae can excrete exopolymer substances (EPS) with a potential to form hetero-aggregates with microplastic particles. In this work, two freshwater (Microcystis panniformis and Scenedesmus sp.) and two marine (Tetraselmis sp. and Gloeocapsa sp.) EPS producing microalgae were exposed to different microplastics. In this study, the influence of the microplastic particles type, size and density in the production of EPS and hetero-aggregates potential was studied. Most microalgae contaminated with microplastics displayed a cell abundance decrease (of up to 42%) in the cultures. The results showed that the formed aggregates were composed of microalgae and EPS (homo-aggregates) or a combination of microalgae, EPS and microplastics (hetero-aggregates). The hetero-aggregation was dependent on the size and yield production of EPS, which was species specific. Microcystis panniformis and Scenedesmus sp. exhibited small EPS, with a higher propension to disaggregate, and consequently lower capabilities to aggregate microplastics. Tetraselmis sp. displayed a higher ability to aggregate both low and high-density microplastics, being partially limited by the size of the microplastics. Gloeocapsa sp. had an outstanding EPS production and presented excellent microplastic aggregation capabilities (adhered onto the surface and also incorporated into the EPS). The results highlight the potential of microalgae to produce EPS and flocculate microplastics, contributing to their vertical transport and consequent deposition. Thus, this work shows the potential of microalgae as biocompatible solutions to water microplastics treatment.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Dust provenance in Pan-third pole modern glacierized regions: What is the regional source?
Du, Zhiheng | Xiao, Cunde | Wang, Yuzhe | Liu, Shiwei | Li, Shutong
To differentiate the source of aeolian dust between the desert sources from Pan-third pole and high mountain glaciers, therefore, we investigated the spatial variability of aeolian dust sources in the Pan-third polar region. The question of whether such changes reflect variable transport pathways from a unique source in the western China area was addressed. That is, the SrNd radiogenic isotope composition of modern desert samples do not support the hypothesis of a single dust provenance at higher elevation mountain glaciers by long-distance transport; regional sources also play a significant role. Based on previous studies and the data from this study, the five isotopic regions were divided, which are controlled by the geological characteristics in western China. The results suggest that mineral dust deposited into the high-mountain glaciers originated from the free ice region because of glacier melting and the physical and chemical erosion of rocks from the surrounding mountains by local wind systems. The Pb isotopic data further demonstrated that natural dust is the source of Pb for the high-mountain glaciers of Pan-third pole. These results provide an exhaustive documentation of the isotopic signature of the regional dust reaching the glacier regions.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Occurrence of neonicotinoids and fipronil in estuaries and their potential risks to aquatic invertebrates
Hano, Takeshi | Ito, Katsutoshi | Ohkubo, Nobuyuki | Sakaji, Hideo | Watanabe, Akio | Takashima, Kei | Satō, Taku | Sugaya, Takuma | Matsuki, Kosuke | Onduka, Toshimitsu | Ito, Mana | Somiya, Rei | Mochida, Kazuhiko
This study aimed to evaluate and qualify field-based potential risks of seven neonicotinoid and phenylpyrazole (fipronil) insecticides on aquatic invertebrates, including estuary-resident marine crustaceans. One hundred and ninety-three estuarine water samples, with salinity ranging from 0.5 to 32.7, were collected from four estuarine sites in the Seto Inland Sea of Japan, in 2015–2018 and the insecticide levels were measured. Five neonicotinoid and fipronil insecticides were successfully identified, and their occurrence varied temporally. Marine crustaceans were simultaneously harvested every month from one of the estuarine water sampling sites in 2015–2017. Three predominant crustacean species, kuruma prawn (Penaeus japonicus), sand shrimp (Crangon uritai), and mysid (Neomysis awatschensis), were captured and their seasonal presence was species independent. A 96-h laboratory toxicity study with the insecticides using kuruma prawn, sand shrimp, and a surrogate mysid species (Americamysis bahia) indicated that fipronil exerted the highest toxicity to the three crustaceans. Using both toxicity data and insecticide occurrence in estuarine water (salinity ≥10, n = 169), the potential risks on the three marine crustaceans were quantified by calculating the proportion of mixture toxicity effects (Pₘᵢₓ). The Pₘᵢₓ of seven neonicotinoids on the crustaceans was less than 0.8%, which is likely to be too low to indicate adverse effects caused by the insecticides. However, short temporal detection of fipronil (exclusively in June and July) significantly affected the Pₘᵢₓ, which presented the maximal Pₘᵢₓ values of 21%, 3.4%, and 72% for kuruma prawn, sand shrimp, and mysid, respectively, indicating a significant effect on the organisms. As for estuarine water (salinity <10), some water samples contained imidacloprid and fipronil exceeding the freshwater benchmarks for aquatic invertebrates. The present study provides novel insights into the seasonally varying risks of insecticides to estuarine crustaceans and highlights the importance of considering whether ecological risk periods coincide with crustacean presence.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]PAHs increase the production of extracellular vesicles both in vitro in endothelial cells and in vivo in urines from rats
