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النتائج 1411 - 1420 من 7,279
Microplastic variability in subsurface water from the Arctic to Antarctica
Pakhomova, Svetlana | Berezina, Anfisa | Lusher, Amy L. | Zhdanov, Igorʹ | Silvestrova, Ksenia | Zavialov, Peter | van Bavel, Bert | Yakushev, Evgeniy
Comparative investigations of microplastic (MP) occurrence in the global ocean are often hampered by the application of different methods. In this study, the same sampling and analytical approach was applied during five different cruises to investigate MP covering a route from the East-Siberian Sea in the Arctic, through the Atlantic, and into the Antarctic Peninsula. A total of 121 subsurface water samples were collected using underway pump-through system on two different vessels. This approach allowed subsurface MP (100 μm–5 mm) to be evaluated in five regions of the World Ocean (Antarctic, Central Atlantic, North Atlantic, Barents Sea and Siberian Arctic) and to assess regional differences in MP characteristics. The average abundance of MP for whole studied area was 0.7 ± 0.6 items/m³ (ranging from 0 to 2.6 items/m³), with an equal average abundance for both fragments and fibers (0.34 items/m³). Although no statistical difference was found for MP abundance between the studied regions. Differences were found between the size, morphology, polymer types and weight concentrations. The Central Atlantic and Barents Sea appeared to have more MP in terms of weight concentration (7–7.5 μg/m³) than the North Atlantic and Siberian Arctic (0.6 μg/m³). A comparison of MP characteristics between the two Hemispheres appears to indicate that MP in the Northern Hemisphere mostly originate from terrestrial input, while offshore industries play an important role as a source of MP in the Southern Hemisphere. The waters of the Northern Hemisphere were found to be more polluted by fibers than those of the Southern Hemisphere. The results presented here suggest that fibers can be transported by air and water over long distances from the source, while distribution of fragments is limited mainly to the water mass where the source is located.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Source analysis of the tropospheric NO2 based on MAX-DOAS measurements in northeastern China
Liu, Feng | Xing, Chengzhi | Su, Pinjie | Luo, Yifu | Zhao, Ting | Xue, Jiexiao | Zhang, Guohui | Qin, Sida | Song, Youtao | Bu, Naishun
Ground-based Multi-Axis Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (Max-DOAS) measurements of nitrogen dioxide (NO₂) were continuously obtained from January to November 2019 in northeastern China (NEC). Seasonal variations in the mean NO₂ vertical column densities (VCDs) were apparent, with a maximum of 2.9 × 10¹⁶ molecules cm⁻² in the winter due to enhanced NO₂ emissions from coal-fired winter heating, a longer photochemical lifetime and atmospheric transport. Daily maximum and minimum NO₂ VCDs were observed, independent of the season, at around 11:00 and 13:00 local time, respectively, and the most obvious increases and decreases occurred in the winter and autumn, respectively. The mean diurnal NO₂ VCDs at 11:00 increased to at 08:00 by 1.6, 5.8, and 6.7 × 10¹⁵ molecules cm⁻² in the summer, autumn and winter, respectively, due to increased NO₂ emissions, and then decreased by 2.8, 4.2, and 5.1 × 10¹⁵ molecules cm⁻² at 13:00 in the spring, summer, and autumn, respectively. This was due to strong solar radiation and increased planetary boundary layer height. There was no obvious weekend effect, and the NO₂ VCDs only decreased by about 10% on the weekends. We evaluated the contributions of emissions and transport in the different seasons to the NO₂ VCDs using a generalized additive model, where the contributions of local emissions to the total in the spring, summer, autumn, and winter were 89 ± 12%, 92 ± 11%, 86 ± 12%, and 72 ± 16%, respectively. The contribution of regional transport reached 26% in the winter, and this high contribution value was mainly correlated with the northeast wind, which was due to the transport channel of air pollutants along the Changbai Mountains in NEC. The NO₂/SO₂ ratio was used to identify NO₂ from industrial sources and vehicle exhaust. The contribution of industrial NO₂ VCD sources was >66.3 ± 16% in Shenyang due to the large amount of coal combustion from heavy industrial activity, which emitted large amounts of NO₂. Our results suggest that air quality management in Shenyang should consider reductions in local NO₂ emissions from industrial sources along with regional cooperative control.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Plutonium isotopes in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau: Sources, distribution, and their environmental behaviors
Zhao, Xue | Hou, Xiaolin | Huang, Zhao | Liu, Heng | Jiang, Huan
