[ نُشرت في: Pollution ]
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النتائج 141 - 150 من 219
Statement of the problems: biological effects
Mortensen, L.
Det Biovidenska belige Fakultets bibliotek - Denmark
Swedish research activities about the effect of air pollution in forest land
Liljelund, L.-E.
Det Biovidenska belige Fakultets bibliotek - Denmark
Ongoing and planned studies on air pollution and forests in Denmark
Holstener-Joergensen, H.
Det Biovidenska belige Fakultets bibliotek - Denmark
Ongoing and planned studies on air pollution and forests in Norway
Horntvedt, R.
Det Biovidenska belige Fakultets bibliotek - Denmark
Air pollution and forests: Research in Finland
Paavilainen, E.
Det Biovidenska belige Fakultets bibliotek - Denmark
Impacts of air pollution on national park units
National Agricultural Library - United States of America
Arctic water pollution research
Bridgeo, W. A. | Eisenhauer, H. R.
National Agricultural Library - United States of America
Wood from trees felled in damaged forest areas: wood quality and conversion possibilities
Splawa-Neyman, S. | Strykowski, W. (Wood Technology Inst., Poznam (Poland))
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - Italy
Agricultural nonpoint source pollution
Giorgini, Aldo | Zingales, Franco
National Agricultural Library - United States of America
Rate of transition of stands from one damage class to another
Becker, M. (Freiburg Univ. (Germany, F.R.). Inst. fuer Forstpolitik und Raumordnung) | Voss, A. | Zanetti, M.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - Italy