Le Goff, Manon | Lagadic-Gossmann, Dominique | Latour, Remi | Podechard, Normand | Grova, Nathalie | Gauffre, Fabienne | Chevance, Soizic | Burel, Agnès | Appenzeller, Brice M.R. | Ulmann, Lionel | Sergent, Odile | Le Ferrec, Eric
Environmental contaminants, to which humans are widely exposed, cause or worsen several diseases, like cardiovascular diseases and cancers. Among these molecules, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) stand out since they are ubiquitous pollutants found in ambient air and diet. Because of their toxic effects, public Health agencies promote development of research studies aiming at increasing the knowledge about PAHs and the discovery of biomarkers of exposure and/or effects.Extracellular vesicles (EVs), including small extracellular vesicles (S-EVs or exosomes) and large extracellular vesicles (L-EVs or microvesicles), are delivery systems for multimolecular messages related to the nature and status of the originating cells. Because they are produced by all cells and detected within body fluids, EV releases could act as cell responses and thereby serve as biomarkers.To test whether EVs can serve as biomarkers of PAHs exposure, we evaluate the effects of these pollutants on EV production using an in vitro approach (human endothelial cell line, HMEC-1) and an in vivo approach (urine samples from PAHs-exposed rats). Our study indicates that, i) PAH exposure increases in vitro the EV production by endothelial cells and in vivo the release of EVs in urine, and that the stimulating effects of PAHs concern both S-EVs and L-EVs; ii) PAH exposure and more particularly exposure to B[a]P, can influence the composition of exosomes produced by endothelial cells; iii) the aryl hydrocarbon receptor, a cytosolic receptor associated to most deleterious effects of PAHs, would be involved in the PAH effects on the release of S-EVs, but not L-EVs.These results suggest that EVs may have utility for monitoring exposure to PAHs, and more particularly to B[a]P, considered as reference PAH, and to detect the related early cellular response prior to end-organ damages.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Aggregation kinetics of different surface-modified polystyrene nanoparticles in monovalent and divalent electrolytes
Yu, Sujuan | Shen, Mohai | Li, Shasha | Fu, Yueju | Zhang, Dan | Liu, Huayi | Liu, Jingfu
The intentional production and degradation of plastic debris may result in the formation of nanoplastics. Currently, the scarce information on the environmental behaviors of nanoplastics hinders accurate assessment of their potential risks. Herein, the aggregation kinetics of different surface-modified polystyrene nanoparticles in monovalent and divalent electrolytes was investigated to shed some light on the fate of nanoplastics in the aquatic environment. Three monodisperse nanoparticles including unmodified nanoparticles (PS-Bare), carboxylated nanoparticles (PS–COOH) and amino modified nanoparticles (PS–NH₂), as well as one polydisperse nanoparticles that formed by laser ablation of polystyrene films (PS-Laser) were used as models to understand the effects of surface groups and morphology. Results showed that aggregation kinetics of negatively charged PS-Bare and PS-COOH obeyed the DLVO theory in NaCl and CaCl₂ solutions. The presence of Suwannee river natural organic matters (SRNOM) suppressed the aggregation of PS-Bare and PS-COOH in monovalent electrolytes by steric hindrance. However, in divalent electrolytes, their stability was enhanced at low concentrations of SRNOM (below 5 mg C L⁻¹), while became worse at high concentrations of SRNOM (above 5 mg C L⁻¹) due to the interparticle bridging effect caused by Ca²⁺ and carboxyl groups of SRNOM. The cation bridging effect was also observed for PS-laser in the presence of high concentrations of divalent electrolytes and SRNOM. The adsorption of SRNOM could neutralize or even reverse surface charges of positively charged PS-NH₂ at high concentrations, thus enhanced or inhibited the aggregation of PS-NH₂. No synergistic effect of Ca²⁺ and SRNOM was observed on the aggregation of PS-NH₂, probably due to the steric repulsion imparted by the surface modification. Our results highlight that surface charge and surface modification significantly influence aggregation behaviors of nanoplastics in aquatic systems.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]