Due to the high radiotoxicity in high concentrations, plutonium isotopes have drawn high attentions in the consideration of radiation risk, their sources, level, environmental behaviors, including deposition, retention and migration behaviors. However, such research in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is still missing, where is deemed as an environmental sensitive area. ²³⁹,²⁴⁰Pu in surface soil collected from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau were determined for the first time in this work. The concentrations of ²³⁹,²⁴⁰Pu are in the range of 0.0176–1.95 Bq/kg, falling into the reported ranges in the background areas from the similar latitude belt. The ²⁴⁰Pu/²³⁹Pu atomic ratio range was measured to be 0.146–0.225, which is similar with the global fallout values. Both indicate that the global fallout is the major source of plutonium in this region, and the low plutonium level will not cause any radiation risk so far. Based on the statistical analysis of the possible parameters (organic content, moisture content, average annual precipitation, altitudes, topography and human activity), the large variations of ²³⁹,²⁴⁰Pu concentrations were mainly attributed to the retention process related factors including soil organic content and human activity disturbances. While, the deposition related factors including the average annual precipitation, altitudes, topography made insignificant influence on the spatial distribution of ²³⁹,²⁴⁰Pu concentrations due to the low ²³⁹,²⁴⁰Pu concentrations in atmosphere, less wet deposition amount and insignificant re-suspended amount. The highest ²³⁹,²⁴⁰Pu concentrations of 0.805–1.95 Bq/kg were mainly due to the good retention condition in the sampling sites with higher soil organic content and less human activity disturbances.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Sublethal doses of imidacloprid and pyraclostrobin impair fat body of solitary bee Tetrapedia diversipes (Klug, 1810)
Conceição de Assis, Josimere | Eduardo da Costa Domingues, Caio | Tadei, Rafaela | Inês da Silva, Cláudia | Soares Lima, Hellen Maria | Decio, Pâmela | Silva-Zacarin, Elaine C.M.
Solitary bees present greater species diversity than social bees. However, they are less studied than managed bees, mainly regarding the harmful effects of pesticides present in agroecosystems commonly visited by them. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of residual doses of imidacloprid and pyraclostrobin, alone and in combination, on the fat body (a multifunctional organ) of the neotropical solitary bee Tetrapedia diversipes by means of morphological and histochemical evaluation of oenocytes and trophocytes. Males and females of newly-emerged adults were submitted to bioassays of acute topical exposure. Experimental groups were essayed: control (CTR), solvent control (ACT), imidacloprid (IMI, 0.0028 ng/μL), pyraclostrobin (PYR, 2.7 ng/μL) and imidacloprid + pyraclostrobin (I + P). The data demonstrated that the residual doses applied in T. diversipes adults are sublethal at 96 h. Both oenocytes and trophocytes cells responded to topical exposure to the pesticides, showing morphological changes. In the IMI group, the bee oenocytes showed the greatest proportion of vacuolization and altered nuclei. The pyraclostrobin exposure increased the intensity of PAS-positive labeling (glycogen) in trophocytes. This increase was also observed in the I + P group. Changes in energy reserve (glycogen) of trophocytes indicate a possible mobilization impairment of this neutral polysaccharide to the hemolymph, which can compromise the fitness of exposed individuals. Also, changes in oenocytes can compromise the detoxification function performed by the fat body. This is the first study to show sublethal effects in neotropical solitary bees and highlight the importance of studies with native bees.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Enrichment of boron element in follicular fluid and its potential effect on the immune function
Zhang, Guohuan | Wang, Anni | Zhuang, Lili | Wang, Xikai | Song, Ziyi | Liang, Rong | Ren, Mengyuan | Long, Manman | Jia, Xiaoqian | Li, Zhiwen | Su, Shu | Wang, Jiahao | Zhang, Nan | Shen, Guofeng | Wang, Bin
The blood–follicle barrier (BFB) between the blood and follicular fluid (FF) can maintain the microenvironment balance of oocyte. Boron, an exogenous environmental trace element, has been found to possibly play an important role in oocyte maturation. This study aimed to examine the distribution characteristics of boron across the BFB and find the potential effect of boron on FF microenvironment. We analyzed the concentration of boron in paired FF and serum collected from 168 women undergoing in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer in Beijing City and Shandong Province, China. To explore the potential health impact of boron enrichment in oocyte maturation, a global proteomics analysis was conducted to tentatively correlate the protein levels with the boron enrichment. Interestingly, the results showed that the concentration of boron in FF (34.5 ng/mL) was significantly higher than that in serum (22.0 ng/mL), with a median concentration ratio of 1.52. Likewise, the concentrations of boron in FF and serum were positively correlated (r = 0.446), suggesting that boron concentration in serum can represent its concentration in follicular fluid to a large extent.. This is the first time to observe the enrichment of boron in the FF to our knowledge. It is interesting to observe a total of 13 proteins, which mainly belong to immunoglobulin class, were positively correlated with boron concentration in FF. We concluded that boron, as one environmental trace element, was enriched in FF from blood validated by two area in north china, which may be involved in an increased level of immune processes of immunoglobulins.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Microplastics in Flathead Lake, a large oligotrophic mountain lake in the USA
Xiong, Xiong | Tappenbeck, Tyler H. | Wu, Chenxi | Elser, James J.
Microplastics are contaminants that are closely associated with human activity and are often abundant even in remote areas. As the largest natural freshwater lake in the western USA, Flathead Lake is a suitable site to study microplastics in lakes in less-populated areas of North America. Our assessment of microplastics in lake surface water samples showed that microplastic densities and concentrations in Flathead Lake were similar to those in other lakes located in less-populated areas around the world, with densities ranging from 8.00 × 10⁴ to 4.22 × 10⁵ particles/km² with a mean concentration of 1.89 × 10⁵ particles/km². Dry deposition rates for microplastics ranged from 4 to 140 particles/m²/day with an average of 69 particles/m²/day and were significantly higher in the fall. Microplastic concentrations in wet deposition ranged from 0.006 particles/mL to 0.050 particles/mL with highest concentrations in winter and lowest in summer. Fibrous microplastics were predominant in both lake water and atmospheric deposition. The high densities of microplastics in the sample sites located near the Flathead River inlet suggests that the river is an important source of microplastics to Flathead Lake. The high densities of microplastics and high proportions of non-fibrous microplastics near populated areas of the lake imply that local human activities also affect microplastics in Flathead Lake. Although the annual flux of microplastics in dry deposition was higher than that in wet deposition, the relatively modest difference suggests that precipitation might enhance the deposition of microplastics. The results of this study indicate that instituting increased control measures that target both reducing the microfibers generated by laundry and improving the overall level of plastic waste management in the watershed may help in controlling microplastic levels in Flathead Lake.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Effect of sulfate application on inhibition of arsenic bioaccumulation in rice (Oryza sativa L.) with consequent health risk assessment of cooked rice arsenic on human: A pot to plate study
Arsenic (As) in rice is posing a serious threat worldwide and consumption of As contaminated rice by human is causing health risks. A pot experiment with different levels of sulfate dosage (0, 20, 40, 60 and 80 mg/kg) was set up in this study to explore the influence of sulfate fertilizer on rice plant growth, yield, and As accumulation in rice grain. Apart from As bioaccumulation in rice grains, the As fraction of cooked rice was quantified, and the health risks associated with cooked rice consumption were also investigated. The sulfate application significantly (p ≤ 0.05) enhanced the chlorophyll, tiller number, grains per panicle, grain and biomass yield under As stressed condition. The sulfate application also reduced the oxidative stress and antioxidant activity in rice plants. Sulfate fertigation improved the accumulation of total sulfur (S) and reduced the uptake and translocation of As in rice plants. Arsenic concentration in rice grain was reduced by 50.1% in S80 treatment (80 mg of sulfate/kg of soil) as compared to S0 set. The reduction percentage of As in cooked parboiled and sunned rice with correspond to raw rice ranged from 55.9 to 74% and 40.3–60.7%, respectively. However, the sulfate application and cooking of parboiled rice reduced the potential non-cancer and cancer risk as compared to sunned rice. The S80 treatment and cooking of parboiled rice reduce the As exposure for both children and adults by 51% as compared to cooked sunned rice under S80 treatment and this trend was similar for all treatments. Therefore, sulfate application in soil can be recommended to produce safer rice grains and subsequent cooking of parboiled rice grain with low-As contaminated water need to be done to avoid any potential health risk in As endemic areas.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Microplastic reorganization in urban river before and after rainfall
Microplastics (MPs) present in non-negligible amounts in urban environments, where urban rivers serve as important transport channels for MPs. However, the footprint of MPs in urban rivers under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors is poorly understood. This study investigated the MPs organization, stability and pollution risk before and after rainfall in the Qing River, Beijing. Rainfall potentially diluted the MPs abundance, attributed to opening of barrages and increase of flow velocity. The proportion of small-sized MPs (SMPs, 48–300 μm) decreased slightly, whereas that of normal-sized MPs (NMPs, 300–1000 μm) and large-sized MPs (LMPs, > 1000 μm) increased. However, SMPs dominantly presented in the Qing River before and after rainfall. Polyethylene terephthalate (PET), polypropylene (PP), polyethylene (PE), and polystyrene (PS) were main polymers observed in the Qing River. The proportions of PET and PS decreased, while PP and PE increased after rainfall. The main types of MPs introduced by stormwater were PP and PE. The elevated MP diversity integrated index after rain suggested that rainfall enriched the sources of MPs. Rainfall reduced the stability and fragmentation of MPs owing to the introduction of large debris. NMPs and LMPs were susceptible to further fragmentation and downsizing, implying that MPs abundance in the Qing River tended to rise and SMPs might enriched. In addition, alteration of MPs fragmentation and stability reflected that the likely input source was wastewater treatment plant and atmospheric deposition before rainfall, whereas soil and road dust were possible sources after rain. The pollution risk assessment defined the MPs pollution risk of Qing River as low level and decreased after rainfall. This study demonstrated that rainfall substantially influences MPs organization in urban river and provides empirical support for MPs environmental behavior under influence of natural and anthropogenic factors.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Being applied at rice or wheat season impacts biochar's effect on gaseous nitrogen pollutants from the wheat growth cycle
Zhang, Yu | Jeyakumar, Paramsothy | Xia, Changlei | Lam, Su Shiung | Jiang, Jiang | Sun, Haijun | Shi, Weiming
Biochar (BC) application to agricultural soil can impact two nitrogen (N) gases pollutants, i.e., the ammonia (NH₃) and nitrous oxide (N₂O) losses to atmospheric environment. Under rice-wheat rotation, applied at which growth cycle may influence the aforementioned effects of BC. We conducted a soil column (35 cm in inner diameter and 70 cm in height) experiment to evaluate the responses of wheat N use efficiency (NUE), NH₃ volatilization, and N₂O emission from wheat season to biochar applied at rice (R) or wheat (W) growth cycle, meanwhile regarding the effect of inorganic fertilizer N input rate, i.e., 72, 90, and 108 kg ha⁻¹ (named N72, N90, and N108, respectively). The results showed that BC application influenced the wheat growth and grain yield. In particular, BC applied at rice season increased the wheat grain yield when receiving 90 and 108 kg N ha⁻¹. The improved wheat grain yield was attributed to that N90 + BC(R) and N108 + BC(R) enhanced the wheat NUE by 53.8% and 52.8% over N90 and N108, respectively. More N input led to higher NH₃ volatilization and its emission factor. Interestingly, 19.7%–34.0% lower NH₃ vitalizations were recorded under treatments with BC applied in rice season, compared with the treatments only with fertilizer N. BC applied at rice season exerted higher efficiency on mitigating N₂O emission than that applied at wheat season under three N input rates, i.e., 60.5%–77.6% vs 29.8%–34.8%. Overall, considering the crop yield and global warming potential resulting from NH₃ volatilization and N₂O emission of wheat season, N90 + BC(R) is recommended. In conclusion, farmers should consider the application time and reduce inorganic fertilizer N rate when using BC.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Indices and models of surface water quality assessment: Review and perspectives
Yan, Tao | Shen, Shui-Long | Zhou, Annan
Many technologies have been designed to monitor, evaluate, and improve surface water quality, as high-quality water is essential for human activities including agriculture, livestock, and industry. As such, in this study, we investigated water quality indices (WQIs), trophic status indices (TSIs), and heavy metal indices (HMIs) for assessing surface water quality. Based on these indices, we summarised and compared water assessment models using expert system (ES) and machine learning (ML) methods. We also discussed the current status and future perspectives of water quality management. The results of our analyses showed that assessment indices can be used in three aspects of surface water quality assessment: WQIs are aggregated from multiple parameters and commonly used in surface water quality classification; TSIs are calculated from the concentrations of different nutrients required for algae and bacteria, and employed to evaluate the eutrophication levels of lakes and reservoirs; HMIs are mainly applied for human health risk assessment and the analysis of correlation of heavy metal sources. ES- and ML-based assessment models have been developed to efficiently generate assessment indices and predict water quality status based on big data obtained from new techniques. By implementing dynamic monitoring and analysis of water quality, we designed a next-generation water quality management system based on the above indices and assessment models, which shows promise for improving the accuracy of water quality assessment.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]